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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Point taken, I can see how the Dark Hunter and Hexer have heads that are too big for their bodies using for real adults. See, I'm not wholly unreceptive to criticism myself.😉 Some of the better proportioned ones are Himukai's later creations within the Etrian Odyssey franchise, so perhaps it's something, though not entirely, the result of a style maturation. And that their FEH designs could be considered a regression from that. And, I'll drop the matter now. No more bothersome posts on this topic from me. Next time, I'll let an unholy fusion of the Yggdrasil Core, Ur-Devil, Abyssal God, Warped Savior, Star Devourer, and Abyssal Princess do the talking for me.😈
  2. More examples necessary? Fine, just fine!: But what's the point, all your silly opinions are immovable on this petty topic. Y'all gotta get your eyes checked. And so, knowing that, I do this then merely to entertain myself with a semi-artificial "rage".😛
  3. Here are four examples of other females they've drawn. Placed in spoilers to save space.: Is this sufficient evidence they can do more than mere children? Need more examples?
  4. Screams Himukai to me. Why is it that everything they're making for this game has to be on the more childlike side? Whatever happened to the Rover granny, or dreadlocks Imperial, or something like this?:
  5. My apologies if my calculated evangelization is annoying to you, but... you could consider Devil Survivor 2. Some have compared its Fate levels system to Social Links/Confidants. However, you will NOT have in Devil Survivor 2: School, part time jobs, recreational activities. Hard to do any of these when the buildings have likely lost electricity and running water, or worse have become a pile of rubble because of technical issues arising from the ongoing apocalypse. I've never played a P3 or later Persona, but I imagine the absence of these things would make Devil Survivor 2 more fast-paced in terms of overall feel. Personas. You just summon demons via an app instead, technically, everyone does have two demons unlockable from the Fate levels, but they didn't bother to give them any new art. The Velvet Room and psychological themes. These simply do not exist. And given you personally love themes, I'll say this game doesn't exactly put themes in the forefront either, other than simply trying to survive what's happening to the world. It could be insufficiently Persona for you, I do not know, but it could be alright. I would skip the first Devil Survivor in your case, because it doesn't have Fate levels.
  6. Spent the entire day getting back to Friends of Mineral Town now that a good wind blows in IRL politics again. On an unrelated note, someone did some scrounging on European retail sites, they found this.: Is Square Enix finally bringing the DQH I-II bundle outside of Japan? It released on Switch back in 2017, I had given up on this. If they are bringing it over, I'll bite for this no problemo! For a game I know thats coming out soon, I just stumbled on three reviews: a 7, a 9, and one that was positive but had no number-rating, for Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin. I've seen images of the game before, it has a traditional Japanese aesthetic, and you play as an arrogant banished goddess fighting demons and cultivating rice. A nice action-farm sim hybrid. Sounds like the presentation is a little bothersome, the text is too small and on ill-chosen backgrounds, and the farming is a bit iffy because there are no clearly-defined square plots of land, no squares means you can mess up the placement of rice seed and other issues. A patch could hopefully correct these problems, because I think I'll consider picking up the game later, now that I'm back in the virtual agriculture swing of things. The choice to let you cultivate only rice, and to make it a laborious, intensive process, is different from the usual SoS-styled farming game, but I like the sound of it. Because it does feel more realistic than a rudimentary "plant, water once a day, pick at the end" system. That does work if you're like me and all you're growing is a few tomato plants in your backyard during the spring and summer, but the intensive horticulturalist and definitely for the farmer, plant management should require significantly more work than 3 easy steps.
  7. And, that "election fraud hotline" the Trump campaign set up? It has turned into the number one target for prank phone calls. https://time.com/5909443/trump-hotline-prank-calls-voter-fraud-election-tiktok/
  8. *Thinks for a minute* This might be somewhat closer to that: Note- This map has FoW. It has been stripped away here to show all enemy positions. You're given two options for victory here, either you.: Capture the enemy's base in the upper right, which as you can see is very lightly defended. Or, you win by rout, which means having to destroy that sizable navy. You could otherwise safely ignore the navy by going over the northern bridge b/c pre-Days of Ruin naval units can't pass under bridges. That you can rout this map with only a Sub and a Battleship against quadruple that says how stupid the AW1 AI is. A rout victory unlocks a secret battle, so you're technically encouraged to do so. Though the final battle of the campaign is actually easier if you skip it. This AW2 map entered my mind as an idea FE could maybe try.: As you see, you start all the way at the bottom of the map, with the enemy sitting near your HQ. Victory is achieved by placing any of your units on the HQ, so it's like a seize/arrive. However, there are some enemy Infantry and Mechs hiding the fog too, so if you don't move fast enough and destroy each of those that you see, eventually one of them will get to your HQ before you do and capture it, game over. So it's a seize and defend point at the same time, albeit with a narrow group of enemies that could trigger the game over.
