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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. 61-63% of the remaining 800k PA votes are needed for Biden to take it. Biden is currently outpacing that. 😶 Oh, and Covid-19 hit 100k daily cases for the first time in the US.
  2. Trump needs 55-57% of the remaining ~418k Arizona ballots to win the state. The remaining ballots are mail, Arizona's strong mail-in vote system, is popular with Republicans, who seem to have submitted more of the late mail-ins, this means the current gap of almost 80k is crossable. 😐
  3. Just trying to lighten the mood with an interesting image I stumbled on some weeks ago. The game is either Ar nosurge or Ciel nosurge, Gust games for those who like the company here.
  4. Sorry. I can't keep distracted right now. I need to drink, do drugs, immigrate, or conk myself on the head with a squeaky hammer until I go insane. Who is left? Den'gue, Walmart, or Inverse My Character Development? I know PriamIke'sdescendant has to be one of them.
  5. I want to, I've been happily playing through Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, which is very cute, innocent, and lots of childhood nostalgia for me. But I can't concentrate on growing eggplants and pursuing the love of Cliff with the election going on the background. I don't want the very possible coup de grace in Trump's favor to be announced while I'm playing it, I do not want the game seared into my memory as the thing I was doing when the very tragic event occurred. I can't forget where I was during the 2016 election, I was attending East Asian history class in grad school, when a fellow student, most of whom had their phones out, said Trump had taken Florida, I immediately despaired about what that meant. I'd say this also plays into me loving Sephiran amongst the FE characters, considering his plight is about the state of humanity in the whole. Though to keep things in perspective, there's a generation or two of people in Iraq where life's biggest moments can be defined by which war was happening at the time. You could say you born during the Iran-Iraq War, started attending school while the USA was repelling Saddam from Kuwait, got married during the US invasion of Iraq, and saw some of your children start attending school while ISIS was conquering the country. Now thats... interestingly bad.
  6. To be honest, I'm someone with not a lot of earthly distractions and daily chores. I have time to devote to thoughts about the intangible whole of humanity, which isn't necessarily a good thing. If I had a thing I had to do (a job or parenting to name the two most common ones), my stomach wouldn't contain a forest of monarch butterflies right now, I'd probably just sigh dismally and go about my life.
  7. True, though weren't they at the same time suspicious of them? And we had that short-lived Era of Good Feelings where the Federalists died out and the Democratic Republicans were the only ones around. Given the fragility of the union back then, and concerns that the American experiment would fail if the union broke apart, I assume they were thinking "Leave? Yeah, no. Don't do that. Please don't. Divided we fall and that grandiosely phrased stuff". Rhode Island did hold off on ratifying the Constitution for a year after everyone else had done it. Gave in only after a threatened trade embargo.
  8. Regardless of this election's results, we're screwed. I've heard some people compare these current times to the 1850s, which for those who snoozed in US history class, thats the decade before the Civil War where little was done except the building of tension across the country until kaboom!
