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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I have my HM grinding team ready and waiting to get at it (I don't use RD for that because I don't have time). I look at FB as a nice way to get rewards with convos for characters as a nice bonus. I do hope Hrid's supports are good, but if they aren't I will be fine since at least there are good rewards for doing this.
  2. Well I am pulling red and green since both colors have 2 unit each I don't have. I am slightly peeved Hrid is legendary since those banners tend to hate me, but at least he is in the game. I was really hoping he would have a non red sword and be a flyer, but oh well.
  3. While I have never had a romantic love, I have had something I love stripped from me. It hurt for a very long time and took everything I had to keep going, but I somehow got through it. One thing I can say is toss everything that that person gave you in the trash, or burn it just get it as far away from you as you can. The biggest thing that you need to do is make it so you aren't constantly reminded of what happened or that person, because you will hurt even more if it is in your face. If you need to keep your distance from some people in your life do it, if they actually care about you they will understand otherwise they aren't worth your time. And be glad for the people who are being supportive of you and once you are back on track do something nice for them, because it is when you are going through hell you find who in your life is a good person and who does not care.
  4. This would make me very happy since I have wanted a playable Bruno from the start. The trailer shows Alphonse as the survivor at the end, so him being the only one to stay in the "living world" is a good possibility. I don't think the summoner will die, because it would be a bit strange for them to still be able to summon heroes when they are dead. I figure there will be some reason for the summoner and co. to journey through Hel's domain while still being "alive".
  5. I would be happy if it was. I would say the units would Marth, M!Robin and F!Corrin though since F!Robin is a GHB and they have yet to put those on 3 hero quests.
  6. The thing with Heroes story is it is heavy on Norse myths. Hel is the goddess of the of the underworld where everyone who was not deemed worthy of Valhalla went when they died. Hel is also the daughter of Loki, but who knows if that will be in Heroes.
  7. The Switch uses cartridges which cost more to make then discs do. That is why the games cost more.
  8. The 7th sounds like it is about right, they can have the first chapter of book 3 and the first banner before going into the Christmas and New Year's banners. I remember hearing someone say the 5th, but I think that is a little early.
  9. I was just thinking about the forging bonds event next week and I am wondering if he will be given out for that since they always have 4 units be a part of it. I have a hard time seeing Hrid as the legendary hero with his voice clips being in the game before that banner. I just really hope that he is a free unit, since I want him and with my luck I won't be able to pull him at all.
  10. Well I managed to get Ylgr in 30 orbs and I ended up spending the rest my orbs on the new power banner in the hopes of Saber merges but ended up with 2 Ares merges, a 5*M!Morgan which saves me some feathers and lots of good fodder. I probably should not have spent all my orbs, but I was really depressed yesterday so at least I made myself a little bit happy for for a few minutes.
  11. I am guessing he will be the new legendary, since as others have said his stats and other info was not found in the datamine. I would be very happy if he was a GC unit like Kaze, but I don't think they will give anymore free units out that way. Anyway I just want him and Bruno to be playable since every other OC has a playable version.
  12. I am happy to finally see him I was wondering when he would show up. I am going to guess he will be red tome. I really hope he has good skills for fodder, since while I will 5* him I don't really want to merge him. If his stats are really good I will merge him up, but only if.
  13. What the heck is IS smoking and can I have some so I can forget all the bad stuff in my life? Who is the GHB then? I would be fine with this if Hrid was on the banner as well, but it being a 2 person banner and the GHB top choice being on the banner makes me really wonder what is going on. Well it looks like I will have plenty of orbs for the FE 6 banner in March with the way IS seems to be saying don't spend any orbs and we don't want your money for Bruno and Hrid, both of whom could have been on this banner as well.
  14. Someone making fun of type one diabetics/the things I use to stay alive. Type one diabetes happens when the immune system attacks the part of the pancreas that makes insulin and type ones have to be on insulin to stay alive. Every time I hear,read, see whatever someone who knows nothing about the hell I go through to stay alive, make fun of diabetes it makes me want to break their nose and it makes me wish that they could go through what I do every day for one day and see if they think it is funny after that.
  15. I have been taking this TT slow since I was not in a rush to get orbs this time and just got to 50k earlier today. I use TT to farm SP on units, so I am still on my cav team until I get enough on my Elise then it will be Saber and LoliAsura's turn. Probably Monday. I normally get in to the top 10k every time, but I just am not motivated this time so I may slack off. I might farm points towards the end if I get bored/ get a new 5* unit I want to train before the end.
  16. The ending of "Life on Mars" is the best I have ever seen for a show because it explained everything about the show. It is a good show and I recommend it, but I won't post the ending because of spoilers.
  17. I am going slow on this TT since I am not in a rush to get all rewards, so I am only at 11K right now. Leo+Elise is a good combo and I am quite happy with my team right now. I will switch to best Loli once I get her 5* version, but again I am not in a rush.
  18. I am going to hope that the next banner will be the Nifl siblings + regular Veronica with a Bruno GHB. But that is just a hope. As to what I expect, that would be another Awakening banner. If it is that I really hope Priam is the GHB, but I know that is unlikely. Anyway I am looking at this month as an orb saver month and I am fine with it being slow since I am kind of taking a break from gaming for awhile and Heroes is about the only thing I play right now and only for about 10 minutes at a time. I am just going to save until the NY banner rerun, unless something really catches my eye (non infantry refresher, armor healer).
  19. Well since I don't play PC games I don't have a comment about the whole Diablo thing. As to Nintendo I feel they are pretty good and I love a lot of their games, but they tend to withhold info a little too much and I wish they would give more timely updates. I know that they are better then some companies, but I want them to improve more then what they are now. As to IS, I feel a little mixed. While I love every FE game I have played, they really need to get better at having a good story in the next one and keep in mind the things that players love about the older games. They should do better with their other IPs and I feel bad for Advance War fans since it seems like they let that IP die. As to Heroes, I feel like they have too many people deciding things. While I am glad they listen to feedback and I am very happy with the way they have handled backlash, they really should be able to see some of the issues before they happen. I really think the person in charge of banners needs to be changed since it seems like they can't tell what would be a bad choice. I can tell that them saying RD and BB banners are coming next year was trying to ease some of the backlash from this latest banner, but if the person in charge was smarter they would not of had that problem in the first place since they would have never done a 3 alt regular banner in the first place.
  20. I just want to say Camilla on this banner was not what annoyed me at all, in fact she was the least annoying alt because I expect her to be an alt on any Fates banner. What made me very annoyed was that there are 3 alts on this banner and the TT unit is an alt as well and this is a "regular" banner. All I want is for new banners to bring new units to Heroes and this banner really was like a slap to my face. I will live with 1 alt per banner as long as the rest of the units are new, but this one was just too much.
  21. Highly possible, I tend to read more "mature" light novels to begin with (Vampire Hunter D, Trinity Blood and other stuff like that). I mean S&W is not what I would call a "teen" light novel so I guess it is for an adult reader fan base, but since I tend to read light novels that are written for adults I am not the best judge of what ones for teens are like to begin with.
  22. Ares is great and fairly easy to +10 and I will be doing that once I have enough feathers. It is your choice but I recommend it.
  23. Ares is great and fairly easy to +10 and I will be doing that once I have enough feathers. It is your choice but I recommend it.
  24. I really like it and I am having fun trying to come up with the best lay out for my team.
  25. I am going to hoard for a long time so I can go on a binge. My first will be the BK because he has save my bacon so many times. Then I think I will go with who has the most merges from reruns and go from there. Camus and Xander will also be fairly high on my list since they both have helped me a lot in my early days.
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