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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Much like you, I really liked Zestiria, despite it's faults. But is it really the most despised? Are you talking about Egoraptor's Zelda Sequelitis video? That video made me lose the little respect I had for the guy.
  2. Maybe it's just me, but I think Robin's voice actor might be different as well. Or David Vincent is using a very different tone.
  3. Managed to be Lunatic with Leo, Catria, Hector and Klein. Not sure if I can do Infernal. And honestly, Hector feels like a must in this map in particular.
  4. I wonder why Clive is getting a GHB. Then again, I didn't made much sense for Navarre to get it either. That being, I kinda excited for it. I mean, doesn't Clive look really good in his Heroes's artwork? Seriously, his artwork is the major reason I want him. Does anyone else thinks his artwork makes him really good looking?
  5. While I didn't get any new characters, I did get a 5*Klein that is +Atk-Res. Is that good?
  6. I believe these type characters have already appeared in Fire Emblem. Lute and Miriel are both socially inept, even on their C-support. And if are shy characters you are talking about, Sakura and Florina can barely hold a conversation with some characters on their C-Support. While she did join willingly, Jill's base conversation with Ike could imply that she is sort of a prisoner. And there already was an asshole character that isn't a "jerk with a heart of gold", but a genuine asshole. Lifis from Tharcia 776.
  7. While not exactly a Jagen, there is a character like that in Tharcia 776. Back on topic, I would like to see some twists in the classic archetypes. Such as a trio of Pegasus brothers and a female axe wielding duo. A male Manakete that isn't an old man would nice as well. And I also love to see a female villain that isn't a magic user, seriously, other than Petrine and Clarisse, every single major female villain in the series was a magic user. EDIT: I just remembered that Petrine uses a Flame Lance, which uses the unit's magic stat to deal damage. So really, Clarrise is the only one with no connection to magic.
  8. Pretty interesting that Lissa uses axes. I wonder if she will have the Lighting Axe as weapon, to reflect the fact that she also a magical unit. In fact, I wonder what will be the ultimate weapon of characters that lack Legendary Weapons.
  9. That's my view as well, there has to be a balance between characters and story, otherwise things just feel out place. But I also agree that characters a little more important, mostly because a the story just feels empty without characters to be invested in it. A good example is Final Fantasy XII. An interesting story, amazing worldbuilding, but the characters are very lacking, and hardly interact with the world outside of the main story, making the worldbuilding and story feel rather pointless at times since there are no characters to react to those things.
  10. For this at least, there are two reasons as for why people are excited: 1) It's the war of imoutos, which is pretty damn hilarious. 2)There's no clear favorite. The closest we have is Elise, but even she doesn't have the popularity power of Lucina, Camilla and Tharja. And now that I think about, was there ever a male character that was the favorite? Or a male character that won a gauntlet?
  11. Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Sun and Moon confirm that people eat Pokemon. If you examine one of the shelves on the Thrifty Megamart, you will find meat for sale. If real animals don't exist in the Pokemon world than people eat the Pokemon themselves. And the DPPt games, the are books in the Canalave library that confirm that people eat Pokemon.
  12. M!Robin is one of the best counters against Takumi.
  13. I voted for Justine because while she could be annoying at times, when she opposed Edgeworth, her arguments actually made sense, and also the fact the actually had arguments to begin with. It was quite refreshing when compared to people like Fraziska, Lang and Godot, who would sometime deny the main characters argument out of spite or to "test" them. Don't get me wrong, I know she sometimes opposed Edgeworth due to her dislike of him, but her arguments never felt as "bullshitty". Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but her arguments never pissed me off, even when she defended the third case's culprit.
  14. True that Hinoka is the least popular royal sibling, but she still is a royal sibling, so she might get a free pass because of that. And I think you're right about it being around 30 characters. I believe it will be 10 from each game plus the original characters. Which is why I think all the royal siblings will appear. All of them, plus Corrin and Azura make a group of 10. Speaking of the royal siblings, I wonder if their retainers would appear as enemy commanders/general. In fact, I wonder of some characters will appear as enemy/ally commander only and not as playable characters. I think the Fates's retainers, Frederick and the Whitewings have a good chance of ending up like that.
  15. I dunno, I mean, they want to fill the roster, and using all royal siblings is a quick and easy way to make the roster bigger. And I can see they using something similar to Medli, but there's also the fact that Pegasi and Wyverns are much larger and may not be as easy to program.
  16. I imagine that the remaining royal siblings from Fates and Azura will also be playable, so we got 7 more spots in the character roster filled already. Though I do wonder how they will handle flying units. And there's the trio of Inigo/Laslow, Selena/Severa and Owain/Odin, those will also likely be playable as well.
  17. I feel like people don't look at all possibilities when talking about Mae and Boey. While Mae starts out very good, her performance tends to go down by Act 3. Boey, I feel like the opposite. He has a rough start, but can end up more useful than Mae. In a game where magic cost HP, a tanky unit like Boey is actually pretty valuable, particularly towards late game, where the HP costs for the spells gets higher and higher.
  18. I really hope it's Male Robin. I'm kind of tired of the female always being the mage. I would prefer a male mage for a change. A male mage that isn't a little kid. Also, I'm rather disappointed that Female Corrin instead of Male Corrin. Mostly because I'm also tired of female Manaketes. Can't we have a male one for a change? Even in Heroes, it's Female Corrin who transforms into a dragon. Another problem of mine with Female Corrin is the fact that in games in general the water elemental character is almost always female. A male water elemental character would be nice for a change.
  19. Grant Kirkhope is doing music for this game. This actually makes excited!
  20. Considering how much B2W2 improved from BW, the idea of another pair of sequels makes me really hyped!
  21. This tweet sums up people's reaction to the Direct quite nicely: https://mobile.twitter.com/FacianeA/status/872105669121368066 Also, I get the feeling that we might not get Sinnoh remakes at all. I mean, there's not nearly enough demand for it, compared to the demands of Jotho remakes and Hoenn remakes. And it seems to that after Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and people's opinions on them, the "Pokemon remakes" idea seems to be getting..."fatigued" or "tired", I'm not sure which is the best term for it, but either way, it seems that the idea of a "Pokemon remake" has lost a bit of it's charm.
  22. Did not expect sequels this soon for Sun and Moon. But then again, they seem more like third versions than sequels.
  23. It's hard to say who is the most optimistic, but Micaiah is definitely the most pessimistic one. Despite loving the people of Daein, she also fears them, if they discover her secret, she also runs away from Sothe when he started getting older. She can also be rather bitter and resentful.
  24. Nah, it's cool. But I found pictures: More pics here: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/44682/new-details-about-mario--rabbids-kingom-battle-confirmed-for-switch
  25. More details about the game. Apparently it's going to be an RPG game. EDIT: Ninja'd.
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