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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. oh yeah you're right, i think my brain just naturally tried to make me forget about them still, doesn't change the fact that i find this ridiculous to say the least as much as it pains me to say this, i don't think we'll ever see Soan in Heroes, RD doesn't really explain anything about him, except that he fought along with Altina and Deghinsea, but both of them are much more popular and story-relevant (although indirectly, in Altina's case) yeah, he has a cipher card, but we don't even have an untransformed design for Soan iirc
  2. so, uhm... i'm kinda mixed about this banner i love that Xane and Deghinsea are finally in the game at all, plus Ena as well, really happy about this but i'm crying bloody tears because Deghinsea debuted as a seasonal unit and doesn't even have a prf weapon, and i'm tired of Tiki (never been a huge fan, but she's constantly getting under my skin more and more); also, Halloween Fallen Female Robin... seriously? an alt of an of an alt? so what's next, christmas fallen male corrin? are we really getting this low, IS? anyway, i'm skipping this banner, although i'd love to +10 Xane
  3. a movie which is a prequel to PoR and RD, focusing on Altina, Soan and Deghinsea fighting the Dark God, would be amazing imo this way, you have a good reason why Ike, Micaiah & Co. aren't part of the story (although, knowing that the movie would have a pretty bad ending, you could let like Altina have something like a vision of a positive future with Ike, Micaiah & Co. just a moment before dying (this would not cause plot-holes because she wouldn't manage to tell anyone)) also, the whole story would fit the length of a movie, if well handled, because you have very few restrictions as to what you absolutely must show, everything else would be completely made up; plus, a prequel like this would probably make many fans happy so yeah, that would be my FE movie
  4. A. At least FE's weapon representation would become a bit more decent would you rather: A. that the 4 remaining fighters are all you could ever hope for, but very well knowing those picks would make everyone else mad and unsatisfied B. that the 4 remaining fighters are not interesting nor appealing to you in the slightest, but very well knowing they'd make at least half of Smash's fandom super excited
  5. finally managed to break my 5,25% in the PoR banner with a second Shinon (i sparked my first copy) now he's +1 +def and ready to wreck the arena
  6. mmmmh, i'm trying to imagine other potential blue legendary heroes aside from dimitri, but i'm not being really good at this maybe it's really a 300% powercreep of male robin, but we "recently" got chrom, so i don't think we're getting another awakening legendary hero so soon now tellius is in desperate need of at least one more legendary hero, but i can't see any character from PoR and RD being blue, implying they don't pull a LChrom/LLucina and give them random weapons they shouldn't even be able to use blue tome LElincia? honestly, i have no idea
  7. finally reached 40 summons in PoR's banner, finally got my shinon now, how am i supposed to break my 5% rate with no orbs left?
  8. for games i knew nothing about but bought because of my friends' suggestions and positive reviews, i'd say NieR:Automata, which managed to become my favorite game ever for games i knew i'd have liked regardless but didn't expect to like THAT much, it's Zero no Kiseki; i had REALLY high expectations for the Crossbell duology (which i played just before CS3), but i didn't expect them to greatly surpass my expectations, like they ended up doing ps: i named Zero and not Ao simply because i got spoiled, so Ao's plot twist were a bit less impactful for me, but it's still an amazing JRPG nonrtheless
  9. i don't think comparing FE7's trio to 3H's trio combat-wise makes the slightest sense, they're 2 completely different games while personality-wise... neither? i mean the only similarities i see is that both games have 3 main lords, that both Lyn and Claude can use bows, same for Eliwood and Dimitri with lances and for Hector and Edelgard with axes aside from these, i see no other similarities
  10. i'd like FEW2 to be a spiritual squel to FEW1, meaning that i'd like the concept (random kingdom is assaulted, popular FE characters arrive to save the day) to stay the same, but with a new location, new OCs and old new FE games represented
  11. well she's not Rhea so i can keep my orbs safe pretty good mythic banner overall, though
  12. why aren't shinon jorge and jill in this voting gauntlet anyway, joining eyvel
  13. So, uhm, this is meant to be a "free" discussion about how me and everyone reading this feels about FE's general gameplay, but feel free to analyze a specific game's gameplay too, if you feel like doing so. Anyway, getting to the point: I thought about making this topic for a while now, when I started thinking why I like JRPGs, Action RPGs and Fire Emblem games so much, strictly from a gameplay perspective, trying to figure out what features these game genres share. I managed to do so for JRPGs and ARPGs, but, surprisingly for me (although it actually shouldn't be a surprise), not for FE games. So what is this feature that JRPGs and ARPGs share, but FE lacks? For me, that's requiring the player's "active skill" and learning capability. "But Yexin, what are you talking about? FE is all about learning from your mistakes and improving your strategies. Also, what the hell do you mean by 'active skill'?" 