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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. How about voting for a good barbecue ? I mean, horse meat and Lord meat mixed together must be good. Overdone jokes aside, I'm still thinking about who I should vote for.
  2. I never played Gaiden. I was interested in it. But I'll be able to play the remake ... After a loooot of waiting. Release date, May. :p Oh well.
  3. This is coming from a guy who never played Gaiden so take it with grain of salt, but... I always thought that Alm having a Falchion was a sign that legendary weapons weren't so legendary after all. You 'just' had to have a god to create it with one of it's tooth or something. Marth's Falchion and Alm's Falchion are the same kind, ergo, they are Falchions. If that make any sense.
  4. Well, if it's the return of Mark 2.0, aka, an observer and bam that's it, sure why not ? I'm open to the idea. Water Mage got the good idea, making him a villager and all. But if this is the second coming of Kris ? For the love of all that is good and holy, Hell. No. I'm excited about this Fire Emblem because this is a remake of one of the game that is the most acclaimed by the fans, I want it to be like Shadow Dragon.
  5. Incidently, it would be good to have a good plot. :p But I think we can all say that if the Avatar have to return, it'll have to be done better writing wise. Mostly writing wise. Give him more importance to the plot at the price of less dialogue, or the inverse, whatever, I don't care, I just want it to be done right. What's the point of an customized character who's called an avatar but is not an actual avatar by the way ? In any case, it's Fire Emblem, so I'll take it anyway, if I end up buying the Switch that is.
  6. Too much white., not enough green. I miss the green. Nah seriously, it's neat, I like the birds and butterfly. That's pretty much everything I had to say, well, I want to ask why there no signatures anymore, but it's probably a beta thing or something. Also was wrong with the older one ? Just asking. Boy, my computer won't like this though, it lags.
  7. I just saw the most rencent trailers. It was awesome. They were voice acted, even in French. and It was so freaking awesome. Tsss, I might have to sell one of my consoles to buy the Switch if they continue to do those things. Personally, I prefer to blatantly ignore the Hyrule Historia's official timeline, when I want to that is. :p I mean, it's obvious that some Zelda games are prequel or sequel to other Zelda games but beyond that: nope, nope and nope. (Plus, Fay, Demise, Hylia... all of that, thanks, but no thanks, but hush...) You know, there is a difference between Ganondorf the Gerudo Prince, Ganon.the Demon King, Ganon the Evil Thing; so, I guess Calamity Ganon is some sort of evolved form of one of them. Which one evolved into Calamity Ganon, that is the question.
  8. I smell the nauseous swamp of friendship and butterflies and rainbow and anime... More seriously, it will be very hard to beat SMTIVA's Massacre ending, but I'm interested in what they'll do. This is bad and you should feel bad. (You really shouldn't, it was actually funny, I actually had a good laugh.)
  9. I'm salty over the Fates and Awakening bias, but oh well, the milking machine have to be used. Still Fire Emblem Warriors, it's cool, it's awesome, so I'm not complaining. But holy crap, if it's pure Fates/Awakening pandering, the salt will be there. Marth and his (note the emphasis) games are cool though. Chrom... lol, go home IS, just go home.:p Ragnell and Jugdrall's weapons => Everything.
  10. There's a very strong contrast then, since your other pictures are so fluffy and lighty and all. Now I like someone is watching me with intend to murder me. One's wonder why. :p Hau ? Who's that ? :p No seriously, I feel the same, that guy isn't interesting at all. And he's not even able to do ONE job good.
  11. Mother of the year, Lusamine. :p Here come the guy who's pal Giratina, aka, the pokemon with some parallels to Lucifer. :p Incidentally where the heck did you find this creepy pic ? Don't forget the legs. That important. And the fact she's supposed to be 11. Oh, and the waifu bait. Seriously though, I think they really did a good job with all the characters in this game.
  12. I swear, if this so called Star version is Switch or N3DS only, I destroy my nose with my index and thumb. Mmm. Grrrgrrr. :/ Same here, but it makes sense, On another note, if every pokemon universe are canon... does that make every fangame and romhack canon as well ? :p
  13. Guzzlord could've been my favorite, the idea of a pokemon that can devour everything is just so awesome. But... he is just so comical looking. I'd say Nihilego and Pheromosa because... you know, the minor resemblance with two very minor NPCs. There's Xurkithree, but it's Guzma so I don't care. :D Could Necrozma be considered an Ultra Beast though ? Bah, no matter, he's cool enough. At least they didn't go 'Lul, they are the embodiment of the feelings of a character we never seen before, nor care about', all the while creating craptons of plotholes and retcons'. After years of better theories coming from the fans... bah. You guys feels that I'm salty about the Ba'als ?
