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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Well shit, Frenzy is just asking to be put on... oh I dunno, EVERY SINGLE UNIT WHO CAN LEARN IT EVER. Charlotte looks good otherwise. Basic effects, maybe asking for NFU or Desperation over Frenzy, but hey what works works. Her axe... eh, the colors don't really match herself, but I guess if they did then she'd just have a freaking Nohrian Silver Axe... So Nyx gets 40% damage reduction if she initiates, and also adds the total removed damage to her next attacks power? Ginnungagap kinda looks like a completely upgraded version of Kagero's Dart if you ask me. Kinda eh A passive, but nothing a healthy dose of Skill Inheritance can't fix... Orochi... damnit, you were SUPPOSED to have Snake Spirit! Ugh, you deserve to be the demote if this is how you treat my simplest of expectations... Ah, and here's the big rainbow karp of the banner: Nifl. Prf skill looks kinda eh for herself, great otherwise (since she's a cav she'll be pretty deep in enemy territory, not likely to be near anyone), kit looks good otherwise... mhm mhm, yep Nifl is definitely a pretty good unit. Yep, definitely not downplaying her by any means, I mean aside from the fact that she is freaking awesome and gorgeous and I must have her and @Ice Dragon I don't think it's bias when you are absolutely correct. Oh and Benny's here too? Looks like he has the Lance version of the Steadfast Axe. Yeah see, you had me at "Benny's here too" he's one of my more liked characters from Fates. Welp, this is obviously a trap for me to spend all my orbs again before CYL, and boy am I more than happy to oblige.
  2. I... I don't know what this could possibly mean. The meta is getting stronger with each new banner, and at 0 merge 0 dragonflowers Lyn only has 36 HP, even with 3 mythics providing boosts that's still only 51hp. Already she only needs to be under 50% HP for optimal skill conditions (Desperation in effect, can be teleported to with WoM users, Brazens are triggered if any exist, pardon me if I'm forgetting anything), and the highest her HP can go with merges and dragonflowers no HP asset is 45, 60 with mythic boosts. Off 22 Def and 27 Res at max merge/DF (with Tailwind Shuriken), she's still taking a lot of damage from just one hit from most any unit, even low Atk units like Felicia or Subaki are threatening to put her below 50% if they're built right. Point is, her defenses are bad even at +10 +5 and almost every unit is capable of rending her apart if allowed the chance, if not severely weaken her. I don't understand how the meta could possibly change enough for her base HP of 36 to remain adaptable.
  3. The only merge project from Normal 2 I had was Caineghis, and he was gotten long ago, so I'm good there. Otherwise I was after Guin for her Lull Atk/Res, but it's not that big a deal if I don't get her sooner. I don't actually consider Swift Sparrow 3 the worthier fodder option, at least compared to Spd/Def Rein. SS3 is more a bonus than anything, especially since SS2 is much easier to obtain (and I currently have 4 extra Flying Ninos to act as extra fodder for it). Also on the note of being "a serious carry", my Astra team's offense is literally just her and Reginn, two dancers (Plumeria and NY!Peony), Altina for a little extra Atk and score (compared to using two Reginns anyway) and whoever for a bonus unit (this week being Naga). Two of them being dancers kinda makes them not usable in combat, Altina is very much underwhelming these days with the levels of bulk she'd need to punch through, the bonus unit is unpredictable in how much use they can provide, and Reginn is more of a one-time-nuke and obstacle cleaner than offensive carry, so... yeah, Ninja Lyn has a lot to shoulder every Astra week...
  4. So two Ninja Lyn questions, mine is +Atk -HP. Right now I'm running her with her default kit plus A/D Far Trace, and she's been taking pretty good advantage of it, all things considered. But Disarm Trap... that'd let me put her wherever I want on a AR map without worrying about loss of turn, even if it means giving up an easy way to below 50% HP (for WoM play). So... Would it be worth it to dip back into Normal 1 compiling menu to get Spring Palla (I've not done anything to the Mystery/Shadows path, so it'd cost me 4,000 Divine Code 2s to get to her) for Disarm Trap? Since I'm not even using her with Desperation normally, and her defensive abilities are so blatantly bad that one hit from most units these days puts her at risk of death (yes even with Mythic bonuses and especially if Far Save is in the equation), should I forego the stance of not merging her and just merge her up? I could have her at +4 right now.
  5. Where Alm goes, Faye will eventually follow. I can't be bothered to give her a "complete" kit when I don't have the fodder for it, so for now this will have to do. What is it that I'd need for that, Bracing Stance and Lull Atk/Def, plus her special refined bow? Yeah not happening anytime soon. ...hm, now that I think about it, the only unit from the first Shadows of Valentia banner I haven't +10ed yet is Clair... ...maybe some day, but not today.
  6. Oh my god that is the last time I snipe from a weekly revival banner. I just needed Faye. One Faye. I just wanna +10 merge her, is that so much to ask for? YES APPARENTLY. My pity rate went up to 6.67%/3.33% before I finally got her. No 4* special summons either. God... I shoulda just saved my orbs. I also dipped into Summer's Dream and came out with +Res -Atk Summer Freya, which stings by the way, given how many orbs I spent on the weekly revival vs Summer's Dream.
  7. Hm... personally, while I think crossovers within FEH to other franchises would be completely farfetched, I wouldn't mind them giving... a visit to a place called New Alberia?
  8. Ack... Amelia is the unit I have easily gotten the most as a 4* Special summon, and this just gives me yet another Amelia... not that I don't mind having that little extra boost for Amelia though. As for the art... I'll be frank, I didn't even realize that was Amelia at first.