1) You're right, FE is all about improving your strategies; 2) By "active skill", i mean the players' ability to "actively" learn from the mistakes they're doing while fighting a boss, and learn how to win the battle at the same time Ok, I'll try to explain myself better: So, I think we all can agree on the fact that FE is basically "Math: The Game", don't we? The game in all about looking at the enemies' stats, equipment, skills and so on, and figuring out the most efficient way to defeat them with the stats, equipment, skills and so on our units have at their disposal (while also praying for the RNG not to screw our plan), along with the game's overall mechanics, such as movement, range, terrain, Weapon/Magic Triangle and more. In JRPGs and ARPGs the same thing happens, although in a different way: in JRPGs we decide what our characters will do (attack, cast spells, maybe using special and stronger techinques), and see what the enemies' attitudes and tendencies are, so that we can exploit them efficiently. Same thing goes for ARPGs, except we have to act and react quickly because everything happens in real time, and more elements are added to the formula (start-up frames, end-lag frames, hitboxes, hurtboxes and more). What's the substantial difference, then? It's that in JRPGs and ARPGs you get an instant feeling of yourself learning and improving, while FE games fail to deliver this feeling, because it's spreaded out much more slowly, during the whole chapter, and not mainly against boss fights, which should be a game's peak of battle design and challenge (see Rufus from FFVII: Remake). In FE you don't need to improve your skills, because you just have to look at the enemy's features and act consequently (ex. "the enemy's a paladin, so I'll just oneshot him with my warrior's halberd", or "the enemy's a slow axe general, so i'll face him with my speedy swordmaster whose evasion's so high he's never gonna take a single hit"). Eventually, it all comes down to "some units can do this, some others can't". Taking all that I've said until now into account, the way you play an average FE game is "bringing forth your strategy move by move, piece by piece", and the satisfaction you feel comes from the simple fact that you "solved" the situation the game showed you. From this PoV, FE games look much more like puzzles, meaning that once you've completed one, you basically know how to complete every others, even if the pattern and the pieces are different. Mind you, I don't mean to say I dislike FE games, I just wanted to point out what in my opinion makes them different from other RPGs, beyond the clear surface level, and how different the feeling of satisfaction they convey is. What do you think about this? Do you agree with me? Have you ever stopped for a moment to actively think about it? Or do you think it's too obvious? Do you have any idea on how the player's "active skill" could be added to a FE game, or do you think FE bosses are fine the way they are? Please do let me know, I'm really curious to see what this discussion can become.
  14. i'd say "Theme from GTO" and "Onizuka Impossible", both from GTO
  15. well my question was mostly sarcarstic, but thanks for the answer anyway as for the poll, i'd be fine with anyone winning aside from mae and tiki
  16. so why exactly is it that levin is not obliterating eliwood
  17. Scorbunny out, 2B in. Dante Chosen Undead Bandana Dee 2B Arle Crash Bandicoot Sora Shantae Alex (Golden Sun) (Screw it, let's not pick Issac and add a villain) Sakura Shinguji Rayman
  18. definitely this sticking with the same series for a long time will eventually do you no good, just try something else (Trails series, NieR:Automata, Kingdom Hearts or whatever you like), there's nothing to fear
  19. my favorite route is SS, because it has the highest amount of elements i liked in 3H: every Church character, exterminating the empire and TWSITD, a story that makes sense, a decent amount of chapters, good plot revelations, and of course Rhea as a romance option i really like AM too, but it's not my favorite because it 100% revolves around Dimitri, and that's both interesting but also potentially boring after a while because it does nothing for you as a player aside from showing you Dimitri's path to "redemption", which is cool, but i feel like this should've been a FE game on its own
  20. gotta admit, +15 B!Ike sounds tremendously tempting honestly though, i doubt they'd do that
  21. for me, it really depends on the character about the characters named so far (don't quote me on my thoughts, it's ok to like and dislike different things): -i don't love nor hate Severa, she's just "Tsundere girl #729 ft/Mommy issues"; -i dislike Takumi due to how he generally behaves; -i hate Edelgard because she thinks she's has the power to make everyone free and happy despite that's what she thinks and not once does she think about what the other students might think about crests, because she's so obsessed with her purpose; -i love Shinon for his grudge towards Ike, to the point that he leaves the Greil Mercenaries and faces them after having joined the enemy army, but eventually Rolf manages to break through that thick heart of his; -i like Sylvain because at least they gave him a reason why he's such a womanizer, and i also shared some of his points of views on certain things (no, i'm anything but a womanizer); -i like Felix because male tsunderes aren't as common as female tsunderes, and also he's tsundere for a reason, and i really liked how harshly he reacts to those who magnify chivalry, i found that really refreshing, especially in a Fire Emblem game; -i like Hubert, he's not like "Please step on me my queen Lady Edelgard" 100% of the time, and he can actually have interesting interactions with other characters as well; -i despise Lysithea because he has no reason to treat some characters like trash in her supports, and she ALWAYS behaves like a child, despite the fact that she wants to be treated like an adult another example not from a Fire Emblem game: Hojo, Final Fantasy VII Hojo is absolutely NOT the kind of person i'd like to share a pizza with, but he's such a charismatic (in his own way) mad scientist, and he's so convinced of what he's doing, that i can't but love him so yeah, as i said, it really depends on the character
  22. premise: i personally wouldn't spend 100 IV mangos for unmerged or low merged units, unless i'm already planning to +10 them point is, if i want to +10 a certain unit, chances are i'll get one copy with the boon i want, so it's just a matter of time tbh anyway, i think i'll use them to make Ashnard +res or Jorge +spd, to improve their tanky-ness but... now there's petrine and i'd really like to +10 her as well, she's really good and her res superboon works quite well with her already high speed and good defense
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