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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. There isn't. I've looked for ages, but there is not a single difference between summoning a 4* and a 5*. Pretty sure plenty of other gacha games make it obvious when you do. Dragalia Lost springs to mind, since they have like three different cues for when you summon a 5* adventurer or dragon.
  2. I do have three passives I'd really like to see at least one of them appear as a seal... the two Sweep skills and Null Follow-up. They clearly realize the combo of Sweep skill + Null Follow-up is powerful if they're releasing units who have NFU on their weapon and Windsweep (not Watersweep for some reason...), so it doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon, but I do also remember when Quick Riposte was a desired SS skill, and now it seems no one would even notice if QR3 was silently dropped to the 4* pool, so I'm hoping the Sweeps or NFU get at least the SS treatment.
  3. You know, giving it some thought it's a little ironic... Legendary and Mythic heroes have "special" animations for when they're summoned, and a lot of heroes, seasonals and fallen heroes especially, have a bunch of wispy effects that give them the illusion of something cool going on when they're summoned, but now here we have 4* special summons with unique summoning animations, all of whom are Book 1 and Book 2 units who by this point are really not that special or even in most cases good. But they have a starlit background and everything, meanwhile new units now... they don't have anything special aside from 5 golden stars when summoned.
  4. Incredibly high Spd, guarenteed follow-ups on top of Desperation if she is even slightly injured (great to pair with Winter Bernadetta), powerful on top of it all, Cavalry effectiveness is icing on the cake. Not necessarily unique, but powerful where it counts. Also, unless you have an abundance of Three Houses units and don't need Brave Lysithea, probably wanna keep her for when the game demands TH units.
  5. +Res -Atk Dancer Ethlyn, +Def -Res Harvest Grima... hm, for my first summon, that went very incredibly well, even if the assets and flaws could use a little work.
  6. You know @XRay, I remember saying I didn't wanna build a second Brave Ike, and that was pretty much because it was impossible for me to say I could have the resources necessary to get another Bike up to speed (decent number of merges, pretty valuable SI, refine, etc.) especially considering Bike wasn't in the summoning pool for New Hero banners anymore, the only banners I really focus resources into these days. Turns out that was a lot easier to say BEFORE Feh Pass gave me an extra copy of him and the summoning pool update provided a small chance to get even more extra copies. I wanna ask real quickly, when do you think the point is that I could run this new Brave Ike in Aether Raids? Right now I'm just giving my existing +Spd +10 Bike a new blessing every week that he needs one. (Also funny little extra, one of Bike's tap quotes directly addresses the fact he has new gear on top of his alt gear. That amuses me.)
  7. Normal Stamina does not recover to max at the daily reset. Again, only Hall of Forms stamina recovers at the daily reset.
  8. I remember Lute was my first 4* special summon. Following her were Myrrh, Nephenee, and Pale Flower Nino, not necessarily in that order. I mean, Lute and Myrrh are still good units (Lute has a strong Sabotage effect, Myrrh is raw bulk in a little girl), Wrath and Slaying Lance are some good fodder options, and funnily enough PF Nino appeared on her New Power banner and was also one of the last merges I needed to get her to +10. Ultimately, I like that it really doesn't get in the way of regular summoning. Even if we don't get anymore Weekly Revivals, I honestly would rather have a completely random chance to summon a Book 1 or 2 unit during my regular summoning (that doesn't break the pity rate!) than get one free summon per week. There's still plenty of Book 1 and 2 unit skills that are used to this day, and this gives even a small chance of taking the pressure off getting them. And as I've just begun to own these days, I ultimately get the most joy from this game by 5* +10ing units, and there's plenty of those old 5* locks that I'd like to +10. Since I don't really like to rely on Weekly Revivals, I appreciate this little extra boost. And again, it doesn't get in the way of regular pity rates. Finally, I don't have to worry about summoning Luke or something stupid and losing a 6% pity rate!
  9. If you mean regular stamina, as stated it recovers at a rate of 1 every five minutes, with a cap of 99. Stamina can technically go past this limit if you use a Stamina Potion, but it will not begin recovering until you go under 99. If you mean stamina in the Hall of Forms, stamina does not recover in that mode until the daily reset, or if you use a Torch to manually recover stamina. This is probably because, if you had a virtually unlimited number of times to play the HoF, you could get literally any skill set you wanted on your units with no repercussions, and then you could just grind out the weaker halls until you literally had 4 gods to sweep the floor with. Think about it, my current Minerva has 5 out of the 6 skills I wanted her to have once she can have a Forma soul used on her, but I only have a weeks worth of runs to get her the last skill she wants (Dive Bomb, if it matters). If I had unlimited runs, I could have cleared the HoF with extremely strong Spring Whitewings and Minerva, all with full skillsets and merges, on just the first day. @Sil/phire The Tier 4 Duel skills at least provide +5 HP and +2 all stats, which is currently comparable to Fury 2 and an HP+5 Sacred Seal being used in the A slot. Not impressive compared to +7 Atk and Spd just for having more than 25% HP, but it's still pretty good. But as far as actually good, like if you have better options then just use those... Azelle and Erinys would both get more benefit from even as simple a skill as Life and Death 3.