  9. I suppose it might come being the first (more likely second if you count the English, third if I don't understand the United Provinces very well) in elucidating the world in the wonders of republicanism and democracy. Ours is now quite old, and while the electorate has been expanded over generations, we've kept the Electoral College all this time thinking it was fine, and to be fair it did elect Lincoln, he only got 40% of the popular vote in 1860. Unfortunately, as the British discovered with their efforts to reform towards greater democratic republicanism in the 1800s, the only body that can change the election of the government, is the governments themselves. And what Republican would shoot themselves in the foot and abolish the Electoral College? Although given their performance yesterday with black males and Latinos, maybe they shouldn't be so afraid that the future is "inevitably" Democratic. This would need three-fourths of the states to ratify the constitutional amendment, and how, is that to be done when the Republicans own the state legislatures? It took the Polish nobles until after the First Partition of Poland to abolish the liberum veto, and by that point it was defenseless and destined to mostly become a Russian possession, sounds familiar. Although I'd be fine if Germany took the remainder of the US as part of the deal, New England to Virginia could be a bulwark against the radical right in their federation. I'm not so naive that rightist populists can win in popular-vote countries: Bolsonaro, Duterte, Modi, Erdogan and whoever are in charge of Poland and Hungary right now I think all count. But I personally would take the plunge into something new, over this current system. Or even going a step backwards and becoming the Holy United American Empire with each governor + some other high state officials gaining Elector status. It'd make presidential election outcomes much easier to predict, and state politics more relevant.😛 Considering their times, and the age of reactionary conservatism that came to Europe once the French Revolution went radical and the wars that Napoleon took over were on, the US Founding Fathers weren't so bad for their period in history. I would like to hope this current dark age of reactionary authoritarian populism is no different from post ~1815 Europe, and that in our grandchildren's generation, liberal democracy is restored. Sooner is better, but I would take eventually. Great idea! But I'm miserable so I want a company.
  10. Understatement, it's only 8000 separating the two at the moment, with 14% to go, it's presently my biggest fear in this tightrope act over the yawning abyss of democracy's oblivion. And I'm still wary of Arizona, a 3% lead with 14% left to go, and not even a 100k lead, is too close for me. Michigan is less than 70k difference with 3% to go, I, remain fearful here too. Too soon to make jokes about Oregon's legalization of supervised use of psilocybin for medical purposes? I could use something strong, or successful cryostasis.
  11. https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/into_the_breach https://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/48016/into-the-breach-switch-review Has a 90 on Metacritic and is available on both PC and Switch. Only $15, though the reviews say it's purest, difficult SRPG gameplay and nothing more. Sounds maybe a little too intense for me.
  12. Looks like the Democrats have underperformed in the Senate, Republicans are keeping it. Underperformance in the state legislatures too, gerrymandering will only worsen. Yes, but Pennsylvania isn't necessary in this victory route. Listen, I don't want to hope, I want to despair and then adopt Buddhism or something to cope. I'm merely stating a possibility.
  13. I'm aware of a DS SRPG I never played (though I somewhat wanted to) that was rated like a 6/10 called Rondo of Swords. One of the reviews I read said you had to send out units to do your shopping, the reviewer complained you had no control over what they'd buy. Two of the things that interested me about the game were: that melee units attack all units they move past. And that narratively, the story (probably not actually that good) had the main character be the body-double of a prince who was killed and has to take up the cause of justice in their place, while keeping almost everyone from knowing the truth that he isn't the real prince.
  14. Since I've been playing SoS I was trying to think of how one could blend FE and SoS into a single game. Partly, I'm interested in the idea, because the nobles who led Medieval armies and society were supposed to be great big landlords making their wealth off the soil, worked by other people, during peace. The problem is that landlordism isn't SoS at all, you have to work the land yourself. And what of SRPG battles and ideally a story? Two things SoS lacks. It sounds totally cumbersome, but I was thinking a solution could be three main characters, all of whom belong to the same family. The first is the firstborn child, the heir to the great family fief who engages in macro-managerial farming. The second character is the one you actually get to create, the second child who, although not tonsured, is given an abbey to maintain. I'm no Medievalist, but didn't this sometimes happen? And given it's a small abbey, but one on very fertile land, it's here you get the smaller farm you can manage on your own, with the help of the named NPCs who also live in the abbey that you can befriend. The last is the head of the noble house, who spends much of their time away doing battle. How to integrate this bifurcated setup sounds difficult. Though I was thinking "abbey serves as a place for crop experimentation", you send the positive results of your experiments to the fief to be used on a wide scale there, the increased food production somehow improves your military standings during the war portion of the game. It's unrealistic for a Medieval setting, but from a gameplay perspective it doesn't sound bad. However, bonding with named unique-portrait NPCs, bonding with named unique-portrait characters you can use in battle, marriage, these things I'm not sure how to properly include, and SoS and FE fans would want them. This would probably be better as a 7/10 "needs better execution" Kickstarter independent game than an actual FExSoS (or Rune Factory) hybrid. But it has the most costly RNG of all- gatcha. Not that it affects battles once you're in them. Though I did get into an argument with someone once where the other side seemed incensed by me standing by the gatcha aspect simply as meaning "FEH does have RNG", though I did make the above concession and that you have plenty of means to work around the gatcha in FEH.
