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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I buy my fiance underwear more often than he buys it for himself, so I feel like I can answer this question in a way! (New undies are always on his Christmas list.) He swears by boxer briefs. Looks damn good in them too.
  2. Haha, that's funny, I think you mentioned that to me during my interview too when I was complaining about the maps in Echoes. (I was saying that I hate big empty spaces between my team and the enemy cause spending several turns getting to them is a pain in the butt.) I'm still gonna try Genealogy eventually since I want to complete all the games in the series except FE 1-3. With your warning, I'll be mentally prepared for a bit of boredom! I have yet to play a Fire Emblem game that I actually dislike as a whole, so hopefully that doesn't change! Fingers crossed.
  3. WHAT. Oh my god, how did I not know this? This whole time I thought the weaker stat was targeted only when the enemy initiates from a distance. I have a +10 Corrin and I didn't know this. Well, I feel like a big ol' idiot now... Me too! I rarely initiate combat with Corrin, so I guess that's why I didn't notice either! Hahaha.
  4. Gotta agree with you here. Worst map EVER. It took me like, a week to get through it because I kept getting bored and putting the game down. I was trying to keep as many enemies alive as possible, so the enemy phase took a million freakin' years. Omg, yes! I recently played through Shadow Dragon and just started New Mystery. Those reinforcement tile things scare the hell out of me. There was a map in SD that pissed me off a lot because Abel was my main front-line guy, and one of the same-turn reinforcements had a Ridersbane. (It felt like they never ended too!)
  5. Hahaha, I am so guilty of this... It's a weird habit I picked up, and I don't know why I do it! I am slightly amused by the unnecessary comma in the title.
  6. @mampfoid What a beautiful Shiro! Looking at his stats, he seems pretty similar to Bike, so I think he'll make great use of his new A skill! Speaking of allergies, I'm pretty sure I don't have any.
  7. Arena Team: Laslow+10, F-Corrin+10, B-Ike+10, and L-Ephraim+1. Ephraim did absolutely nothing. I was too nervous about his lower defensive stats (mine is -Def) to let him enter combat even once. Haha. Maybe he'll get a kill next week! I miss using Alm as my bonus unit.
  8. Current Results: Arena: 5130 - Rank 1363/5754 Arena Assault: 5180 - Rank 1214
  9. Free summon was 5* Olivia. Sweet, free merge! That's my second 5* free summon in a row. Lucky~!
  10. Umm... I have no idea who this guy is, but I watched the whole video... Oh dear, he reminds me of those "red pill" guys on reddit. Please get a new hero. This guy has a toxic mentality, and the stuff he is saying about women is simply not true.
  11. 102. I started playing New Mystery last night! Really like it so far.
  12. Ones that come to mind: Endgame Takumi. Man, that map was tough as hell. Another Conquest Endgame mention: The guy with the Hexing Rod. Ashnard took me foreeeeeever to beat. The game itself was pretty easy, but the final boss was tough since only Ike could damage him. The dude with a Halberd who comes out of the fog and ruins Seth's day in the spider chapter of SS. Everything in the first few chapters of Awakening Lunatic. Especially Chapter 2. That map still gives me nightmares. I agree with the above poster who mentioned that Shadow Dragon boss. I just recently beat this game, but I'm terrible at remembering names. I found that a few of the early game bosses were a pain in the butt, but one stood out because I couldn't beat him deathless without landing a crit. He was speedy and had a ranged weapon. That must be him. I can't think of any bosses or enemies in FE7, FE10, and FE15 that gave me a lot of trouble. I'm sure there were some, just not at the top of my head.
  13. FYI: Most of the world uses the DD/MM/YYYY format. --- @Gebby 1. What three words best describe you? 2. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 3. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 4. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 5. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  14. Move on? Sometimes you can believe with all your heart that you will fulfill a promise to someone, but life just gets in the way. It happens. It's not something that really bothers me anymore. If someone repeatedly does it, I don't hold it against them. I just make a mental note to myself that they might not fulfill their promises in the future. Who knows, maybe they have issues that I don't know about.
  15. Noooooo, the curse is back! My condolences. You truly have a "gift". I wonder if IS will ever add the option to pay some sort of currency to neutralize natures. That would be so awesome.
  16. This one was fun. I gave it a go using 2 of my arena core dudes + Olivia and Alfie (for the Zephiel kill) and that worked. I probably didn't really need a dancer, though, since she didn't do much (reposition probably would have worked fine). My clear:
  17. Aww, that makes me happy! Thanks for picking my Corrin, guys. Tiki and Caeda have been great.
  18. Thanks! Oooooh, that's awesome! I really like Chrom, but I'll have to catch him another time. Same here. Twinsies!
  19. It's been a while since this happened to me... This was my free summon: My plan was to pull on this banner until I got one of the focus characters. So, uh, I guess the game is telling me to hold on to my 97 orbs. Sweet!
  20. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's garbage. 57
  21. Done clearing the Blessed Gardens and Weekly Rival Domains maps. That was a lot of fun. They did a good job with the new update.
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