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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. italian dude here, can definitely confirm this sadly, due to italian being a language that's basically only spoken in italy, videogames are printed in very small quantities (especially nieche games such as jrpgs), so they tend to cost much more when they eventually become unavailable in regular stores anyway, back on topic, and on a more serious note not that Makalov isn't serious yeah, PoR and RD are my favorite FE games as well
  2. well actually you're right, i think i worded that line pretty poorly what i mean is that, especially when compared to Edelgard, Dimitri and their serious mental problems, Byleth is ironically one of the most plot-relevant characters who generally acts the most reasonably
  3. as others already said, i don't think this hypothetical 5th route would have plausible justifications i mean yeah, Byleth and the player are constantly reminded how Rhea has a dangerous/mysterious side, but i don't think Byleth necessarily believes she's dangerous enough to be killed, even more so when he/she doesn't know WHAT exactly makes her so dangerous yet, and her guard is at the lowest; i mean, she's still the reason why Byleth is teaching at Garreg Mach to begin with, that must mean something to him/her also, from a gameplay perspective, Byleth can reach A support level with Rhea before the timeskip happens: killing her without hesitation just seems... unreasonable? even schizophrenic, dare i say, and since 3H is the FE game which handles the connection between supports and story progression the best, that would simply result in a pretty serious flaw now that i think about it, Byleth is the single 3H character who generally acts the most reasonably to be completely, 100% blunt, this just looks like a bunch of bad premises for a 3H fanfic no offense intended, of course, but that's simply what it looks like to me
  4. i love PoR and RD as well, and my reason is an extremely simple yet meaningful one:
  5. really happy this banner is a thing, imo it feels like a bit of fresh air: we don't always need waifu/husbando materials or whale-bait units, so i love that this banner is full of relatively low-ranking units and without fanservicey characters. granted, not that i dislike them, but i feel like this (probably single) banner is a nice change i love Ronan, and i would actually pull for him, except i already have a +10 Jorge, and Ronan looks pretty much like a pullable 5*-only Jorge; still, my tickets will be spent trying to pull some seteths happy for Asvel and Sara as well, but i honestly didn't remember about Miranda at all i'm not expecting much from Veld, he might as well just be yet another red tome warlock, i don't expect them to give us a free colorless tome so "soon" anyway, i'm happy this banner exists, but i will personally not spend orbs in it
  6. mmh, interesting, but I'd like to expand my list a bit, by adding Infantry/Flier/Cavalry/Armor categories for some of the most common weapon types Swords Lances Axes Bows Red Tomes Blue Tomes Green Tomes Colorless Tome: Bramimond, tied with Halloween Xane Daggers Staves Dragons Beasts
  7. excluding alts, but including base versions we still don't have in the game (zihark, deghinsea, charlotte, etc.), and in no particular order: Fury (FE4), possibly Sword Flier Zihark (PoR/RD) Stefan (PoR/RD) Makalov (PoR/RD) Kieran (PoR/RD) Geoffrey (PoR/RD) Astrid (PoR/RD) possibly Colorless Bow Cavalry Lex (FE4) Brigid (FE4) Calill (PoR/RD) possibly Blue Tome Erk (FE7), possibly Red Tome Skrimir (PoR/RD), possibly Red Beast Armor Rhea (3H), possibly Colorless Tome/Breath Infantry and for the love of god please no legendary/mythic Forseti (FE4), possibly Green Breath Infantry/Flier sadly he would be bound to be legendary/mythic Ashera (PoR/RD), possibly Blue Tome Infantry/Armor Deghinsea (PoR/RD), possibly Colorless Breath Armor Elena (PoR/RD) Marianne (3H), possibly before CYL5 is open Manuela (3H), possibly Staff/Blue Tome Cavalry Boyd (PoR/RD)
  8. i mean i really like flayn, she's probably one of my favorite 3H characters, and most likely one of the few 3H characters to have little to no mental problems i just... don't feel like it's something i need to tell the whole world: i like her a lot and i'm fine with other people not liking her, and i honestly don't really care how many flayn fanarts are out there
  9. Yes, it is incredibly easy. No, I don't think it's a good idea. Speaking strictly about what I have experienced in my 5 playthroughs (CF, SS, AM, VW, SS) on Hard-Classic Mode: 1) If you grind, you'll end up finding out you're actually playing "Slicing Butter with a Hot Knife: The Game"; 2) If you don't grind, it's still one of the easiest FE ever (no, 2 slightly more challenging maps aren't enought to suddenly label the whole game as "hard"); 3) Many of these difficulty problems imo are due to how "open" 3H's system is: you can literally make a whole Wyvern Lord team, a thing not even PoR and SS allow you to do, and they are usually brought up when it comes to talk about easy FE games; 4) The Pulse mechanic is a thing, and imo it has more cons than pros; 5) Skill Emblem, that is all; there is more i could list, but i think i made myself quite clear this is not to say I don't understand why they made it so easy, because I perfectly do: this is to say that I personally don't like it being so easy, for the reasons listed above