  9. Historical factoid says that isn't impossible! Eugene V. Debs, a Socialist, ran for president in 1920 despite serving a 10 year prison sentence in Atlanta at the time. Any chance violent right-wing protests could backfire though? Some support was lost for the BLM movement when the riots that almost inevitably accompany peaceful protests in general occurred. Didn't Bush II get his second term due to Americans being in fear? -Albeit the key difference is that Bush II's beneficial fear was induced by a foreign threat, not a domestic one.
  10. Reminds me of this AW map: To summarize it, nine Battleships out of ammo sit waiting for repairs, destroy them all before maintenance is finished. Thinking of alternative objectives from AW, there was a rarely-used "whoever captures X number of properties first wins". It's not exactly an FE seize, because there are more points to be taken than is necessary to win. Figure out how many captures the enemy is guaranteed, and then figure out which points you must deny them to hit the victory number, and then capture them yourself of course.
  11. 438 is the limit on the number of Representatives, correct. No idea why that number. Senators have no cap however, every state gets two. Republicans probably wouldn't approve of Puerto Rican statehood, more Latinos = potentially more Democrats. However, Puerto Rico is, from what little I've read, not guaranteed to be solid blue. Puerto Rico has its own not-Democrat & Republican political parties, and currently it's the conservative one that has control of the territory. Thus, Puerto Rico could end up being added to the list of swing states to panic over every election, and yet more potential right-wing demagogue enablers in Congress. Adding Washington D.C. as a state, it has more population than Wyoming, wouldn't effect presidential elections because it already has EC votes IIRC. But, it would add two robin's egg blue Senators, and would help make the Senate a little less dominated by a minority of the country's population. I mention DC, because it getting statehood is sometimes spoken of in the same breath as Puerto Rican statehood, when the two are very different stories.
  12. This comes to mind.: Dude was taking a long and refreshing shower as you were infiltrating the enemy base knocking out his comrades. And a little later: Someone had to use the run-down bathroom, turns out it was occupied by bad guys letting loose. They turn around and fight you, without washing their hands first.
  13. Keep in mind that money didn't do them much good this election, otherwise they would've swept the Senate already, and the House and the states, the opposite happened. Democrats need to work on their ground game, this election proves money doesn't solve everything.
  14. There is an alternative, better outcome to the quest where an Orphean doesn't eat the second tree. But I, like others on YouTube it seems, didn't realize this. Before finishing the mission, go to the Ma-non Ship and talk to one of the Orpheans on there, I think it's the one who shows up to eat the second tree. -The game gives you nooooooo indications of this. This mission does remind us that the Orphe aren't entirely incapable of breaking from their stoic logicality. And that you don't mess with peaceful Prone women, I wish there was a gif of that punch.
  15. On the "positive" side for Trump, if America stays in the clear of the illiberal menace, after a few decades, he'll find himself on TV a lot. Trump was as mad as Henry VIII after the infamous jousting incident ruined his brain, he compares favorably to Ivan the Terrible too. Sure, Henry VIII might have done some nice things, but it's his lunatic monarchy manifested in "divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived" and the rise and fall of ambitious men like Cromwell, that gets the popular attention. Trump will do well in the ratings, and thanks to modern everything, recreating him in CGI or with an actor's portrayal in 2060 will be extraordinarily easy. It'll be interesting to see when I've become a prune how closely in a more serious political drama a man could replicate his mannerisms though.
  16. Ouch. I've heard this exact same "it's sandbox!" criticism thrown at Civilization VI by some of its virulent critics quite a fair bit. I know you really couldn't have enjoyed it then. No, and there's no reason for it, given XCX has no Zohar, or Anima. And it's worth adding that the Ares we get to use are...
