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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Why on Earth did they leave an entire baguette's worth of crumbs in the data? Did they mean to tempt the inevitable dataminers and those who'd examine the harvested ore? If these characters are recruitable in the main game, that'd make the DLC less junk for me. I don't care about story and world, but more fighters I'll take, so having them stuck in a separate, fixed mini-campaign doesn't suit me.
  2. She must be extraordinarily happy all the time for you to find that to be quite sad. Though I do see the small frown. The lighting and such makes it look like she staring at person who, she doesn't know exactly what they'll do to her, but it totally definitively might be torture, it might be murder. And she's at their mercy. We're left from this perspective however of not knowing who will do the grisly act, it's a mystery to haunt us. -Until the crime is solved in Whodunnitdimension Neptunia. ---- Finally decided to get back to Persona 2: Innocent Sin, all I had left was the final dungeon. It wasn't bad, I just had never gotten to it, and I wanted to. The final boss is a little odd: Since I never thought I'd play the game, I spoiled myself on how it all ends a long time ago. But the ride was still very enjoyable, with not everything known to me. I'll have to get to Persona 2: Eternal Punishment later, but not for a few days at least.
  3. The counter to your infinite range is here! -Not that I expect it to be as useful from a player's perspective, because enemies rarely as snipe-happy as the player. But would this have a use against enemy long-range magics? How good will Donovan be? -We need more to know!
  4. I entirely understand being against fanservicey towels or swimsuits, since I prefer FE to not go too far in that direction. But, the sauna attires appearing to be disappointing conservative are a fault. They look like good practical underwear, or the clothing a peasant would wear on a daily basis in public. I could see the clothes being explained to be made of some breathable material that lets the steam in, acting essentially as a wrapper in which your body becomes a baked (well steamed) potato of sorts. And yet it's still bland!😝 I think you can still have conservative clothing for a sauna, but make it look stylish. What about some of Fire Emblem Warriors's Broken Armor (underwear) designs? https://imgur.com/a/qGx6e And KT made these too! Where is the same artistry in this game? The DLC doesn't seem worth it yet, Anna as another sack of fighting flesh is the only thing of value. $25 is nearly half a full-priced game. This all comes down to Wave 4- will that justify this DLC?
  5. Well I guess I started my first 3H playthrough a few days too soon. When did they say Wave 3 would be out by? Was it the end of November, or December? If it was December, maybe Wave 4 will come by March then.
  6. Keeping Saizo alive for the danged Speedwing (why can't it be a Secret Book?) is one thing. Another is the enemies being very fast and dodgy, debuffing and poisoning, 1-2 ranged, and throw in a few reinforcements that might muck things up too. Monoclass/semi-monoclass maps aren't exactly uncommon in FE, and the Kitsune are worse than Kotaro's Ninjas. But why can't they be Bandits instead? Ninjas are a pestilence in such big numbers and I want my Takumi-sama!😱 Having a lot of good Axe and Bow units would very much help here, but even with the excellent Camilla, and Shura if you didn't pick the Boots, one can easily not have enough of these two weapon types for this map. Okay, you can throw an adequately (as in higher than enemy Atk even with Def debuffing) Def-buffed Xander and Effie/Benny as good units too. I will say that my first playthrough of CQ, blind on Hard and Classic with no grinding of any kind, was exhilarating. The maps were fresh, everything felt new, I didn't know what would await me as I pushed on and on. Each map was brutal, but I drank every victory as though it were water after three days lost in the Sahara. The adrenaline rush of challenge faded on subsequent plays of CQ. The world and combat lost its novelty and luster, and knowing everything that lay before me, my mind became more fixed on the bothersome portions of the campaign. I've had my only CQ Lunatic file still sitting at Hinoka 2 for months if not a year, I should look forward to it with five fine Wyverns to turn her menacing gales in my favor, but at the same time, I dread the tug of war between gusts and calm air, buttressed by legions of Kinshi and Pegasi.
  7. It does tell you where it's all going, but only for the current turn. The game doesn't forecast the entire fixed pattern at once, and most people aren't going to realize it isn't random, nor memorize the pattern. It doesn't feel like its a fun challenge, even if careful use of the wind does make for some good- like getting next to Hayato/blowing away his bodyguards on Lunatic to get him before he can Hexing Rod anyone. The wind forces you to scramble your units around very frequently, hoping you can squeeze everyone out of an undesirable current zone, it's annoying. The Wind Tribe is part of CQ's "Hoshido invasion midgame agony". The Ninja Den of Evil, the Kitsune hide-and-go-cheap, the Wind Tribe ride, and the endless staircase. Once you approach the capital of Hoshido- Sakura's Fort Jinya clash, my most loathed part of CQ passes, and the rest is a better cut.
