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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Hang on, are you looking at the June newsletter from 2016? I don't remember getting any Mew codes in June... except for last year.
  2. That confused me a little as well. Looking at the timing of the interview, I don't even think Echoes was released in Western territories yet. Maybe they were happy it sold merely as expected? I guess there could be other factors like the budget. Even when considering the extensive voice acting, they at least already had the game engine from Awakening/Fates, while the Archanea remakes (or at least Shadow Dragon) had to have a new engine built.
  3. @Interdimensional Observer About the pirate country, I would need to check the original Japanese or maybe @Kirokan can check for you. However, I think it's merely referring to the Pirate Throne. After all, the people of Novis were having a headache over the pirates coming from there, so much they had to beg Celica for help. Something else I found interesting... Now where have I seen that?
  4. Thanks a lot! I really appreciate you taking the time (and money) to translate the interview for us. Ahaha, I can't believe they actually touched about the April Fools joke. Also, I didn't expect they'd talk about the relationship with Heroes. One thing that I really liked is the confirmed connection between Furia Harbor and (Port) Ferox. I always figured it was a reference, considering the location and the fact the two names differ by one symbol in Japanese (Furia versus Feria).
  5. Fair enough. Thracia does happen to be the game where the stat caps are the lowest and Marty has one of the best Build stats IIRC. On the other hand, I am a pretty terrible player and Thracia always ends up kicking my butt XD It's been a long time since I played, but I imagine there are worse units than Marty, especially among the pre-promotes, but even then there are the Crusader scrolls.
  6. I think you should have the information at the back of your mind, but ultimately you should use whoever you want, unless you're playing on the highest difficulties. On the lower difficulties, you can pretty much salvage anybody, even duds like Wendy and Sophia from Binding Blade. That said, I don't think I could ever bring myself to train Marty from Thracia... On the first playthrough, I'd always recommend going in blind. Figuring out who's good or not is part of the fun ^^
  7. When the game first launched, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. Of course, I had some vague ideas from seeing people playing other F2P/gacha games and also from playing Pokemon Shuffle, another Nintendo F2P title. Overall, the game has been a pretty fun rollercaster ride for me. I've had low points, high points, but on average I have been enjoying it. Besides the game itself, I love the community that's built around it. I also appreciate how relatively F2P-friendly the game is, even if the temptation to buy Orbs can be high at times. But then I remember you'll always be at the mercy of the RNG anyway, so I never bothered. (That and I physically can't access the Orb shop for some reason. Probably for the best, ahaha.) With the right strategy, you can beat most battles, as people have shown clearing Infernal maps with 3* or 4* stock characters. The game even gives you some top tier units for "free", like Xander, Camus and Olivia. That said, it is immensely helpful when luck is on your side. Especially as the challenges are getting tougher and you're encouraged to use more units. So very often, you'll want X Hero or X Hero with a beneficial stat distribution... and sometimes, X Hero never appears. In which case, you just have to make do with what you've got. I think the biggest thing I've learned, although I do forget from time to time is to appreciate what I've got, rather than what I haven't. This applies to the real world too. Anyway, I could probably go on, but I don't want to bore anyone too much XD Actually, I'll share some random tidbits/highlights for anyone who's really bored.
  8. That's an interesting side effect that I almost forgot about. I always figured that was the first--and literal--instance of a shape-shifting race transferring their blood to a human. The resulting human gets a brand and superhuman powers (and longevity). In a way, it's very similar to the effects of a blood pact between dragons and humans. Main difference is that (as far as we know), the dragon doesn't seem to lose any (or all) of their powers and the human has a "normal" lifespan. Still, I'm unsure how to neatly resolve all of these threads, beyond the hand-wavy "things changed as time passed".
  9. Honestly, I like to think they're the same. Awakening adding Beaststones as a parallel to Dragonstones only cemented my theory. In my view, the Laguz existed at a time when energy was prevalent and they did not need to use stones to converse their energy. Then something happened (like the Scouring in Elibe) and they were later forced to use stones. The argument about the "true" form of Manaketes and Dragon Laguz I can understand, but I don't really think it's conclusive evidence of anything. Another thing, in the early version of Path of Radiance, the Goldoans were stated to be developing dragonstones to aid the war effort. So at one point in development at least, they were basically early Manaketes.
  10. I somehow managed an Advanced no-death 7 streak, but I'm not looking forward to doing it again next week ^^;;; Off the top of my head, I could do with some more Reinhardt counters. I only have one real counter, the others get KO'd if Reinhardt has Quickened Pulse and there are no defence tiles around. Also, I think I need Ninian for a 3rd dancer. I always feel naked without a dancer, but 5 maps without one is a type of painful I haven't felt before.