  10. Okay... I cleared all the halls. I got Ninja Masakari, Rally Atk/Spd+, Ruptured Sky, Atk/Spd Solo4, and Atk/Spd Rein on Minerva. As a failsafe, she has Mystic Boost in her B slot. I now have a week to get Dive Bomb. Yes I know it's a slightly niche skill, but it's not like there's any better B slots for a flier like Mini Minerva.
  11. My Minerva has the Ninja Masakari, yeah. Pretty early on too, like before entering the Lunatic halls if not in the Lunatic halls, and she is exceedingly strong with it (also A/S Rein, which helps) I dunno when they would have been first available in HoF, but i've not seen any of the others on other units, though in fairness the only units I've really looked on were Tsubasa and Mamori, and on Tsubasa not really all that hard.
  12. Welp, I gone and used all my grails to get my Mininerva to +9. ...I'll let you guess who I'm using a Forma soul on. ...to be fair, I forgot that Ninja Masakari was a thing, and I just think Mininerva could make good use of it! Already got it and Atk/Spd Rein on her in the hall of forms and everything!
  13. The thing about C skills is that the vast majority of them do not actually grant the unit themselves any direct benefit, mostly consisting of supportive effects. Savage Blow would provide some chip damage to enemies near the foe. Fatal Smoke disables the enemies healing, so they can't save themselves once they are in a trap. Pulse Smoke would help stall certain skills, or Panic Smoke would debuff the foe. I hesitate to recommend a Joint Drive since Roddy being a Cav means he is likely to be pretty far away from his allies.
  14. Let's just get the stats up so people know what to look at...
  15. Seals don't necessarily have an order of importance. We can, of course, tell you what the most useless seals are (why take Defiant skills over Brazens?), but it fully depends on the units you use. For those units in particular though... Fallen Julia's tome demands she be left alone, so taking Atk/Spd or Atk/Def Solo would only make her effects stronger as long as they are active. Legendary Julia's tome demands her Atk be higher than the foes at the start of combat, as such seals such as Death Blow won't contribute to this stat check. Her atk is quite high as-is though, so seals such as Death Blow will still help her performance. If you want to boost her visible Atk as high as possible though, the only seals that allow that are any Atk+ seals or the recently released Life and Death (this coming at the cost of some of her Res) Brave Edelgard is fortunate in that the seal slot is where most armors would need either Armor March or Armored Boots, but she bypasses this need with her weapon. You may choose to run a Stance or Solo skill in her SS slot to boost her EP defenses, Heavy Blade to get a higher CD special ready faster, or even Mystic Boost to get some extra HP recovery post-combat, with the added benefit of nerfing Staff units. I personally run Brazen Def/Res, since that helps in auto-battle and I don't like switching my seals around. Plumeria can run with Aerobatics or Flier Formation to teleport to nearby allies, but I like my Plumerias holding Phantom Res and Fortress Res, as these help her to trigger Sabotage skills. The above is primarily my own opinion formed by my use of the characters and how I see them used in Arena and Aether Raids.
  16. Tier 4 Duel Infantry and Flying? Geez, nothing is truly safe from the giant yellow border... Grand Hero Battle will be against... Díthorba, probably a Sword Flier based on her weapon in GotHW. Annand has a sword version of the Deck Swabber and a largely defensive-looking set. Guard Bearing is entering the summoning pool... and that's about all I'll say on that matter. Azelle looks good I guess. Desperation would be better than Snag. Oh wow, Lex has a Prf Axe that absolutely tanks his Res, but boosts his Def. That's an interesting take on the Prf Brave weapon... I think... I mean, it is for the demote anyway. Oh dear, Erinys has a pseudo-Brave weapon that DOESN'T require her be on a flier ball team (be near a support ally, but come on that's just asking for her to be paired with Velouria or Rafiel), and is probably gonna be much faster than Young Palla. If it weren't for Palla's duo skill, I'd almost consider this a murder... ...that's about it. What do you want from me, I never played Genealogy.
  17. A very recent summoning pool change in which all the Book 1 and 2 5* units up until CYL2 have been put in a 4* special summon rate. This rate does not impact the current banners pity rate, so any 4* special summons will not reset it.