  8. I'd be fine with it. This could free up the Down Special of: Every FE character not Robin Bayonetta Mr. G&W Ness and Lucas Wolf, Fox, Falco Lucario (Greninja?- I forget) Pit, Dark Pit Little Mac So, a lot of characters (and I'm prolly forgetting more). The extra Special could allow the clone characters here to diversify themselves a little more. A Urvan swing or Ragnell shockwave from Ike, compared to lance stab from Chrom?
  9. Would it kill the developers to send everyone as a gift exactly enough Dew to refine his weapon when he gets put on a banner? And, if you didn't want to waste it on Absruno, then you could use it on someone else.
  10. We need Niime! The one woman who is old and looks it. They MUST be holding back Apocalypse for her or a random Elibe alt.
  11. I recall Fates had "Bond Units" that you could create via MyCastle visiting other players. A magically created offspring born of two avatars, with some inherited stuff. A freebie unit you could craft based on what two units you have that you pair together. Its stats would be the average of the two individuals in every category, and its skills would be selected from the individuals too. Not sure if this would have any usefulness in gameplay, it probably wouldn't. FEH gives you no shortage of options. But the idea could be fairly simple in lore. You are given a soulless manikin, through the deep bond of two individuals, you can give life to the empty doll. And if desired, you can suck the life out of the vessel and fill it anew with a different essence. -Other than this, I cannot see children working whatsoever in FEH. Who would the children be? How would they be made? -Would this just end up being a fusion system that of Shin Megami Tensei? As combining Brave Micaiah + Brave Alm = Brave Eliwood? But then, the laws of what fuses into what have to be written. And, there should be some logic behind it, with UI updates to suggest to players what makes what. And, the fusion system has to be updated for every new banner released. This is far, far too much effort far too late in the life of FEH to be worth acting on.
  12. Best accessories now and forever are the duckies and squirrels. Alternative answers are merely opinions, not facts. But, what we need are wigs. Lots and lots of wigs. I want Ethlyn's hair on Leif's head. Most children in FE4 have their mother's hair color, Leif's must be corrected.
  13. People going back and forth with anime girls, so boring. I'll think I'll buzz off.
  14. You'll only need a bit over twice as long, which won't be too problematic if you can buy her the Paragon Ring. Paragon'ed Heal is 30 a pop, compared to 70 for Return. And canonically, Lachesis promoted in Silesia, so you've time.
  15. While the Knight Ring is okay, I think the Leg Ring is the 70% of the time superior mobility ring. Hit and runs where you run out of enemy range after attacking are very situational in FE4 if I recall my experience. Its other use is killing units near you and then advancing, but if the enemy was already weakened on the enemy phase, you might be able to instead feed that weakened foe to another ally with less mobility. I'm not calling the Knight Ring bad, you should get it if you can, but no sweating it for me if I can't. I've realized with 3H that I'm loosening my "perfect optional objectives completed" requirement. Bargain is Chapter 7, so unless you planned on giving it to Silvia or something, most kids can still get it fairly early. Not that money should be a problem for a well-bred 2nd Gen. But, no Return Staff b/c Ethlyn took it to her gameplay grave is no bueno for easy Lachesis leveling. If Nanna wants it, apparently Chapter 7's shop is when it reappears.
  16. Very true! Though Dynasty Warriors will need color alterations I'd think. No big deal at all, but they'd be needed. Otherwise, Jin will always beat Wu, Wu will always beat Shu, Shu will always beat Jin -unless Gyarados in which case you bring in Other. And Wei is stuck with miserable Poison, and maybe Ghost; actually Wu could get Fighting too, Shu Bug, and Jin Ice. -Point being, the monochromatic color schemes of each faction would have to be toned down. Not all red Pokemon are Fire (Scizor), or green Grass/Bug (Tyranitar), but the tendency of colors and types is a small issue. Zygarde for Cao Cao? It looks vaguely like Zekrom and Shiny Rayquaza, to maintain the Nobunaga-Cao Cao similarities. Would the hint of blue make Xernas a good pick for Sima Yi? We don't need anyone getting Yveltal, considering Kyurem wasn't in PC, nor Zapdos and Moltres while Mitsuhide had Articuno.
