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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I have to say, I never imagined that you could use those words. Think of the children ! Shh, keep that for tomorrow.
  2. I don't even have anything silly to say actually, I genuinely think that this part is a complete and utter stupid and insulting disaster without anything to laugh about. Well, actually no, there's one thing that is epic, the music, but that's it, and it's not enough.
  3. Aha, blah wasn't savvy enough to look at Iago's stat sheet more thoroughly and is salty about it. :p I remember that moment, I thought it was beautifully hypocritical from them. Though thanks to your discussion, I'm able to look at the game from another perspective. Thanks. Also, it's impressive just how much that anime warp that aesop page on TVtropes actually become more truth than humour.
  4. Here, we have it, Thane is a lizardman. illuminati comfirmed. Jokes aside. I completely agree with you. They promised an epic story that was to be great., they gave us a pile of bs, there is a problem. Perhaps he just say this on the fly in between and IS just got along with it ? Perhaps it was only online ? Or perhaps everybody's at fault: When in doubt, kill blame everything. We can't know, we don't know the exact, exact process of the development, the draft or anything. How annoying.
  5. It was indeed, epic, even if you don't forgot multiple stupid things. Oh, and just a hint....
  6. Ah, you see ? It was good gameplay wise. Though I absolutely murdered Ryouma in two turns, well, I could have, but it would've been less exp for my other units. It was like Ike versus BK... with a hammer but without a hammer. You do realize that this is probably the best part of your post, right ? xD
  7. Am I the only guy who want a neutral that is all about giving the finger to both side and destroying them ? I mean geez, I can't be the only one with sociopathic tendencies, no ? Also, you're going to love the next chapter.
  8. To me, it's the best FE story-wise, though it's not without it's faults not gonna lie. Like Etrurian emperor said, the world building is epic, you quickly learn what X country is, the how, the why everything. Though I think they didn't do much with the Laguz or the Branded themselves, which is complete BS, since one of the main message is 'racism is bad', how can you put a message like that if you don't explore what the other races are more ? There were also other message like Royalty actually have to do political things, spies and all the like, I was genuinely impressed by Sanaki's little show for hey monkeys, Ashnard is a message package by itself, he is a bloodthisty evil darwinist, who want to recreate the world into a darwinist (no shit), yet, the fact remains that as states by Sothe, he, unlike most royals, at least gave the chance to other to rise up un society. As if to say that you can be evil, yet still do some good, and inverse. And those twists ma boy, those twists. Volke, I love you bro. That moment was awesome ! We are far, far away from those anime cliche of evil. There is so many thing I want to praise about PoR, but I lack the proper eloquence or the english skills for it. FE10 was a complete, not much at the start, but the more were more your in a swamp. 'Huh ?....' Speaking of the Ike/Elincia, the first time I played PoR, despite the obvious closeness they had, I did a Ike/Leither A Support. No joke. Admittedly I was surprised by how not as close as they were in PoR. ... While thinking about it, I was still dissapointed, no Ike/Leithe yo. :o But yeah, then I got all learned all script outside of japan being changed and more shippy, I understood.
  9. I honestly disliked Awakening OST, they were nothing but a ridiculous headache after a while (Ugh, especially the Ids, and that damned generic map music.). Oh, I'm not going to lie, the final battle theme was awesome, but it was the only one that I could call good, even though it was clearly inferior compared to past FE's, or Fates for that matter imo. Fire Emblem Fates OST... what's to not like in it, seriously ? Everything is wonderful. Even the Lost in Though all alone remixes were awesome.
  10. That it must have taken a lot of work. I thank you for it ! And welcome to the site ! Though your avatar reminds me of something... Elminster ?...
  11. I, personally, doesn't give a flying damn about the NX. heck, I barely heard of it. I just know it's a new Nintendo system, hopefully, it will never come out so 3DS games will continues. :p Dat New3DS whose only good point where some great exclusive to it (for questionable reasons). I'm still salty about it. Truly, this is what Fates lacked. The ability to have a harem more so. Don't mind me, I'm just having an attack imagining FE4 like that, ugh... Or even imagining them with Awakening and Fates armors design.... Where the rope ?.... Hopefully, they'll put some effort in the story, while keeping the huge gameplay improvement. And if it's a remake, let's just hope there will be no Kris, eh ?
