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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. If it is THs I really hope that Ferdinand is the TT unit, because dang it I want my husbando. I have no I idea here, but I am going to go with my safe guess and say Yarne and Xander. I hope I am wrong though and it is THs.
  2. Well, unless the seasonal banners have a new unit type or one of my favorites on them I am going to start saving for a while. I am happy to see a new heroes banner at the start of next month.
  3. Kelpie is my favorite mythical being. They are water spirits that can be a horse or take human form (mostly male).
  4. If this would get Elphin in to FEH I would be all for it. I want a just Grooms banner with only guys on it I don't even really care who.
  5. Well I caved and used the ax quest orbs on the new banner and I pulled my first Echidna at 4*. I am really going to stop on this banner now, since I should save for whenever someone I really want gets in. Even though this banner has not given me any 5*s it has given me two wanted ax users so I am happy.
  6. Well I have been wanting to pull green so I can get Ross, so this banner was my chance. Used the tickets and 46 orbs and the highlights are: 2 -atk,+hp Rosses, one python merge and the rest was junk. Even though I did not get any 5*s I am happy since I have Ross and can start him as a merge project down the line and Python has a merge. I am going to save orbs now.
  7. GF units in the offensive is the best thing like others have said. I have B!Roy with Cordelia in that position and they do great. My defense units are: +10 Lukas with Naga, +10 Kaze with Sothis and +10 Ares with Eir. My structures right now are: Muspell pyre, Life's jewel, Heroic banner and Askran seal. So far no deaths on highest difficulty, but who knows once it get harder.
  8. OH! I wanted to say I like the design of the fairy prince we see for two seconds during the book IV part. I hope he is a really part of the story with dialogue and impact.
  9. Well Peony looks nice and getting her free is great. I am glad I can finally save some orbs after the mythic banner wiped me out.
  10. Joan of Arc. She was so badass that the king sold her out to the enemy to prevent her from being made queen. For men I have to say: Leif Erikson. He found America before the Spanish did and he did not cause any lasting harm to the natives.
  11. They like to drop trailers the last day of VG it seems like. the last few have been like that, so I figure tomorrow will be the day.
  12. I like all the mods on SF so this is hard. I flipped a coin and vote for Integrity.
  13. I am not sure if this counts as a charity, but I and my family always donate money and I have done walks for (though there was no walk this year) JDRF which stands for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. They are the leading nonprofit trying to cure type one diabetes. They also try to provide support to type ones that need it. this cause is my number one wish in life because now that I am older the thought of other little kids (I have had type one since I was 3) being told they have to take shots every day or die, makes me even sadder about type one still existing then I was already. I am going to mention about Amazon smile which you can set up so that every time you order something from Amazon they will donate some of that purchase to the charity you pick. This is what I use when I order online.
  14. Well got the monthly orbs and got a better nature OG!Julia (my old one was -atk now I have a +1 who is +hp) in 5 orbs on the revival banner and the rest gave me a second Sothis. I plan to keep trying for Altina until the banner goes away.
  15. Well the Mythic banner has been fairly nice so far. I managed to get a better version of L!Marth (+def my old one was +res), a Chad and Sothis! I finally have a mythic hero of every blessing. I am still going to try for Altina because Tellius, but if I don't get anyone else I am still happy with my Sothis even if she is +hp, -res.
  16. Velveeta. Just Velveeta. It works every time I try it, while if I use cheddar I have to use milk as well and it doesn't taste as good as Velveeta.
  17. Mine is also -atk and "they" are still pretty decent with 55 atk. I am really glad you finally got them (sorry I call Duo heroes them). I know how it feels to get pity breaker after pity breaker.
  18. Now I have gone from skipping this banner to pulling. I hope I can get both Sothis and Altina. I hope this means Lehran and Soan will be Mythic heroes down the line.
  19. I am going to go Duma since he is a dragon, and my grandma loved dragons and I used to see her every Thanksgiving. I will do it in memory of her and my granddad.
  20. Well I had 39 orbs. I decided to give the DC banner a try because DC fodder is great and I need some. No DC fodder, but I did get my first python and OG!Alm. Sadly they are both -atk, but their boons are good so I will live with -atk. Dow to 6 orbs, but to me even though no DC fodder it was worth it for Python. Hopefully I can really save orbs now, since I decided this legendary banner isn't for me and I want to have some orbs on hand for the Christmas banner in case they do a crazy thing like putting an armor dancer in the game ( I keep thinking that Elphin would be good for this role). Free pull on the weekly was Fae, so drawback fodder.
  21. Guys with facial hair banner (its November so this popped in my head) Blue flying lance: Seteth colorless armor bow: Lorenz (the one from SD) Green axe cav: Duessel Red sword cav: Marcus (Binding Blade version) GHB/TT: Cervantes 3*/4*: Nolan
  22. I always recruit everyone I can so I have never seen student deaths (other then Hilda, Dedue and Dimitri). Flayn's in CF was sad for reasons stated above, but the one that really got to me was Rodrigue. I I played BL first and I just ended up really liking Rodrigue and hoping he would be playable, only to have my hopes crushed. If I can vote for Rodrigue in CYL 4 I will vote for him in the hopes of getting to use him in Heroes.
  23. Dawn brigade banner (this is RD exclusive characters): red: Edward Green: Nolan Blue: Volug Colorless: Leonardo GHB/TT: Aran 4*/3*: Laura Yes, I know to few girls for IS to actually do this banner. Probably they would replace Nolan with Volug and stick Meg on blue then swap Laura and Leonardo.
  24. It has been fairly crumby weather where I live and the Holidays never fail to make me blue, so I ended up with a 4.00% pity rate on the SS banner. I did manage to break it an it was the new Duo hero, but sadly -atk,+hp. I am just happy to break my pity rate so I will live with the -atk. I some how managed to be able to keep most of the TT orbs, so I am going to save for now. While I do want Sothis, I have L!Marth so I don't really feel like pulling for her this month since I have too many infantry swords already.
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