  17. Same. The one we got was much too simple in gameplay, even if I enjoyed it. Though I wish I could find all the character portraits with their Perfect Link Pokemon. I've been wanting the portrait of Hanbei yawning with Raichu, that was adorable. My problem is that I never finish my fanfics. Partly: Because I don't think I know enough to write a good world- I feel like I'd need to a read an academic monograph on a topic if I'm going to derive inspiration from it for a world, nothing less. I'm plain bad at writing characters and don't think I can do any of them justice. And for any world I do want to write, I want someone else to make a geographical map for me, onto which I then create the nations. I need a visual template, a grain of sand around which I form a pearl. The only fanficting I've recently, are these silly 3H quips today for if BCDE were in SRW. I was indulging my inner Owain. Not sure what your level of studies is, but for grad school, my major required usually a book a week per class (with students advised to take only 2 or 3 in a semester). I'm not sure what to play now with 3H finished. My FE high is still active, and it wants more, but, I don't know how to sate it. 3H gameplay ended kinda disappointingly, though it's still fun. Most of the maps being repeated on all routes doesn't make me overjoyed either. I could consider going chill and actually spend time to learn who everyone is and see what the monastery is like, but the walls keeping me from doing that are about a zettameter thick. Why is taking until spring of next year for the only DLC that matters to be finished? And why hasn't the Berwick Saga translation been finished? Or I'll try that Langrisser I&II for a different SRPG, whats a few more months going to do for a NISA translation anyhow?
  18. I didn't play with animations on, nor did I ever zoom in, but compared to the map itself, the mechs looked significantly less advanced. A bit of technological disconnect, they didn't even have lasers like the two turrets, just big metal swords. Something closer to Gerolf Sovereigns would have been better design-wise, to name a generic enemy from a game you've played, but not the game itself. You could say that maybe the passing of the ages rusted the robots to a degree. Or, for physical weaponry, you could say "they hit the vulnerable joints", or the weapons dealt concussive force to inflict damage.
  19. I gave up on my great big percentages of everyone in FE per game topic because it got too big and unwieldy, and the rise of Seasonal debuts made things too messy. But, I'm just going to give an update on Magvel representation, leaving out Creature Campaign only characters.: Eirika Ephraim Seth Innes Tana Joshua L'Arachel Myrrh Lute Amelia Marisa Gerik Ewan Tethys Ross Cormag Halloween Dozla The total cast of SS is 33 non-CC playables, so 16-17 puts us at exactly half of them being in. The missing half is: Franz Gilliam Vanessa Moulder Garcia Neimi Colm Artur Natasha Forde Kyle Saleh Rennac Duessel Knoll Syrene Dozla And, Orson, Selena, Glen, Caellach, Riev, and Formortiis!Lyon are all feasible villains that I'd say have a slim realistic chance of getting in.
  20. Reaching for the original ingame comparisons: ...And official art:
  21. First, yes, the final boss was hard. Pretty much the rest of the map wasn't, the final boss was unfair being too dodgy, too strong, and too regenerative. I needed a barely not OHKO'ed Lorenz with Heartseeker landing Ragnarok, a hit (he missed one of his two) from Claude buffed by Byleth and Hilda, a Seteth Focused Strike Silver Axe hit, and a Lys Luna. All of this with less than 100% guaranteed hit rates, and not a single damage heal proc from the final boss to undo my hard work. I had 8 Pulses left to redo things if I had to, but this was still hard, or perhaps "unfair" is the better word. Things would be better if the boss only had a 25-30% HP heal and everything else was the same. I could chip him down safely over time before a final blast if the heal wasn't so big. I have played two SRWs, they have had final bosses consisting of ??????? HP that regens 30% a turn and usually have Warp Fields on top of that to half most incoming damage. Those seem better designed than 3H's final boss, although SRW has Strike for 100% hit rates for one turn and Alert for one guaranteed dodge. As for the rest of the 3H GD final battle, one key lesson: Enemies. Are. Statues. Most story maps in the later half of the game, and some even before then, are 95% composed of enemies who will do absolutely nothing if nobody enters their ranges or aggros someone else in their small group if they belong to one. If you aren't playing for turn counts, baiting and turtling will give you full control of every enemy's movement, there will be no danger you do not take up yourself. And I'm surprised the final battle terrain wasn't very bothersome actually, it could've slowed you down way more than it did, but they held back on that. Yeah, I wonder if it's going to bifurcated by this. Since the new gen won't have all Pokemon, will they keep the USUM competitive scene alive for those who don't want to be boxed into the 400? Fun to play still likely means having to pick the "most main" character. And I don't necessarily like that myself. My fantasy Smash pick is secondary to another boring sword user.
