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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. The Kickstarter for the animated special just passed 8.8 million dollars making it a full 10 episode series! Hats off to them for such an amazing accomplishment!
  2. I decided I would only pick characters from games I have played and only one character per series. Rosalina(Mario)- A character in a Mario game with a fleshed out backstory is rare, but really satisfying. Midna(Legend of Zelda)- The most likable companion in the Zelda series, at least from what I've played. Eliwood(Fire Emblem)- I know this is an unpopular choice, but I like having classic paragon heroes. Hades(Kid Icarus)- Unceasingly entertaining villain I will reference for years to come. Reyn(Xenoblade)- My favorite video game character of all time. Endearingly goofy, but fiercely loyal to the people he cares about. Cammy(Street Fighter)- Great backstory, loved seeing her progression through the series, also fun to play. Cecil(Final Fantasy)- Biased for FF4, but Cecil's arc of redemption really makes me root for him. Julius Belmont(Castlevania)- Everyone's got a favorite Belmont, Julius is a straight up Badass. Specter Knight(Shovel Knight)- Specter of Torment does a really good job of getting you to sympathize with this tragic villain. Prince Vorkken(The Wonderful 101)- A gloriously hammy anti-hero and a great doppelganger boss fight. The Kid(Bastion)- Once you learn his backstory, The Kid becomes a lot more interesting than his silent protagonist status might lead you to believe. Sol Badguy(Guilty Gear)- My favorite character to play as in any fighting game, also any reference to my favorite band Queen is always a win. Jodariel(Pyre)- Jodariel is such a mom and I love her. Big Band(Skullgirls)- Such a creative character concept and I like jazz. Reinhardt(Overwatch)- I adore Darin De Paul and Reinhardt embodies true heroism in my eyes.
  3. Fat Man is a large brutish man who has superhuman strength and durability while Little Boy sits on Fat Man's shoulder and tells him what to do because he's not very smart. Little Boy is super lazy and has Fat Man do everything for him in exchange for lots of food. They're only out for themselves and they wont hesitate to screw over another person if it makes their lives easier. Rogue Paragon
  4. Really?! That many all at once? And here I though 3 to 4 hours a week for just one show was a big commitment, maybe I'm just not as efficient with my free time or something. But hey, I'm not here to judge, if you really enjoy watching all those shows more power to ya.
  5. I was thinking about doing that, but a lot of people are using it to organize games right now and I didn't want to get in the way. Plus Critical Role is a pretty big deal right now so if we can get a discussion going I think it could use own space. Everyone on the show with the exception of Ashley has played a Fire Emblem character haven't they? In some instances multiple characters! Maybe one day we can get a full circle where Nintendo sponsors a one-shot session that's Fire Emblem themed to promote an upcoming release, similar to what they did with Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. I know that sounds like crazy talk, but after the insane success of the Kickstarter for the Vox Machina animated series I think Critical Role just might have the potential to go big enough to break into the mainstream. Speaking of which how did I forget to mention the Kickstarter in my first post? It's only the most funded film project in Kickstarter history! Just goes to show how much enthusiasm the Critters have for this show, it made 4 million dollars IN TWO DAYS! Here's a link to it if anyone needs a reference: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/criticalrole/critical-role-the-legend-of-vox-machina-animated-s?ref=project_link
  6. Critical Role is a popular weekly Dungeons & Dragons game live streamed on Twitch(uploaded to YouTube as well) featuring a group of voice actors including Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Liam O'Brien, Sam Regal, Taliesin Jaffe, and Ashley Johnson. I got into this show a year ago just as they started their second season and it's become something of a weekly routine for me to tune in and keep up with the ongoing story. Knowing the show has such a big following, I wanted to know if we had any other Critters here on Serenes Forest and maybe start a discussion if there's interest. Links below to the show on YouTube if you haven't seen the show, but would like to try it out. I'm linking both seasons, but I recommend season 2 for newcomers since it starts at a proper beginning and watching season 1 is not required to enjoy it.
  7. Pikachu is really good in every Smash Bros. game when you think about it, but I believe that it's an intentional choice so that the younger players who are attracted to the game by familiar faces like Mario and Pokemon can have a fighting chance when they're just starting out. I won't say that's a fact because I don't work for Nintendo, but I do think it's a possibility.