  12. The Outrealms,and so My Castle, is like time-travel, world-travel or other Deus ex machinas of the same genre, unless it is done mastefully, or in a certain manner, it is just a cancer that can and will destroy plots. And in Fates, it is not done well at all. :p Except gameplay-wise of course, it is perfect, walking in it is perfect, graphism, perfect, the shops, perfect. Perfect. (Hopefully, no one will say 'But B.Leu ! Chrono Trigger did it ! And so Terminator ! And so Dark Souls ! And so Radiant Historia ! And so *insert X fictions who did it well* ! ' and I won't have to pinch my nose.) Silly Augestein, Xander doesn't need EXP !... Much.
  13. You perfectly nailed it, all of it. I think this chapter is the most impressive in the sense as it succeed at being the most pointless and stupid thing ever. One of the thing that make me laugh was that the 3/4 Faceless in the cutescene were supposed to be scary and all, and i was like, dude, we have an army (like you said), most of them are prodigies, and some even have legendary weapons, how the heck can Xander be scared of them in the first place ? Sometime, I wonder if you guys are just too good... or that I simply just suck at this game. Cuz the stones throwers were pretty freaking annoying to me.
  14. Pretty much my entire experience here, don't take as face-value though. Notably because while it did get be through most of the game, it was really not good in late-game challenge quest. Really, really not good. Still managed to do everythings with efforts, but eh... that's what I get for counting on my MC much more than my demons. -The tutoriel is cruel, but don't give up ! It will be nicer later on. -Each level up, 3 in Mag, 1 in Luck, 1 in Agi. Though it's really not the most optimized build. -Make your MC covers all magic element, find the weaknesses of the ennemies/boss, and spam the hell out of it. With your boosted Mag, it will do wonder, as in, probably one shot the ennemies and take a huge ammount of a boss health. I personally dislike multi-target spells, since they do much less damage than their One-target counterpart (Duh), and they can severly screw you up if one ennemies have Res/Rfl/Null against it. I prefer to leave those to some demons. You WILL die of course, it's an Atlus game. At least you'll either kill fast or die fast. Except for a boss, where it will be longer (Duh) and you'll have to be smarter. (x2 Duh) -Healing spells to everyone. It is just too good, and with the MP apps... -Buy all the MP recovery apps as soon as possible, it, surprise surprise, recover your MPs while walking, and once maxed, it does that for your entire team. This is an Atus game, so this is not broken that much. -Get Archangel... or is it Angel ?... as soon as possible too. Not only it is a good demon to have all around, but it's a demon who evolve at a certain level into another demon with a higher level. Very, VERY handy, especially since it's 'line' is the longest of the game. Once you have Megido/Megidola/Megidolaon (I prefer Megidola, Megidolaon is too much costy for the aps to catch on), you have pretty much won the game. Those skills deals Almighty damage to all ennemies. they cost a lot of MP to cast, but thanks to the MP recovery apps, it will not be a problem, Just don't neglect stats buffs/debuffs skills, and you'll be perfect. Oh, and just because you have the Megi-spells, doesn't mean that you won't need the others elements, so don't discard them. Smirk is very important after all. Again, don't take what I said as face value, there's much smarter and better player that I am outta there, notably, I've heard about the famous Dex/Agi build who really seems do the job much better, but I did not tested it so...
  15. ... I'm scared of asking, but I'm sorry, what ? What are you talking about ? Ah, so Future Past is annoying to you of too, good. One more point for you in my book, senpai.
  16. I honestly dunno which one I prefer. Apocalypse sounds much cooler, but FINAL is... well, it's the supposed to be the final of IV, no ? i just discovered something, according to the wikia, Nanashi's initial design was much older and cooler, with his left arm fully covered (Robotic maybe ?). and with glasses. Badass ! With glasses ! How can people told themselves 'Oh no ! A 15 years old boy with a green, overdesigned jumpsuit, a crappy haircut and huge lips will make a much better protag !', especially in a SMT game, is beyong my, obviously limited, understanding. Meh. :p
  17. Ah, so it was true ? The only thing I did get was that finally could (finally) make screenshots. And cheat codes, but I'm not really interested into that. Man, just how many things can you do ? Oh, and hail Undertale.
