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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Only if he namedrops Iote as a pal of his.😉 I want Iote, likely red hair b/c Minchalria, certainly flying, probably axe. Give me the slave of Dolhr turned freedom fighter. Weird, I was thinking Dheginsea.😜 What do you expect? Ragnell and Alondite have 20 Wt each. Trueblade(F) caps Str at 31.
  2. And a good three of them are still in Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana only for those who don't emulate! Nintendo needs to bundle its old games more often and then port those bundles onto every new system it puts out. Altina is great to me, I like this use of lore characters. Albeit they picked a swordswoman. I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet for Bramimond. May her hitherto unknown, save for a tiny bit of flashback VA'ed lines, personality be a good one. And you know, someone is missing now that I think about it. >_>
  3. You ask for too much, albeit it shall be given. Plus a shoulder formerly beta. All I ask for is the title screen in HD. Nothing better than leaving the game on the title screen, listening to the main theme, watching the grass blow in the wind, and the progression of day to dusk to night. And so the hours pass, so the music goes from tranquil beginnings and careful rhythm, to sorrow that strains the heart, to running free with boundless joy, to denouement and rest in the night. Minor listing: XC1 Main Theme TtGC Title Theme MONOX Where We Used to Be Where We Used To Be is too soft, though it has admirable notes, but the rest are strong. I have to pick XC1 for the best because of the title screen's perfect fusion with the theme. It's a real hard choice for second place. TtGC is gentle, but about a minute in, it starts hitting the sentimental emotions well. MONOX is, no surprise given XCX is the oddball, very different from the other three. It begins with some electronic notes to its classical instruments, which behind the electric beats builds up over time. Then it gets to the strings which give it a reflective, perhaps sentimental touch. Then the cymbals clash and the epic and the awe is embraced in a lightning rush, which slows into the constant thunder of the rest of the track. And yet, the sentimentality wins out for me. To be fair, Once We Part Ways is an underrated track of XC1 to me.
  4. Might be provided pictures of all 50 Special Holofigures in XCX in the coming days.
  5. Hmm... Seliph's lover is concerned that he may die on the battlefield, they have had dreams of it, and refuses to let him leave their side. Seliph henceforth must always end his turn adjacent to his would-be lover- except for the Wall of Edda and bagging Manfroy. Furthermore, Seliph's fiancee is a natural woman and does not like jewelry, especially that representative of the two lower limbs of the human body. -Or are you looking for something harsher or less tedious?
  6. Shares an opinion on watermelon juice with me (well, it was cucumber-watermelon, but I couldn't taste the former).
  7. Agreed. The term used is a generation, it doesn't have to mean a 30 year thing like human generations are for demographics and whatnot. But it shouldn't be a generation of yeast either. The 3rd game idea could afford to go away as well. It made some sense in the era before games could be updated with new information over WiFi. But now? Why not just add plentiful DLC? An issue I see is Pokemon having a single save file every game, but NG+ could fix that, if on NG+ you could always access your old Pokemon and use them regardless of level, with Pokedex data and any online data also carrying over. -But who am I kidding?
  8. Being vocally arrogant is a bad thing. Being vocally too self-deprecating is bad a thing too- see myself I think sometimes. Confidence and humility are fine moderations though. Furthermore, context and tone matters, the latter being difficult to determine in typed words on the Internet. Saying you're "great" at writing in a casual tone and context is fine, fanfiction should largely be a casual affair. Saying you're "great" and could write a better story than Pride and Prejudice (to pick a random book in the English canon), should not be done so freely.
  9. They have different appeals to me. Lugia aims to be "cool", but Ho-Oh has a stronger backstory that makes austere and "revered". Lugia Cool just outweighs the formal reverence I give to Ho-Oh. This is odd, since other Generational Mascot Legendaries aim for the same kind of appeal to me. It might stem from Lugia's underling trio being in Kanto, and therefore it's harder to construct a mythos for the master of Aeroblast in Johto. --- On the size and time matter, a lot of the flak I've heard has gone to the technical faults with the world. Monolith has 224 employees compared to Game Freak's 143. Both companies get outside help sometimes, both companies have side work- Monolith helped on Breath of the Wild, Game Freak made Little Town Hero during SwSh's production. With only 81 more in-house employees (IDK on outsiders), working over 4 years, they produced a Switch title with an excellent world. Not the same monster variety, but thats something Game Freak uniquely needs a dedicated group for. Although, Monolith had only 40 employees working on XC2 at one point b/c BotW was taking up their time. On the other hand, Monolith did have their Xenoblade Chronicles X, released three months before XC2 development began, to provide a quality HD base for their world- yet as the aesthetics greatly differ between the games, XC2 couldn't just copypaste from XCX. And because @Flere210 brought up Dragon Quest earlier, I assume they meant DQXI, that had a 5 year development cycle. It was developed for three systems, with a 16-bit graphics mode for the entire game to boot.
