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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. If one of these two was killed before Chapter 4, you won't be able to go to the side chapter, but whichever is alive will join you still. No explanation for Dagdar if Tanya died. But if Tanya is the only one who is alive, the bad guy who overthrew Dagdar's control of the Violdrake bandits will set her free out of pity for losing her father.
  2. https://www.usgamer.net/amp/report-dangen-entertainment-ben-judd-allegations-sources-tensions-indie-dev https://www.usgamer.net/amp/report-dangen-entertainment-ceo-resigns-ben-judd-allegations-indie-publisher https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/e054z4/publisher_dangen_entertainment_bug_fables_devil/ CEO sexual harassment allegations. And separately, that Dangen hasn't paid the developers who hired it, and in one instance opposed the dev's plans to put a game on sale. Can't be absolutely sure if any of this is true.
  3. It hasn't been visuals for its era, and usually audio, that modern FF has been hurting for, those things always shine, it's the story/characters and the gameplay that have taken the flak. Even when it fails, FF fails in technical beauty. Sure these things age, but despite obvious wrinkles in terms of detail, XII with a simple HD port is not yet entirely antiquated despite 14 years passing. No PS4, so I don't intend to play VIIR, but I'm interested in how they'll be remixing One Winged Angel- the final battle final phase theme. I haven't listed to any version other than the original and the Distant Worlds remix, though I know the Advent Children movie toyed with the composition. I'm going to doubt AC will influence this version, but I won't rule it out completely. They know they're going to have to kick it out to Andromeda in terms of quality though, it's become the auditory soul of Sephiroth.
  4. I found this: And these years-old figurines Square Enix designed:
  5. I don't have a PC to play this still, darned! But I'll be waiting for the chance. This isn't complete, but for those who want some guidance for Vestaria Saga, I found this set of spreadsheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c3qCZpgGxmseuq_d3FhvOfHN4BhEeoRb2XW74PH7NPQ/edit#gid=209950514 Base stats, growths, promotion bonuses, recruitment, events, items, skills, all should be here.
  6. Reminded me of the quote "Overreaching ambition invites disaster.".
  7. Nonetheless placed the most recent film in a lightyears-ahead-of-the-bottom-two 7th out of 9 (no A Star Wars Stories) ranking.
  8. Has anyone here played the iOS versions of Ys I and II? I don't have a PC, and are wondering how playable they are with touch controls.
  9. Niime remains the only playable old woman in FE to this day, and Juno I think deserves a word of praise too. FE6 is shonen-friendly, but it certainly doesn't try so hard to be youthful and sexy, the cast is very conservative in clothing. So, yeah, I agree with your general point. -- From what I can remember of FE6 characters, my thoughts: Roy- Boring. Marcus- Jagen. Alan- Nothing special. Lance- Has a hint of interest in what got said of him not being from Pherae, but I don't recall it being a lot. Bors- He had sex only once in his life, and had his chastity rewarded with being able to handle the presence of the Holy Grail. Oh wait, wrong Bors, this one I forget. Wolt- A pretty good update to Gordin, but no Rolf. Elen- She works. Merlinus- The worst advisor in any FE ever, but he works as a character in... FE7. Dieck- An Ogma update handled well enough. Wade- I forget, but I don't think at least one of them was bad. Lott- I forget, but I don't think at least one of them was bad. Shanna- Pretty ordinary. Chad- Decent. Lugh- A good child character. Rutger- Not Zihark, but a better Navarre in character. Clarine- Not fond of her personality, but she is okay overall. Saul- He does have serious side to balance his philandering. Dorothy- Can't remember. Sue- Not bad. Lilina- Caeda's successor is fine, even if I don't particularly like her. Oujay- Fairly ordinary IIRC. Gwendolyn- Second female armor, rather dull. Barthe- Also sorta dull. Astolfo- Good with Igrene at least. Fir- Mareeta a second time, but not bad. Sin- Can't recall, but at least they were inoffensive. Zelot- He's fine. Trec- It takes effort for me to remember who is who. Noah- It takes effort for me to remember who is who. Larum- Not into her. Elffin- I like him. Geese- I forget the details, but