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Everything posted by bethany81707

  1. ...Isn't FE15 a Switch title, and thus kind of exempt from this concern? (Sadly, I don't think FE12 is close enough to the 3DS to replace it as an example. Maybe it's theoretical worldwide release might've followed in FE8's footsteps...)
  2. Yeah, same here. Being a 1990 title means Gaiden has to come out after the SFC, and for some reason, I didn't think Fire Emblem would do that. Apparently, Thracia wasn't on my mind.
  3. Giving one of his skills to someone else. It's the reason I was so adamant about claiming both Michalises this time.
  4. Ooh, that one's a tester. Think I actually flubbed it... (It didn't occur to me that Fire Emblem was late in the NES era, too.)
  5. I'm definitely waiting on Tana, Elincia and Ishtar. What kind of unit I supplement them with depends on whether Tana gets lances or swords (and to a lesser extent whether Elincia gets swords or staves, but her position on the team is much more precarious without staves). If Tana uses lances, then I'll probably want some red unit to counter greens. If Tana uses swords, then it'll probably be in my better interest to bring a green. (All of this assumes Ishtar uses blue tomes, but I think it's fairly safe to assume that). As for who this final unit might be? I don't honestly know... I'd like for my team to be entirely made out of units I voted for, and I don't see any potential greens (aside from Lute, who stands a chance of using green tomes with Excalibur). At the very least, I've got Mist and Elena as backup healers if Elincia is out (and hey, no competiton for the Iote's Shield there). (Slightly unrelated, but I just realised six characters I've voted for are in the game and I only have one of them... I feel slightly worse about my luck now.)
  6. Most Olivias have durability issues- I'm probably the only one who's tried to put one on an offensive. A properly used Olivia shouldn't be seeing the business end of a weapon. Again, this casts doubts on my ability to properly use an Olivia, but I have been known to throw pegasus knights at archers. Try a push forward or making sure the dance makes a kill. Rangers don't exist on this map anyway.
  7. I never said the mage would deal with the pegs (though I somehow get the feeling Tharja wound up doing her fair share against one in my run...). You can bring four units for a reason. The issue of not happening to have a mage that isn't blue is a bit more concerning.
  8. My Palla wasn't doing much better. My advice would be mages for Michalis.
  9. A Brave weapon will strike twice every time it is intended to strike once. Your double attack with a Brave will strike four times. (This effect goes rather interestingly with multi-hit skills like Adept in other Fire Emblems).
  10. I'm writing a Sacred Stones story with exactly that. I actually split some of the units you've grouped together up, though. Gerik and Tethys went with Innes Eirika while Ewan and Marisa were sent to Taizel by mistake, and in his bid for freedom, Rennac went to Grado rather than Jehanna. (I think Ephraim might actually have gotten a lion's share of recruits, though that may just be my notes not counting Innes, Gerik and Tethys as 'characters recruited during the split').
  11. I'm taking your word on the order of answers. The last one also has the kanji I know means fire from playing Pokemon.
  12. Ah. But if my count is correct, only four people used healers. I'd never have the confidence to abandon Lissa, but considering the entire point is to not let a single person die, I'm surprised so few used one. I mean, my Beruka survived the first round by the skin of her teeth, and she remained a damage-taker throughout.
  13. @eclipse Interesting to see I'm alone in using Lissa. Though I note Beruka isn't on the list?
  14. These are actually interesting difficulty methods. Really encourages playerbase information sharing, because good luck F2P players hoping to have a chance of seeing these skills enough to be able to identify them by name.
  15. @eclipse, @MaskedAmpharos, thank you! Tharja-Olivia-Beruka-Lissa won the match, and a guaranteed Iote's Shield for some flier. Unfortunately, since I've only got the two and a collector's mentality (missing out on Narcian still bites), I'll probably never wind up using it on a Whitewing even though I know I'm hoping for too much in getting a Tana or an Elincia when they come out.
  16. I have a Beruka, who after sweat and blood to get one more level, can survive the Draw Back peg knight and Michalis. I haven't checked, but I don't think the math was in Tharja's favour for that encounter. At least I have an Olivia. I have a half-hearted Subaki levelled to 17 3*- I dropped him once I got the 4* Est to start the Whitewing collection. Best swordbeater is either my T-Adept Robin or my lone 5* Effie.
  17. Level 37 4*, 30/39/30/18/15. Has every natural skill but Spur Res 2, but I don't think I'll be needing that...
  18. I've got nothing. Michalis is too strong, and my best red mage (Tharja) too weak. No one who can manage anything can manage what they need to to manage that one task. Seriously, why now that I need the Iote's?
  19. Good thing for the skill menu telling you all of the skills ahead of time: I don't think anyone was looking forward to promoting their defaults to five stars just to find out.
  20. ...Both options were meant to be ones to be taken only if you really wanted a romance arc. I actually think Sharena/Zacharias might have halfway-decent chemistry in a competent writer's hands.
  21. I think my Team Whitewing (Caeda/Palla/Catria/Est) definitely fits here. Minerva replacing Caeda probably makes the team 'better' and more fitting, but I prefer pegasi. I'm also waiting for Team Freege to get Ishtar, Tailtu and Tine to go with Reindhart. EDIT: (Not that I actually have one of those right now)
  22. Well, good thing this isn't a Lunatic question! Seriously, I didn't even know you could click on those. I expect that will be very helpful should the higher difficulty questions continue to focus on Heroes.
  23. Ah. It's been a while since I looked at those, and old habits die hard. (Witnesses a vision in which I check an enemy's stats in a standard Fire Emblem, conclude they have four more AS than the unit I want to leave in their range, and do so, forgetting that four more is the requirement to double).
  24. ...So do we know what the actual number is? Because I should probably learn that now I'm going up against armies where knowing that might be helpful.
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