  10. Banned for donning a Santa hat before Thanksgiving.
  11. Made a sound indicating dislike. Same. I thought there'd be a monster in the area to kill that give up her Core judging from the rumor. I didn't realize it'd also need salvaging.
  12. Which is why it only had one public event showing. And the one time a guy at Nintendo's marketing team had to showcase using it, the higher ups gave him told him about it only 30 minutes in advance. How would you market this? Cartridges had advantages in lower load times back then too, and the 64 had some technical advantages, not to call the PS1 weak. But, it was the storage space that got Sony its RPG lead. Fitting the entirety of FFVII on the 64 would've needed tens of expensive cartridges I think. A lot of that would be the CGI cutscenes I believe, but you can't get rid of those, they were the cutting edge of awesome-looking things back then. Only fools did without them, and only idiots stayed in 2D- which made Castlevania: Symphony of the Night so exceptional for its time. That was before the modern appreciation for 2D games with pretty aesthetics. Final Fantasy VIII has four Discs, each of which ends with a battle with a Sorceress -except Disc Three, which cuts right before the battle with one, despite it being in the exact same dungeon as the boss ending Disc Three IIRC. Given (sadly) how little content is on XG Disc Two, I would expect that if you dropped the opening with that captain on a ship and weird naked lady looking at a shooting star, you'd have a one-disc game. Nintendo still had the technological lead with the GameCube, but the mini-discs still left them with space issues. I've heard people complain about the Skies of Arcadia GC port having worse audio than the Dreamcast original, due to audio compression to fit the game on a single mini-disc. So, it was inheriting the legacy of the PS1 and no spacial limitations at all that made the PS2 the preferred RPG console for its generation. Just throwing out more ideas, since you bring up Shulk. Milly could work in a similar vein as him and Fiora (a Dual Rings rebranded as Knives). Milly's weapon of choice is dual maces, with a lot of her equipment Magnus being called "Cudgels". That would explain why her Spirit Battle in Smash gives the enemy an Ore Club- but her maces are way smaller than that- closer to Fiora's Knives and Elma's Dual Swords. Volt would be her most likely element, and for a tiny touch that pops in my head, give one of her Arts Topple. Also, I just took a look at Sagi and Milly's Spirits in Smash, since I don't have the game myself, ugh. Yeah, the full body official art that got in is more like offal art. And yet, their ingame portraits look better: Only they got in as Smash Spirits, nobody from Eternal Wings. Looks like The Valedictory Elegy would be the reason why.
  13. Her arms aren't that muscular in FE6: But looking at both Elibe games because they share an artist(?), Echidna, while not muscular compared to any Fighter/Dieck man with arms exposed, is nonetheless the most muscular woman in either game. Even Vaida is less muscled, albeit her artwork pose makes it a little difficult to say that with absolute certainty. Heck, the next woman, maybe, with visible muscular bulk on display, would be Nailah, four games later. That's just a normative gendered beauty bias at work, preventing women from showing bulk.
  14. In my case, I'm honestly not sure who my favorites even are. I recall at some point my Eevee evolutions preference shifted from Jolteon, to Espeon, to Vaporeon, and I'm definitely Lugia over Ho-Oh personal aesthetically speaking. But, favorites of them all? I'm some combination of indecisive, inconsistent, and indifferent. Nonetheless, I wholly disapprove of Dexit. For I am sympathetic to the losses in pixels of others (just to keep this in context of the greater reality we live in), and I do appreciate Pokemon in the mass. It's more an idea than anything, since the only true feeling of Pokemon in the mass comes from having a poster listing a few hundred on display, yet Dexit does cut into it. Dexit wouldn't be a problem if GF said they'd patch in transferability for the missing Pokemon later (batches every couple months sounds okay, they could even add temporary ingame catching events to celebrate their return). But, they put their foot down and said no, that not happening, every game henceforth is an island with strict boundaries of who is in and who is out, and the same for some moves but could they please give Razor Wind a massive upgrade while it's gone?.
