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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Go to hell, and I suppose Happy Birthday while you're at it.

  2. PvP = No exp according to the rules before I left That, and you technically didn't win, I just gave you the victory since I pitied you :P
  3. XD Ah right, don't think I saw such a post but I suppose it's completely plausible, Funny how he left right after I did, I mean I figured he'd be overjoyed at my departure >_>
  4. It's been awhile since I took a look around this RP, all I can say at present is, "How long do you people want to take to just pass through some bloody gate?" XD All good though, gives me something to read :P That aside, I was wondering what happened to Sabla? I was sure that before my departure she was going to end up following the group, but I doubt anyone's picked her up as their own, (not in chapter3 at least, just finished reading it) did she get killed or deposited somewhere?
  5. Ni hao lowly peasants :P Just decided to drop by for a few minutes, it's up to you lot but you could kind of phase characters out with new ones. Eg: Rayton and Chase are both archers, so you could write it up something like: Chase sighed to himself, he'd been suspicious of the group at first, but he felt he could trust them a bit more now, making up his mind he walked over to Bob and revealed his identity as Chase, a (wanted criminal, renown mercenary, male prostitute, whatever) Doing it too often would be ridiculous, but seeing as how onefate and myself won't be returning to this RP, it's better then forcing a character to lurk in the shadows tailing you forever. Also, 1 4band0ned j00? And I proposed a system where the last poster does your roles, and you follow it up, hence doing your own battles, not my fault >_>
  6. Hmm, due to several complaints and complications I've decided to withdraw temporarily from this RP. (Possibly permanently) Under normal circumstances I wouldn't give a "flea's uber cute kid" what others think, but added on to my personal opinions have concluded it would be best for me to withdraw. Since Reika posses the Crimson Daggers, I give full permission to Snowy to kill the character off at whatever point he see's fit. As I believe they will important to the plot, Dalton and Jones, can either be killed or just disappear. Sabla... well I had interesting plans for her but I guess they'll never come to fruition. I apologize for the sudden withdrawal, and wish the RP good luck.
  7. Looking at the CW spread, _____'s been an active Rp'er and since Kelas doesn't have a CW I don't see why not, there are parts where Kelas's activity is questionable at time, but it's mainly cause she doesn't really have people she wants to immediately react with (Possibly Rayton now). If you want a CW though, I'd either post the profile now, or have Snowy save a weapon for you, since while unlikely, it could be taken when you want it.
  8. Nyii, tough one, I know Snowy's approved it, but Kai's point is more then valid, I know Phoenix is a competent writer due to his fiction work but his activity is lacking by a great deal, even before the vacation. Might just be time zones but Irina's prominence is below that of Ian/Mark, and her mentioning an uncle is all that really makes her important. I guess the rule is ~2characters max ~Additional characters are allowed if you can manage the two well. But not too happy with some of the RP'ers, mainly Mike for abandoning us XD but I suppose that sentiment rings true for me too XD
  9. *Is Pro-Hatred* Hmm, I'm going to disagree with Cynthia, I can't really see us having a goal, it's not like the demon lords actually appear, and it's just a select few wanting to put the CW under their supervision (Morgan/Damian/Irina) other then that it feels to me like the group has no clear motive, I mean what are we supposed to be doing now?
  10. Not in the intro, and the idea of a demon sealing weapon healing people is a bit wtf, but considering how they're apparently not evil weapons, I suppose it's plausible, I doubt it though.
  11. Sabla looked Kelas up and down, then turned away as if she hadn't ever heard Kelas speak. Clearly uninterested in the Nomad, she watched as the townfolk fled the encampment, she felt she should leave too, after all, the Shaman had said "all" and she was technically apart of the townsfolk that had fled. Sabla watched as a few returned to collect the unconscious, the shamaness seemed to be glaring at them but she'd probably spare them as long as they left immediately after collecting the ones which were out cold. She latched herself onto Helios and peered up at him, "Do I have to leave too?"
