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Everything posted by BBM

  1. who was the info role who revealed you as ScumBee
  2. in persuasion > towniness > accuracy
  3. Ana are you like living in a different world than us? I don't agree with supporting trump but at least I can see the perspectives of some people who do. But how can you expect Trump to be a less radical person than Obama? This dude is so controversial that people from his own party literally created a large movement to deny him the nomination. How can you get surprised that there is a person somewhere out there in the world who does not like Trump? Do you think people get elected 100-0? Hillary has done some dumb stuff. The fact is that she's been in politics for so long, in such high-profile positions, that her mistakes are pretty well-known. Yeah, she's lied about stuff. Politicians as liars is literally the oldest and most common stereotype about politicians- she wasn't the first politician to lie and she won't be the last. She mishandled emails and should have shown better judgement than to use her personal email account for important stuff. You're right that that's a crime. But it's such a ridiculously irrelevant thing. This stuff (not counting Benghazi) is so dumb; how can anyone even compare it to some of the things that Trump has proposed? Deporting over 10 million!!! people? Bombing countless civilians to get to terrorists hiding there? And if you think those are all jokes- on what basis are you supporting him if you think half of his platform is just jokes? If you want to focus on stuff he's actually done- what about hiring illegal immigrants and not paying them? This is something he was judged guilty of by a federal judge by the way, although it was ultimately settled out of court. Not paying contractors and small businesses (the average hard-working American!) hundreds of thousands of dollars and causing them to go out of business because of it? His LAWYERS sued him after representing him because he wouldn't pay their fees- but sure, he just drives a hard bargain. Hillary messed up in Benghazi, but you know what? She took the blame. Has Trump ever taken the blame for any of his mistakes? Also- when you're the owner or head of a company or organization, if they screw up, that means you screwed up. Your companies are you- the fact that you share the blame in their screwups goes along with you being able to take credit in their victories. The Volkswagen CEO resigned after that emissions scandal happened- it didn't matter whether or not he knew about how his engineers were rigging the tests (although he probably did). He got fat bonuses when Volkswagen did well even though technically speaking it was the people working for him who were creating the good times. The lightning analogy is a bad one. The owner isn't responsible for the lightning- Trump is responsible for his associates.
  4. I can't remember what happened in this game but according to the OP I was town and all the anti-towns died in 4 phases YEAH
  5. sebastian giovinco jozy altidore was able to lead Toronto FC to the playoffs for the first time ever so let's just call it a win-win trade
  6. kind of cheering for Portugal to win just bc it would be hilarious for Ronaldo to win the Euros with a mediocre national team while Messi can't win anything with a good one but I, like Portugal, am a cunt
  7. I want Portugal to be terrible and still somehow eke out every win just for kicks
  8. The main things you want to pass him are either pursuit, or, if you can give him the pursuit ring, a bunch of skills. He's mounted and has minor Hezul so he's going to be pretty decent regardless.
  9. gg I specifically read the rules before I made that post to check if the rule existed and missed it The roles probably would have been balanced without scorri, but the roles being balanced isn't the same thing as the game being balanced. I feel like your strategy of combating the townsidedness of OC was to sow distrust and uncertainty, like by having two couriers solely to fuck with each other, and generally all that stuff still makes it lean towards the mafia. I think there are better ways than that to make town leaders ineffective. Also, generally speaking, I don't think bastard games are fun for anyone but the mod.
  10. Actually, let me correct myself- the town and mafia roles in this game didn't make it scumsided. Scorri's role / the game being bastard made it scumsided. Bastard games are inherently scumsided because if you don't tell the town it's bastard then town messes up (like this game) and if you tell the town it's bastard then they overthink everything even if the roles in the game aren't actually that bastard (like conspiracy) and that results in town messing up. Chaos and uncertainty naturally benefits the mafia because they're organized and informed and therefore affected less by it. @Ken- The reason I'm offering my opinion is bc I have an outside perspective and therefore can cut through all the bullshit of this game and offer an unbiased opinion. Also, I'm not telling you this because I think you should be banned from games; I'm telling you this because you clearly care about mafia and so it's good if you improve and realize what you did wrong. There's a reason why even though Refa/Blitz objectively fucked up a lot worse than you did, people are more annoyed at you than them. Take that as you will.