  15. Yes. I've seen someone purchase soy cheese. But I'm sure you could find it made of other plants. But, if vegan meat fails to pass mustard, then I'm definitely not trying the soy cheese. And as is, I'm finding it intimidating to try the entire gamut of cheeses, if I don't like gruyere, then my chances of sophisticatedly liking a heckuva lot of others is thrown out the window. RIP Roquefort.
  16. Sounds more realistic than the Nintendo Entertainment System Knitting Machine I read about this morning:
  17. It started as an exclusive in 2003, but got ported to the PS2 with extras as soon as 2004 (not unlike the fate of Tales of Vesperia, an Xbox 360 exclusive that a year later got its improved edition on PS3). And yet: This got replaced with something generic in the ports. The closest Guillo comes to that is lifting an ice disk out of the ground and chucking it at the enemies during his Sigil Cry special. So no, not really, as much as I'd like another Twin Rings Blade. (This wouldn't be a problem if they just got rid of generic Beast Blades/swapped their weapons to other things to continue existing, this way the weapon type would be exclusive to Dromarch. No other main character Blade has this sharing problem. And Tanks only have two weapon types, why does Healer need three?) Guillo punches a bunch during cutscenes, even if gameplay he's the "mage" of the group and pelts the bad guys with magic. His equipment Magnus look like claws, gloves, and katars (things you grip in your hand for stabbing people), the game sometimes calls them "Sophias".: Although they could've used Mizuti from Eternal Wings for a Dual Rings user, since they have one chakram already.: But the idea of having Mizuti over Kalas or Xelha would override any pretense of story importance being the determining factor for getting in. It'd be purely a choice made on gameplay considerations, which is therefore pretty unrealistic. -Or so I'm influenced by Smash. It'd be like hypothetically throwing Sharla over Shulk in XCX.: I'd actually like Sharla more than Shulk in XCX, if she gave Sniper Rifles another Art or two (and I'd assume Shield for her melee weapon b/c ReynxSharla), and Sniper Rifles would like that. It'd also better your chances of getting Sniper Rifles from enemies a little, since your current team's weapon types have increased drop rates. Shulk on the other hand, assuming he used the standard weapon types and gave Cross two new Arts, would have to be a Longsword user b/c big and two-handed like the Monado. But Longswords already have enough good stuff, they don't need Monado Armor/Speed/Buster/Purge. But, Sharla isn't close to equal in story importance with Shulk, she's the designated healer, who happens to fill in some narrative at Bionis's Leg and then later on. On the sheer hypothetical of Mizuti anyhow, I'm not quite sure element they'd get. Going by the element of their 9th finisher Magnus, their last, it's Chronos, which doesn't exist in XC2. Its name is "Planet Soul", so how about the Earth element?
  18. Coo-hoo-lin. Hear the old name in the pronunciation? Although Dictionary.com gives a second viable pronunciation. Cu Chulainn is the name of the Celtic mythological hero who used the spear Gae Bolg. He was not a minotaur though, contrary to the above use of his name, but he did drive a chariot in the original myths.
  19. I'm sure the more politically-informed people here wouldn't need this statistic, but I found it worth bookmarking: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/11/25/20981946/charity-billionaire-jeff-bezos-bill-gates-wealth-tax The article admits to several faults with this: promises of money to be given away made, this accounting for only one year of charitable givings, not taking into consideration yearly income. But, it still makes the point that from 2000-2018, Bezos gave away only 0.12% of his total net worth. The point being that that, although it's nice that wealthy people do give away money to charity at all, they could afford to give away much more. Or, for those of the political leaning, taxed.
  20. Tinni is only a Mage, able to use all anima magic types by default, but only of C rank sans Holy Blood. Thoron is A rank, and Tailtiu was a Thunder Mage, only Thunder magic being usable, but at B rank sans blood. Tinni needs a promotion for Thoron. Oddly, Tinni's replacement, Linda, is a Thunder Mage, so she can buy Thoron and use it from the start.