the contours aren't bad. Gonzalez- A good gentle giant. Klein- Nice guy. Tate/Thite/Thea/Thaitea- Not bad, but nothing special. Bartre- Dagdar in game with supports? IDK, but good. Echidna- I like her character overall, including visually, but I felt her supports were repetitive? Cath- Annoying to recruit, but she's okay. Raigh- Likable. Melady- Minerva's rebirth came out very nicely. Perceval- He's fine. Igrene- Great. Cecilia- Pick a different chapter to join, but she is a good character. Fae- Only the second Tiki, so she is fine. Sophia- ................................... Garret- He seems like he just doesn't belong in FE to me. Zeiss- I forget, but he is a little brother to a Minerva, thats different. Hugh- I like him. Douglas- He works well enough. Juno- Different, I like her, what a pity her bases don't exist. Dayan- I like him. Niime- Great. Joder- Works well enough. Karel- Archetypal, but unique to FE at this time at least. Really, I don't see anyone I utterly loathe, other than FE6 Merlinus, though I do think Sophia is kinda bad b/c all the ellipses, but for the rest it's only forgettable, inoffensive or better. Binding doesn't have any real greats, but the first game to have support conversations did help it out. For FE7, it's more like: Lyn- Not bad, though I don't love her. Eliwood- Better with a contrasting character, Fiora is mild-on-mild and thats bad. But Hector, Lyn, and even Marcus give him some color, as does certain narrative moments. Far better than his son. Hector- Great lord, good character. Sain- A one-note hopeless romantic, but he does get the girl in at least one support. Kent- Straight-laced, but done well, particularly since his laces loosen with Lyn and Fiora. Wil- An ordinary buddy kind of guy, outdone by Ranulf in this general department, but his Dart and Rebecca supports are good. Florina- Not a character. Serra- Not fond of her, other than how she gets to be later on in her Oswin, Hector, and Lucius supports. Erk- I like him. Lucius- I like him. Matthew- I like him. Rath- Stoic, though stoicism isn't inherently bad. Nils- I really like him. Ninian- Not a character, a trope. Wallace- A zealous old man, eh. Dorcas- Ordinary, but well written-ish actually. Bartre- Baaaaaaad. Marcus- Not bad, not great. Lowen- Yeah, he tropey. Rebecca- Alright. Oswin- He is good. Guy- Fairly ordinary. Merlinus- Not always wrong, so he isn't bad here. Priscilla- A fair maiden, not bad, but exactly great to me either. Raven- Edgy, but his Rebecca is good. Canas- Great. Dart- A nice guy with good supports other than Karel I guess? Fiora- She works. Legault- Le'awesome. Isadora- She works. Heath- Works for me. Hawkeye- I like him, though he doesn't get a lot. Geitz- I like him. Pent- Awesome. Louise- Pretty, though not quite as good a character as her husband. Karel- So much intentional contrast with his FE6 self, but a weak character in himself. Harken- Nice backstory, but a little dull. Farina- Post-Awakening Anna done well. Nino- Not her biggest fan, but I can see why she so liked. Jaffar- ...Edgy, a tad unrealistic, but saved through his bond with Nino. Vaida- Different, if too abrasive outside of like Heath. Karla- She is okay. Renault- A character who exists to become liked through his supports. Athos- Yay! There are a few more outright duds, but overall, FE7 has more highs for me too. I'd say it's better, but such is me.
  10. Considering Myrrh outright asks Ephraim to call her "big brother", and I think I recall hearing Uta-loid Tiki say "oni-chan", that could be the likely case, instead of an innocent child's little crush.
  11. Roy is the only character with paired endings in FE6, excusable since this was the first time support conversations were done. He can support and marry any of the following: Lilina Cecilia Sue Shanna Sophia Larum Since Guinevere is unplayable, Roy cannot marry her, and while I don't think there really is any love between them, I can see her thankfulness for all Roy did for her leading Guinevere to have a stray thought of marrying him. Maybe Fae has feelings of affection toward Roy too, I forget, but she has the mind of a five year old, so any liking she has for Roy shouldn't be taken seriously.
  12. Take, your, time. We are thankful for your charitable effort! On the bright side, the next update Paramythis be playable surrounded entirely by English! I don't know anything about her other than being this game's equivalent of Sword-Staff Troubadour, but she sure looks mature, confident and pretty!
