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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Lolol why not. MTV slash? EDIT: Muarim, Tormod, Vika. See what I did there? Ohhhh I'm so magnificent.
  2. That's like, every other one of her lines. But yeah, Florina's cool. Miiiiiiiist. Oh, and Petting Zoo People is close enough to furry.
  3. Um... sure. If this keeps up, I'm going to become SF's designated furry. (now I just have to wait for this to be sigged) Florete!Ike?
  4. When did Fire Emblem go wrong? We need moar of this. Excalibur!Snacky.
  5. Didn't I make it clear that I'm not the troll everyone keeps mentioning? ._.

  6. Jill x Jill. Also, I really need to get around to the earlier games. WHO THE FUX IS ISHTAR DLFKHOASDKHRF lolninja.
  7. That one isn't nearly as clear-cut as the other ones. The real tier list has them as = right now. I'm aware of this. But surely Formshift has to mean SOMETHING, even if you do have laguz gems at that point. I figured godly units ready from turn one > godly units ready from turn two. Also, gems are limited; Reyson, Ena and Kurth all want them too, and all of a sudden the unit who doesn't use up your precious gems becomes much more appealing. Vigor doesn't factor either, because the one attack on turn one for Giffca could be two attacks on turn one for Cain instead. It's not clear-cut, no, but there's a difference there. Perhaps I should take this up on the proper tier list thread...
  8. Nobody else is competing for the Arms Scrolls or the three magic swords, as far as I can tell. She's the most awesome glass cannon I've ever used, she can heal, and she gets a pony when she promotes. Lol @ burden. Little concrete durability =/= burden. One, she doesn't need babying. She needs protection. Like pretty much every healer before her. Two, she has magic swords; with far higher might than most tomes. I don't see what the problem is.
  9. Oscar < Titania Caineghis > Giffca Ranulf < Volug Sort out your = rubbish first, then add the missing units, and fix your Callil and Kurthanga typos. Then we can worry about fixing the list itself.
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