  8. Well once I started running out of spirits on the board I had to start summoning them. While I was doing that I realized there were some spirits I didn't have so I found out that they could only be purchased from the adventure mode shops. On top of all that my spirit points really started to dry up so I had to start replaying spirit battles just to sell of the duplicates. Also I'm in college so I didn't exactly have the time to binge play it.
  9. I just finished collecting all 1,303 Spirits currently in Smash Ultimate.
  10. I like to see Capcom make a new beat'em'up game, not just ports of the old ones. Streets of Rage 4 is coming soon so why not a Final Fight 4? Or bring back a lesser known game like Captain Commando or Battle Circuit?
  11. Metroid is a pretty important franchise for Nintendo so I think it needs Zero Suit Samus for just a little extra representation over other less important franchises. Xenoblade Chronicles has really started to take off as a franchise with the huge success of Xenoblade 2 on the Switch and I don't think it'll be slowing down anytime soon. Though Fates is pretty controversial among Fire Emblem games it's huge presence in games like FE: Warriors and FE: Heroes communicates to me that it's still a big money maker. Lastly, while Bowser Jr. has been a pretty consistent main stay in the recent Mario games, he's not really a character you'd immediately think off when talking about Mario, at least not compared to the likes of Luigi, Peach, and Bowser Senior.
  12. If I had to guess what the next Smash Bros. roster is going to be like, at least in terms of returning characters, my most conservative guess would be they'd only keep the most relevant characters to whatever games Nintendo is making at the time with the exception of the original 12 because tradition. Obviously a lot could happen between now and then, but if it was decided tomorrow the roster would probably look something like this: Also I decided to exclude third-party characters since there's always a level of uncertainty depending on the company.
  13. Alright, so maybe I made that previous comment a bit hastily, but I still think Sakurai needs to change his work routine all things considered. It's great that he goes above and beyond for this series that deserves someone as passionate as he is leading development, but he's probably gone too far if he's suffering physical damage by continuing to do so. Just give the man a huge bonus after the DLC is finished and send him off on a vacation where he doesn't make any games for a few months.
  14. If this is what Sakurai has to do to keep making these games then I don't want another Smash Bros ever again. No one deserves to live like that.
  15. You'd pretty much have to redesign those first couple of chapters around the fact that you have access to a flying unit, but also one less healer.
  16. Being a world history/geography nerd I knew that Galar was based off of Great Britain as soon as the trailer started. The view of the countryside combined with architecture of the buildings was a dead giveaway. Can't really say the trailer did to much else for me since I'm a pretty casual fan of the series nowadays. Probably won't be picking this one up unless they bring as much creativity to the table as they did for gen 7.
  17. Hades from Kid Icarus Uprising is a no brainer pick. He's got the size, he's got the powers, and most importantly he's got the witty personality. Why this hasn't already happened yet is beyond me. I also really want Rayquaza to return from Subspace Emissary and to be honest I don't really know why. I guess Rayquaza just makes a really good boss, easily one of the most intimidating Pokemon for sure.
  18. @Azure in a Roundabout Looks like you've been busy, but hopefully you've been having fun too! Your Rogue sounds like a fun character to roleplay, if you're ever having trouble trying to roleplay just ask and I could give you a few useful pointers, roleplay is my favorite part of D&D or any tabletop RPG for that matter so I really like figuring out what makes characters tick. Gosh, I sound like a total acting nerd. Also I will say that going Thief for your Rogue's subclass is a very smart choice for beginners, Assassin skills can be pretty situational and Arcane Trickster has magic which can get pretty overwhelming if you don't take the time to read up on each spell you have. I also saw you decided to be Chaotic Neutral and with that I'd like to make some recommendations. Firstly, don't fall into the trap of thinking Neutral on the Good and Evil spectrum means sometime you're Good and sometimes you're Evil. In my book Neutral characters lean more towards Good than Evil, but they're a bit more selfish than Good characters and will be more motivated by the promise of some sort of reward or personal gain than just the simple act of doing. Secondly, Chaotic doesn't automatically mean you do everything on a whim or that you're an anarchist, it could be that you value personal freedoms or you tend to disagree with the established authority of your setting more often than not while still seeing some value in having it there. Thirdly, don't "play your alignment," it's more of a guideline for roleplaying your character than a hard rule, allow it to change over time if need be.
  19. The more recent Fire Emblem titles like Awakening and Fates were sorely lacking in map objective variety, more defense chapters would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Or put him in a shirt that says "Nanomachines." There's really no limit to what you can do with Snake since Metal Gear has so many out of context memes at this point that it's impossible to count them all.
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