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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Paralogue or exclusive to Maddening? I don't recall a thief spawn problem anywhere, what chapter? I don't remember those, are they not on Golden Deer? Or was it because I opted to avoid heading towards Bernie and instead went west and across that bridge that led me to avoid it? Reinforcements did appear behind the starting location, but I was miles away from there, when they showed up. I never did cross-house recruiting, so I never saw that. But thanks for the tip for whenever I get to another playthrough of 3H, but that won't be for months I think. When you say "ambush spawns", do you mean reinforcements that show up and attack on the same turn? Because I am almost certain never once saw those. I was just about able to negate the surprise reinforcements that spawn in Chapter 18 and 19 right behind the starting zones, but I could see people being forced to rewind because of them.
  2. Or for cuteness, make it a baby Tormod getting a piggyback (unshifted)/tigerback (shifted) ride from a Beast Cavalry Muarim. Yes, I know Tigers are being counted as Infantry, but if he has a little kid riding on him, I think Mua can count as Cav.
  3. And wasn't the Devil Survivor 2 anime bloody bad? Persona 5 is a pretty popular video game, Pokemon is a pretty popular video game franchise until this upcoming gen. If P5 gets a bad anime, and Pokemon a live-action movie that is good only by the low standards of video game movies, then what chance does 3H have of a good anime? Not having watched any video game anime adaption beyond a little Pokemon as a kid, or any video game movie, I'll withhold endorsing the statement "pick whichever route you like the least, because it's gonna bomb". And I won't endorse that, because I want to be a little optimistic. But, out of a light schadenfreude, if an anime were to happen, and if the anime was bad, I will be here on SF. Quietly reading your responses to the outrageous errors made by the show, eating some kettle corn as you scream "Rushed!", "Out of Character!", "Contrived!", and "Who the F*** decided to murder half of the Blue Lions in a single episode and three-fourths of the Golden Deers over the whole thing?". Please, be deliciously dramatic, if it came to it. I hope that the hypothetical anime isn't hypothetically bad.
  4. I was using 200 as a hypothetical number. Adjust it for however many Orbs it actually takes to get a particular 5* on average, I don't know the math. As for marketing, thats what in-game acquirable currency is for. You can accrue to summon material simply by playing to buy the character, but, the game has to keep it scarce enough so you can buy only so many 5*s at any given time. -Same as things are now. And, summon material hides the real world monetary cost behind a thin screen if you have to go PtP. Saying 200 Orbs instead of $104 USD is only superficially better, but that superficiality matters I would think. With Orbs, yes, buy 20 and you could in a gatcha get the desired 5* character, but on average, you won't. On average, you'll have to spend for Orbs equal to whatever the 5* rate says it should be. Which means if you spend every month for hypothetical 5* characters at a hypothetical 200 Orbs spent per 5*, you'll end up spending that same $104 USD per character when the spending is all averaged. Am I correct in this? You'll have had no chance of getting the characters for less than the average, but that randomness is precisely the legal problem of gatcha. Get rid of the randomness, the aspect of the games that can cause a gambler's high in the player, and the games won't be banned. PtP in itself isn't so much the problem, its PtP with the pay being funneled into an algorithm unknown and invisible to the players that churns out what we would call "luck". So, an alternative solution for gatchas would be hack the algorithms to see exactly what characters you'd get on your pulls. I don't know if assign direct prices to gatcha-units-in-a-converted-gatcha-that-was-no-longer-gatcha-"random" would be a solution that would actually work, as in keep the company's profits roughly intact and the games alive and legal. But, it is a solution, and hopefully not the worst ever conceived of. And, it could be done with a game that is already a gatcha I think, since Dragalia Lost used to have Wyrmprints in the summoning pool, but then they removed them and made them cost Eldwater in a shop, no randomness involved anymore. Like Grailable units in FEH, the cost per Wyrmprint copy goes up with each you buy (although it resets to the base price after every 5th purchase of a specific Wyrmprint). The differences are: Eldwater isn't summon material (thats Wyrmite). And Wyrmprints are secondary in importance to Adventurers (characters) and Dragons- both of which are still in the gatcha. It'd be somewhat like FEH making Skills buyable through means other than obtaining a copy of a character to sacrifice. So this is not a perfect example.
