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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. It's a good thing that I made sure to said that I laughed at myself, for being trigered by it, thus showing that I realized that in the end I wasn't that trigered and, showing self awareness about how ridiculous it was on my part. 😛 You got a point, I'm more annoyed by the possible stupid anime aspect of it than anything else really. I'll try to rectify, technically (and only technically), it makes sense too in Fates to have hot springs to relax and stuff, because you know, war, Japan... but Fates doesn't make sense, so my point was, using it as a bar isn't a good move.
  2. Guys, saying 'it makes more sense than in Fates', isn't really a good argument you know ? 😛 Obligatory 'Ah shit, here we go again' meme. They really are trying to sneak those stupidities at the last moment, huh ? Not impressed. At. All. It is stupid, pointless and shitty in every JRPG, it will be stupid, pointless and shitty in this one. 'Oh hey, this game that is totally gonna be serious and all, let's put some Persona anime crap in it', and later 'oh hey, let's put an onsen spa, because that is what we needed and it makes total sense.' Spectacular. Amazing. I'm midly triggered by that crap, you have no idea. I actually have to stop to laugh at myself.
  3. I'm just going to point out the obvious about Byleth here, make them into a Hero/Swordmaster because sword, 1-2 range Prf sword, and Swordfaire. I mean he/she could have a unique class too, but it doesn't mean it'll be a good one... Corrin anyone ? In fact, my reasoning are pretty similar.
  4. You're not wrong, buuuuut you're not exactly right either, there's not indication it'll be 'the good one'. I mean, I want this fourth route to be genocide because of that, and because genocide is fun. ...now that's something to quote. Unless you mean about how much BE is getting a lot of attention, in which case, that's true.. Now that's true, Eldegard seems to be the holy cow of the game. Good grief, there's so many jokes that could be made from what I just said. Except here, Eldegard is literally in our faces more than the others from day one. There's a difference.
  5. That's not really judgment though, it sounds like fanaticism at worst and Knight Templar as best. You don't murder kill someone who simply go agaisnt the church if you truly are a 'kind person', of course, going 'agaisnt the church' can mean many things, but Reah's bio seems to imply she's not that nice. ...actually it does make sense from a medieval perspective, you go against the church at the time, there's no questions asked, you gonna have bad time. In other news, I did not knew that the Legendary Harpoon was in the game... but the coral is lacking. 😛 (Now let's do the Gendo pose and see who's gonna get that reference.)
  6. I really don't like this 'doesn't let you' part. Is it true ? What kind of stupid design is it, letting you pick three choice... but actually no, you can just pick one to move on ? That's retarded. Oh hey, Persona and SMT does that too... 😛 Back on tracks, it could be simply a joke that she takes poorly instead of her simply saying 'don't joke about that, I've seen some of those'. Although her saying 'I never seen your kind' is weird. Fire Emblem also have a history of having a army of 'liberation'. Deconstruction of this trope, maybe ? Having what basically seems to be the Satan of your religion having that kind of title have very interesting implications. From" history remind him as this cool guy", but religion being religion is annoying and think he's a bad guy", to vindicated by history. A lot of fun things we can get from this !
  7. ...A villain is by definition, simply a bad guy you know ? 😛 Antagonist(s), a guy who is against the protagonist(s), the alignment never matter. Mastermind, a character that planned all according to keikaku as sasuga Ainz-sama, no matter of the alignment, though it's most of the time evil. He doesn't even look like a zombie unlike his 'come out of the coffin' moment... eh I dunno man, he still look pretty zombish... but for all we know it could be a battle at the center of the mind BS, him pulling a Nobunaga 'ya I'm fighting you for giggles. Wat, joining them cuz them made me come back ? Lul no that dumb', or 'take ma sword-whip son'. Or I could be wrong and he got some skin care, that too. 😛 Or not, who knows.
  8. Not really ? It's up in the air really. He is seen coming out from a coffin, his arms to be exact, that probably means that he'll be used as a zombie antagonist, against his will, or not. A villain though ? Remember guys, there's a difference between a villain and an antagonist.
  9. Nemesis is so flagged as not villain, it's funny. If Byleth can be the antagonist or is a demon... I just might end up renaming him or her Lucifer or Helel for shit and giggles. If he use the power of friendship or whatever, I won't soil those holy/unholy names. ...Byleth might actually be the perfect name for them. Honestly those Nightcrawlers ? They looks like you usual set of anime edgy villains that come out of nowhere. Not a very good thing when you seem to already have a good conflict going on in the first place. Coff coff Fates. I hope they won't go with that, because it's painful to even look at them. Now time for funs. Hope it'll be Seiros, Sothis, you know, the good stuff ! Also did anyone else noticed that at one point, someone step on the mask of the Flame Emperor ? Just saying that either the Flame Emperor is killed, or he'll end up desmasking himself in plain sight kinf of like our lord and savior the Burger Knight.
  10. Putting a family into something called the Red Canyon, doesn't seem to be very smart. 😛 But yeah I gotcha, seems just a tad too obvious for a plot twist, with that and Nemesis showing so little emotion. I dunno guys, if you look at the left one, it looks just too thin to be a skyscraper, now that I look more closely, it looks more like a monolith with runes on it and some white light things on the side. The one on the right and the one right after looks like they and their... blue power light are disolving into the green... sun... hole. Look at the right one, it has the same 'runes' one it, but some of them seem to be directly swallowed into the green... thing.
  11. Personally, I love how Nemesis isn't saying anything at all. His face is dead serious cold and that's it. A serious contrast to Seiros. Calling it, Nemesis is a well intentioned extremist, or heck, not even an extremist, a guy who pissed the wrong girl. Not often that you piss off a girl with Epitath and King Crimson after all.