  14. Excalibur aso requires you to be high level and having shitton of supplies. :p I did not talked about Abyss because I'm not pro about it, heck, still haven't finished it yet. Far from it. Freaking Akzeriuth. Visibly I'm not good enough with Symphonia too, because I have no idea what the Valkyrie Saber are, and forgot that the Kusanagi blade even existed. :p Kusanagi is that weapon that you got by defeating the the third Blade Dancer, right ? Blade Dancer(s) appear only at certain point of the story at one certain place, which mean that you can easily miss it, so it's kudos if you can have it.
  15. This training island is just so convenient. An Island which, at level 3, can give up to 18 pokemon a hellton of experience, just by waiting hours, compared to only two mon from previous game by walking case-by-case. No shame in my game, I use it. It's just too practical to pass up, it's easier to detect good pokemons. I honestly believe it's a feature that should return in the next game. Like seriously, who could've though that Toucannon could be this good when he look like your common bird-mon ? Same with Bewear. Also, Kommo-o is a beast, what's up with those high stats ? Lunala look like a pansy compared to him.
  16. To be fair, in Tales of you generaly have to do that one sidequest of utter badassness to have a weapon truly superior to the sword of plot-device. Like in Tales of Phantasia, Eternal Sword is surclassed by Excalibur, at the very end of the very difficult Dwarf Ruin, and then Gungnir III beyond (Hello Pluto ! Chester want to speak to you...) Though if you want to get technical, you could put Bahamut's Tail between Eternal Sword and Excalibur My goodness, this dungeons was awesome, I want to replay it. Tales of Symphonia, Material Blades are only surclasses by Nebilim if I remember correctly, the special weapon from those infamous fell weapons questlines. Dein Nomos, Netorare no Ken. :(
  17. You know, I replayer ORAS recently, and I can't help but think that, holy crap, I just can't realize that I haven't realized that Pokemon Amie was tedious as hell. You couldn't change pokemon inbetween, there was thousand of pokepuffs, and get them, you had to play minigame were, while fun, annoying after a while and at high level asked SSJ level of reflex. Friendly reminder that I love Blaziken. And Linoon. And Gardevoir (and not for those reasons.) :p With Pokemon Sun/Moon, everything is just so much simplier. Heck, even the pension is simplier and better ! Everything is simplier and better. I came to the battle tree, it was hard , but.... spoiler alert... Now I just have to build a good team to fight my way up to the tree, if I really want to; Oh, and and I got Magearna, she's pretty cool. Too bad she's a legendary so I won't be able to use her. Same with Sylvallie. I have a thing for mechanical angelic humanoid creature like that. Like Gardevoir. (No, not this.kind of thing)
  18. Not surprising. But still horribly, horribly dissapointing, first Uraniums and now this ? :/ Crimson Echoes all over again. Eh, a part of me wish for the game to come out anyway as a sort of finger to Nintendo, though it would probably cause lot trouble for the devs. But still, 8. Freaking. Years. Just to be stopped as the last moments. For freaking shame. --'
  19. Most of the time, I'm half-disapointed, half-amused. "You got Artorias' Greatsword." "... Dude, I have a Chaos Claymore." Or that mystical fire sword in Morrowind in Tribuna that was hyped as hell... except I already had a Daedric Dai-Katana. And that's without saying what I did when I decided to kill Helselth (who had the OP ring) and his guards, one of them having an overpowered and over-enchanted Daedric Dai-Katana Ah, good time ! In Skyrim, all daedric artifact are just plain gimmicky, and not all that powerful. One of many Skyrim bad point imo. Curses upon you, PC players who can mod their games tor rectify this heresy !
  20. Eh ? I loved ORAS :/ Actually, that could be a good way to advertise the remake, since you know, there's a slight difference between the first games and what we have now. :p Plus, what AzureSen said, couldn't have said it better. I mean, you could basically sum up a whole argument by just saying 'First Gen' with how much of a ton of attention it gots. I'm not salty, don't misunderstand, it's pokemon, I love pokemon, it's good, I'll take it. Ah good to know. Thank you. RNG, when you hold us.
  21. Am I the only one who think we will have a first gen remakes instead rather than Fourth gens ? Ah no matter. I finally finished the game, and sheesh, it is vicious It really don't like you.
  22. Well. That's not fair at all. Plague of Shadow feels sorta inadequate now. :p It feels like, 100% better. The levels seems sompletely different, edited and all. I. Want. It. So. Much.
  23. Wha, really ? I'm not the only one ? Well, yeah, I find it really weird too. I alway compare it to theatre, just to get the funny looks because of how accurate it actually is. I dunno how it is in th rest of the world, there's wrestling, but in France, the sport is, well, wrestling, but the theatre-battle thingy, we call it 'Catch'. Kind of weird when I think about it.
  24. I played Pirates Curse, and holy crap, was it awesome. It's the kind of game that show just how perefect indie game can be. Do I really have to say that I'm hyped for 1/2 Genie Hero ?
  25. I'm an idiot. I only realized just now that Incineroar was based off a heel wrestler. It's obvious, the pose, the type, the description, everything... but I realized that just now. It makes a perfect pokemon for the prof, eh.
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