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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Ah, okay Iris. Uh, I'm finding SB scummy too, which is why my vote is there right now. I've made my opinions about Manix pretty clear I think, so I didn't really see a reason to vote for him. I find Manix scummier, true, but I don't think voting for him right now will accomplish anything. Of course, one could say that voting for SB isn't accomplishing anything either, so eh... ATM, my scumreads go Manix > SB > Scorri. Also, Iris, I don't think that scum!Manix means Prims is town. IIRC, in BCM, Manix argued with Shinori near the beginning (though not nearly to the extent he is going after Prims) and in Xeno, scum!Prims bussed Core pretty thoroughly, right from the start.
  2. Your turn in FE7 Anonymous Clipsey!

  3. Lol, I got ninja'd okay. Also, I'd request everyone to send me a list of their picks if they know their times generally clash, or if they're not on a lot.
  4. Okay, if Nuxl doesn't pick soon I'm going to RNG a pick for him, because this drafting process has been going really slowly. Most of the other Anonymous drafts are done drafting and they were all put up after this one.
  5. Iris, I think I missed one of your posts. Can you repost what it is that I'm ignoring?
  6. Except I don't know your alignment and you're not making yourself look townie right now. And if you're looking scummy, why can't I try and push a lynch on you? I'm not pushing it any more than you've been pushing the Prims lynch, after all. SO if he's town he could say this exact same thing of you. If you find me suspicious, give something more than what is basically an OMGUS.
  7. Prologue: 2/2 Chapter 1: 5/7
  8. You're finding Prims's posts scummy? Literally your only point against him has been low contribution. And, in fact, it was first placed for low contribution during D1 (which never got past RVS in the time that he was there). And when I said "activity" I meant contribution as well. Take SB. He has more posts than Prims, but he's said far less. Except, not a single one of your posts has even MENTIONED SB. tl dr; You're going after Prims for a shitty reason that is more applicable to people you've never even mentioned.
  9. So if there are people with EVEN LESS activity than Prims, and that is one of your only reasons for voting for him, shouldn't you be voting for THOSE people, and not Prims? Also, Iris, the post you quoted was by Shinori, not SB.
  10. The latter. Shields that boost the same defensive stat don't stack with each other. So a Wood Shield and a Magic Shield will give you +4 DEF and +7 RES, but two Wood Shields will just give you +4 DEF for 8 hits instead of 4.
  11. This makes no sense because we don't lynch the people who're not contributing the most, we lynch the people who're contributing the least. Otherwise almost everyone would be scum.
  12. Hey Nuxl, it's your turn in FE7 Anonymous

  13. Oops, I'll edit that in. I thought something seemed off.. Map Encounter 3: 3/93 STILL on the way to C11, didn't think I'd get another encounter... Narron is level 9. Fought in Taurus. Map 11: 16/109 Eh, I guess I improved by one turn. It was actually surprisingly difficult to get Narron that last kill because it was inside and the majority of the enemies were fought at a chokepoint. But he got it near the end. Ezekiel also promoted near the beginning.
  14. Chapter 10: 9/80 Map Encounter 1: 3/83 On the way to Wellt. Fought on the Bridge, but it was the one where you start at the end of the bridge and not the beginning. ALSO GOT NARRON Map Encounter 2: 7/90 On the way to C11, fought in Verje. Got Narron to level 6, and he also got a couple STR procs. I might even be able to promote him mid C11.
  15. Probably, yeah. That way the fourth guy has a flier. And honestly, her SPD is bad enough that she's most likely inferior to Heath/Farina and probably Fiora too. She'll save turns in C13, but other than that she's got nothing that'll shave turns over the others. And curses, Refa is 1 turn ahead of me!
  16. Ok, I think Scorri is looking a bit better, while Manix is looking even worse. I'd put my vote back on him, but I think 4 votes is enough for now. While SB is generally inactive, some of the stuff he's said is starting to seem weird. ##Unvote, ##Vote: SB
  17. Map 9: 11/71 I improved my strategy a bit here, but I lost my CHARM. Oh well. Also Raffin got 3 STR and 2 AGI in this chapter. I'm very proud of him.
  18. -4 penalty for CR, soz. PKL (461) CR-S01 (427) Nano (382) Quintessence (381) Vicious Sal (104) Nano takes 3rd place.
  19. There are more strategies of playing as scum than just active lurking, SB. That's not very good reasoning. For an example of active and attention-drawing scum, look at Prims in Draft Minimafia. Or, for that matter, me in SFM (although that was more due to bad play).
  20. My post was at like the exact same minute as Paper's... Shinori even made a post directly after commenting that we posted at nearly the exact same time. >_> And no, my vote against Scorri was based on a reread of the thread, of events mostly before my prodvote against Marth. I have kind of a null read on SB. From the couple games he's played in, he tends to be inactive and sort of disinterested whether he's town or whether he's scum. And hey, Rapier's playing. Didn't know that either.
  22. Oh, I just realized that my vote change wasn't bolded. Let me correct that. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Scorri
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