  13. That thought popped into my head, but that introduces a new problem. How do you make the chaser's presence on the already-designed maps felt? And, how do you add the pursuer without making them seem incompetent? Does Leif get captured for 3 seconds five times before someone bails him out? If they truly are a threat, it has to be felt, and constant "Damn it! The pesky kid gets away from me again!" doesn't make for a truly threatening character.
  14. Because he's trying to create a slightly a more family-friendly image, even if he doesn't really enjoy it. Like Tim Allen and The Santa Clause, which has an element of adult-orientation, even if the final product was toned down to appeal to children instead. Is this funny to you?
  15. It doesn't outright say, there is room to interpret the "Urrrgh!!" as a knockout blow. It depends how brutish you think Hector is. And as said in an interview contemporary with FE4, he did say that he was the only nut on the dev team when it came to world building. That was definitely his work, and it can't be said to be anyone else's. Although, he did have troubles with portraying female characters in TRS, and Vestaria Saga I recall reading when it first released in Japan, seems to this day continue some of his fetish for female kidnappings And it didn't have a full translation until fairly recently, not even the half-bad + a Yugioh meme Thracia Shaya/Firelizard one. There is also the fact that IS having nothing to do with it, can't be told to learn from it, nor can they use its characters, as much as I'd like Rishel in FEH (mostly b/c gameplay awesomeness).
  16. Just because a game is two decades old doesn't mean we should ever casually bring up spoilers for someone who is playing through it the first time, curiosity might kill the cat. It makes sense that Raydrik isn't so present later, he hasn't been tasked with capturing Leif anywhere on the peninsula at all costs. Even if it is still a flaw in the narrative. Well, there is always room for a remake to improve things!
  17. I think I prefer Hector myself. Hector has more sensitivity than Holmes almost ever does, and although I might simply be forgetting some of Hector's jerkiness, Holmes came as being the bigger one. Hector does brashly kill the one soldier in his Eliwood mode introduction, he shouts at Jaffar before Nino too, and he gets angry at Oswin for hiding the truth, and he lovers' quarrels with Lyn as well. Holmes though has no reason to be so mean to Katri, he picks on her a lot. Not to call Katri bright or herself a great character, she maybe a little bit of an airhead, but the quantity of Holmes's jerkiness to her is such that it can be unbelievable that in the end the two fall mutually in love. LynxHector, while forced not to my liking, is not as bad than HolmesxKatri. And it isn't just Katri that Holmes is a jerk to, I could list them all that I remember if you so wanted me to. Holmes can show kindness, loose manners, and respect, like when for Katri's sake he tells her father to have Lionheart inherit the throne of Salia instead of passing the burden to his daughter. And, Shigen and Runan- Holmes's Eliwood- do have good relationships with him. But, Hector has his good side too, and I felt he developed more than Holmes did, Hector is more capable of being kind to others I'd say. Holmes is refreshing to me in light of all the goody-two-shoes lords, but I can't quite say I love him either for all the jerk he has. I'm mixed.
  18. I've gone through TRS (and are waiting for the Berwick translation to be finished). TearRing Saga has its own narrative problems, though yet again Kaga does well with the backstory and lore. The plot overall is FEs 1-4 put into a blender. Though I do think the Gerxel Cult is handled a little better than the Loptous Cult that inspired it (except Gwenchaos got Gharnef's Imhullu by another name). As for characters, not bad, not necessarily great either, no supports. And, Holmes is highly unusual for a lord, he predates Hector and is very much a jock and a jerk. I wouldn't call him bitter like Shinon though. And I've seen Jugdral lovers who hate Tellius, and in response to their meanness to me despite me not being particularly mean to them or attacking their favorites, I did quietly punch back by posting the picture of THAT Linde once.
  19. You could always try recruiting the ones you love the most, even if you don't actually use them. Though Edel and 'bert will have to offed regardless.
  20. I chose to send everyone through the mountains, and Safiya and Finn over the other ones to get to Shiva, this actually lured him and fellow sellswords west into those mountains, not north. Unfortunately, I couldn't didn't get Hannibal to appear so soon (not that I knew it'd happen) because the obvious candidate to trigger him, Karin, was busy lugging Dalsin b/c armor can't cross mountains either. Such a giant paperweight he was. I think going for the early bosskill is actually the better strategy here. And I forgot to say, congrats on getting past the (in)famous Manster Escape! Leif is in the clear and can rest easy for now. Not that the rest of the game is cake, but you won't be hurriedly trying to escape every single battle from here on out. And, your allies will begin to wax and never suddenly wane ever again.