  12. We should really take this to Feedback but meh XD Ooc: See previous post since I changed it a bit. What your describing sounds like a rebellion, but if that's your definition then I could call it a brawl, I generally see "riot" as when a group of people unite against someone they disagree with in a physical form. Since their target is just Morgan, and probably Rayton now, your numbers aren't that great. (Others haven't joined in yet) I could have called it a brawl, but it didn't sound right. They were just asked to leave the camp, true, but why should they? Would you take orders from a complete stranger? I mean, they're not in town, but still near it, and they probably have more right to land then Morgan does, camp? Well we've explained it's a shoddy camp, but considering the pace at which Damian fled, and how everyone else was more worried about saving people then equipment, it's a bit hard calling it a camp. And again commenting on what just came to mind, lets say they're injured, tired and poisoned. That's fine. But Morgan asked "all of you" to leave. Including the unconscious who can't move. They might not be best friends but in their weakened condition do you really think they'll drag their townsmen through the night? As mentioned prior it'd be suicide, so fighting Morgan isn't too different from listening to her. Morgan: Leave Option1: Fight Morgan and die Option2: Fight nature and die Conclusion, not much difference EDIT: Hmm, my actual goal this time isn't actually to cause trouble for Morgan+co, but to make the townsfolk leave the camp, or more precisely leave the group. And frankly I didn't feel as if Morgans commands were strong enough to make them listen and leave. If they don't leave, then I need to think of another way to get rid of them (another attack, and frankly I don't want to make another one) As I said earlier, Damians not exactly capable of transporting people considering what supplies he has, and 12 extra people is alot, the mercs could pay for themselves, but the townsfolk... well they're rural farmers their main asset is their land. If someone else wants to think of a plausible way to make them leave go ahead, I was going to wait for something along the line of what Rayton did (A warning shot) and make them all flee into the dark. Alternatively Morgan killing one of them would have worked just as well, if not better XD
  13. OOC only posts ftw! OoC: Hmm I'd counter your "they're unconscious" with then why are you (bar Damian) all conscious? And with the armored factor, again using a RL example, people riots (in numbers I admit) against armored (usually) police officers all the time. Usually when in protest against the government. I don't have any issues with you playing the villagers, so do as you like, however rock throwing, and "pushing" are different. As you corrected me in the first one, the former you can do from a distance, and flee when they retaliate, Keep in mind your numbers aren't that great. Esphyr: Pretty much worse off then any villager Damian: Unconscious Aiya: Off in the woods Morgan: Available Irina: Somewhere Isotov: Non-existent yet Michael: Somewhere Helios: Available (I think) Mark: Not present Ian: Available (I think) Kelas: Nearby but if Sabla needs to get her, not visible Reika: Not present. Rayton Available So essentially it's just Morgan and Rayton in the camp with the possibility of Ian and Helios, Ian, being the only one with actual visible armor, since Two are mages, and the other an archer. You could contest Irina and Michael, but the latter is missing despite it being well and truly past easter (yes, he's been online) and assuming Irina is nearby that's still only 5 of you, 6vs5 doesn't seem completely out of the question considering only two are actually wearing armor. Just thought of it now, but Morgan also has the reputation of black (unfavourable) magic as the shaman, her immunity (due to being away) to the poison would cause questions no?
  14. Ooc: I stated somewhere that the elderly and kids are all dead, just young men (well I said mainly young men for the clerics sake, but she's dead now) Hmm, I still think it's within reason, mainly since your response was... insulting? You told them to "go away." We've discussed this before, but you seem to go along the lines of loss=grief, while my actions follow loss=anger. Most of the survivors aren't really affected by the poison since they followed Damian and Aiya out of camp immediately, others were saved by Rayton and Kelas but like the two, they've been healed (not perfectly, still very sluggish) As for being tired the same could be said about the group, most of you have been in a battle today in one shape or another and while you could argue that mercenaries have more stamina, these are rural workers, (again young men) so there wouldn't be a huge gap in stamina. (Nevermind a few of you have been injured pretty badly yourselves. I mean, Morgan nearly died XD) Elderly/kids= false Poison= Weren't affected Burned=healed. Dead Tired=As is the group No sense of self preservation=Despair, not thinking straight, if your parents and friends all died suddenly, your feelings toward them could over-ride self-preservation, of course it'd be prone to change once some actually died and they realise what they're up against. Physically incapable of forming a riot= See below Hmmm, could be just wording, but riot was the best term I could think of, lets take a RL hospital, you're were in an accident, your body hurts all-over and you want to go to sleep, and all of a sudden a man completely unrelated to the hospital comes in and tells you to "get out." You might not have enough will to stand up and beat them to a pulp, but you'd have enough energy to yell at him, surely. It's all really just based around the word "Leave" and "Now go, all of you" As for the start of the riot? I wasn't the one that implanted the idea, I just used Esphyrs comments as a kickoff point. If one of your own suddenly admit it's your fault, and the villagers are looking for someone to blame "logic" dictates they'd blame you, in the first attack they could lash out at bandits, but the second attack has no clear offender. Plus, my second fire attack could also be interpreted as an attack on the crimson wielders, and the townsfolk got mixed into the fray.