  22. ...When I saw the aesthetics of Chapter 21 GD, I was like "Sci-fi in my FE?!". FE has never done sci-fi before, and I would not have expected it to be so advanced. I'd have expected more steampunk stuff first, not clean light blue laser-y spacey sci-fi. Tell when the DLC has Byleth fight in cyberspace against Data Nemesis, or a three houses clash at Gronder's Selene Sea on the moon via the activating the monastery's ancient, forgotten, and forbidden air/spaceship mode hidden in the sauna. Getting to the point, did you like the sci-fi? Were you okay with it? Do you want more in FE, don't care, or want less/none? You could arguably put this in General FE, but this being a reaction explicitly to a spoilers-rific chapter of 3H, I decided to put it here. (Mods, you can delete this topic if it has been made previously.)
  23. They could try a pseudo-crossover banner with Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Nobody from the actual game being crossed with, it'd be all FE characters dressed up like people from the crossing game. In this case, it'd be Muarim repainted as a white tiger to be Dromarch, and Tormod has to accept being forced to wear what was originally a girl's yellow jumpsuit-ish attire. Now they're a Beast unit, or a Dagger, or a Blue Tome, or a Staff, I dunno which. Just a funny thought I came up with. And Dromarch isn't exactly that far removed in nature, both a little stoic, older, tigers who watch over someone young. Does any of that play into you liking both characters @Etrurian emperor? I'm interested to know whether there will be enough 3H steam that even when split between at least three lords, all of them can raise into the top two. Lyn and Roy did both rise to the top in the first CYL, but I question whether Roy's steam is actually at all shared with Lyn's, or whether she had all of the Elibe fanbase and Roy just had SMAAAASH! as his fanbase. Though considering Eirika had a chance to win CYL2 were it not for the halfway results giving Veronique a likely Rally Spectrum, and that Ephraim won a male slot, a shared source of steam, if such things actually exist, was able to almost get two Magvelians to the top. So Edelweiss and False Dimitri V could both reach the top two. Or since votes don't care about gender, it could be both guys. But three or four, there were only two Magvel lords, their example isn't perfect for this. And where is By the Shy Protag going to end up? It should be high, but how high?
  24. I've never seen it myself, I couldn't bring myself ever to do so. So what you say is infinitely more valuable than my secondhand information. I did hear some people defend this as the one good Persona anime of three of them and two P3 movies. And some people liked some sort of P5 OVA too. And it's not anime exactly, but I know that Kingsglaive(?) Final Fantasy XV prequel movie has been heralded as better than stuff in the actual game. And again, I'm just going off of what others say, so pay me little mind. I think it's still possible to make an okay golden route. Not sure what it'd need, but if the essence of "golden" is everyone of first-rate importance lives (or close to it), then you might be able to compensate with other serious sacrifices. Devil Survivor 2's obvious "95% golden ending" still has someone die who on other routes could live. Not a "serious sacrifice"- Iggy, with his glasses smashed and blood smearing in his eyes blinding him, catching on fire and then with hands running into Raphael screaming his name, hugging him and accidentally killing him too with the flames in the middle of a battle scene. That, if Iggy has done nothing but breathe and exist up to that point, is a poor sacrifice. Perhaps kill a second-in-command or two of the house leaders? That could be a "good sacrifice" that doesn't prevent things from being pretty gilded at the end. And, perhaps create some lasting consequence for the world, a price that is paid for some reason that stems from everyone not working together initially, nor not a single individual emerging on top? -But I haven't a clue what that consequence would look like in 3H, if it is at all possible for there to be one of those. I know nothing about good writing in general.
  25. Agreed that Tormod should come in. He is personally one of the better shotas in FE (the redhead mage we're getting tomorrow is only so-so), his character is good. Red Mage ideally with some movement buff in his kit b/c Celerity (and only decent Atk but a good Spd stat would be Tellius ingame representative) is something I desire too. I doubt he'd go Duo, we've only two so far, but both involve at least one "popular" character. Tormod would go with what popular char exactly? But, this does give me an idea for FE9!Sothe. Sure as a trainee BST Dagger Infantry he'd already have a good gameplay base, but you could sell him superficially much easier if his at-the-time "mother" figure Micaiah was attached to him.
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