  21. Hammerne works on it!😉 So, did you leave him dead? I think they actually mean the two enemy groups, if you cross the western mountains packed with bandits, then the cavalry can't reach you b/c horses can't cross them. And, did you have everyone escape on the same turn or didn't start escaping until the boss was dead? If you have someone escape while reinforcements are still coming from the north, Hannibal will respond to Raydrik's troops on the Thracia border by deploying his own green Armors including himself. That forces Raydrik's cavalry into fleeing, they're afraid of the Shield of Thracia. Hannibal's stats (which are somewhat randomized).: HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Bld Mov 43 14 4 12 7 7 16 19 7 Auth MS PC Weapon Ranks Skills 5 0 0 D, A, B, A None With a Silver Lance and Silver Bow. This possibility was hinted at in FE4 if you do BeowolfxLachesis. As put by the old translation with me updating the names.: Lachesis: “Beowulf…” Beowolf: “Lachesis, if anything were to happen to me, I want you to go to Leonster. Finn is there with Quan’s children. Give him a hand, okay?” Lachesis: “How could you say that? When we go, we’ll go together!” Beowolf: “Lachesis, I’ve got a confession to make.” Lachesis: “Hm?” Beowolf: “I’ve known your true feelings all along.” Lachesis: “What…!” Beowolf: “Take good care of yourself. It was mighty nice while it lasted.” Lachesis: “Wait! Beowolf!”
  22. http://lavacutcontent.com/gen-4-beta-sprites-leak/ On 4Chan, a link, now removed, was posted just yesterday. It brought a person to a website containing hundreds of Pokemon battle sprites between Gen 3 and 4 in quality. The assumption has been made that these were Gen 4 beta sprites. What is special about these, is that there are a lot of visible gender differences that Gen 4 ultimately lacked. To provide some pictures of these possibly false sprites: And there are supposed to be a lot more. Although the "leak" was quickly taken down, people have downloaded the sprites and should soon compile them all at single site for all to access. Is this leak real as the article suggests it could be?
  23. Agreed!😆 --- So, anyone think this Gen 4 Pokemon major gender differences "leak" is real? http://lavacutcontent.com/gen-4-beta-sprites-leak/ Where it was first posted has been taken down, but being the Internet, it's going to survive and all the sprites will coalesce somewhere. Edit: Actually, I'm going to make a topic about this. --- I read all the Enemy Index flavor descriptions in XCX. While the Index could be better- listing enemy attacks, their specific location within the region they're located, I like having it and the flavor text. It's all scientific, if highly unrealistic that humanity could have gathered all this information in the limited time they've been on Mira. And, it isn't like the information actually has any impact on how they are from what you see. I didn't see single a Millesaur egg on a geothermal vent, or males of other species fighting for spouses or controlling harems. The Enemy Index makes it pretty clear too that a lot of Indigens are put into duos sharing a basic template. Caros and Grexes, Mortifoles and Sacrifoles (these are, unlike most, actually stated to be related), Duogills and Scinitures, Galdrs and Seidrs. But, the flavor entries are quite different and the visual differences are usually pretty distinct. While at first I was going to say XCX has the most creative monster lineup and I was going to criticize XC2 as mostly rehashing XC1 monsters, on second thought, that would be wrong to say. XC2 did carry a bunch of creatures over, but a great bunch are genuinely new too, I can't be so critical.
  24. These (six swimsuits each buyable individually or in the Season Pass) are paid DLC apparently that must have been added in the past few days. But I don't have the game, so I can't say if the update was about these. I was only glimpsing an article about this game b/c curiosity. Other so-so images of the swimsuits from the article: I've a sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllight interest in trying Atelier, but even under the best circumstances it'd have to be on sale. I'm very hesitant about it. --- I've also heard that Ys I&II is available on iOS. A little wary of touchscreen controls, but given I've heard of the early Ys has you simply ramming into foes, so maybe the controls aren't the worst? I'm interested. I also heard it's possible to use the bump combat system to press an NPC girl against a wall to get her "measurements" in the first game. Something the second game referenced by letting you bump an underaged boy against a wall to get their "measurements". Freaky and wrong.
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