  21. I've only played CF and GD once each, and I haven't looked to see what spells everyone learns, but mages are pretty good to me. Lysithea on my first run turned out probably somewhat Mag and Spd blessed. Although nobody on CF was quite like her, taming my experience with mages. Ignoring terrain is great for more consistent accuracy. And magic avoid is usually lower than physical avoid. The staffs (and select spells) for an extra point of range or two makes them able to safely pick at things from afar with the enemy unable to do anything about it. You're free to use the most powerful and useful magics, because all their uses replenish after every fight. But the per-battle limit keeps this balanced. Once you get out of Commoner/Noble though, unless you attempt serious enemy phasing with a mage, you won't run out of common spell uses. Barring an enemy with unusually high Res, which actually excludes Peg Knights here, a mage can easily rip off half an enemy's HP or so in a single hit. All magic using classes can use both Reason and Faith, so everyone magical can carry a chip or spot heal besides their primary magical function, a minor but appreciated touch. The absence of Combat Arts isn't a big deal, other than no guaranteed consecutive attack spell, since magic already has some variety in its functions. Besides the per-battle spell limits and their usual fragility, mages are kept in check by spell AS loss being unpreventable. Given mages can deal a hefty blow per strike, this is not a bad measure for balancing them, for even when they have good Spd, doubling everything isn't that easy. Movement is the fourth and last issue, it is indeed annoying, and I haven't raised up a Dark or Holy Knight yet. I've heard magical physical weapons are better than actual spells, something about, I think: Magic weapons can have their AS loss mitigated. Magic weapons used with certain Combat Arts make them better for damage than spells. Repairing weapons makes durability a manageable matter for magic weapons. Possible(?) functionality of magic staffs with magic weapons. But, I've barely touched the magic weapons myself. And overall, mages are in a good place in 3H. My first instinct was to call them amazing, but with a cooler head they're closer to plain old good for me now. And good is still good.
  22. I'd casually expect Helbindi and Effie to take the leads. An OC every FEH player knows, and the lone girl in this VG, from the of not too distant past popularity Fates. The rest I'm not so sure of, but eons ago everyone did get the free LIke, so he'd be in a secondary position. This coincidentally leaves only Hawkeye vs. Duma undecided. Duma is hard to get and not amazing I think, whereas everyone has had enough Hawkeyes to reach to the Kuiper Belt and back; neither has a beloved personality. I'll say Hawkeye. So, it'd become Hellboy vs. Van and Sandman vs. FE. I'd pin the higher chance of winning it all on whoever takes the left side of the board. But this is Mario Party, so anything goes.
  23. The battle systems are pretty different, despite both fundamentally using decks of Magnus cards. Though it is true there are some genuine improvements in Origin's take on things. Namco is always willing to give on KOS-MOS, despite them benefitting how from it beyond the licensing fee? Overall good relations with Nintendo too, if Smash development is anything to go off of. The choice for the GameCube, reading a different interview, stemmed entirely from the general absence of RPGs on the system. Call it charity, call it seeing a potentially profitable commercial void to fill? They missed an opportunity for a crossover with XC2 as I see it. Guillo would've made a perfect inclusion to the Blade lineup, being himself a construct. Knuckle Claws would have been his definite weapon choice. Light would have been appealing for his element since it is so scarce, with only Mythra and KOS-MOS being non-DLC options for it. Ice would have been his most likely element, were it not for Ursula. But that'd be easily corrected by moving her to Bitball and purging Dahlia because poor visual design, or Ursula or Dahlia moves to a different weapon type lacking an Ice Rare Blade, like Ether Cannon. They could've made it "another Guillo" like KOS-MOS, and added a Sagi recolor for Rex to the Land of Challenge to match. Guillo might not be Sagi, the main lead, but he is pretty damn important (as you'd hope with only three PCs), so getting the Blade treatment when adding in the rest of considerations would've made sense for him over his human companion. -But thats just me, and I have a peculiar liking for Guillo.😀
  24. I tried a bite of a Beyond Meat Burger today, just "meat", American cheese, ketchup, and a brioche bun. I had a bite of a real meat patty served the same way before and after the Beyond Burger. I can believe it's not meat. My first instinct was to think something was wrong with the cheese, nope, couldn't be that. All being the same between the two, the cause of the off-putting taste could only be one thing- the Beyond Burger. It's a lie, one with good intentions, but a lie.
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