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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. By that logic Dante would be in the running for Smash Bros since Dante has been featured in games like Project X Zone which was on the 3DS. I still don't think he's going to make it in the roster, but he's popular enough to be more likely than most other Capcom characters. I think a Monster Hunter character would make the most sense for another Capcom rep seeing as the franchise is more popular than ever, plus it's had a long run of Nintendo exclusive titles.
  2. Nintendo's showing was just ok for me. Not a whole lot I'm personally interested in was show, Astral Chain is the only thing I'm actively looking forward to at this point, but I still might pick up some of the other games like Luigi's Mansion 3 if I've got the money for it. Smash Ultimate is an interesting case because it's something I've already paid for and let's just say that I was actually kinda disappointed. I have no personal investment in Dragon Quest or Banjo-Kazooie, granted I don't have any investment in Persona, but that at least was a really cool surprise. Dragon Quest was way too easy to see coming so I felt nothing at it's reveal and Banjo is another Krool character in the sense that the only reason he's in is because his annoyingly vocal fans wouldn't shut up about him. Overall I'd say my opinion of the Smash DLC so far is Joker>Banjo>Dragon Quest.
  3. Dude, Killer Instinct in Smash Bros. would be insanely awesome! My only concern would be that in terms of Microsoft owned characters a representative of KI is probably not a priority compared to Banjo Kazooie or Minecraft Steve, which is a shame really since KI is such a good game. I know I'd want it more than anything else Microsoft has. Also I agree with you in saying the hardest part about Killer Instinct is choosing who to represent the franchise, you could easily make the case for Jago, Saberwulf, Orchid, Fulgor, Cinder, and really most of the original game's roster in general. Snake, Bayonetta, and Joker got toned down so I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to include Scorpion or Sub-Zero. Heck I would argue that the Bayonetta series is probably worse than Mortal Kombat in terms of explicit content. But let's not kid our selves here, deep down we all want MK characters in Smash Bros. just so we can fight to the theme song from the 90's Mortal Kombat movie.
  4. Square Enix wasn't half bad all things considered, FF7 and Avengers are undoubtedly going to be huge points of discussion movie forward, But the fact that they were showing trailers for games that were already out made me feel like they wanted to pad out the run time to over an hour for no real reason. Us east coasters need our beauty sleep too!
  5. I never though it possible to over saturate an already over saturated market, but Ubisoft just did. Almost nothing but samey-looking first person shooters and I was bored out of my mind for most of it.
  6. Now that I think about it, I haven't really watched many animated films recently not made by Disney. Not that I think that other studios make bad movies, it's just hard to remember most of the non-Disney movies I've watched because I haven't seen them in so long. The other problem is that theirs a lot Disney "adjacent" animated films out their that might confuse the conversation, for instance Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was made by Sony, but the title character/brand is co-owned by Disney, or how most Studio Ghibli movies are distributed in the west by Disney. So let's call Spider-Verse and The Secret World of Arrietty(the only Ghibli movie I've seen, I'll get to the others soon I promise dont' "@" me) honorable mentions for now. One of the greatest hidden gems in animated films has to be The Iron Giant, I watched it endlessly when I was a kid and revisiting it when I was older was so much fun because it holds up fantastically, I probably like it more now than I ever did before. Dreamworks is probably the closest competitor to Disney in most respects and I'd say The Road to El Dorado is my favorite work from them right now, not just because it's really entertaining, but it's also has some surprisingly historically accuracy stuff going on and I'm a big history buff so of course it gets bonus points. Laika is a Studio I discovered recently through Kubo and the Two Strings and it was a stunning spectacle to say the least thanks to the unique take on stop motion animation, if the rest of their catalog is even half as good as Kubo I'll be looking forward to watching it. Illumination is a studio that's gained quite a bit of infamy thanks to the over exposure of the Minions movie(which is garbage), but looking back it makes sense that the original Despicable Me took off the way it did since it's actually still really good in my opinion, it a really fun and heart warming story about a man finding greater fulfillment in something he was not expecting to I think is something that really resonated with a lot of people. One last film I feel is worth mentioning is Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie and trust me when I say this is not the same kind of crappy video game adaptation you're used to, it's got one of the best collections of animated fight scenes in a single film featuring all the best characters from the game(some more than others), if you love the Street Fighter series you owe it to yourself to give this one a shot.