  11. Ken, your attitude is pretty wrong. I don't really know what went on in this game, but know when to lie and when not to lie. And especially in an OC game where you can speak to people privately, if you're going to start telling a lot of lies as town, you have to keep one person whom you trust, to whom you're telling the truth, so that they can back you up. Looking at this game from the outside, you should have been obvtown as fuck but somehow you got all the townies to think you were scum. Yeah, they screwed up, but recognize that your lies created a situation where people didn't trust you. Also, of course you knew Gaius was scum; you were in a 1v1 with him! The rest of the town didn't have the same knowledge you did. Mafia is a team game. You don't get points for being right if you couldn't see the game from the perspective of the other townies and couldn't convince them. general thoughts: 1) Don't lynch outside a 1v1; especially if you have a vig on standby to shoot the other person if you're wrong. 2) SB and kirsche both staying alive so long in a game where half the players were new should have set off alarm bells. 3) Perma-OC silence is the worst modifier ever and served no real purpose. 4) This game should have been identified as bastard, or at the least, a rule should have been in place about not being able to trust role PM results. 5) Elie, you overcorrected for the inherent townsidedness of OC, by a lot. (This game was pretty scumsided) 6) People just overthought everything. EG: An ITP with killing abilities isn't realistic in a 13p game.
  12. I was referring to the EFSM, not the Greece bailout, although that's probably a better point as to why bringing up bailouts is dumb.
  13. Pretty much most of the EU-relationship with Britain was good for the UK, especially since the UK didn't even have to switch to the Euro. But people don't always think in terms of what's good for the country; a lot of times they think about what's good for themselves. Immigrants were a net positive for Britain, often taking the low-wage jobs, but if you're someone without a lot of education who can only get those low-wage jobs, is it surprising you think the immigrants were stealing jobs? It's also easy to get wrapped up in the lies when the media say they're going to unbiased and "fair" and present both sides of the argument equally even when one of those sides is partially made up of blatant lies. People are talking about how the EU placed a lot of policymaking pressure on Britain- no shit they did! Not every country is the US; not every country can be the clear power in every deal it makes and can get their way no matter what. You have to give up some stuff to get some stuff. And by the way, the EU isn't some nebulous overlord; it's comprised of its members. Britain, as one of the more powerful members of the EU, had a significant impact on the EU's economic and social policy decision-making. Now they don't, and especially on the economic front, now they have to take whatever the EU tells them. People arguing in favour of Brexit- would you rather have Switzerland's trade agreements with the EU? And on the topic of bailouts- I couldn't find the source for this again when I looked for it, but the UK lost more from the post-Brexit crash than it has ever given out in bailout funds combined. But yeah that's just a short-term consequence with no long-term impacts...
  14. man I totally forgot about SILENT SWORDSMAN I did think you were scum Refa, but for other reasons.
  15. 1. Sceptile 2. Grovyle 3. Treecko no regrets I would just like the scum to know that they were all super obvious in LYLO what's that you say I went 1.5/3 before I was informed SHHHHHHHHH
  16. Sure, mile/feet are shorter, but like... the entire point of the metric system is that everything has a set prefix that tells you the relative size regardless of what quantity you're talking about. I know a 1000 metres is a kilometre, and a 1000 watts is a kilowatt and so on. It's actually easier to remember things in the metric system than the imperial system, because you just need to know the base units and the prefixes. You only think otherwise because you're used to the imperial system...
  17. the arguments for imperial are basically "that's what I'm used to" and "durr I can't handle anything longer than 1 syllable" metric is actually so much simpler, especially for converting from one size in a particular dimension to another, like just knowing that a kilometre is 1000 metres and not having to remember that a mile is 5280 feet. Also, for anything other than time/length/mass, imperial is pretty unintuitive. How many people even have an idea of what a calorie or a BTU represents?
  18. Gaius if shin is still voting for eclipse, do tou still want to lynch crysta?
  19. I can understand that Blitz asking random questions is like his scum meta but he has literally one non-joke post which is why comparing it is a crapshoot. My point to you and marth was that a lsrge part of your prims case and marths eclipse case was based on people not playing rvs 'the correct way' and using that for a case after rvs is over is kind of weak.
  20. I can see the crysta case but what I cant see is shin actually voting for crysta i any of his posts. His iso says he's still voting eclipse but the votals say he's voting crysta???
  21. Shit I totally forgot that phase ended today. I won'thave time to read before then either and I have around one minute left in my lunch break. I'll probably bw around to vote though. I'm not down for lynching Gaius, I'll vote blitz or eclipse to consolidate, but blitz is a total crapshoot and I think eclipse is more likely to be town than scum.
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