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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. It is, I know! Its just... would have been nice to have it on the Bridal Cordelia I was hunting in the first place. Still good though, probably consider working on her next if I don't work on Eirika or something next.
  2. 140 orb purchase, Bridal Blessings, letsa go! I'll be making notes of what is most notable to me and what I want. 4* Cordelia with +Att -Res? Cool! Except... wrong Cordelia... My first 4* Reinhardt! He is... +Spd -Def... well... okay then. Pulled a +Spd -HP 3* Lon'qu. Might be good for something down the line, can't laugh at 42 speed ya know? 4* +HP -Att Priscilla. Might be worth raising up down the line to replace my current +Att -Hp Priscilla, or just to merge with my current one if I ever consider Wrathful Staff... At this point I had done 2 summonings, the 3rd had no orb colors that would give me Bridal units. 2 reds and 3 greens. Yay... Nothing came of that one, but summoning 4 has 3 blues and 2 colorless! Much better... if it actually gave anything higher than 3 stars. +Def -Hp 4* Fae. That's... interesting I guess. Balanced out bulk in both Def and Res is pretty nifty. Summoning number 7... didn't have one blue or colorless orb. Wow! 140 orbs and all I got of note was a Cordelia who wasn't even wearing a wedding gown! Ugh... there goes another 75 bucks... +Spd -Hp 4* Merric. Might be good for something. FINALLY 5* Charlotte! And... it's +HP -Spd... +Spd -Res 4* Nino! My current Nino is +Att - Def, so this might be a good opportunity to become Sonic the Nino... I DID IT. I GOT CORDELIA IN A WEDDING DRESS! And she is... +hp -att... Also got +Hp -Spd Eirika, which... could be better, but hey I can finally get the ultra-Blade booster everyone likes to pair up with Nino. And... 280 orbs later, I get a whole 2 5 stars, both of which are completely underwhelming... EDIT: I decided to get an additional 75 orbs just to try and reap some benefit, like the freaking idiot I am, and got one more Charlotte... +Att, -Res! And then another 5* in Fae... +Att -HP! In summary, $40 got me much more than $75, also I spent $190 on a freaking Pokemon rip-off...
  3. WOW, my last free pull before buying 140 orbs for Bridal Blessings gave me a rather startling and kinda disappointing result. 5* Peri, +Spd, -Att. Might think about giving her Life and Death 3 and Brave Lance+ since I think it would suit her better than my Abel and Jaffar. Then, if and when I do manage to get a better Peri, I'll be ready! At this rate I may as well prepare my Frederick for 5 Star and make a Brave Cavalier team...
  4. Kagero is great for a Dagger user. Having the highest attack stat of all the Dagger users AND Poison Dagger+ is no laughing matter, she can almost certainly take down any Infantry unit she comes across in one round, save for Triangle Adept -raven users. The only problem with her is that she doesn't do much against any other unit type, especially Armors.
  5. I have some ideas for units. Just don't really have in-depth characters to slap them on top of, but I'm sure what I came up with will suffice. I... probably made some OP things. I dunno, tired and don't feel like thinking.
  6. I built a unit specifically for Temp Trials. Cain. My +Spd -Res Cain. I gave him TA3, Rally Speed, Seal Def 2, and Draconic Aura, and slapped Speed +1 seal on for good measure. Surprisingly, he can clear out quite a few greens and even a few reds. He can't one round Veronica, but it's nothing Nino can't explodinate afterwards with minimal risk to me. Maybe he could one round her, and many others, if he had Seal Speed instead...? Priscilla has been amazing as well. Hone Attack 3 and Fortify Res 1 seal have saved my team a number of times. Nowi always helps out with getting rid of those annoying reds, and Nino is... well, shes Desperation Nino. What do you expect?
  7. Here's my list in order of obtaining them.
  8. Makes sense. I'd hate to have a repeat of Spring Festival and only pull one exclusive who has a bad nature and I can't do much about it, which is close to happening already anyway. (+Def -Spd Spring Lucina last time, -Att +Spd Bridal Charlotte so far) This is the first time I've heard of a Vantage banner... care to explain?
  9. So between Bridal Blessings and Tempest Trials, which Focus Banner do you think is better to do a mass pulling from? I'm gonna be able to purchase a lot of orbs in a few days and I'd like to know which of the two will be most worth 140 orbs worth of pulling. It doesn't make that big a difference, but there are focus units from both that I am interested in, and I've already done two pulls from Bridal Blessings, so I have a 3.50% chance to pull 5 star units.
