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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. He would be one of the "womanizing" characters and be singing songs while the army is marching. Finally, Marth would get annoyed and tell him to shut the f*** up. What if Dr. Robotnik played Fire Emblem?
  2. Gheb: Wut? This isn't fat! It's fuel for my schmex machine! Tinny, would you like a Pikachu as a pet?
  3. I was playing Golden Sun and I realized that Mia is also a character in Fire Emblem. Same goes for Garet, Matthew, Amiti, and Isaac (though in FE Isaac is a country, not a person, and Amiti is a sword). My Life is Fire Emblem (and partially Golden Sun).
  4. Most/Best: FE8 Least/Worst: FE11 (unless you killed off all your guys to go to Gaiden chapters)
  5. My favorite is Oswin, because he is capable of tanking just about any attack. Plus, he has WIN in his name.
  6. I like chapters where there are lots and lots of enemies. I also like chapters where large amounts of experience can be earned, so I can level up several times in one chapter. It's also very important for a Fire Emblem game to have an epic final chapter, I want to feel like I'm reaching the end of a long journey.
  7. Zelgius: No, I work at the Begnion Central Army now. But back then..... Manager: Zelgius, quit slacking off and get back to work! Zelgius: What you just saw was me when I was younger, when I had aspirations to become a soldier. That's so I wouldn't have to keep working at Burger King. Florina, between Kent and Sain which one do you like better?
  8. Abel: 38 Lance: 12 *Falcon Punch, but only did 5 dmg* Kieran: 69 Oscar: 40
  9. Lance: Uh,Alan? A little help here? Alan: Sh-shit! There's no way I'm fighting that thing! Roy: Don't worry, I'll take it out with the Sword of Seals! Eyaaaaaahhhh! (Roy swings the Sword of Seals, burning up Gildervine) Sain, how can Florina be yours if you can't even have a support conversation with her? And what would the lady Lyndis say?
  10. Noah: Uhh....I'm not a Yellow Knight. Fiona: I'm not affiliated with the Green or Red Knights, so no I'm not disappointed. Isadora: Hah, I'm much better than Lowen. Alec and Sain, why were you fighting over Florina a little while ago? Don't you know that Florina is afraid of men? Your fighting just made it worse!
  11. Let mages be able to use Imbue. Also, make some brave tomes. With Thunder magic keep the hit, crit, and wt the same but improve the might so it is the strongest of the anima magics, like in PoR. If you're going to give me trouble hitting the enemy I at least want good damage when I hit. Finally, let Wind magic be effective against dracoknights and their promoted counterparts. I don't know why they gave dracoknights an exemption from that if falcoknights and birds are still weak against it. This wouldn't make the game any more difficult for Haar as he could still equip Nullify.
  12. Vivi and Nino would get along quite well. They would team up to take down Sonia. What if characters from Starfox were in Fire Emblem? (And they're not allowed to use their Arwings or high tech crap, they have to be like Fox was in Starfox Adventures)
  13. Lalum: I'm not annoying! I'm talented! Now,I'm going to make you watch my super special dance.....No wait, that will make you think naughty thoughts! And I'll have to tell Thany! Lowen, if you removed your hair from your eyes would it improve your hit rate?
  14. Kieran: You dare insult Kieran, second in command of the Crimean Royal Knights? Look upon me and tremble! Kent: I'm not the noisy type. Sain, on the other hand..... Forde: I hate noisiness. I prefer a quiet setting where I can work on my paintings. Cain:....... Green Knights, what do you think of your Red Knight counterparts (and the occasional Yellow Knight as well, like Lowen)?
  15. Thany: Oh, it's a great tree! But what I really want for Christmas is to be RNG blessed like Noah..... Mia, what do you think of all the fanboys drooling over you? (By the way, I am not one of them.)
  16. Arthur: No, we have to work together to find Tinny first. To the rest of Celice's team, are you gonna help Arthur and Sety find Tinny?
  17. Tinny: Please help me, I..... ENERGY RUNNING LOW..... MUST REPLENISH IT WITH COMBAT EXP.....THUNDER MAGIC ONLINE Sety, now do you see what happens when you try to create clones? Tinny is going to go on a rampage now.....Or is it just another clone?
  18. Johan: What the hell? Bikes don't even exist in Fire Emblem. But, I wouldn't mind having one.....It wouldn't give me any horse crap, unlike my horse. *steals a bike* Marth and Ike, do you enjoy Caramelldansen together?
  19. Best: Prince Marth (FE11) Worst: Prince Zephiel (FE7) I nominate Best/Worst Sound Effect (i.e. missing, weapon breaking, item get, critical, and so on)
  20. I don't think we can ask C. Tinny questions, she's not an actual Fire Emblem character. C. Tinny: What do you mean? No one can tell me apart from the real Tinny! Now, I would like spaghetti for dinner, mah boi. Tinny, will you do something about Clone Tinny?
  21. Tinny: Oh, I can't take this anymore! I love Sety! *runs over to Sety* Sety: I knew you would see the light eventually, Tinny. Athos, why didn't you let us have all the Divine Weapons in FE7? I know with your warping powers you would've had time to get them all.
  22. Jeigan: Though others may come after me, I, Jeigan, shall forever be remembered in the history of Altea and the world of FIRE EMBLEM. I'm proud of my service to Prince Marth. Sedgar, if you did have lines in FE 11 other than your death quote, what would you say and when would you say it? On a side note, Medeus being above Meta Knight? At least the Shadow Dragon isn't lacking for confidence, he is one tough SOB.
  23. I don't think it's that retarded, the other alternate route (for Pale Flower of Darkness) depends on the EXP gain of certain units. Genesis has an EXP requirement for the chapter directly before it, 19xx has a level requirement for Nils, and recruiting Karla requires Bartre to reach a certain level. Finally, someone gets a flat out 0. Cool stuff. I'm curious to see how the remaining units get rated.
  24. Tinny: How about that new TRON movie? Medeus, do you think that you could beat Ganon in a fight?
  25. I'm all for keeping Fog of War, but with the added condition that it applies to the enemy units as well.
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