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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Best opening ever shill time! Dragon Star Varnir is an amazing game.
  2. Also, this is the best joke ever: > Naotora Ii > beautiful > strong > many fine qualities BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
  3. Huh! Then that really is odd! Because I'm on PC, too, and it works like a charm!
  4. It is! You just need to quote, then copy the quote and paste it into a post you want to edit.
  5. That song is usually what I listen to when I feel down. True, true!
  6. It's Gilgameme! Run! XD Yep! ^^ The theme that was eventually topped by Cygnus as the best Atelier battle theme for me. XD Poor Illya.
  7. Shrimpy posting high quality Fate memes. XD --- Meanwhile, Draggy is busy falling in love all over again~ ❤️ This is my comfort zone!
  8. Also, time for shilling: Best game. Best protag. Best music. > the three truths of Draggy
  9. You guys have way too much faith in me, I swear. XD Thanks, though! ^^ I'm equally as surprised as you are, but apparently, it is very much a thing. As far as I've heard, it's because that character and her faction are the most popular in Japan, so they get shilled a lot by being presented as the best thing since sliced bread, and completely overshadowing the other characters. And I HATE that kind of thing.
  10. Oh, I can be VERY petty if I want to be. You just haven't seen me at my most petty yet. xD
  11. I heard Senran Kagura ran into trouble with the execs at Sony, and that's why their mainline game was basically canceled. And yeah, I heard! Neptunia's next main game is a remake, the last one was an idol-themed spin-off. Not too sad about Senran Kagura, because while I enjoyed the game for the characters, gameplay, and story, I have no intention of getting another game in that series. Especially because I heard that the series has its own black hole that takes all the attention away from the other characters. Especially the ones I came to like, and because I'm a petty a-hole, well... Oh boy! Still, I don't think you need to feel bad for wanting one! Ah, okay! Makes sense, I guess. So that's where that came from. Gotcha! Alright, will keep all of these in mind! Thank you! ^^ It's Gust studio's, so this most likely is. Ah! Okay! Now I am less confused! Thanks for explaining!
  12. Never seen either of those! But now I at least know what Wraith was on about! Thanks! ^^
  13. Ah! That makes sense! Nope! Huh. Okay then! Looks that way.
  14. Meme reasons! xD I have every intention to! Don't worry! ^^ I probably won't make an LP out of it, but I have plans to document at least some of it here! Well, if you put it like THAT... xD Well, choose to believe me or don't. I know I'm telling the truth. And because I'm doing such a good job at endearing myself to y'all today... BEAN SPROUTS!
  15. I hadn't the heart and courage to say it, to be more precise. ^^ Same, honestly. Since the new Nep game is another remake, I really don't want a PS5, right now. Nice, nice! Also, I won't push them on you, but Blue Reflection and Nights of Azure are also on there! After everything you've posted about it, I'm skeptical myself, but I want the whole trilogy, in all honesty. Add the 3DS and several emulators to that tally for me, but yeah. 100% this. XD
  16. I never officially said I'm dropping it, but that was before my hiatus, actually. xD Good point! Ayup! ^^ At least this ensures I won't need a new console any time soon! Oh yeah, same here! I haven't gotten that trilogy yet, actually... I definitely should, sometime. I love that show! But Wraith, if you know anything about me, you'd know that I really could not care less for fanservice one way or the other.
  17. I understood you, hence why I gave you my answer! ^^
  18. Yay! Though... on that note, let me list off my transgressions instead! There. Aww... Well, I do like the DS Fire Emblem games. And I still want to do that FE12 playthrough I promised! Not my intention! You enjoy what you enjoy! I'm just saying, it is a bit on the nose that a guy looking like that is the boss of a Paralogue that heavily features a very scantily clad girl. My backlog (and also what I'm currently playing, I guess): ... yeah. Beautiful! Eh, I wouldn't worry! After all, a gaming laptop might enable you to play those as of yet untouched games! As a matter of fact... not really? I mean, the games are fine, but... eh. Some story-telling aspects really killed it for me.
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