  10. not gonna lie, Forseti Refine is probably the hypest thing i've seen in FEH in a long time anyway, some plausible refine effects are swift sparrow 2 (boring), atk/spd solo 3 (also boring but a little bit better) or that effect on Karla's and Naesala's weapons, and that'd be really nice of course i hope for the best effect possible, but i'm not expecting anything crazy
  11. well the problem of treating knives as swords and fists as axes is that it would probably be even more confusing, like "why do daggers work so differently, if they're treated as swords?" and "why are fists neutral against almost every weapon type if they're treated as axes?" that's why i decided to make them completely different weapon types as for kicks, they'd be integrated in hermits' and ascetics' animations, so they could not work as a different weapon type mmmh, daggers ignoring defense is certainly interesting, i'm writing that down also lmao, i guess that "fists being effective against magic" part makes a lot of sense as well
  12. well, a small joy after months of nothing winter altina in my free summon, +res -hp, not the best but i hope i hope i'll manage to hit 40 summons, make her +1 and change her ivs to +atk
  13. this is my 100%-biased Ultimate roster, in no particular order: Already present Trails Fighters Square Enix Fighters More Nintendo Characters Other 3rd Party IPs
  14. well i must say, this banner is pretty tempting, mostly because of altina+sanaki and sephiran (but for the love of god please stop adding new characters as special heroes) also, i'm extremely happy to see felix being finally in the game, this means he'll most likely lose votes in the next CYL event; now they only need to add marianne (NY marianne maybe?) as well
  15. this: what i love about Smash is diversity WYR have: - an obscure character you love but everyone else hates from a popular series everyone loves, yourself included or - the most popular character everyone loves but you hate from a popular series everyone loves, yourself included
  16. this, a hundred thousand times this WYR: - all of the remaining FP2 DLC Fighters to be 1st party characters from series you know you like, but which already have 5+ fighters in Smash (ex. Pokemon, Zelda, Mario,...) or - all of the remaining FP2 DLC Fighters to be 3rd party characters from series you might not feel anything about or even downright dislike, but which are not yet represented in Smash with a playable fighter (ex. Monster Hunter, Nier, God of War,...)
  17. there's no trope or cliché that i find really annoying in videogames: if a trope is well executed, then i'm all for it this said, i generally don't like games where i'm supposed to relate to a blank slate avatar who's also the super duper chosen one of god knows what supernatural being or force, who is also loved by everyone who's around him/her (corrin, byleth and the likes) there are exceptions of course, dragon quest games being some of them
  18. as far as i know, there's no way to get them at a reasonable price they also tend to get even pricier depending on the language: italian versions tend to cost a lot more simply because there are less available copies compared to other languages i know what i'm talking about i'm sorry, this will probably never change: the only thing you can hope for is to wait for a port, a remaster or a remake of those games
  19. well yes, but i was mostly referring to Sephiroth's original artwork for FFVII, where his Masamune's blade is basically as long as his whole body
  20. ok so, while i would've liked Sora better, and while i would've preferred a character from a different FF (Squall, Tidus, Terra, Celes, Kefka), i just can't but be extremely hyped for Sephiroth i never wanted to believe he was possible because i used to think they would've shortened his Masamune, but i'm so happy to see they didn't do that anyway, as for Spirits, it's pretty safe to assume we're getting Tifa, Barret, Aerith, maybe Yuffie, Cid, Red XIII and Vincent, and i hope we also get JENOVA and Safer Sephiroth Mii Costumes are pretty safe bets as well: Tifa (Brawler), Barret/Vincent (Gunner) and Aerith/Yuffie (Swordfighter), BUT my personal pick would be Red XIII (Brawler), that would be hilarious music... that's tough, since we heard Life Will Change playing during Joker's trailer, but that track wasn't added to Smash, so it's possible that One Winged Angel will share the same fate (of course i don't want it to) JENOVA's ost would be amazing too, but what i'd really love to hear is an action remix of Aerith's Theme these 5 days just aren't passing fast enough
