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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Gull is my character. Koen(Richter's son) is played by @PeaceRibbon .
  2. If someone want's to fill my shoes they certainly can, or just make him a NPC character. What ever you want I guess.
  3. Hey guys. I think I'm going to join Hawkwing in leaving the RP. My workload from college is getting far bigger than I imagined(which was quite a lot) and I need to devote as much time to it as I can.
  4. My rankings are basically that list in reverse order. XCX is my personal favorite because it's the one that feels the best to play, I get that people don't like the story and characters, but to me gameplay always comes first and in my opinion XCX is consistently the most fun. XC1 is the most well rounded game, everything it has going for it is at the very least decent, which says a lot about the game's overall quality. I haven't technically finished XC2, but I've gotten far enough in that I can say it's not going surpass the other two games, it's been a pretty jarring experience for me personally with a lot of highs and lows. I am in no way saying your opinion is wrong. I just wanted to give my brief thoughts on the games too.
  5. @Dragoncat Nice to hear the RP might get rolling again, but I must throw out a quick disclaimer that I have finally started collage and as such expect to be very busy. I'll try to keep posting, but I can't promise it will be at a consistently frequent pace.
  6. This list is always subject to change, but here's my top 5 as of right now. Simon Shulk Zelda Ike Snake
  7. As a man of religion I was thinking this year I would try to incorporate abstinence from meat on Fridays year round rather than just during Lent. This actually used to be common practice in the past, but for whatever reason it just kinda stopped.
  8. Personally I'd be completely fine if none of the assist trophies got upgraded to full fighters, at least not in Ultimate. For the next game though, I'm all for it. But since you took the time to make a template here's what my choices would be. I must admit though, picking just 5 was tough. Alucard: More Castlevaina love is always appreciated. Shovel Knight: Phenomenal game that deserves all the recognition it can get. Lyn: One of my favorite Fire Emblem characters ever, of course I'd want her. Isaac: Recently started playing Golden Sun again and I can see why some people want him so bad. Waluigi: As much as I hate all the harassing surrounding this character, I still think he'd be a fun addition.
  9. I didn't play a ton of games that came out year, but here are the highlights. Spider-Man - I don't have a PS4, but I did get a chance to play this game at a friend's house a few times and that was all I needed to know that this game is amazing. Octopath Traveler - I'm slowing making may way through this one, but I'm far enough in that I can safely say that it's a really solid RPG I'm looking forward to finishing. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - I truly believe that this is the greatest Super Smash Bros. game ever made, Smash 6 cannot possibly hope outdo it, whenever that is. As for 2019... Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Successor to the Castlevaina series? Yes please. Daemon X Machina - Piloting giant robots and blowing stuff up? Yes please. Hades - Developed by Supergiant Games? Yes Please.
  10. If you are referring to making spirits trapped in generic enemies, yes. I'll probably do something like that later on.
  11. The only two dips I've make into horror are the Castlevania series and Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, neither of which I consider true horror. Castlevania is an action/adventure game that borrows heavily from classic movie monsters and the original Frankenstein is more of a sci-fi story than actual horror. Regardless, Castlevania's Dracula is easily the best vampire in all of video games and the story of Doctor Frankenstein is just one of my favorite books period.
  12. I would be trying to play Ken and Ryu more, but for whatever reason doing quartercircles on the joycons feels a lot harder than it should. Once I have the Pro-Controller I should be able to get a solid opinion on them.
  13. Obviously because Xenoblade Chronicles X is my favorite game of all time of course I'd go back and play it over and over again, but not in the way you might assume. The game is a large open world rgp at it's core, but I find sitting down with the game for short periods of time is just as satisfying as longer sessions because you're always making meaningful progress no matter what you decide to do and regardless of how much time you spend doing it. Another good example for me is Final Fantasy Theater Rhythm: Curtain Call. This simple little rhythm game can get super addicting really quickly. Even when I though I'd just pop it in on a whim and play through a few favorite songs I suddenly realized I had been playing for over an hour and it become the only DS game I want to play for the next 3 days.
  14. Gull reached out his hand to touch the ball of light, but when his hand passed trough it like air a chill ran down his spine. Gull now suspected this ball of light to be a ghost, which made him quite unsettled as he feared such supernatural phantoms. "I... I mean... if you think it's harmless I guess... I guess you can take it with... with us." Gull told his companion trying to bury his fears. "But more importantly we need to keep moving so we can find other people and figure out what's going on with these gho... balls of light." Gull continues following the path northward, keeping the spirit at a distance from himself.
  15. Drawing his cutlass Gull charged towards the red eyed turtle in a full sprint, but just before he could make his move Gull was hit with a stream of water spewing from the turtle's mouth. The water hit gull harder than he was expecting and was pushed back by the powerful stream. When the turtle stopped, Gull pulled out his pistol and aimed his shot, but when he pulled the trigger no shot was fired. "Aww shoot, the power's wet!" Gull thought to himself as he withdrew is gun. "Koen! Let's hit this thing together!" Gull shouted to his companion as he prepared to charge at the turtle once more.
  16. My favorite one sitting game is easily Final Fight 3. I always play it with friends while dubbing over the story bits at the beginning and end of the game in hilarious voices, plus it's a beat'em up so it's a very pick up and play experience with just the right amount of challenge as to not feel frustratingly difficult.
  17. An easy target for me is Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. Itsuki is such a bland everyman who's just there to help Tsubasa reach her dreams without actually having any ambitions of his own. I would have preferred Touma or Kiria as the main character since they actually have their own motivations and goals. But Eleonora is still the best character.
  18. @Dragoncat You're all set now. Thanks for waiting.
  19. "As I always say, every good pirate needs a few good deckhands to watch his back. I'll come with you for now." Gull said in response to Koen's offer. "You've got a big sword and I'm super tough, so together we can help each other out lots. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." After reaching an understanding, Gull and Koen leave the beach and head northwards, unlikely a pair they may be.
  20. From Koen's laughter, Gull got the impression he wan't being take seriously. He reached out and shook Koen's hand, but did so with a hostile look in his eyes. "My name is Gull." He told Koen before quickly pulling his hand from Koen's grasp. "But don't think I'm just some funny little kid! I'm a big bad pirate, a feared terror of the great sea!" Gull barked as he attempted to make what he though a stern, serious face which in actuality looked very unconvincing and appropriately childish.
  21. @Dragoncat I'm looking forward to playing both Gull as well as Dracula(and maybe a third character if I feel comfortable), but I would like to ask a question pertaining to my villain role which I will put under a spoiler since it's mostly speculative at this point.
  22. Gull walked up to Koen and looked him over. "How am I? Ha! I'm the toughest of the tough where I'm from!" Gull proclaimed boldly, puffing out is chest attempting to exaggerate his small stature. "So you've got yourself a big sword there." Gull remarked pointing at Koen's Longsword, which is quite big compared to the youth's cutlass. "But how tough are you? Are you a real fighter? Or just another typical landlubber?" He asked in a snarky tone.
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