  7. I've been trying to watch all the conferences that I can just to keep up with the general conversation, but here's some of my favorite takeaways. I didn't take things terribly seriously while watching so be prepared for lots of sarcasm. EA: I only came here to see Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order gameplay and that's just what I got. It doesn't look like an incredible game, but it does look fun. Also I watched the showcase with Maximilian Dood and this is what I got. 10/10 would do again. Microsoft: Cyberpunk 2077 featuring Keanu Reeves proves the game industry is just as big if not bigger than Hollywood right now. That along with Death Stranding starting Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen I wouldn't be surprised if 10 percent of these game budgets are going towards these celebrities. Lego Star Wars collection of all 9 movies might be a great game, so long as they go back pantomiming the plots. After watching that Gears of War 5 cinematic with that weird Crazy Train-Lil John mash up I had to stop watching and listen to the actual Crazy Train to remind myself why I love that song. New Dragon Ball game looks like the most generic Dragon Ball game they could have made. All that talk about project scarlett and nothing to show for it, why bother talking about it at all? Bethesda: Sure was nice seeing all those mobile games I don't want to play. Watching the creators of Ghostwire: Tokyo doing their best to talk in English reminded a little too much of Iwata, and now I miss Iwata again. When I think of the Nintendo Switch I think of family games like Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Wolfenstein, and Doom. Wait there's something wrong with those last 2, but I can quite put my finger on it. I can be such a cynic sometimes.
  8. I like this plan. You know me well Peace. Also when it comes to weapons I'd say give my character at least one type of throwing weapon like the handaxe or javelin just to give him some utility against those pesky archers. It would be really embarrassing if I'm suppose to be the map boss and this happened.
  9. Alexis Tipton and Tara Platt are both great actresses in my opinion, I'd be pretty happy if it turns out to be one of them. Still feel bad for Christina Vee, she was obviously really exited about voicing Edelgard.
  10. I agree with a lot of what you're saying here. Tekken easily has the best chances since it's pretty much the 2nd most recognizable fighting game behind Street Fighter and the fact that Namco is still co-developing Smash Bros it's a wonder why it hasn't already happened, what makes this even more interesting is that Heihachi was rumored to have been included in the initial plans for Smash 4, but was eventually cut from the roster. I also agree that while Arc System Works has really taken off recently, I still don't think it has the brand recognition for a game like Smash Bros, getting a Guilty Gear character is more something I would want rather than an actual prediction. If anything I'd actually say Blazblue is the more likely candidate thanks to the success of BBTAG, but even that is kind of a long shot all things considered. If you wanted another left field play like Joker however, I think a Mortal Kombat character would have the best chances. The series's infamous gore would have to be toned down, but with Mortal Kombat 11 on Switch there's a big opportunity for cross promotion practically built into the inclusion. The series is also kinda important to video game history in it's own way, plus it's gotten fairly popular ever since the reboot in 2011, the only thing holding Mortal Kombat back is the fact that it's a distinctly American property and if there's one thing I know about Nintendo it's that the Japanese audience is always going to be their priority over us westerners(basically it's the reason why a Dragon Quest character is a total shoe-in for the DLC assuming Square Enix cooperates with Nintendo).
  11. I've been thinking a lot about what fighting game franchises could potentially join the roster of Smash Ultimate recently. Street Fighter has been a welcome addition to the roster, so why not let similar game franchises have some time in the limelight as well? I personally think Tekken and Mortal Kombat have the best chances because they're obviously the 2 biggest fighting game franchises along side Street Fighter. However, Arc System Works has really made a name for itself recently so I'm hoping that means Guilty Gear could have a decent chance of showing up as well. Edit: Poll Removed Due to Technical Difficulties
  12. I don't care if it's statistically unreliable, I'll take that Axe any day of the week. It's easily the best weapon when put to the sound of a heavy metal album, doubly so when dragons are involved, which Fire Emblem has a lot of.
  13. Aria of Sorrow was my first Castlevania game and I loved it to bits. So when I decided to pick up another game, naturally I decided to go for Aria's direct squeal. While I wouldn't call Dawn of Sorrow a truly bad game, I definitely felt like I could have better spend my money on Portrait of Ruin or Order of Ecclesia by the time the credits rolled. Nowadays whenever I revisit DoS I always play in Julius Mode since it removes the touchscreen gimmicks and lets you play around with Julius, Yoko, and Alucard, each of them bringing a unique and satisfying play-style to the experience. However, if I want to play as Soma Cruz, I'll rarely play DoS when I have the option to play AoS.
  14. I must say I enjoyed it quite a bit even though I had never heard it before. 8/10 Final Fantasy XIII: Sazh's Theme Indeed I do. Be it blues or swing, jazz is my thing.
