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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. This is why you really shouldn't put enemies that only one character can beat in this kind of game. Or, y'know, at least don't give the enemy instakill skills.
  2. Yes! I exist! A beautiful butterfly. Appropriate, given how beautiful Derrick is. Goddamnit, how dare you listen to Armagon. I'd kill you if I wasn't so weak. Riolu? Call me a noob, but going on my extremely limited pokemon knowledge, that looks more like Lucario to me. Isn't Riolu like, green? Maybe we should all get completely legit joycons from my uncle at Nintendo too. They might work better. Hold on, let me try to fix this. Hey @Shrimperor More like Stinkperor Hahhahhahahahahahahhahhaha I am winner
  3. Find a metapod and call it Derrick for me. If there isn't a metapod in whatever game you're playing, then find the closest thing. I support this idea.
  4. Nope. Before I played Awakening I always said it was my least known FE, and when I finally did play it I murdered everyone before they could have children lol Ahem, I'd just like to say, for the record, the edit is mine. I made it. I am responsible for this turn of events. I am very important. I am strong and wise. I am very proud of me. I have become a far greater jedi than you'll ever be--
  5. I'm not surprised, I know it's a common thing, unfortunately.
  6. Bad ports, huh. These damned game devs and their CoNsOLeS. Eugh! Repugnant! They should always develop for PC. Hey, I'm no stranger to that. I've enjoyed somewhat reviled games in the past. Heck, some of my favorites are obscure games that nobody really knows about. Good. More. ...Nah just kidding, greed ain't no good.
  7. Nights on Azure on Steam. All reviews: M I X E D You're gonna have to explain that one to me, chief. Seeing the whole thing, it doesn't really look much like either of them. It was the close up that made it look like it.
  8. Hey, that sounds pretty awesome. Kinda reminds me of Bloodstained. Or maybe that's just the fact that this girl in the thumbnail looks like a sort of mixture of Gebel and Miriam. I made it. I demand that you give me kind words for it.
  9. Excellent. Absolutely magnificent. Brings a tear to my eye, it does. Glory be to beards.
  10. Thanks. I aim to please. If you're curious, the beard's just Dozla's beard from his official artwork, recolored and resized. Remember that next time you find yourself playing FE8. Dozla good.
  11. That'll make it three people that have at one point or another changes their profile pictures to a meme edit of mine. Damn, I'm cool.
  12. Scientific fact, Shrimpy. S-C-I-E-N-T-I-F-I-C! It's impossible to look bad with the right kind of beard.
  13. Arniwho? ...Well, I just found on Google an Arnice from Nights of Azure. Adds up, I think. Here you go. Feast thine eyes. Hopefully I got the right one. Oh yeah, I did get the right one, you posted the same artwork I edited while I was away doing my magic.
  14. Beards make just about anyone look glorious. It is a scientific fact.
  15. That just made it even funnier. And I was already choking. Thanks, Observer. I need to play this hack. I don't know if it's going to be now, next year or next decade. I need to play the hack with Fernandez in it. That's all the convincing I need.
  16. Fernandez and Cervantes in Heroes when IntSys
  17. I mean yeah but It's literally just frigging Treck with a mustache called Fernandez I love it It suits my idiotic sense of humor like a glove Can't argue with the logic I guess.
  18. I've been laughing uncontrollably at this image for a solid minute.
  19. I will support your cause. If you switch the a for an o, Pyra becomes Pyro TF2, and TF2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Therefore Pyra is the way to go for me. Besides, redheads are better.
  20. Nah man, in that case you're a Thracian staffbot with a rewarp staff. Dark magic best magic.
  21. Damnit, I was hoping you wouldn't notice. I'm the brigand here... Actually, imagine that. A brigand that uses magic. Now that would be a great concept, I need a hack that does it, on the double. I spent the entire Berwick LP making jokes at the expense of Vanmillion. Million jokes are just too easy. Never name your kid anything even remotely resembling the word "million." Or Lee. Honestly, anything but Lee.
  22. Pfft. You're a brigand, Sooks. Ah, yes. That would've been a problem. In retrospect, I liked a lot more things about Awakening than I thought I would. Like Gangrel. On the one hand, I like that they killed him off instead of keeping him alive until the third-to-last map via Hubertings, but on the other hand, I so wish he had been around for longer. That man was a joy to watch. You could say that you've had enough CS praising for a millium years ...Ahahaahahahahahahahahaha sorry I'll go now
  23. Hah... Hold on, let me try. Hanneman best character. There we go, that was refreshing.
  24. What're you talking about? He lives in the only Fates that there is. Maybe Sooks's class is Female Corrin. Oh. Well, that just makes it even more incredible. So her kid isn't a sexualized mess. Attaboy, Awakening! I almost regret letting Nowi get skewered in the desert. ...I mean, I didn't even mean to, I forgot to move her-- What do you mean, what? I think it's a pretty neat design. Is that so wrong? I know it's out of character for me to like anything Awakening, but... Also, may I ask why everyone started throwing that at you out of the blue? I don't really get it.
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