  11. Finally beat it before I went to sleep last night. Map 1: Started with Flier Emblem to abuse the terrain. Cherche one-rounded Takumi with Goad/Hone Fliers, then my flier squad spammed re-position to dance around the survivors. Map 2: A Kagero slaughter with Sakura for healing, Olivia for dancing and Lukas to distract the foes. I was a bit dumb and sometimes Serra ended up KOing Lukas when I took too long. Map 3: Summer Elise took out blue knight and Robin with ease. I let some benchwarmers handle the rest. Map 4: Got stuck here for a while. Had to give Soren Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker (1) to safely KO the blue flier and Camus. Without it, he got doubled by Camus. Linde handled the red cav mage, while Roy tanked Michalis. Roy didn't have TA so he actually took massive damage, oops. Map 5: I was a bit worried, but somehow did it the first time with my veteran team of young Tiki, Azura, Bride Cordelia and Nino. It was pretty much Cordelia and Nino cleaning up shop, although I was sloppy and got forced into the north-east corner. Thankfully by then, it was turn 6.
  12. Another tricky battle. Managed to clear it with Bride Cordelia, Azura, Olivia and Young Tiki. Only Cordelia did any real fighting, the others were just around to dance/re-position or tank hits. After breaking the first wall, I sniped the flier with Cordelia, had Tiki use Draw Back, then danced Tiki so she could Draw Back a second time. Next turn, Cordelia KO'd Cecilia (needed a HP seal and a Res buff to survive) and the Cavalier, then hid to the back. On the enemy phase, Olivia tanked Lilina from above, while Tiki tanked the red Mage from the west. Azura was safe due to weapon advantage. Rest of the battle was just cleaning up the surviving three foes. EDIT I guess the battle might've been slightly easier if Tiki was replaced with a blue mage or Nowi with Draw Back.
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/FireEmblemMusou/status/893358220101668864 To be revealed this month. @Jedi Cherche and Virion? Camilla and Takumi? Titania and Shinon?
  14. The little sister fans would riot >: o In all seriousness, I am honestly wondering if the roster is so surprisingly big (as the devs mentioned) that we can fit in all 8 royal siblings plus extras. We already have 6(?) Awakening characters and I have a odd feeling that's not even half of it.
  15. Are you using a LZ77 (de)compressor? I recommend Batch-LZ77. Oh wait, FEAT also works, but I don't *think* it re-compresses. After decompressing, you shouldn't get all 00s. So clearly something has gone wrong. Also, the file size should be bigger after decompressing.
  16. Main article Two gaiden (side-stories) are planned during the downtime before development starts on Vestaria Saga II. Lucca Gaiden: Focuses on the Lucca village trio, elder and Alicia before the events of Vestaria Saga I. 4 chapters. Supervised by S_Kaga and developed by an independent team of two. Silverbirch's Sacred Sword: The conclusion to Zeid and Atol's story. 10-15 chapters in total. Game(s) will recycle content from Vestaria Saga I, but that's to be expected with the main team on hiatus. The game(s) will also be easier, although he seems to hint about a higher difficulty (added later?). First private release is scheduled for next Spring.
  17. Er, is it this tweet? If so, don't get your hopes up. It's just teasing Cordelia, female Robin and various gameplay elements. Basically the same as this. We aren't getting a new trailer for new unannounced characters (yet).
  18. I'll keep my expectations low and assume it's PR talk. Wasn't Shadows of Valentia pretty much the only Nintendo-published 3DS title during that quarter? I assume they wanted to remind investors that they are still supporting the 3DS as promised.
  19. I thought you might ask that. You need to be a bit more observant while playing XD Early-game grinding: Astral Temple, Band of Bandages, Wretches and Riches Mid/late-game grinding: Inner Sanctum, Lords of the Grave, Wealth before Health As for fun DLC, I'd recommend the Cipher Companions. Maybe Rise of the Deliverance if you liked the Deliverance characters.
  20. Yeah, I figured it out when the screenshot was first shown. It can also happen in the final release. See this page. https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/characters/support-bonus/ Alm gets 3 Crt from standing near Gray.
  21. Episode 11 My last video for a while. I had too much fun recording this, haha.
  22. Episode 10 So it's been a while since I checked out a village. The Mountain/Forest/Rigelian Village all seemed kind of samey, so I ended up skipping them. Anyway, unlike Ram Village, some of the later villages "recycle" the same area for different zones. You can see this phenomenon here with the Entrance and Clearing zones. What's particularly amusing is that the village entrance in-game is actually facing the "wrong" way. Going the way shown would take you outside the village... By the way, the video after this is probably going to be the last one or maybe the second-to-last one.
  23. Normally, characters cannot consume the alcoholic provisions in any version of the game. As a joke, I thought I'd show the possible consequences if it were possible. To mimic the feeling of being drunk, I hacked the playable characters to have Atk +5, Def/Res -5, Hit rate -30, Avoid -30, Critical +30 and Attack Speed -5. Boy... was it a mistake. It took me at least a dozen attempts before I could clear a basic skirmish without losing a single character. I thought about retreating at the earliest opportunity, but it didn't seem very sportsmanlike. Note: Due to an oversight, there is a brief period where Saber isn't drunk. However this doesn't really affect the battle since it's basically won at that stage. (Besides, I really don't want to replay the battle.)
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