  15. OoC: See, no fire? Half the townsmen hadn't said a word, preferring to be neutral to the situation but Morgans order to "get lost" hit a nerve and the entire group started yelling at her in protest, "What? So you burn our town and tell us to get lost?" a weak willed looking man asked on the verge of tears. "Heartless wretch" "Wicked Witch" "Child eater" The crowd obviously had no intentions of listening to Morgans instructions to head off, instead they retaliated by telling Morgan to get out of not only their town(area) but the entire nation of Vaorin. As weakened as they were, anger fueled their actions and they started throwing rocks, branches, sheets, whatever they could get their hands on at Morgan, some aiming for Esphyr and Damian as well. "You killed a sister of the church" "Vaorin will have it's revenge" "My moldy onions, gone, all gone, it's all your fault" "Servant of the demon lord, be gone" A full riot had broken out. ~~~ Sabla looked at Rayton uncertainly as she was pulled away towards a woman on horseback. As if on cue, the moment they arrived the townsfolk had begun rioting again. Sabla could feel their anger emanating all the way to where she stood, it wasn't directed at her but she still felt scared regardless. She didn't need to hear their cries to understand that they weren't scared of Morgan anymore, they had lost an awful lot in one day, and their will to live, and chances of survival wouldn't change much whatever course of action they took. Seeing Morgan raise her hand Sabla buried her face in Raytons clothes, she didn't want to see people dying, not anymore then she'd already witnessed.
  16. Hey!!! >_< I admit I love my fire attacks but it's not the only type of tactic I have. Fine then >_< I'll use a non-fire based attack next time. O great Tsunami heed my call, flood the entire continent and wash away the evil horse lady!
  17. OoC: Hmm, well it's still possible to pass it off as a poison only theory, I mean Morgan thinks she cured it, but I'm kind of fond of having Esphyr being cursed, not just by her whiny "Crimson weapon is evil!!!" but actually have her unknowingly cursed. While Cynthia did say something about curing everyone's curse at once, I don't really see why she'd have to cast the spell on Esphyr to work... unless of course Esphyr is the one cursing everyone (contagious curse XD) without knowing. A man looked up at Esphyrs comment, the panic and shock of the day/nights events had made him obey Damians orders but he'd had enough "The girl's right, we were all happy until you monsters came into town" he snapped at Morgan. A few of the men murmured their approval. "I'll admit you've save us, and we're greatful for that, but Darien was a peaceful town until yesterday, sure we had our hardships, but we we're still alive at the end of the day." The man sensed Morgans irritation and closed his mouth but another spoke up "One of your men said the bandits set Darien on fire as a diversion while attacking you lot, it's your fault we're homeless" gaining confidence another shouted out "And the moment we go to your camp we get attacked again!" Sabla opened her eyes, she'd been dozing but the arguing had gotten louder, she looked around and saw a group of townsfolk yelling at Morgan and Damian. Fear and grief written all over their faces, it didn't matter who was in the wrong or what the circumstances were, when people were in trouble the first thing they'd look for is someone to point the finger at. Scared of the men, she quickly hid herself behind the nearest person,
  18. Depends on the situation _____, I really find it unlikely to find a healer suddenly pop out of nowhere considering our location. And having a healer kind of makes the vulnerary's obsolete. But if you want a second character I have no objections, just suggest you wait until we get a bit further, could have taken control of the cleric, but as you well know, I just killed her XD
  19. OoC: So what? You've never heard of airborne diseases in the real world? Or are you going to tell me those are magical? I admit it was originally intended to be just poison smoke, however since I have Jones (shaman) I decided I'd add in a curse like effect into the smoke as well. I also don't understand how an antidote can cure magical ailments. Unless it's a magical antidote. Either way I don't really care, I achieved my goal of wiping out the townsfolk, (most of them) so how you cure yourselves is up to you. God damn it, where is everyone? Everything feels so uncoordinated and alot of the posts aren't being consistent >_< I like chaos in terms of drama, not gibberish. ~~~~ Sabla opened her eyes slowly, she could taste something foul in her mouth and her eyes hurt. She was sure she'd headed out of camp but for some reason had apparently gone back. She could hear people arguing, but she didn't care, right now she wanted to sleep.
  20. The cleric nodded her head and brandished her staff over Esphyr and concentrated on healing the wounds. Esphyrs condition seem to seemingly get better, color was slowly returning to her face, and her breathing was getting less ragged. But as the shamaness had indicated there was some dark energy within the female sword wielder she couldn't reach. She hesitated, she had offered her help earlier but she didn't really like the shamaness, dispelling the dark was a job for her kind. A black witch couldn't possibly do the girl any good. Concentrating further she tried to pour her entire being into healing the curse. From what the shamaness had said, it wasn't a very strong curse so she strained herself a bit trying to heal the darkness, but to no avail, realising she was powerless she tried to withdraw her staff but her body wouldn't move. She couldn't even her mouth to seek help. Morgan seemed to sense something was wrong and moved to do something but it was too late, the clerics body withered into a corpse, and fell beside Esphyr, drained completely of her life force. Morgan looked uncertainly at Esphyr then at Damian, she thought she knew what it was but maybe she was wrong? Whatever it was, it had gotten stronger.