  10. I think the biggest waste of feathers possible is using them on a unit who you don't even use in the first place. Because my Catria has seen very little usage since I 5 starred her, especially after I obtained Nowi, who was not a waste of feathers and is one of my MVPs. Now, I don't even know what to do with Catria, cause it's not like anyone is really clamoring for a Killer Lance+...
  11. I think a neat idea would be to have Grand Hero Battles featuring "Grand" versions of heroes, maybe alternate versions of existing heroes in the armor of their classes promoted form (Cipher inspiration, anyone?), but using a different weapon to shake things up. Think, I dunno, Subaki using a Bow as a Kinshi Knight, Cordelia using a Staff as a Falcon Knight, or Red Tomes as a Dark Flier, perhaps Ike using an Axe, you know things like that. Throw a spin on existing characters... without making them look ridiculous/fetishy anyways. I'd also like to see some different transformation-type units, though I guess the extent of that would be the Laguz, Taguel, Kitsune, and Wolfskin, and is a topic for another day... But I think a great character to GHB would be Priam, an alternative Ragnell user who could operate differently from Ike, especially given the map he is recruited on and the "story" behind that map.
  12. This event really feels like it is separating the pansies from the spartans of Heroes, given how many of us are able to clear the seven-battle trial while there are still those of us who can only barely get through, if at all...
  13. I can't believe this worked. Nowi (+Res -Def) TA3, Vantage 2 (never triggered), Threaten Res 3, and Attack 1 Seal. Lightning Breath+, Rally Def, and Bonfire. Cain (Spd -Res) TA3, empty B slot, Threaten Att 3, no Seal. Brave Sword+, no assist, Dragon Gaze Nino (+Att -Def) Fury 3, Desperation 3, Hone Att 3, Speed +1 Seal. Gronnblade+, Draw Back, Moonbow Priscilla (+Att -Hp) HP +5, Live to Serve 2, Hone Att 3, Fortify Res 1 Seal. Fear, Rehabilitate, Swift-Winds Balm. Nino was kept under 75% hp to keep Desperation triggered while everyone huddled around Priscilla, with Nowi and Cain moving within the enemies attack range if they can benefit from TA3. Veronica couldn't do anything to Cain, and while this was more luck than anything, Boey could do crap as well. Priscilla was an asset with Rehabilitate being so op and just being able to heal so much at once. That carried me through the mess that is Tempest Trials Lunatic. And here I was thinking it was okay to throw out your weaker units first... though I was probably just lucky...
  14. Ugh... I can barely even clear the 1-4 battles of the easier Lunatic Stage, and I usually have to surrender immediately on battle 5. Can't even think about wanting to do the 7 battle run... My units can't stand up to Veronica at all. Thinking I might need to put Triangle Adept 3 on my +Spd -Res Cain just so I can rush her down before she can attack, which solves one problem maaaaybe but not all that many others... maybe if I give him Draconic Aura or Moonbow or Luna or something... of course that doesn't solve the issue of every other stinking unit there...
  15. It did, thanks! At the very least I know now I can fall back on Frederick if I can't get a good Cherche to come out, which always helps to know. ,,,Freddys a funny character in Awakening, but Cherche is as well.
  16. DC and CC take up a valuable A slot however. Reinhardt does the most damage when he has Death Blow triggering, and he can't take a serious hit from most Green units, like Julia or Hector. Hector still takes a beating, but from my experience one hit from Hector is enough to defeat most non-Horse Emblem Reins and can follow up so long as there isn't a lake or wall in-between. Julia I cannot speak for due to not having her, but just looking at her numbers and assuming she still has Naga, she should easily one-round Rein without suffering too many losses. IMO, the best use of DC and CC are when it's not used as a skill, but when it is built into the weapon, ala Ryoma, Camus, and, of course, Nowi. It helps to have it, but DC and CC should not be your first pick for A slot. That's where Fury, Triangle Adept, Blow skills, and Life and Death go, which usually make or break a set.
