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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. There's a restaurant in Minneapolis called Red Wagon Pizza that I unfortunately only went to once before moving, but it's easily the best pizza I ever had. We ordered the Double Pep which has an extra layer of cheese and pepperoni with garlic oil on top made with fresh ingredients and I was left absolutely speechless. I suspect it's going to be a really long time before I find pizza that good again.
  2. Fire Emblem is getting so big these days that it honestly boggles my mind. At this rate it might as well be on its way to being a household name from Nintendo in the same vein and Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. Bit of a long shot, but entirely possible.
  3. I also had really low expectations for Three Houses. I suspected the game would basically be Fates with worse gameplay and a slightly better story, but from my play time with the game I can confidently say that this game as pleasantly surprised me. I think Fates still plays better, but Three Houses is far from bad. The real kicker is the story and characters which are miles better than what Fates had to offer. However, just because it surpassed my low expectations doesn't mean I'm ready to call it my favorite game in the series. For that to happen I still need to beat the game or at least get closer to the end.
  4. It's also worth mentioning that Abby Trott(the voice of Annette) also did the English version of Lifelight in Smash Ultimate. If Three Houses isn't the who's who of singing video game voice actors then I don't know what is!
  5. Currently there's a new trend going around where people are editing the text descriptions of exploration quests given to the player by Seteth and changing them to much more absurd requests. This trend got surprisingly big and drew the attention of Mark Whitten, the voice of Seteth, who proceeded to provide voice over for a few of the fan made quests. Enjoy!
  6. Welcome to the forest! This community's full of fine folks with a passion for strategy games and waifus. If you like Fire Emblem there's no better place to be on the internet.
  7. I had my doubts about Edelgard as a character since I was honestly expecting Fates quality writing going into Three Houses, but I'm glad I was wrong. My worry was that since she was being built up as the biggest of the 3 lords that she would always be painted as the hero no matter what happened and would never grow or change, much like Corrin. However, they pretty much went in the opposite direction by making her the villain which was a welcome surprise in my book. I've only seen up to the first chapter post time skip, but I'm really hoping the game continues to subvert my expectations in positive ways.
  8. Step One: Get 1 copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and $40. Step Two: Go to a convention. Step Three: Get the game signed by Princess Zelda and Prince Sidon. Meeting Patricia Summersett and Jamie Mortellaro was an exciting experience to say the least. They both seem like really nice people, easily one of the biggest highlights from my last con!
  9. Well I'll say that I had to drive to 2 Game Stops and 3 Targets before finding a copy, when I found one it was the last one the store had. I live in the state capital of North Carolina which is no small town by any stretch of the imagination, so you'd think they'd have a larger stock to compensate an urban area, but I guess not. Either Nintendo is seriously underestimating the popularity of Fire Emblem or they're intentionally under stocking the physical product so that they can make more money off of digital sales.
  10. If you learn how to calculate an encounter's threat level using Challenge Rating(CR) it can be a really helpful tool. It's not a perfect system, but it's better than nothing. However, if you're looking for a faster solution I have 3 recommendations as to what you could do. Create one or two helper NPCs that act as allies in battle. Design encounters with geography that offers an advantage for utilizing the environment. Give your players some magic items to make their characters a little stronger individually. I personally wouldn't do all of these at once, but doing one or two of them should be enough to give the party an edge in conflicts they may have otherwise been outmatched. And if it's still too much for them to handle, sometimes surviving an encounter with a dangerous foe is just as satisfying as wining a fight.
  11. My problem with Byleth is that he/she is the main protagonist of the story. I know that sounds weird, but the further you go the more things Byleth does that are out of your control that make him/her feel more like his/her own character rather than a player avatar. I personally wish they would just go one way or the other with it. Either make Byleth a fully realized character that makes their own choices thought the story, or make Byleth a fully customized player avatar who is secondary to the main protagonists Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude without effecting the story too much. All of the recent FE player avatars try to be somewhere in the middle and as a result I've never found any of them very compelling one way or the other.
  12. If you've never played through Awakening with Assassin Lon'qu then you have not lived, it's so much fun!
  13. When I first played Conquest I got really lucky on Arthur's level ups and actual raised his luck stat quite a bit and when I promoted him to Berserker he became an absolute crit monster. Ironic isn't it?
  14. I'm in the camp that's waiting for the Switch version of the game to get a patch before buying Bloodstained, but at least now I know to temper my expectations. I think reviews for this game(especially store page consensus ratings) seemed a little caught up in the hype when I was hoping to find more opinions rooted in a more critical eye. Then I remembered this forum and I got what I wanted. Sounds like Bloodstained will be a game I'll mostly enjoy, but not something I'll walk way from feeling like I had just experienced a masterpiece like so many claim. Also on Zengetsu's voice not reflecting his ethnicity, I'm wouldn't be surprised if the localization team/voice director just wanted to take advantage of the fact that they were working with David Hayter and go full Solid Snake because let's be honest, in the realm of video games there aren't many voices as iconic as David Hayter's Solid Snake so who wouldn't try to emulate that when given the perfect opportunity to do so? Not saying I agree with typecasting though. I've always loved doing theater, but I've been cast as a sailor 3 times in a row before and I really hope that doesn't become a pattern.
  15. ... to click on it, read the response carefully, then create an elaborate response to that response in another quote to make yourself look smarter and level-headed to trick yourself into thinking you're having an intelligent discussion when really your just writing runoff sentences about complete nonsense like hidden the meaning of a Fire Emblem character's personality quirk, the plausibility of a fictional comic book superpower or sci-fi phenomenon in real life, last week's episode of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, or how the Myers Briggs test secretly contains information on the location of the Illuminati's base of operations. The proper way to spend your time at a geek convention is...
  16. ...When using harsher words would be indecent to whomever you are addressing. The proper way to build a house is...
  17. Have these adolescent anime brats no shame?! Such talk is unbecoming of them! Do parents not teach their children manners in Fodlan?
  18. Something tells me that the antagonist shifts depending on which house you choose so that your house is always the good guys no matter what. For instance in the Black Eagles story the church is corrupt and becomes the antagonist, but in the Blue Lions story the church is not corrupt and the Nightcrawlers are given more focus as the antagonist. Not that I think this is a particularly good set up(in fact I personally think it's lazy writing), but it's just my gut feeling. Why come to a conclusion based on actual evidence when you can just spew out crazy nonsensical conspiracy theories am I right?
  19. If I'm pretty sure Gremlins, along with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, is the reason they introduced PG-13 to the age ratings. Both are movies that aren't gratuitous enough to be rated R, but also don't quite fit into what classifies as a PG movie. I'm sure plenty of kids went through many of the same phobias you did watching Gremlins because its PG rating didn't properly inform parents of the accessibility of the movie's content. There were a lot of weirdly dark kids movies back in the 80's and Gremlins was definitely among them.
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