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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned for being nice. Thank you! ^^
  2. Oh! Then maybe it was just talking to those people in general. Huh! My bad for misremembering, then!
  3. Actually, funny story, I did want to move on, somewhat, after I got myself sorted out a bit more, but... I eventually realized I missed you guys, heh. I honestly would have never expected this warm of a welcome back, though. Thanks! ^^ --- Banned for congratulating someone on getting ninja'd
  4. Banned because I think it's because I haven't called twilitfalchion "ninjafalchion" in a while, and neither have I gotten the chance to post the picture I tended to post whenever I get ninja'd before I took a break from these forums for a while. And apparently, people thought I was actually dead, which I am horribly sorry for. Banned because NINJA'D!!!!
  5. I THINK it increases the quality of the item or makes it stronger. But I never used this, so I don't really know. Nah, Corneria is also an alchemist, like Sophie. I'd stick to trying to get equipment from Logy and Leon. I believe that should do the trick.
  6. Banned for getting ninja'd by ninjafalchion. Also, why do I feel so nostalgic all of a sudden?
  7. Banned because pretty much all my knowledge on French has vanished, except for some basic words like "bonjour!" Also... and I can't believe I can finally do this again... NINJA'D!!!!
  8. I have played the European version back then, so I had the Expert Sphere Grid even back then, so it wasn't anything new to me (hence why I didn't know anything about international versions being different). I never used it, though, heh. The sprite thing is certainly no issue, having played Devil Survivor as well as Strange Journey Redux. And yeah, it being a bit rougher around the edges is par for the course in Atlus games. But by now, I know to expect this so it does not impact my opinion too much anymore! Just the jump back from Untold to IV was jarring back then. Interesting note about the endings, as well. Especially the requirements. I'll make sure to note this down! Thank you! I still want to get it, but for the moment, I have other stuff to play, like the Triangulum Arc of Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker! I will get this game eventually, though! I like Persona 5, I really enjoy Musou games, so this one is right up my alley! Well, to be fair, there is only, like, two Artisans in town. Leon and Logy, I think are the ones you seek. It's basically telling you to make equipment and buy stuff from them, if I remember correctly.
  9. Banned because same. I just prefer Palla's personality and design over the other two, really.
  10. Oh, neat! I had no idea! Yeah, I'm a little sad, too. But hey, what can you do? Congrats on that! ^^ I don't usually have the patience for that kind of stuff, haha! True! XD
  11. Banned because the Palla I know is the "strong, but slow" type compared to the other two. I don't know how she was in the really old games, and I think people by and large agree that Catria is better in the games they are in, but that might be wrong on my part.
  12. I played the original on PS2 back in the day, and I've played the HD remaster on PS4. I'd say, if you still have a working PS2 and/or you can emulate it well enough, you don't really need to bother with the HD remaster, because other than updated graphics, they haven't changed a whole lot. Or anything, really. Not that I remember, at leas-- Unless you didn't have access to the international content that I just now learned existed. I got the HD remaster for two reasons: my PS2 broke long before it was announced, and I had never played X-2, which was included with it. The thing about Blitzball for me is that it's just really tedious. I'm not that big into any of the ball sports anyhow, and the Chocobo stuff is... eh. Not my thing, either, honestly. Not too big on the whole minigame stuff in general, if I'm being totally honest. I like it if it's non-intrusive and not mandatory to do for any main game stuff (as in, don't tie someone's ultimate weapon or other crucial items to a minigame), but otherwise, it just annoys me more than anything else. Yeah, true. Having HP spheres would at least prevent the one-shots well enough. Doesn't really change that the battle itself is just mindlessly wailing away at an enemy that has wayyyy too much health. xP
  13. Has my sincerest condolences, because that stuff really sucks.
  14. Banned for totally getting it.
  15. To be honest, you don't miss out on a lot by not 100%ing Final Fantasy X. In fact, I'd say it's more trouble than it's worth. I like that game, but some of the minigames to get the ultimate weapons are... not good (screw Blitzball, the Chocobo racing, lightning dodging, and catching those butterflies. All not fun in the slightest). And the superbosses are kind of lame, too. Especially the ultimate superboss, where it's just an hour of spam this single attack until it dies, and do it in a really specific pattern, or else you'll get one-shot. It's not challenging, it's just busywork. In my opinion, at least.
  16. Banned because this guy gets it!
  17. Speaking of, I should probably get to Etrian Odyssey III sometime soon. I had that thing for years now, but never got around to it for some reason.
  19. They should've used this for the elemental dragon fights in Nexus.
  20. Banned because my "B" key is acting up.
  21. Why did no one tell me this picture is a thing? Because holy crap, this gives me flashbacks. Of the "my god, these boss fights are fun!" kind. Also yes, I'm an FE final boss now. Go figure. XD Though I don't expect any FE character to live through Megidolaon.
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