  18. Eremiya should not be used as skill inheritance fodder. Grail units generally do NOT want to be used as skill fodder unless their skills are literally not available from any other source. Such skills aren't really that common, and Eremiya's SI is not all that valuable in the first place. The SI you are after from her is all available from Gen 1 staff units. Distant Guard is only useful half the time. It only triggers if the foe is using a ranged weapon, and while I don't know what kind of units you are facing right now, you could get almost the same results against all foes with Drive Def and Drive Res in your C and SS slots. I assume you are asking what this means. This just means that the only units affected by Dorothea's Duo Harmonic skill are units from their respective original games, in this case Three Houses and Genealogy of the Holy War. You can check for this in a units Help description whenever you tap on their name. Brave Dimitri, for instance, would be affected. You should be careful to check this if you have any prior knowledge of FE games though, as some units appear in multiple games but are only listed as being from one game. Ike, for instance, appeared in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but his multiple alts shift between being from Path of Radiance or from Radiant Dawn. Units do not need to have learned a skill to be able to pass it on via inheritance. They only need to have it available at their current rarity to be able to pass it on. Barst at 3* would not be able to pass on Brave Axe+ or Spur Atk 3, but he can still pass on Brave Axe, Reposition, Knock Back, and Spur Atk 2 even if he does not have those skills learned yet.
  19. Movement type does not refer to the number of spaces a unit can move. It refers to the type of movement class a unit belongs to, which is what determines how far they can move. This is also a factor in base stats/growths and types of skills they can learn, but not the point right now. Infantry move 2 spaces, are slowed by Forests, and cannot pass holes, rivers, mountains, etc. Armored moves 1 space, is not slowed by anything, and cannot pass holes, rivers, mountains, etc. Cavalry move 3 spaces, are slowed by trenches, and cannot pass through forests in addition to holes, rivers, mountains, etc. Fliers move 2 spaces and are not slowed by anything and can freely maneuver though rivers mountains etc., but are universally weak to Bows. Again, 3 Fliers and 1 Cavalry will not trigger Tactics on the fliers because there are 3 fliers present on the team when the skill requires 2 or less of a Movement type, meaning the only one on the team who would benefit from Tactics skills would be the lone Cavalry. As for your other question about Anamnesis Eirika's ability to inherit skills, Anamnesis Eirika can inherit as many skills as she wants as long as she meets the prerequisites to learn those skills. She cannot inherit Guidance for example, which is a Flier exclusive skill. You can see the requirements to inherit a skill in its help description, as well as when you go to try and inherit a skill; It will flat out not let you pick the skill in the first place.
  20. If I'm watching on a game console, roku, or other system where I am not using a mouse, I prefer to just watch the opening. I don't like missing any little part of the episode, even if it's just a slow pan of the environment, and I find it hard to get the skip juuuuust right when not using a mouse. If I'm watching on my laptop though, it fully depends on the opening. Some openings I like enough to watch all the way through all 12 or so times a season, others I can't stand and need to skip, and then there's the openings that fall into neither category; in those cases I kinda just randomly decide if I wanna watch it or not. What I'm not a fan of are openings that have subtle changes depending on progress made in the anime. I remember Amagi Brilliant Park had one such change, but I never found out until the final episode...
  21. Once you summon 40 units on a banner that has the Sparking (fan term) enabled, you will be allowed to summon one free 5* focus unit from the banner. Keep in mind that if your current summoning session would put you over 40 units, the session will not end until you either exit the session or exhaust every orb from the session. You cannot do anymore normal summoning sessions from the banner until you pick a free unit. This free unit will have Neutral IVs, and you only have one chance to pick a focus unit for free, unless otherwise noted (I remember last years Brave banner allowed it up to 4 times, but I do not recall if that was ever possible later on). Also keep in mind that among the freebies will be the 4* demote, so try not to pick them as your freebie. It'd be a bit of a waste.
  22. Tactics only work if two or less of a units movement type are present on the current team. 4 units being Infantry will not trigger a Tactics skill. 3 Infantry and 1 Armor will only trigger the Tactics skill on the Armor if possible. 2 Infantry and 2 Flier will allow all 4 units to benefit from the tactics skill. As long as there are 2 or less of a movement type present, the tactics skill will activate. Otherwise, nothing happens. And in this case, the tactics skill will only work on Catria, because there is only 1 Cavalry unit on the team, but 3 Fliers. Stamina passively recovers as long as you are not at or beyond the current 99 Stamina max, even if playing in a mode which consumes Stamina. If you mean the Hall of Forms stamina, then it only recovers at the start of a new day in FEH, or if you use a torch.
  23. Someone pointed out this video a few days ago, and I think you might appreciate a watch of it if you have the time. As for Est right now, I agree with Ice Dragon in that you should take Steady Impact. Est would also appreciate Desperation if she had access to more Spd. I wanna add, the Panic Ploy SS should probably get replaced ASAP if you wanna have the best time getting through this hall. Est's HP of 39 gets easily trumped in the later halls.
  24. Been a few days with the two Nins, and boy do they... well, one of them certainly doesn't disappoint. Not quite sure what I wanna do with the other Nin... Nina technically could have been +10 for a loooooong time if it weren't for Dancer Nephenee wanting Bow Valor, but Nino was in a bit of a merge stalemate, kinda just getting whatever merges she could get and never necessarily being a target of mine. Then they both got refines. And then the change to Book 1 and 2 units made it unintentionally easier to finish them, funnily enough since one of the last two merges I needed for Nino was actually a 4* Special summon instead of an on-focus 5* summon. That 4* Special summon... I really hope that little change makes it easier to +10 some of my units.
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