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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Excellen wasn't ITP; only Haze was ITP in that game. Also I'm pretty sure a lot of people thought Excellen was scummy; I think he was a top-3 scumread in the thread and my #2 scumread after Elie IIRC.
  2. BBM

    The Well

    tbh I feel like someone probably told me your name at some point but I can't remember it so I'm just going to stick with KLAUS.
  3. I can't understand how people rationalized SB's role as town after a flipped Sidekick and Bodyguard. Sidekick/Bodyguard and Decoy fit together and Sidekick and Bodyguard fit together, but town having three redirecting roles in a 13p game would never happen. also, there were no roleclaims that would even screw over a mafia decoy. gj Refa though.
  4. BBM

    The Well

    @Kaoz- I asked that question pretty much expecting an asshole response. I expect asshole responses from you all the time actually. Also I think if I met Kaoz irl and he refused to tell me his name I'd probably just call him Klaus. It's German and close to Kaoz. I like how Boron specifically clarified she wanted people to pick one person and then they went ahead and picked multiple people anyways. Probably Paperblade for me. I feel like we'd find a bunch of stuff to do and talk about.
  5. BBM

    The Well

    Why did you choose to go to Spain to meet Vhaltz and Mitsuki and not to Canada to meet me???
  6. so I started again, King, Quick, Random map. Ended up being continents with Portugal above me, England below me, France to the right of Portugal and Asyria to the left of England. As seems to be a recurring theme due to me not making cities fast enough, I got forward settled and ended up with only one additional city. I built the Great Library in Delhi, which was probably not worth it but YOLO. I had pearls, so I got a religion pretty easily with Tears of the Gods and Hagia Sophia. (too lazy to rename Hinduism) and spread it entirely to France and partly to England. I also got the Great Mosque of Djenne and later the Colossus. Early on Portugal declared friendship, but then the turn after I made my second city they got mad and denounced me. England I knew didn't like me bc I was too close to them, so I was (slowly) building up my army amid the wonder-whoring. I was going to go for Portugal first with my War Elephant and Swordsman army because they had a much weaker army. But a few turns before, they declared war on me. I was like "whatever", and then the next turn, England and France both declared war on me. Not surprised about England but France took me by surprise. England has a lot of Longbowmen so this is going to be interesting. Not too worried about Portugal... we'll see about France.
  7. ffffff my computer froze so I shut it off bc I thought I had autosaves turned on. Apparently I didn't. I'm going to have to restart this game. >_> sigh tomorrow I'll continue maybe but that was a hit to my motivation.
  8. You don't need to do it now but drafting is finished, so we're starting since we have time.
  9. No, the fact that it got reverted to the old Tradition is what I meant wrt not implementing Tradition changes. The AIs went crazy and like 5 wars happened. Odo backstabbed Ethiopia and then denounced me like two turns after declaring friendship with me because why not. Ethiopia is holding out though. Odo's southern cities that are beside me have no units in them but my army isn't yet ready so I don't want to declare war. I made a second city but I took too long; Ethiopia and Japan's forward-settling removed most of the good land. I figure I'll just puppet Japan's cities. France declared friendship with me, but then attacked England, which caused England to denounce me... Then I finally met Portugal and Austria, who are both warmongering even though I thought they're generally peaceful? I was kind of not paying attention to the France vs Portugal/England/Austria war and then Portugal took Paris out of nowhere. Portugal and Austria must have bonded over their hatred of France I guess bc the next turn Portugal and Austria declared friendship. gg France; they've got one city left but yeah. I accidentally traded the last copy of a lux away and now I'm unhappy. sux. I completed Tradition and got 2 policies in Patronage. Building army. also ffff I forgot Elephants didn't need horses. They're too shitty now to be useful.