  21. yeah, that sounds a little bit too complicated and while my idea isn't exactly "everything is part of a Weapon Triangle", i can agree on the fact that it might not be clear as day to some players after a first reading even though i strongly believe in the fact that it's easier to understand something by experiencing it firsthand, and not by just reading it or hearing about it, i guess i shouldn't expect the same from others yeah, i can definitely see why i don't really mean to do something that plays exactly like what you just suggested, but it will probably help me balance things a bit better well i'll be honest, i've never played a single Advance Wars game in my very honest opinion, i don't really like the idea of decreasing stats according to the amount of HPs: that could probably work better in an action game, but in a SRPG, i honestly don't know as for bosses, they should probably get a topic on their own (which i most likely will make in the next weeks)
  22. mmmh, that might be interesting, as it makes armor knights and generals a little bit more useful in enemy phase, and at the same time makes speed-dodge tanking much less effective i honestly can't tell if i like my "extra WAs only on Player Phase" idea better than the one you suggested, but i think i'll stick with mine, i don't want to "steal" someone else's idea oh yeah, i really like this, maybe with Thunder being effective against Dragons and Wyvern Knights/Lords, Wind against Pegasus/Falco Knights and Fire agains horseback units such as Paladins or Great Knights
  23. yeah, i feared that it would sound a bit overcomplicated, and i can't really say it isn't my idea was to incentivize players not to turtle maps by adding bonuses that can only be obtained by taking the initiative, but since i personally like %-based skills better, this is what i came up with i'd say that if you think like "bows have WA against all melee weapons when initiating combat" and "daggers always have WA when initiating while WD when defending" and so on, it doesn't sound THAT complicated, if i'm allowed to be so blunt also, the idea behind Daggers' WA and WD is that, if units equipped with this weapon type initiate, their enemies are taken by surprise, which is represented by having WD and being unable to counterattack at the same time, if Dagger units fail to be stealthy, they are unable to fight their enemies on equal terms, so they get WD and are unable to counterattack instead don't know if it even makes that much sense to begin with, i just thought it could've worked as a gameplay mechanic anyway, some friends of mine told me to cut down weapon types, and honestly i think they're right: i think i would simply take Fire, Wind and Thunder out, as much as it pains me, since that's my favorite version of the Magic Trinity, but yeah i can agree on the fact that they often feel like something unnecessary yeah, the EVs system from pokemon was what i took a lot of inspiration from yes i could've said it since the beginning, that would've helped understand everything much better yes, Hermits/Ascetics would eventually be very strong by the last chapters it could be balanced by making Fists units gain a WD depending on what WA they gain (ex. WA against Swords and WD against Axes, effectively making them something similar to a Halberdier) or i could just decrease the times Fists units gain WAs (ex. from E to D, from C to B and from A to S, for a total of 3 WAs) given Hermits'/Ascetics' heavily customizable nature, they would join really early, with an E rank also, my idea was that players had access to only one Hermit/Ascetic, but if i were to add another, then yes, this would have set advantages LMAO that's legit, but i honestly could't come up with a better name anyway, thank you so much for the time you spent sharing your opinions, it truly means a lot to me
  24. i think this is the right place where to create this topic; if not, i'm sorry anyway, getting on topic today i came up with what i'd like the """weapon triangle""" and the Fists weapon type to be in a fan-project i wish to realize some very distant day why all those quotation marks, you ask? well that's simple, it's because this is not a triangle to make things easier to explain for me and to understand for you, here are two summaries: """Weapon Triangle""" Fists so, what do you think about these concepts? is my """weapon triangle""" too messy? are Fists broken? please let me know
  25. well, a dancer lord (more specifically, a dancer with light tomes) has been a wet dream of mine since 2 years or so, to the point that i sort of created a DnD/Pathfinder class that could represent this concept in a campaign i'm playing my main problem is EXP: either you use this unit in combat, at the cost of not making use of the Dance command, or you raise the amount of EXP dancing grants to a decent amount (20/25), so that you don't get to the final chapter with an unpromoted level 18 lord
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