  15. Not quite on the same level as Xenoblade's high points, but still very pleasing. 7/10 Skullgirls Encore: Unfinished Business
  16. I doubt the entire pokedex could have been leaked so soon. Yes, Nintendo has had some pretty big leaks before, but that's exactly why there's absolutely no way they'd let this happen. If it was real I would suspect they would be going full damage control taking down the list in as many places as they possibly could.
  17. Oh boy, Kojima's got near unlimited backing from Sony and he's gonna use every last dollar to throw us all into a crazy fever dream of ghost babies. Death Stranding is a game I'll probably never play since A: I don't have a PS4 and B: I'm not really into the horror genre. However, I've still found myself attracted to it's development because it's just such an enigma for the gaming industry to have a celebrity director like Kojima to exist in the first place. Dude strikes out on his own after Konami screwed him over one too many times and he's suddenly leading his own studio who's first game is being co-directed with Oscar winning director Guillermo Del Toro and staring A-list actors like Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen. It just doesn't feel real, but here we are. I'll just be here watching from afar, waiting to see the larger implications of this project's success or failure on the video game industry. Also Troy Baker is always a win. The fact that he got picked up for this project at all speaks volumes to his talent as a voice/mo-cap actor and I really hope the other talented voice actors out there get the same type of recognition in the future.
  18. Well it looks like that Avenger's project developed by Square Enix is finally getting a proper announcement. I can't say I have any particular opinions on this game since we know next to nothing about it, but hopefully it turns out to be something interesting. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it's just another safe "just like the movies, but now it's a game" cash grab. https://twitter.com/PlayAvengers/status/1133750125665239041
  19. You can like it, it's perfectly fine, saying it is good is probably another story, I dare you to say that Awakening or Fates have good, smart, intelligent stories. ... I agree that it doesn't mean you are stupid. And I don't think he meant that. I was referring to a broad demographic when I said least common denominator, not the consumer's intelligence. If they were appealing to a certain intelligence they'd be selling some crappy plastic novelty you see in an infomercial like the potty putter.
  20. I'm not saying Fire Emblem never had anime tropes that would be silly it's made in japan for crying out loud, but the games still stood out as their own thing in comparison to other fantasy anime properties. The issue I have with modern Fire Emblem is that it's not doing enough to fight the trends and stand out, appealing to the least common denominator so to speak. I get that it's the safest way to ensure profit especially since the series has gotten such a big following recently, but I still can't help but get a little turned off by these changes regardless since I've already seen them done before so many times. I know this all sounds hypocritical coming from the guy who advocates for judging games based on the execution of their gameplay first and foremost with art, graphics, music, story and characters as secondary aspects, but even I can't deny that a game's aesthetics is a good chunk of the initial appeal and that sometimes affects the way I buy games. Again I'm willing to give the game a shot if I hear good things about the gameplay changes, but as things stand I don't feel the desire to pick up Three House because I think there are other games out there that appeal to me more, even among other tactical turn based RPGs. Or maybe I'm just subconsciously trying to convince myself that it's not worth the $60 investment because I'm on a tight budget right now.
  21. In all seriousness I actually tolerated the anime cliches in Fates knowing that Awakening had played with them a little bit as well, but my expectations we're that the fan's dissatisfaction with the story and characters would push Intelligence Systems to make the next game's story a little more in line with the series roots. I guess I was kinda stupid to think that would actually happen, Fates made a lot of money and when something makes money the best thing to do is repeat it over and over until it stops making money. So now we get Fire Emblem: Anime High School vs. Evil Church because going full anime makes bank these days. Knowing that Fire Emblem has gained so much momentum over the past few years and the Switch's stupid large install base, Three House is probably going to make a crap ton of money and the cycle will continue. So yeah, I'm alright with some anime tropes in my Fire Emblem, but I don't want them taking over the series, unless I hear great things about the game's gameplay I'm probably going to take a pass on this one.
  22. Fire Emblem Fans: The story in Fates is a hot mess of anime cliches! Three Houses: Hold my beer.
  23. I would totally pay full price for that that as well. I've always loved Arthur from day one, yes he's a goofy character, but that's exactly why he's so entertaining. I think it would be interesting if Minerva was the protagonist of Shadow Dragon so that the first 9 chapters could be a new campaign where we see Minerva's struggle fighting for the Dolunian Empire against the Altean Army while her sister is held hostage.
  24. My approach to this kind of stuff is to assume all the leaks are fake unless there is really strong evidence for it. This situation feels way too vague to trust, a lot of really weird wording choices.
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