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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. I know I should go for Elincia as she's one of my favorite characters in Heroes and PoR/RD, but I want Xander just for that silly dance.
  2. Looking through the sites history, I think you're right. The original CYL had a separate short livestream for it and they didn't hide the fact that it would be talking about those units, so if they're following the previous trend this particular FEH channel wouldn't be it. That does beg the question what the next banner is if it's lasting a week longer then usual though.
  3. I guess that means the CYL2 units are coming then, alright then. Personally I'm just hoping we get some word on beast units, I really want to see Ranulf in this game.
  4. Eh, I['ll take a wait and see approach on this. I will admit Fates was very hit or miss, but nothing was to a point where I felt like I couldn't give Treehouse another chance to do better, so I'll wait until we get more information before making my judgement on the matter. It's funny that you mention Warriors as while I can't speak for the story since I haven't read up on the Japanese version (though based on Koei's other works, it's probably the typical excuse plot there like it is in English), I felt the supports in that game were better done overall then Fates' from what I've seen. They seem more consistent with their original counterparts overall, and I didn't think any of the changes if they were made affected how I felt about the support regardless of which one I read. Heroes I will admit is pretty unmemorable outside of the specific unit dialogue we get from each character, but as you said Heroes isn't story driven so it's hard to know whether we should blame Treehouse or IS for that.
  5. Lyn as it allows her to make good use of her high speed, Ishtar and Leif are other options I've been considering for similar reasons.
  6. Supporting Lyon this time around, it'd be nice if he beat Ephraim for once.
  7. Geez IS, how many versions of Armads are you going to make? Not sure if I'll pull on this banner. For three of the colors, I have most of the units on them or don't care about them, so the only one I'd be pulling for would be Red for Leif. The problem with that is I have really bad luck with the poor kid as I got blocked twice by Reinhardt and once by Panic Ploy Fodder last time, so I don't want to try my luck.
  8. Medusa would be interesting, Palutena doesn't seem to be using all of her previous custom moves, so Medusa could take some of those and use them herself. Dark Samus is another character I'd like to see, but I'm more hesitant on her since she can be more unique and being an Echo wouldn't showcase that.
  9. 1) When trying to pull on the Thracia banner, I didn't have any Red orbs, so I pulled on a Green. I ended up getting Sonya out of it, which was a character I wanted for a long time and she had great IVs to boot. 2) I did a free Summon on a Skill banner and ended up getting a random Lucina. Her IVs weren't as good as Sonya's, but still workable and she's been an important asset for some of my harder PvE challenges. 3) I got a Lyn trying to pull for B!Lyn for Skills.
  10. Generally any of the Laguz, but The Royals, Ranulf, Skirmir, Dheginsea, Nasir, Ena and Kurthnaga are the ones who really need to get into the game soon. In terms of the other playable characters, the only main character left is Kris, but in terms of secondaries there are still a notable batch left such as Nyna, Nils, Lucia, Flavia and Basilio. Villain-wise also have a good few major ones left like Medeus, Rudolf, Gharnef, Travant, Murdock, Nergal, Ashnard, Sephiran, and Walhart.
  11. I'm kind of curious about that as well. Looking at the CYL2 poll, the only one we're getting that was in the Top 100 was Canas at 89, the rest were pretty low. I guess you could argue they were going for a theme around Nino, but that still wouldn't explain Karla who has no connection to her or the Black Fang. Personally, this banner seems like a skip to me since I'm sure Legault will drop and the others don't interest me too much, but I'm glad to finally get Canas and Linus.
  12. Please no, I still cringe every time I look at that poor man's artwork.
  13. That was rather close, I didn't expect Guunthra to get that multiplier. Guess I'm on her team for another round unless Ike pulls a strong counterattack. Should've figured Genealogy would be the exception rather then a new trend, I'm expecting it to be F!Nino, Louise, and one of Pent or Nils.
  14. Definitely pulling Red for this one, Ryoma would be great for Flier Emblem and Sigurd and Y!Tiki (with Mist Breath!) are great units in their own right. I wouldn't mind pulling any of the three even if Ryoma is my most preferred.
  15. ...I'm just going to pretend that I did not see Sanaki put on a banner made for brides, because I do not want to think about why they thought that was a good idea. I'll probably pull for Ninian because flying dancers are always going to be good on utility alone, I just hope her speed is good.
  16. I'll ignore the design bit as I don't want to jump into that can of worms, but what about Helbindi makes it apparent that he's dumb? While he's not given any opportunity to show strategy, I wouldn't call him stupid as he shows a clear awareness of the world and people around him and how to respond to it. He knows that using his strength will get him to move up in the ranks and he uses that to get him and his sister in good graces for both of their benefits, he's not a fool and knows that Surtr will gladly burn him alive if he fails (and Askr likely wouldn't give him any sympathy since he's the enemy), and he also plays to Ylgr's hatred so that she would eat and remain healthy. Nothing about that indicates that he's a dimwit, if anything, it shows he's pretty smart as his actions are based on surviving and adapting to the environment around him. He is a brute, I agree with that, but nothing about the character indicates he's any dumber then most of the characters from the archetype he fits in.
  17. As if it wasn't clear enough IS hates Marth, now they're trying to quietly erase his existence from the game.
  18. I think the best way to address the Loptyr/Naga issue would be to either make Loptyr a weapon triangle reversing tome, or just make Julius a Blue unit and call it a day. As Lord-Zero mentioned, Naga is already an oddball among Light Magic since it's Green despite the class traditionally being Blue, so making Loptyr unique in some way to maintain lore would be fitting of it.
  19. Marth, Seliph, Lewyn (Forseti), Leif, and Micaiah (Yune). Marth because the poor guy needs some love, same with Seliph, Leif has a lot of potential in his Master Knight form, and Micaiah would be a good way to incorporate Yune into the game in some fashion. Lewyn is more of a personal want since I would also like to see what they'd do with a Forseti influenced form. I also liked Jotari's and Lewyn's idea to use the Legendary Banners to incorporate secondary forms of the villains. Medeus (Earth/Dark Dragon), Hardin (regular), and Lyon (Formortii) in particular would be excellent choices to make use of the system.
  20. Honestly, while Lyn getting a 5th is a bit much, characters like Eirika, Chrom, and Reinhardt bothered me a lot more since their alts are being added to the main banners. Legendaries and Seasonals all have had alts in them, so I'd expect her and other popular characters to get alts there, but with Normal banners it just feels pointless to me since there are other characters that can carry their banners without alt #42 propping it up.
  21. I may throw a few orbs in for Hinoka since she'd be great on my Flier Emblem team, but honestly this looks like another skip. I don't like Kana and Shigure is not a character I care to spend a lot of orbs for. Ironically, I would pull for Kaze, but he's possibly free so...
  22. I love Olwen, but did really need to give her and Reinhardt another alt? Did they really have that little faith in Thracia that they had to bring back those two? Well, at least we get Saias and Finn... ...Why? Why is this a thing?
  23. I'm guessing they're reconning it so that Gradivus fell into the ocean with Camus? It would be odd since the weapon isn't mentioned in the Memory Prism, but that's the only way that would make sense since otherwise that means there's two Gradivus flying around Archanea. Speaking of Camus, it seems it's implied he got the mask he used for his Sirius persona from Conrad. Edit: Beaten on the Conrad bit.
  24. Wow, that description brought Nuibaba's character up a few pegs. It would've been nice for them to have snuck at least a few tidbits of that into the game, even though I do understand why it may not have been possible. I look forward to seeing what useful bits of information was snuck into Duma and Grima's descriptions.
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