  21. The cleric that had been tending to Rayton and Kelas hurried over, as Morgan started explaining her theory on Esphyrs condition. The shamaness looked up at her with surprise when she had finished. Morgan looked over at Damian and then at the cleric as if to confirm what she was seeing, clearly she had mistaken the cleric for Aiya since she had been standing right next to Damian. "Uh, If you can save this poor souls life, I'll do anything" the cleric stated hesitantly.
  22. Hmm, I have to admit, I'm kind of disappointed impressed, I was expecting you to snap back at me :/ Hmm I understand you've actually planned things out, but your entire story is pretty pointless unless you can somehow incorporate that into the plot. Frankly, you interacting with your "secret characters" when no one's around isn't really doing anything. If you asked the other RP'ers if they gave two flips about Fressia, you'd mainly get "no" or "what's a fressia?" XD You'll have to plan how to phase it in if you're going to make the characters worth anything. The difference between you and myself are my additions are simple and suited to the plot, your ideas however are assembled seperately then added on. If you want to go in FE terms, mine is adding in a few extra red units. Your method is adding in a pre-made chapter into the current hack. So if you plan to pull it off, you'll need to do better then me;) I just thought of something so I'll be off for awhile now.
  23. Hmmm? ...... Ah well. I still think finding a new village was a bit of a stretch, I mean, you're kind of in a sticky situation now, Damian wants to take the refugee's to Elysi, but why bother when there's a stronghold village on the other side of camp? Helios could keep quiet, but the only way I see you getting around it is if you don't comprehend Damians plan to migrate the 12(ish) survivors XD But yeah, I understand that you had your own thoughts on the issue so I won't poke and pry regarding the village. Your second remark puzzles me though, Helios is your main character right? And Ian/Mark are you random character which you think you don't need character. However you sent one away because you couldn't manage Helios+2characters? So my question is how you think you can manage two more character Aur/Lea ontop of your unmanageable roster? Personally I'd suggest killing off Ian/Mark and adding in Aur/Lea if the former two are merely there as space killers. Again, I know I'm not one to talk, I mean, I've got 4 characters myself, but as I said, Dalton and Jones were created as enemies who cause trouble for the party. I have also added Reika into this equation as well now, though she has a chance of joining the "group". And Sabla is a character which is my "player" character until Reika joins. Which at this rate, seems like sometime next year XD But if you're going to have "useless" characters (Mark/Ian) how about replacing them with Aur/Lea? In your case, you seem to grow bored of your characters pretty quickly, so I'd hold off on the stats and bio for awhile, and add stuff in when it's been a fortnight and you're content with them. But that's just if you really want to get your new characters in. Ian can killed off pretty easily with the poison, (a casualty makes it seem more realistic) If their not going to be stat based characters I don't see why Snowy would reject, I mean Sabla hasn't gotten complaints and I didn't even post a bio for her. Mainly cause she was just going to be random orphan girl 1, but I have bigger plans for her now
  24. Uh right, I'm supposed to tell him where? Should I add it in my sig? Or maybe I should keep spamming the RP thread with OOC messages telling him so until he reacts? Honestly, use your head a little. Regarding the poison, As much as I hate Ether, I'm going to have to support his side this time. I don't recall revealing to you what type of poison it was, and while I wouldn't mind people deciding on facts themselves, Rayton and Kelas have been running around on horseback while poisoned. And Esphyr having headed out of camp once would have been less affected, nevermind Esphyr mentions only saving one, while the two mentioned prior have been doing rounds. Clearly she's poisoned >_> Or maybe she's just sleepy and thought getting thrown off a horse would bring her comfort? Unlike Helios who randomly disappeared to some unknown village I'd say everyone is affected to some degree. Furthermore, Snowy hasn't indicated that Esphyr has lost consciousness and hence Ether's approach is more.... favorable. Personally I'd recommend against the addition of both Lea and Auralus, either way a support is out of the question due to them lacking stats altogether. Either way I don't see any indication regarding their approval, and we discussed more character when you tried to introduce Mark. Helios has developed some character since then, but it'd be an obvious lie to say you're managing Ian/Mark well. Yes, I'm well aware this sounds like an attack on you, but at the moment I'm not in the best of moods, and I don't see any false statements above. If you believe I am simply being a b*tch, then at least point out which points are inaccurate.
  25. Can't contact him :/ Only have msn and AIM and the former demands a address not a screen name, I've added the name to AIM but it doesn't seem to do anything. And I refuse to download a new program for someone who doesn't seem to want to talk, I'm bored but not that bored. Plus computer's cluttered enough as it is.
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