  15. Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin, if Biden holds all of these, the victory is had, 271. But I don't want to hope, let me pick one emotion and let it be abject despair.
  16. It doesn't look similar to me, Laev doesn't look any good, the face looks poorly drawn, and the breasts look elongated. Though examining the full-body character artwork instead of the portraits: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/1/16/Airi_Ban.png/revision/latest?cb=20120324203406 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/6/65/DeSu-Atsuro.png/revision/latest?cb=20141129053053 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/6/69/Yoshino_Render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/616?cb=20180127163922 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/0/07/Daichi.png/revision/latest?cb=20150920090631 I guess I can see some vague similarities, notably in the faces. Shame Miss Named After A Weapon Created By Loki, didn't get better, since I do like the Devil Survivor character designs myself. Hell, I'd love for every single one of them to crossover into FE -but thats as much or more because personality.
  17. There is the Medicinal Lick skill in Etrian Odyssey V. When maxed out, the skill does 10 single-target heals, with a maximum 2 per character. An EO team consists of 5 characters, though the hound you have to summon to use Medicinal Lick does count as a potential healing target, thus it's possible for one character to not be healed at all (and four boss fights give you an ally which takes up another team slot for 7). Morning.
  18. How, just how, with all the money spent and effort pour into appealing across the aisle and, do Democrats successfully expand their appeal? Obviously, Democrats can't take Latinos for granted anymore. Outside of Cubans, it is possible that other Latino groups are "becoming "white"", the same way the Irish and Italians among other ethnic groups eventually did? If so, it's ironic, the xenophobic fears of Republicans that they could never be assimilated, are proving false, and in becoming assimilated, they're turning conservative and helping Republicans.
  19. *Wakes up after less than 4 hours of sleep* Why, oh body of mine?! We're doomed we're doomed we're doomed we're doomed.
  20. I think I'm going to try to head to bed now, turn off my computer and turn on something not the news. But I can'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan't sleep! 😨
  21. On the topic of Nopon emotions trying to make you spend money, do you perceive the Nopon to be more avaricious in XCX than in either XC1 or 2? I've heard some people say the Nopon are at their worst in XCX, and that XC2 made them better, as in less vilely greedy.
  22. Looks like Trump is taking North Carolina, 538 is putting it closer to 50-50 now.😱 How did the polling go wrong?
  23. This one of the last quests I found, not sure why. Its start is good, and it drilled into me how honor-and-war the Wrothians are, to their detriment elsewhere. Though all the Xenos tend to have one or two focuses, so the Wrothians aren't alone. *Desperately trying to redirect my mind ATM.*
  24. 538 puts it now at a 33% chance of a Trump victory.😬😬😬😬😬 Hispanic and African-American males might be to blame. To be born and raised into a place of freedom and knowledge, to not be but an illiterate peasant who never saw more than 5 miles from their fields. This fear, this dread, this expectation of the most terrible, such is the price. I am left to wonder, how do those long born and raised in countries more restrained, bear with the authoritarian vileness of their government? At least the eras of pastoral outsiders coming in hordes and laying waste to cities and all therein, is no more. ...Sorry to wax poetic. Though it should help us remember that if we are to suffer, others unfortunately share in our plight too, and have for a very long time. And that, although the modern state is capable of unimaginable atrocities, things have gotten a little better over time. You'd just hope the arrow of history is always pointing in the right direction.
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