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Everything posted by bethany81707

  1. Pass lets you go through a unit. Obstruct makes it so the enemy can't go through the tiles directly adjacent to you. Since you can still occupy those tiles, it makes it hard to Obstruct anything. The enemy has to be on top of you for them to be Obstructed, unless it's a Cavalier.
  2. They can't go past her. They can go next to her. The skill is needlessly situational, yet I found myself on the receiving end of it when it worked. Even then, it still didn't help: I could beat the Azama with the skill using Wings of Mercy so the Catria Azama blocked could reach that last generic enemy. Point is, probably not the best of skills to put on someone squishy.
  3. If that's the case, I'll find the Hard ones harder than the Lunatic ones. I haven't even seen Fates, and I have only foggy memories of Awakening. Meanwhile, I know a lot about Genealogy, GBA and Tellius.
  4. Hm... I don't think I ever really had a standout map. There were a few that sort of fit, though. *The Tower of Guidance's pit tiles being called 'Hades' always cracks me up. *Chapter 5 from Genealogy gets a lot of points for telling its story through map design, and bonus points for there being a really funny way to break the script. *Chapter 19 from Sacred Stones pretty much epitomises 'meat into grinder' with the southwest. *Chapter 19x pt 2 from Blazing Blade has a humourous gimmick with the thieves that don't have lockpicks, but act as localised Macguffin Delivery Service demonstrations.
  5. ...That has more merit. Um... the existence of multiple Falchions is a thing? (Is it? Refresh me on Awakening's Parallel Falchion business...) I honestly don't think anyone's enjoying trying to justify the decisions the Sibling Bonds pack made.
  6. Earth Sword is also literally Nanna's signature weapon in Thracia.
  7. I think Pokemon made this same change at one point. They don't have 'crit builds' like FE does (in fact, the changes introduced with this made crit builds easier to make). That said, it made nightmarish sudden crits less nightmarish. Might make for a decent addition.
  8. Starting Stratum or First Stratum? You should be doing the latter. (Also, probably should go https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/68792-ask-fire-emblem-heroes-questions-and-get-them-answered-here-thread/)
  9. Oh, she does start out with staves? ...Does Leaf? The Master Knight business is all sorts of confusing. Well, staff-botting was Elincia's main thing in Fire Emblem unless you put in work in FE9, and the game slips in a skill that makes it impossible to use Elincia offensively unless you notice and take it off in FE10. Plus, nothing's really stopping them from having Elincia be a healer that uses swords instead of bursts of light except whatever caused Lachesis and Lucius to happen in the first place. ...Yoder, maybe?
  10. ...Though maybe they are saving Aureola for Renaud. Or Athos gets it instead of Forblaze, which also comes with problems (Lilina doesn't already have it, does she?). Or maybe they'll just overlook it.
  11. ...Serra is a healer. She's kind of covered in that whole. (You know, I think I've been playing Sacred Stones too much... I think the only ones who can use the S Light are Lucius, Serra, Renaud and Athos).
  12. Latona. I don't think Grado got anything outside of a cameo in a Support conversation. Latona got mentioned in the story.
  13. Lachesis is famous for her starting sword, and Lucius is the only character who can wield FE7's S-rank spell (I forget whether it's Aureola or Luce) without changing a healer into a light user. Plus, I'd really like a flying healer, and the alternatives are turning a Genealogy flyer into one.
  14. They flubbed Lachesis and Lucius. I'm fairly sure Elincia's getting a staff.
  15. Anyone have any ideas on what the Hard and Lunatic questions might look like?
  16. ...I want to respond to this snarkily as a peg knight advocate, but this one peg is as destructive as any of my Tanas... If she wasn't standing between me and anti-bow shields, I'd be proud of her.
  17. Did you convert to your local timezone correctly?
  18. I'm probably going to be power-levelling some units to shove Lunatic's nose in it and get another Iote's. I don't know how many I'll have, but I'm suspecting putting any on the Whitewing team will remain an idle fantasy if I'm saving for Tana and Elincia... At any rate, Effie, Beruka, and possibly more SP for Palla to get her Ruby Sword will need to be prepared. Someone boot up the Fire Emblem equivalent of a training montage!
  19. Is the countdown timer still accurate?
  20. I'd also accept the Magvelian heroes (of which we know two, one by name only and the other by a vague plot point that I am informed the translation messed up by using the wrong gender) and the Great Flood of Tellius (I really want to see more of the woman who dual-wielded Ragnell and Alondite).
  21. Askr. You have the perfect plot device to summon anyone you want for a Monster-of-the-Week equivalent, a set of characters that includes Anna to develop on the main cast, and a set of villains that's both interesting and also has access to a method to summon Monster-of-the-Weeks. All you need is a romance arc. And I'm pretty sure you could fudge an Alfonse/Anna or a Sharena/Zacharias if you were desparate enough.
  22. I know. I was supporting that. Randall was just concerned with the 'leaving' part. The entire community moving to Japan? How many of us are there, anyway? At any rate, aside from Europe's nice time, Australia is also virtually on top of Japan's time. The big problem is that, between the threee general timezones, there's no real universal sweetspot. Australia also has seasonal components to worry about.
  23. He wants us to live there. The problems there come from wanting to leave once we're done. The problems you're looking for involve no one being responsible for getting resources Japan can't produce (mining, agriculture...)
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