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Status Updates posted by Frosty

  1. I feel too depressed these days... I wanted to smile; but I can't... I wanted to cheer myself up but I can't... I hope I can cheer up soon; I have so many things that I wanted to do; which I love.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frosty


      Okay, thanks...

    3. Peppy


      Sorry to hear that...

      I hope things get better for you... :(

    4. Frosty


      Well, yeah... I hope stuff can get better for me.

  2. Annoying IRL stuff; and a clusterfuck of stress on me. Refer to my post at Jihyun/Boron's page.

  3. My case involves having to be negatively stereotyped then combine that with my busy schedule; and add up horrible things that may mix up at home and you get a perfect cocktail for depression.

  4. Whoops; I kinda missed your Birthday too. ;~; Happy Belated Birthday...

  5. Because it's awesome!

  6. Gosh, my busy life in reality is making me sooo tiresome; kind of losing some inspiration lately... ;~;

    1. DragonLord


      I can honestly relate to that. There's so many things I want to be able to do, but then I can't find the time to do them.

  7. Happy BIRTHDAY~!

  8. Happy Birthday~!

  9. Nothin' better than splicing up a bucketload of mounted knights again!

  10. Whoopeee-Doo~!

  11. Happy Birthdaaaayyyy~!


  13. Happy Birthday~!

  14. Happy Birthday~!

  15. Happy Birthday~!

  16. Just posted a new journal at my deviantART~! It involves the moving of the Video HQ.

  17. Is currently pestering own parents to get me a drawing tablet... Huehuehuehuehue!


  19. Call me silly; but who's that dude in your avatar?

  20. Happy Birthday~!

  21. Happy Birthday~!

  22. Happy Birthday, Nagsy~!

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