  10. I noticed that the Tradition changes haven't been implemented in the mod- is that intentional or did I screw up somewhere? EDIT: highlights of this game so far: I chose Random map and it ended up being Pangaea. Closest neighbours are England and Japan. In true form Japan has 4 cities each moving successively closer to me and is friendly with me. WAR IS COMING. Unfortunately I had no horses or I would have War Elephanted his ass up. Ethiopia was annoyed that I stole a worker from a city state but then a few turns later they declared friendship with me. I got kind of screwed because I missed both Great Library and Stonehenge by 2 turns... Somehow I'm first in Population despite having only one city atm. Population Growth ftw, at least until I set up more cities. Ethiopia declared friendship with Japan as well bc wynaut and I'm also sending a trade route to Japan, which will probably forestall the war a little bit... but I also need to get it going before Samurais.
  11. Do I have to redownload the mod if it got updated or does it auto-patch?
  12. I edited it in but forgot to post- I pick INDIA #represent #preparetogetnuked
  13. The mod is for BNW though, not just G&K. You can still play on G&K if you want though I guess. Anyways, AnonymousSpeed is up.
  14. Sorry for the double post- Friend 2 picks France. Shin is up.
  15. That sounds cool- we can look into it after the draft I guess. Friend 1 picks JAPAN
  16. What's a succession game? As for tag team, not sure if you mean like 2v2v2v2 but I still feel like multiplayer would be difficult to set up and I don't think we can do it with the mod?
  17. So as it happens, i got another friend to also join, so let's do 8 with a ghost slot. I randomized the order: 1. Ghost 2. Kai 3. Friend 1 4. Friend 2 5. Shin 6. AnonymousSpeed 7. Xekr 8. BBM I pick for the Ghost- Austria. Kai is next.
  18. Okay, I conscripted one of my friends to be a 5th. He isn't going to make an account, but he'll relay his pick to me and I'll post it. Should we go ahead and use a Ghost Drafter for the 6th slot like last time?
  19. Starting with FE4 is not really a good representative of the series as a whole. FE2, FE4, and FE5 are very different from the rest of the games; all three have features that aren't in any other game. The best way to describe FE6 and FE7 is probably... vanilla. The games before and after them (other than 1/3) all have more features. Having more features doesn't necessarily make them better though. Also, sometimes you get characters that on average will have a low stat but get lucky and end up with a high stat (or the opposite, where a character is unlucky and end up with a lower than normal stat). That's just how all FE games are. Lyn's Level 5 defence is around 3, on average.
  20. Well, that's 4 of us. Sharpy said that he was too busy to do so. I'm cool with playing the mod, but it sounds hard so I'll maybe play on a lower difficulty idk. We can wait a while for more signups or have TWO ghost drafters?
  21. Bumping this thread; maybe hosting another round of the draft if anyone is still up for it? http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=49978&p=4141647
  22. let me try PMing the people who signed up last time I guess Also, I think this time we skip the ban round, but all 12 civs that were banned/picked last time around are pre-banned.
  23. my response to this: [12/19/2015 6:18:39 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: see, the problem with RNGing unless you explicitly say it's RNGed is eclipse's thing about no scum stumps [12/19/2015 6:18:59 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: where the logic is wrong but it ends up being correct anyways [12/19/2015 6:19:05 PM] SB: yeah [12/19/2015 6:19:19 PM] SB: i probably should have been more explicit about it in the rules [12/19/2015 6:19:26 PM] SB: but i hinted about it in "dont rolespec this" [12/19/2015 6:19:30 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: IMO it's better to purposely distribute it so that spec will fail [12/19/2015 6:19:42 PM] SB: if i did that i would've done [12/19/2015 6:19:45 PM] Rohan Kulkarni: everyone says "don't rolespec this" at this point I was kind of annoyed that I got lynched when I wasn't around to defend myself but w/e, gj Ocean!
  24. is anyone still up for Round 2? Round 2! 1. We're playing for fun; so turn counts don't matter. 2. All victories are allowed, except for Time because it's lame. 3. We start in Ancient Era. Random map type, Standard size (8p), whatever pace and difficulty level you want. Using Acken's mod is recommended but not required. 4. There is a ban list, below the rules, based on the 12 civs that were banned/picked in Round 1. People pick in an order that will be randomized upon the start of the draft. 5. Set all the AI civs to the civs that the other people picked. 6. Have fun! Ban List: Players: 1. Ghost - Austria 2. HF Makalov Fanboy Kai - England 3. Friend 1 - Japan 4. Friend 2 - France 5. Shin - Portugal 6. AnonymousSpeed - Ethiopia 7. Xekr - Assyria 8. BBM - India
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