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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Even with my Lyn Favoritism, I had a hard time when I tried not playing through LHM first. She's so frail without those couple of levels from LHM.
  2. I'd give him a 3/10. I'd also like to argue for the inclusion of LHM. You get so much out of it for nothing. Why skip it?
  3. Totes. I'm only saying that because who wants more blue haired sword using lords. Amirite?
  4. Anybody and everybody in the lowest tiers in FE6, 7 and 8. I also use Rolf every time. Why? Because I like growth units. :)
  5. Dammit, I was going to post this. :( I always use Nino, just for the lolz. To answer the OP, I never use Jegians. EXP Stealers... When I started playing, nobody I knew used them, so I didn't either.
  6. I realized I wasn't doing anything wrong, just searching for the wrong palette. Thanks for getting me the correct number though. :)
  7. Bryan

    Palette Offsets

    Don't, I have it figured out. Thanks though.
  8. Bryan

    Palette Offsets

    I'm not wanting to edit the palette, just wanting to assign the proper palette to the screen select so that everything isn't odd colors when I edit it.
  9. You're definitely missing out on a great game. BBS' combat system is the best out of the whole series. It's refreshing. Thanks for uploading the new screens! Who knew about the new world, although it is about time...
  10. Bryan

    Palette Offsets

    When I did this, I got something in the 60000000 range, when the top choice in GBAGE is around 10000000. (I can't remember the exact numbers, I closed the Hex editor and GBAGE.) I'm looking for the palette for the game select things. (The ones that show which mode and have which chapter you're on.)
  11. I've been fooling around with my ROM recently, and I can't find the correct palette offset for image number 4017F4. Is there a quick way to figure it out? I've been trying, but to no avail.
  12. To be completely honest, this is one of the nicest crits I have ever heard Seph give. I wouldn't have said it any differently. I've always thought your battle sprites are awesome, but the mugs needed improvement. It's cool to see the new ones, even if there are some odd shading problems.
  13. It's the one with the most features, I might have suggested 7 for the simplicity of it, but 8 is has more replay value, plus it has playtime after the story ends. So it's easy, boo hoo. Most people who are new to the series aren't going to want to play a hard game.
  14. It really only gives them an extra range space. They still don't have enemy phase unless they use a short bow (or a crossbow...) Bow's need to be worth using, as you have magic that's 1-2 range, and it hits res, which enemy characters have zero to none of. This means that the archers have more positions from which they can attack. Meanwhile, archers from enemy lines can shoot this far too. It balances out. Viola~ you have a reason to use bows over javs/ hand axes at some point. I want a reason to use different classes. Classes need to be distinctive.
  15. Bows hould be given 2-3 range. It's super spectacular. Snipers should get crit boost.
  16. Japanese sucks because of how many different styles of writing y ou have to learn.
  17. Half of what I said earlier was to say you could have worded it better. My falling chairs and your gun have the same theme in common, except that the chairs has less of a margin for error. I understood the question you posed. However, if all you just wanted to say was "Which of these lives do you value more?" and if you don't care about the scenario being realistic, why bother even including one at all? The question doesn't need any scenario, so again, why did you bother to make one when you just hand wave it? If you didn't want people to pick option D, you shouldn't have allowed for your wording to put it in there. You said the shooter would shoot whomever we told him too, so option D would be the shooter. Also, you didn't include anything about what would happen if nobody made a choice. With the chairs, for example, you can't just bust out, or else you would all be killed, or if you did not make a choice, the same fate would befall you. The Fox scenario shows that sometimes out of the box thinking is necessary to solve a problem. It's not "Oh, it's just the solution so it's not out of the box" The scenario doesn't say that you can take something back with you, only that you can take something there. My main point in this debate is that you shouldn't get mad when someone picks option D because you allow for it. "Option D": You might say that I want to die, but he could still shoot the baby. This means that I can tell him to shoot himself. Why did you even bother to put in a scenario?
  18. I still agree with Celice. You very well could have just asked the question of which three should die. For example, your scenario could have been: "Three people are strapped to three separate chairs, each on a trapdoor. There is a man standing by a control panel that will drop one of the three chairs. After one of the chairs is dropped, the other two are released from their restraints. If no answer is chosen by the three members in x amount of time, all three trap doors open, and all three fall to their deaths." This scenario answers different "loopholes" that are created with your gun scenario. The Ancient Greeks and Romans took time to think out scenarios, such as the fox, duck and grain. (Explained below.) It increases your ability to think outside of the box. Your question really just asks for a response, not an answer, as Celice has pointed out. This is the kind of mind game that is typically in horror movies (if there's one at all) because it plays with people's minds. The people in the scenario are forced to think that they need to pick one of the three, but in fact they can think outside of the box. This kind of skill can save your life, so when thinking up these kinds of things, it's important to look for odd answers. By your own reasoning, Celice saved all three people by telling the shooter to shoot himself. The fox duck and grain scenario dates back to ancient history. You are walking down a trail and you have with you a fox, a duck, and a sack of grain. If you ever left them alone, the fox would eat the duck, and the duck would eat the grain. As you are walking, you come across a river. Your house is on the other side, where you could finally separate the three things. Luckily for you, there is a boat that can take you across, however, you can only fit one of the grain, duck or fox in the boat with you. The goal is to make it over with all three items still intact. [spoiler=The Solution]You first take over the duck, as the fox won't eat the grain. Then, you take the grain over. Wait, the duck eats the grain right? But then you pick the duck up and take it back to the other shore. You then put it down and grab the fox, so you have the fox and the grain on one shore, and the duck on the other. It's this "out of the box" thinking that allows this problem to be solved.
  19. Because I figured it wouldn't hurt? I'll remove it.
  20. For the sake of completion. I figured might as well have all of the items... :/
  21. What items do characters benefit from the most? Life Ring Elite Ring Thief Ring Prayer Ring Pursuit Ring Bargain Ring Knight Ring Return Ring Power Ring Magic Ring Skill Ring Speed Ring Shield Ring Barrier Ring Leg Ring: Sigurd I figured this could become an interesting debate, and I didn't see a topic quite like this before.
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