  12. Persona, begone from this game. Or should I say house... three houses, eh ? Eeeeeeeee ? But seriously, go way Persona, go far, far away, don't spread your sickness on others. Claude the snarker. I get the feeling he'll be self aware. Manuella, terrible teacher confirmed. Poor classes. Oof, tone down the edge Berni.
  13. Good grief, I love the english voice acting ! It's funny how they both call each others heretics.
  14. To be fair, Corrin's fathers are as great, well written characters, as Corrin himself. 😛 So, NG+. Byleth. Stand Name: Killer Queen: Bites The Dust. Look over here ! Sheer Heart Attack has no weakness. I wonder how it will work, because you know... stats. Byleth will be busted in new game plus. He would like a Jeigan with max stats.. That's why I don't really believe it'll work like that, but I want to laugh. Leadership, now that's something I see, though it does give an advantage similar. Hmmm, gee, I wonder who is the character he mentioned will die. ...Well, that's another deathflag I haven't noticed yet. 😛 Honestly, that dude is more lifely to die than Rhea, because, first, Rhea isn't your freaking dad, and second, Rhea is possibly an antagonist.
  15. I don't know what killed me more: The title or your post. You got me, and there's was zero cringe in my laugh. Take my happiness, you glorious person !
  16. Well, that's be pretty cool... ...except if this happens. Imo those different endings should be: you choose X so X happens, but if you choose Y, Y happens. This kind of simple, but possibly great things. The idea this could happens in all routes instead of only BE is good sounding. I'm not. I hope we will murder people left and right, create a Thousand Year Kingdom, all in the name of our Lady Eldelguard-sama with her stand King Crimson as her Epitath. Sometime, I wonder if people can actually understand how satisfying doing evil can be in a video game, or seeing a bittersweet ending actually is. Or even the concept of it. Because seriously, a bittersweet ending like that ? A painful way that is all about seeing the world and actually doing the things, painful or not, to change the world and make it better, that's my jam.
  17. Happy to see like-minded individual. 😛 Seriously, why would you want a 'true path' ? Why would you want something that invalidate the concept of the game ? Why would you want to piss on every other paths and their experiences ? You already got the closure, it's called the ending in those houses. Have the capacity to freaking assume the choices made, for good taste's sake. There's SMT too, but their neutral faggotry is a poor example, there's also Revelation but it's a worst example. And if there's a 'true' ending in those three houses, I'mma gonna have an aneurysm.
  18. Okay. I admit I'm impressed. Good job pal ! Though I expect her face to change a bit more, other than that ? Good edit.
  19. Punished Dimitri decided to show the world his more optimistic side by putting even more Wooloo wool on his cloak. He look most fabulous ! It's still hilariously too big, but progress ! (It is better to not ask if said Wooloo were killed or not.)
  20. The nature of memes is like King Crimson, it just works. But King Crimons is not that complicated and easy to understand... You should watch some of the more extreme words used, it's another dimension altogether ! It's like Dorothea, good grief, calm yourselves people, it's just a girl with a stupid hat. And okay, Bern is cute and all, but but beyond her shyness and hair, there's nothing to write home about. ... is what I think, visibly, people thinks much more than me. 😛
  21. Aw, man, seriously ? They did not fixed the shields ? Come on... (But I'm happy they kept the spell casting menu glitch Man of culture, 10/10. Whould talk to again. Didn't knew you were into Suicide Team... was it fun to play ? It wasn't for me at the time either. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one trapped by it. I'm surprised you decided to go Lord for Duran, most people ignore it, me included... which is weird since it have multi-healing, which is perfect for such a team. It's cool to do damage, but when you got destroyed... Duelist Duran, as badass as he was, was utterly useless along with his Dark Saber.
  22. The question you have to ask yourself is whetever 20 dollars is worth having and doing a lot of needless Awakening shipping option and children optimization, because that's the only thing that is worthwhile, and it's not really worthwhile, since you know... shitty balance and piss poor easy. If it is, buy it, if not, never look back. The story ? Garbage. The gameplay ? Terrible. The balance ? Done by tapping their genitals. Go look a let's play of it by Mangs or Guast or whatever Fire Emblem, and never look back at this abomination. Seriously, Revelation is insulting, don't waste your money or time on it, for the sake of those 20 bucks.
  23. Just wait until you see the last chapter of Lunatic!Birthright, I honestly hope that RNG is on your side and that your units can at least survive the first turn. Thank goodness that the final fight that come after can be cheesed by just going straight to the Final boss... and being lucky. I guess. The problem with both Lunatic, the stats of the enemies are busted, but when they literally surround you and you have no chance to truly tank them... And map design isn't perfect either. Strangely, I found the Iago chapter relatively easy despite Iago having his broken skills, the enemies weren't placed to screw you over. Ah ah ! That chapter was nightmare. It doesn't help that the design is toilet worthy. RIP Elise's retainers.
  24. Well, okay, that was fast. Hopefully if the guy truly got an early copy of the game, he won't openly brag about it and get banned. Damn, it makes you dream.
  25. How inconceivable ! That would mean there wouldn't be a loli anymore ! 😛 If that's true, I'd like for it to be a full on evil route just for that, that's be rad ! "Papa, can I join you and spread terror ?" "That's my boy !" ...Better father than Garon confirmed. More seriously, I think it would be a pretty cool twist. One would say it's like Awakening Fate and even Echoes... but well, Awakening and Fates did jack, and Echoes did it right. So I have no problem with them redeeming the two other who failed and did nothing with it. I mean, hopefully.
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