  9. So... is Fjorm a Disney Princess now? Certainly could pass as one...
  10. Okay video recorded, just before the battle leaves! Raph has surpassed the teacher.
  11. *Looking at comment* *Looks at name* *Back at comment* ...yep, seems legit.
  12. Well, Blizzard is just plain mean when combined with Chilling Seal II. The additional base effect (when refined) is nice as well. The others... frankly, they're all refines on units I don't care about, so... eh.
  13. Hm... I vaguely remember that some of the older TTs had semi-linked stories (The two earliest TTs that featured Shadows of Valentia, the first Farfetched Heroes TT sort of led into the next years Halloween TT), but it was never made a point to mention the story being linked. I wonder if perhaps they intend to continue the story of characters that otherwise couldn't be continued due to their death? As for the seals, Spd/Res Form is neat, I guess Forms will be slowly trickled out now, and Infantry Rush... eh. Giving nearby Inf allies Heavy Blade is neat, but I never really used Inf Rush in the first place, so this is kind of a weaker "major" SS reward for me...
  14. Well I've given it enough thought to know that this banner... eh. Nothing feels necessary to grab here. Even the inheritable weapon feels weak compared to past seasonal inheritable lances (which it seems we get a lot of, so kinda weird they think we wanted EVEN MORE seasonal inheritable lances). Freya, Freyr, and Caeda might be annoying to fight, but not impossible to fight like it feels some recent units. Well that woulda been better than what it turned out to actually be (A version where the stat boost is given to Def)
  15. A shame about the news. Seems there's never a dull moment in a news room these days... ~Freya traded Distant Counter for all stat +5 and half of NFU. Not bad I suppose, at least for a more offensive unit. Also Fatal Smoke remains a seasonal skill. Sigh... ...I do like her floatie toy though. ~Welcome to the "Heroes who are only allowed to live if they dress up in seasonal clothing" club Freyr. Oh I see you're gonna be bulky as hell? That's cool. Call me back when you put some actual clothes on. ~Ogma looks like a demote for sure. Alright weapon, though it'd probably be a better fit with a Unity skill. No additional effects like penalty nullification is kinda weak though... ~So... what, all it took was one alt and now Caeda's whole "thing" is effective damage on Swords/Lances/Axes/Bows/Armors? Her kit certainly makes her able to do it offensively, compared to her young alt doing it defensively. Being a cav also means she won't die immediately if a bow isn't immediately dead. Flow Refresh looks alright, though counter-intuitive to an offensive unit who wants to be in WoM range. We'll have to see just who can inherit it before knowing how effective it truly can be... ~Norne is the Grail unit. ...wait she's also a Lance unit? But... wouldn't that mean the "common" weapon effect is completely locked to Lances?
  16. So... funny story, I was in need of a Firesweep Bow+ to give to Leonie, since I'll be needing her to be my Hegemon killer in Arena (simply because I had a spare C Duel Cavalry 4 to give her), and come this weeks Revival banner I blew my entire orb stock not getting a single Faye (which to be fair 80-something orbs isn't much of a stock, but it certainly is when you just need ONE unit), so I was kinda bummed. There's no way I'll be able to get the orbs together to get Faye before weeks end, right? Well... I then remembered I actually had an extra Firesweep Bow+ elsewhere... I had given one to Setsuna. My Setsuna is... was... zero merge +Atk -Def. She had no premium skills aside from Firesweep Bow. She was in my coma barracks that I labeled "useless", delegated mostly to units who I did not see having any use at all in the current climate of FEH, see Camilla, Takumi, Sully, etc. ...so on the bright side, I don't need a Firesweep Bow+ anymore! On the downside, I do still need Faye, purely to get her to +10 merge. ...has anyone else had a case like that? Needing a skill and borrowing it from a unit who happens to have it, for SOME reason you can't remember? I don't even remember caring about Setsuna in Heroes...
  17. Spontaneous use of 10 orbs from my stockpile on the Leg banner, sniping Green. Got a Dagr. ...well, my impulsive summoning can't always grant the best results, but 2nd place result ain't so bad. Edit: also impulse summoned the new Fodlan summer banner (since I had a pity rate) and I got Hilda, neutral! So... overall alright.
  18. Can't record right now, putting it in text form for later use. Used Flora +10, Micaiah +7, Plegian Raphael +10, and New Year Peony.
  19. Interesting... Byleth appears to be the first character to receive an Ideal skill and yet have no way to give himself any sort of bonus to gain the full +9 boost to stats. Not like it's that notable this early in Ideals life, considering he's only the 4th unit to have an Ideal... well, at all.
  20. Hm... his value as a unit packed to take care of Hegemon is not to be denied, he looks good as can be (Times Pulse on a 1 cooldown special? we all know how that ends...), and his animation is awesome (also Professorial Tome is the best weapon in the game based soley on the fact that lost items appear) But... I just don't think I need him that badly. We're only a few months away from CYL, and I need to start saving. Just hope I don't come to regret that decision...
  21. Oof... all Swords and Lances... guess that'll happen with this kind of theme. Think I'll justify my Farina and side with her for the time being, with Palla or Catria as a backup choice.
  22. Nants ingonyama bagithi baba. ...actually he's been +10 for a while now, I just... completely forgot to actually post about him. (side note: he usually has Ignis, but I forgot to take Blue Flame off when I had him learn it)
  23. Stupid easy skip. Merric's one defining trait as a Green Tome Infantry is his access to Dark Excalibur, and even that isn't necessarily enough for me to justify another month of Feh Pass just to make sure I get him. Poor offensive stats, average at best defensive ability (pretty good HP for a ranged 1st gen Infantry though), bad fodder options, a Prf weapon that barely covers his weaknesses... there's just so little here for me.
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