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Everything posted by Psych

  1. We have a Ragnall ban on Ike, maybe a Rexflame ban when on Calill
  2. golden sun 4 on 3ds or remake 1+2 and ship them as one package
  3. bingo I am a little pissed the patch notes don't talk about LIssandra and that she won't be out till 4.8 though
  4. Psych

    Golden Sun

    If you talk to the residents of Belinsk in the Epilogue they mention how they now have light powers. Dark psynegy is revealed by Blados and Chalid so having Dark adepts in the party might not happen but who knows. They do talk about there being ancient people before the surpressing of alchemy who made the machines, but why you don't see them during GS is not mentioned. Presumably they were inaccessible by mountains before the Golden Sun event. Since they wanted to mirror the first two games, I'm willing to bet the second game will open with a Nowell part like how Lost Age did with Jenna. That would let them show Piers or even Mia, but as for the others, idk. Jenna and Ivan could show up in Tolbi or Kalay but honest I don't think they would should Felix and Sheba if they have to. Sheba is hardly mentioned. Also I don't know if you'd even fight Alex. DD sets things up for the High Empyeror and the Tuaparagn as well as another sup set after the last two arcana so you'll at least fight those three. It might be like Lost Age where you don't fight Alex but he could end up dying somehow idk
  5. Psych

    Golden Sun

    Honestly yeah the party for DD did run a bit bland in terms of combat. Matthew is too good not to use with the Sol Blade, and while Sveta is good, I personally flip between using her or not just because I don't like the Djinn form thing. You basically never got Rief since Amiti came an hour after getting him and was just more interesting and better especially since Rief is supposed to play the Healer and is just considered redundant due to Amiti's Ply, Matthew's Cure, and the idea to give Karis a weaker Wish at level 8 before you may even meet Rief. Eoleo and Tyrell are basically copies and I don't really like Mars adepts except Jenna since her being a Mage is a lot more interesting. Himi's really fragile but Miko and Curse Mage are interesting. I just wish she had a bit more AoE damage spells in Curse Mage, since status effects basically become useless when you can kill normal enemies fast and they don't affect bosses. The first time I played through GS and LA I did mono-type classes so I'm gonna be looking forward to trying them with other classes. Did I mention I hate Rief and use him to permanently warm my bench?
  6. Psych

    Golden Sun

    Actually if there was a 4th Golden Sun, I'd actually say none of the second adepts from DD would be in the party. Nowell and Takeru would likely be your Venus + Mercury adepts, but I want Himi back if only cause a mage Venus is cool. And I kind of want a mage Mars like Jenna, but I'm hoping for some sort of Proxian dragon that plays like Sveta did with the transformation. That would be really cool. And I'd actually wager for it to be a party of 12, 2 for each element and 2 Light and 2 Dark.
  7. I was feeling nostalgic and just finished a run of Dark Dawn and decided to go back and do a GS1 transfer to Lost Age so i'm working on that right now. Just kind of wanted a little discussion and to see what people were thinking. Is a fourth game ever coming? Let's also talk about how DD was disappointing.
  8. HAHAHA 1780 HOW CUTE I've spent that just the past week for SKT Zyra, Braum's package with his skin, BQ Lissandra, and I gifted SKT Vayne to a friend
  9. You can buy Second Seals later on if you beat on of the children's paralogues? Same with Master Seals. You can reclass enough that you can just level over again and not need stat boosters really.
  10. His leaning phase seems pretty shit without Lucian
  11. I volunteer for FE4, since I feel more comfortable through that game. The only thing I'd wonder about is if we keep generations separate
  12. Psych

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I WANT TO HOST A GAME BUT THAT MAFIA QUEUE IS SO LONG AND TAKES FOREVER! WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOO??? I was gonna make this post like an infomercial but I got lazy I still wanna host I mean who doesn't want a psych game There are 10 large games in the queue and 13 small games. I'm going to say large games average about 3 weeks while small games take 2 weeks since that seems about what they take. That's close to 7 months if you submit a large game till you will actually be able to host and close to 6 months if you want to host a small game. Sure, some games don't last that long, but I think something should be done to this insanely long wait time. I always have a couple cool ideas floating around and feel like hosting a game for a month or so, but then 6 months later I really don't feel like hosting since it's been so long.
  13. Espinos this sounds stupid but could you include the Replacement Children for FE4? IDK someone might want them Also I think nerfing skils individually would be better. For example, what does Impale have over Luna? I don't feel like doing the math but they seem basically the same. Stuff like Corona and Flare could also be changed to help make classes better since if we agree on a change it could allow us to buff Mages or other classes to be more viable.
  14. Psych

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    eh i don't really care, I mean I trust paperblade and prims and whoever else also i haven't played that often to feel like I get an opinion so
  15. Now just ban Maokai, Fizz, and Evelynn and I can play in peace
  16. Eh I felt like the dual-worlds thing happens in the middle enough that it's still a good plot twist and keeps you interested in stuff, and then the switch to summoning spirits keeps things from being boring. Plus you have the constant knowledge that there's a second disk so you know there's more to the game at any point. Honestly the disk change feels like it happens at 75% rather than the half way point. Another part may have to do with the fact that I like the combat styles of several people in Symphonia. I'll play as either Collette or Genis but I switch to Sheena when I have her since she's by far my favorite. Her summons are cool too, and the fact the game forces some Lloyd fights helps too. Vesperia I really only play Rita. Raven is interesting but his style is hard for me to get into as the range/melee ends up being more of a hassle than a boon. Yuri's isn't as fun as Lloyd's even if it mimics him, and since Rita rarely leaves the party for fights I am usually always her or Yuri.
  17. Vesperia is pretty cheesy. It mimics the whole Shonen anime style of a group of friends making a team and fighting evil with a princess and saving the world thing, but at the same time I liked it mostly because while it seemed similar to the other games, the style and look felt very fresh especially with graphics. The characters are pretty archetypical though Karol, Raven, and Judith do have some interesting sides at times. Honestly the second and third times I played though the plot did bore me heavily at least up to Barbos, but then after that it feels like a serious of "Go Here, Kill Boss" quests so not sure how I felt about that either. It's kind of a pick-up-once game whereas I can go back to Symphonia over and over and not get bored. So Vesperia won me for gameplay but Symphonia has me for plot. I would have I actually didn't really like Abyss? That may have been due to it being on 3DS and not getting the same multiplayer feeling, but I didn't really like the handheld part either or the need to learn all the skills just for basic things, though Vesperia was easier in that regard. A lot of the time it felt like I was lost since they hardly tell you anything about the Abyss plot until right as it happens, while the other two are much better and not keeping the player in the dark.
  18. The magic triangle mimics the weapon triangle. Anime is Lances, Light is Swords, Dark is Axes. I just think they shouldn't have made Dark so heavy and maybe shifted some weight from Light onto Anima.
  19. Yeah now that I think about it that probably isn't great but I still want to do it. And yeah I mean prevent giving people scrolls to block crits, so that you can crit
  20. Anyone want to do a Max Stat FE5 battle? Only thing I think is we shouldn't give people scrolls for blocking crits I guess
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