  17. So I've been looking through my heroes to see what I could possibly do next when I noticed I had a +Att -Spd Frederick, which in my mind would work perfectly for giving him a Brave Axe. When I went to the wiki though, Cherche was listed much higher than Frederick despite similar stats and similar builds (+Att Fred is the same as neutral Cherche is the biggest difference I could see), and I'm wondering, should I wait to get a good Cherche before I do something stupid with my only source of Brave Axe+ (Camilla)? And would it even be worth it when I already have a good enough Axe user in Hector? Keep in mind, I don't have the insane setups that other players have that involve the Hone Cavalry or Hone Fliers or any of that. I'm just a normal dude who wonders if he wants to use Frederick. He's chill, but so is Cherche.
  18. I feel like a damn fool. A damn FOOL. For so long I have thought "Man, she can't be THAT good..." Nino is a beast. A madwoman. A Killer. A pretty cool character. I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND TO THE WORLD.
  19. I did something kind of weird... for reference, this is what my team looked like: Hector (-hp, +spd). Camilla (+spd, -res). Nowi (-def, +res) Priscilla (-hp, +att) with Hone Attack 3 and Fortify Res Sacred Seal I basically just had Priscilla trigger HA and FR on Hector (on the left pathway) and Camilla (on the right), had Nowi Rally Defense Camilla from the woods, and lured the two Axe Riders down, with the one targeting Camilla weakened, while Hector was able to one round the one targeting him, which caused Camus to come down to attack Hector. Camus was weakened greatly as a result. Hector killed Camus soon after. The Troubadour and Red Tome Rider were in the same lane as Camilla, who then killed her Axe Rider, and Nowi took his spot to begin weakening the Troubadour. Meanwhile the Red Tome Rider was rallying the Troubadour, letting Camilla sneak up on him from the side and one round him. Nowi won soon after. Might have to use Camilla more often... I don't use her often, but when I do, my god she rocks...
  20. On just about every team I use, Nowi, Hector, and Priscilla are on all of them. Nowi with Triangle Adept is frighteningly effective for how simple it is (shes also my fav :D), Hector is Hector (and has Renewal 3 so he feels really tanky in that regard), and Priscilla's staff plus her movement range make up for any downsides there would be to using a healer over, say, a Dagger or Bow. Of the heroes I use in the 4th slot, it's usually Roy or Lyn, though I've let Selena see some action to surprisingly good results, and she doesn't even have Triangle Adept yet. All are 5 Star of course.
  21. Ugh... the one pull I am able to do for free, and I get -Att + Spd Charlotte... Well I got something from this I guess... would have preferred to get Cordelia, but hey.
  22. What's the best map to get kills on for a 3 Star Hana for Spur Defense Sacred Seal?
  23. To be fair to Thracia, all of Jugdrals legendary weapons were locked to Major Holy Blood descendants, of which (at least out of what is available to the player) it's not exactly stated who has what in Holy War Gen 2. The best users don't count for the most part. Though I did not know about Hauteclair... what the hell?
  24. I'm disappointed at the lack of "Legendary" weapons. Or at least, I'm disappointed at what we DID get for "legendary". Let me clarify, I'm not talking about the exclusive weapons for the Princes and Yato. I'm talking about the S rank weaponry. To be honest, I don't like using them. The advantages they do have over other weapons in the game, namely being naturally strong, accurate, and usually having unique stat alterations, feel heavily null and void when considering A the classes who are allowed to use them (not saying the classes themselves are bad, but I don't put all of my units in those select 7 or so classes), B the weapons that can be much better if forged properly or just have good effects otherwise, and C the negative effects each weapon possess, even if the good outweigh the bad. But my biggest problem is that they don't FEEL legendary. As far as I can remember, they have no backstory. Nothing explains why these weapons exist in the first place. Did gods forge them? Are they treasures of royal families? Have they been given sacred anti-bad-guy slaying blessings? We don't know. They just feel like "powerful" weapons, not "legendary" weapons. Hell, it's not even that eventful when you DO get them. It just kinda happens. "Ohey, good job remembering to get Aurgelmir from that chest that was slightly off the beaten path. And thanks for snagging that plain ol Silver Lance off that General who happened to be in the way." About the closest we have is Excalibur, but even that feels a little iffy when considering, at least as far as I can tell, it was just really good Wind Magic even in Archanea. Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I really like weapons, especially of the ancient or legendary variety, so this is kind of a letdown compared to the likes of almost everything else in the past.
  25. I remember FeMorgan and Nah talking about the Wyrmslayer in their non-sibling support conversation (it being the basis of the entire support line), but otherwise it should simply be no more than being a blade designed with dragons in mind, like the Armorslayer and other unit weakness weapons.
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