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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. To be fair, this happens in most games with Male and Female Avatars. The Male Avatar is usually sweet and quiet while the Female Avatar is peppy and everyone's favorite person.
  2. To be fair, there are more emotionally stable females than males in Fates and there are more male characters with low self-esteem than females, so that might have something to do with it.
  3. Another interesting about Female Corrin and her relationship with her younger brothers is that if she romances either of them, they become borderline dependent on her. Just look at their My Room quotes! Compared to the younger sisters, if Male Corrin romances them, this dependency doesn't show. Now that I think about there are other male characters who become dependent on Female Corrin, such as Jakob and Siegbert. Male Corrin doesn't seem to have anyone become dependent on him.
  4. Male Corrin also cries a lot. In particular, Yuri's voice has a particulary long voice clip where Corrin is cries, and rather loudly as well. And Male Corrin, again with Yuri's voice, when screaming "Mother!!" during Mikoto's death is bordeline hysterical. It doesn't have do with gender, but rather the voice actors.
  5. I hoping for that as well! I didn't realize how interesting were the legendary trios until the lack of them in Gen VI. As I said before I'm hoping for a Volcano trio, similar to Sinnoh's lake trio!
  6. Actually, I'm almost sure that Tiltyu died of depression, rather than commiting suicide.And to be fair, people react differently to things, for example Eliwood and Lyn are far more emotionally stable than Lyon. And there are the circumstances as well. Lyon was left with a country to rule that he knew was doomed to destruction, while Lyn, Eliwood and Ike didn't have to deal with things like that.
  7. As I said earlier in the thread, Game Freak had no problems putting a desert housing an ancient castle just north of New York.There's nothing stopping them from putting a snowy tundra in Hawaii. And Hawaii does have snowy volcanos. Actually, it would be the perfect place for an Ice/Fire type legendary! But then again, from what they already showed, Sun and Moon's early game won't have a snowy area.
  8. While I agree that Fearow is pretty decent, the problem is that it comes rather late.Not sure if it is worth the wait. Then again, so does the Zangoose I mentioned. EDIT: Gah, forget what I said! I mixed Spearow with Pidgeotto. It's Pidigeotto that comes late, not Spearow. Sorry about this.
  9. The team you chose is pretty solid. In particular, Gardevoir, Wailrein and Houndoom are great choices. Wailrein might be a little slow and take a while to evolve however. And make sure to get TM03 Water Pulse from Mt. Battle's Area 2 or 3. I don't remeber which. For your six member my suggestions would be: Trapinch, a very strong attacker, however, like Spheal it will take a while to evolve. The Aron family is a great tank. Duskull family is also a great tank, but again, it takes a while to evolve. Teddiursa, Makuhita and Zangoose are all reliable as well.
  10. No tomes break at all, only staves and rods.
  11. Like Kon said, even after the second gym, having the Gen's pseudo-legendary family be avaible is still incredibly early.And in X&Y, you can get Axew and Bagon incredibly early. And they could always put a snowy area during early game.
  12. If you are still new to Fire Emblem and unsure, Birthright is the better choice. It will ease you into the game's mechanics. And if you are scared of losing units, there's no shame in playing in Casual Mode. Don't let other say that Classic is the only way to play the game. Play the mode you believe is best for you.
  13. Why walk on the ground when I can soar the skies?!The Sun legendary is forever doomed to wander the Earth, never able to reach the Sun, while the Moon legendary can reach it's deity whenever it wants to. The Moon will always be within reach! Joking aside, personally, I prefer a balance between old and new Pokemon during early game. Though I wouldn't mind giving us more options in early game. Why are Ice types usually only available by the 7th Gym? Even other late game types, such Ghost, Dragon and Steel have been available in early game.
  14. It is, but don't go overboard. A +1 or +2 weapon is usually enough. And Iron weapons are pretty cheap, especially when at discounts.
  15. In Normal? I don't think so. But even without Lunge, those Ninjas will drive you insane. A piece of advice, Maids, Ninjas and Master Ninjas should always be a priority to kill. You will regret not killing them.
  16. Naive child, that is no simple spark. It shines with the true magnificence of the Moon! And what of Sun's legendary, who does not shine at all?! You are the fool!
  17. Don't worry, you will be seeing a lot more of them later in Conquest. A LOT more.
  18. True. Take what's happening to the AVGN now. It's a good example of that.
  19. Kinda stupid when you think about it. Sure, it was strange and out of place, but there's a line you can't cross. Death treats over something like this is just stupid. In the end, it's just a feature in game. Nothing more, nothing less. People are making this much bigger than it really is.
  20. No, no! Heed my words Moon players! We must fight! We cannot let those silly sparkly Sun players win! Show them the true magnificence of the Moon! In the name of the Moon, we must punish them!
  21. That's actually the correct info. Mozu is a Hoshidan. The Nohrian Villager bit was a mistake.
  22. But a woman not liking a movie with a female protagonist is not as controversial as white straight male not like a movie with a female protagonistJoking aside, it's quite clear that the producers don't care if the movie is good or bad. The just making the movie because they want to keep the Ghostbusters brand. Besides, if they really wanted to break sterotypes, they wouldn't have a sassy black woman as one the main characters, and the only one who isn't a genius scientist.
  23. Before, barely any people where interested in the movie, but now there are many defending it.However, thinking about it, I do agree that it's stupid. Clever really isn't the right word for it. Quite frankly, I fear for Chris's career. But it's ironic. Even though Chris's character is supposed to be the movie's "damsel in distress", he had the most badass moment in the trailer.
  24. They visited a hospital to promote their movie. I know it made the patients happy, but visiting terminally ill children to promote a movie about dead people is just...not right. It leaves a poor taste. Also read this: https://archive.is/9Tdz2 Make of it whatever you will.
  25. It's all clever propaganda. If you look at the comments on the original trailer at youtube, you only see comments that speak good things or comments that are sexist. Comments with genuine criticism about the movie, such as graphics and plot, are deleted. This makes it look like that if you don't like the movie, you are a mysoginistic bastard. It's a dirty yet clever move you have to admit. And let's not talk about the hospital stunt, that was extremely low and crossed the line. There are things you really shouldn't do and that was one of them.
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