  17. I know this is late and some people already gave you answers, but Senran Kagura is a 2D action game franchise with a ninja schoolgirl cast (though they threw in a token male at one point), with mostly gigantic and bouncy topsides. Surprisingly, it started on the 3DS with Senran Kagura Burst.: Do note that taking damage causes clothes to be torn off, to the point of full nudity or next to it I think. And that the sequel added a diorama mode where you can dress everyone up and take pictures from different angles I think. I've read the games have perfectly fun action combat, but there's no mistaking the cleavage is part and parcel of the franchise and very much negates any good reputation the gameplay would give it. There have been dating sim, third-person shooter, and pinball spinoffs too. The pinball spinoff, so one review told me, involves girls who have been cursed into animal costumes, and the only way to remove the costumes, is to hit them in the rubbery areas enough with a peach ball. I have zero interest in this franchise FYI. But I like reading about games I'll never play to varying extents. Or, I'll watch an LP of a game I don't intend to play, I'm currently doing this with Sigma Star Saga. A simple and obscure top-down action game with shoot 'em up random encounters from the GBA era I remember seeing interesting pictures of in Nintendo Power. It's made by Wayforward, the company behind Shantae. SSS looks like a decent game, though the action could be more complex with a more zoomed-out camera, I think it'd deserve a port to modern systems, and maybe a sequel. I could emulate it, but I'm no good at shoot 'em ups, though it's far from a bullet hell here and you have a lifebar instead of 1HKO. And, I don't have a controller, using a keyboard wouldn't work for this game.
  18. Actually, Ross, Amelia, and Ewan don't have particularly outstanding growths. Ross's 270 in total growths is actually lower than his dad's 285. Neither of the other two have growths at or exceeding their tier 1 competitors either. All they have is their extra couple levels and more final class flexibility.
  19. America is rarely happy with the same party twice, since 1900.: Indentations to to indicate those who succeeded to office on the death or resignation of the current President. Italics to indicate if they won a term in their own right. America, if we're lucky, will stick to the Democrats for another 12 years, thats it. And the Republican Party is entirely unrepentant. Just how do you break their spell over rural America and their mostly white, no-college education supporters elsewhere? We're certainly doomed to self-destruction, breathe while you can. ...I'm ruining this topic with negativity. I apologize.
  20. Faithless electors seem like another aspect of the Electoral College gone awry from its original intentions, assuming those intentions were to prevent a tyrannical demagogue unsuited for political office. Instead of stopping that, not an entirely flawed argument on paper, it enables it. Because the system worked this time, people probably aren't going to seriously consider electoral reform, and Republican control of the Senate and a lot of states prevents that from actually happening.🙁 *Sigh* There is a strong persuasiveness to the feeling that US President no. 46 will be but a blip of restoration between two periods of great democratic destruction. Whats worth celebrating today, will become a feeble moment, when an attempt to save a sinking ship amounted to nothing.😟 Call it Pascal's Demise, the positive thoughts of a short term of good, are outweighed by terrible thoughts of a real chance of a very long term of bad.
  21. Yes, the situation did improve as time went on to this moment. But on the night of the election and for much of the next day, it was far, far, far from "obvious' that election would go to Biden, Trump was greatly in the lead. Basically, I'm feeling like you insulted the entire colony of butterflies that lived in my stomach for several sleepless days, and which only yesterday I set free. -Don't take this too seriously though. 😉
  22. ...Were you paying attention on American Tuesday night? The dreams of taking state legislatures and gaining seats in the House and Senate were wiped out, the prospects of a landslide presidency went to nil. The pollsters who had led to those expectations became pariahs and everything was doom. And winning a slew of important states by a few ten thousand votes isn't a huge margin except in this context, remember the popular vote is meaningless. Even when the dust is settled, in retrospect this was definitely a tight election.
  23. Thank you for voting!😃🏆 And thank everyone you know, and everyone in your state, and everyone in every tightly-contested state, who voted for the triumph of light over darkness on this day. Oh, this country's woes aren't over. But one day at a time. One election at a time. Gotta plan to stop another Trump from arising and taking the reins of government in the future, but a few days of sheer celebration is fine, the learned and capable can start working on tyrant threat reduction methods next week. The health of all democracies, especially the biggest, are connected to each other. Autocracy can survive in geopolitical islands, but the will of the people is more secure the more it is spread throughout the world and the inverse is true too. And on that note, I do hope your cornerstone of European democracy is able to stave off any resurrected far right threats that may be on its radar.
  24. I think I can schedule another trip to Washington D.C. now, I didn't feel like for the past few years. Maybe not next year due to lingering Covid, but I've another three to choose from before the next threat arises. Still have a few museums left to visit that interest me, never saw Arlington either.
  25. You can start right away, Colm and Neimi start needing only a few turns to hit C, and thats Chapter 3. And uh, victory music? First thing to pop in my head. The Kirby Victory Dance would be the second.
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