  18. Both ? Imo it just bad writing wrapped hidden in a pretty package, he does look realistic, after all, why shouldn't he be cold to this so called brother/sister of his coming from Nohr (Which, btw, the writers didn't do jack about it.)? Plus, there is this lack of confidence, middle child syndrom, that's interesting. But they went overboard with it and make him into a complete and idiotic jerk and going as far as doing... what he did in Conquest and vilifying him for hating Kamui, despite actually having the right to do so. No matter which angle I look at him, at him, he is badly written. Really, it's more like #blamewriting than #blametakumi. I feel bad for you, blah, for looking at his failures as a prince. Many other FE-Lords would facepalm at him.
  19. There is so many memes to give to answer this question, I just don't know which to choose.
  20. Alright, I'm game. Meanwhile, in my dreams, where the third path is actually a neutral path, about giving both kingdom the Dragon-D... -Manakete Person of mysterious origins with the ability to transform into a dragon. A - B Level 1 - Boon: Unit's and allies within two tiles recover 10% of their HP at the start of their turns, and recovers statues. Inspired by PoR and RD obviously, though I'm half tempted to make it a personal skill, or modify it, as it could screw up some strategy big time, the HP regen notably. Level 10 - Sword Beam: Weapons with 1 attack range become 1-2 range. Yep, a reference to Hasha no Tsurugi. A skill that make both weapons closers. Dragon Lord Manakete of high rank. Fully master both of their forms. S - A Level 5 - Dragonskin: User’s weaknesses are nullified. Negates Poison and status reduction effects. Yeah, it's not the same as the ennemies. :p Level 15 - Ignis : Skill% chance of adding half the user’s Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magical weapon) as damage. Again, a skill that make both weapons closer. Nohr Prince(ss) ? What's that ? Dunno what you are talking about, I like to think that when you start a path, you gain a new class, yes, this post mainly works on wish fulfilment, and I'm perfectly okay with that. Try to think that... -There's more than three dragonstones. -That they are not all 1-ranged weapons. -The third path is actually about being neutral, having the odds against you, and acting like the freaking dragon that you are. -That those two classes doesn't have a crappy magic growth, and that some stones do physical damage. Huh, that's a fun topic, lot of interesting things in there.
  21. Don't buy it. It will be bad, bad writing, bad characters, bad NPCs, bad retcon, bad everything. And there will be ton of money grab. We both know it's true. You don't need hope my friend, it will only brings you despair. Or try to grab it for cheap. Seriously, 60 dollars ? I'm not sure what it is in euros, but I think that's too much for a bioware game, and too much to DAI itself.
  22. Huh, I exagerated when I said 'in any way'. My bad. I meant by that... I did not see much people favoring it much. I'm as eloquent as ever, eh. Hoshido is damned by faint praise... I'm curious about all the possible snark that could come out of your mouth, blah. :p Eh, ME2 isn't the most mindblowing, I though it was actually interesting, especially compared to future games. CoughDAICough... I never did get all the hype that Mass Effect ever had, heck, all the hype Bioware got because of it.
  23. You are starting to see the darkness... ahfu... fufufu. I like this chapter actually... gameplay wise of course, like eclipse said, there's a lot things you can do with clones, and it's interesting imo. Plus precious XP is very precious. I don't like speaking of everyone, but I think I can safely say that we're not favoring Nohr in any way. Judging by all the jokes around there. :p
  24. He's not even worthy enough to do a Sigurd cosplay ! I... guess so ? They mention that he embody the traits of Samurai, which are supposed to be the japanese equivalent of knights, and since we're in a pretty much 'idealized' universe of medieval-fantasy, the honor, kindess, Lawful Good trait should be more or less be more present. Sooo... since he embody Samurai traits... that Bushido must be there ? ... If it was D&D, Ryouma would not only be very incompetent, but he would've already lost his class.
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