  5. But the Cross Knights (I do like the name myself) stay behind even after Eldigan leaves them? Is my memory failing me with that? My one play of FE4 had me struggle with the CKs, they gun right for you home castle (in a good, challenging) way, and they have what I thought were, for the miserable lot that is most of the Gen 1 cast, dangerous stats. I just tried my best to do Amoeba FE- which is what FE4's challenges usually turn out to be. Trying to swallow an enemy army in single turn (barring a little enemy phase just beforehand), leaving it dead or no longer threatening. And the Cross Knights felt to me to be the hardest instance of this.
  6. Still would be in time for the hardest fight in all of FE4- Eldigan and the Cross Knights. (I wonder if an FE4 remake would rename them something else, like Templars? Cross possibly sounds too blatantly Christian in a game that has no Christianity b/c fictional fantasy world.) Azelle will have 11 Def minimum promoted with the Ring in tow, Finn would have 14, which admittedly is sorta significant depending on how many hits you need to take. Lachesis's protectors all have the same stats as the enemy Cross Knights to come IIRC, so 24 or 26 Atk each.
  7. *Checks* Early Chapter 8 for the Brave Lance then. Fee comes late in Chapter 6, so this only really affects Chapter 7 in Gen 2. The Gen 1 pains will be real though. Shield Ring on Azelle? How'd that do? Perhaps that could partly compensate for your Gen 1 loss if he promotes soon? It does, it's a border we never see on a gameplay map though. It looks to be mostly mountains as Chapter 2 shows and the world map suggests, except near Freege, and we never see the full border there. But it looks like an okay, if expectable invasion route, judging from Agusty in 2&3 and Freege in Final.
  8. Are you sure you're not a penal colony? Because this sounds like a terribly dated concept. Australia's British colonization much? Why can't you ship the homeless back? Why no attempt to ship them back and then get a lawsuit going? -How could the SC definitively side against you? What legal argument is there that a state can ship one way, but then the recipient state not ship the other? This sounds like garbage/plastic waste problem, although sadly it's human lives. Nobody wants the stuff, so they just send it elsewhere.
  9. What route was on this on and what difficulty? Please, tell me. 3H was the antithesis of enemy aggression I found on GD Hard. It pained me to note that nearly every single map post-timeskip consisted almost entirely of enemies who would do absolutely nothing until I got in their attack range. And I noticed this problem even before the timeskip during chapter 12, and 11 too now that I think about it, and yes, Chapter... 6 was it- the one with the warp floors and Specter Knight being the alternative win condition? Heck, 17 got downright odd when a bunch of Dimmy's troops, including the Peg Girl and Cleric, chose to sit on the flaming platform after stealing it from 'Dette, being roasted alive as their king not on the platform came alone at me.
  10. Thats what "Freikugel" translates to? What exactly is the origin of such a word that'd warrant its use in various video games?
  11. I just finished 3H for the first time on Hard Classic GD, and I have two questions about Maddening. First, does Maddening fix the nonaggression most enemies display in this game on at minimum the entire 2nd half? It's a little stupid I could be in the throne room of a certain map, and have the entire center, center-east, and southeast just staying their as their liege was being pounced on. The nonaggression of enemies meant I controlled their every movement and was at no risk of losing if I just kept out of enemy ranges and didn't walk until I was comfortable. Second, does Maddening add all this "cheap BS" I've heard secondhand about in 3H? One chapter had temporary Fog of War. A certain map had Donovan suddenly gaining the ability to move and flee to an exit which I stood no chance of stopping him from getting to on the first play. There was the ginormous statsticks of the final boss and certain important faces. And there was the one time reinforcements teleport behind me. But there were no same-turn reinforcements. Nothing that caused be to have to burn a Pulse every turn. I mean I was prepared to Pulse if a high Crit boss landed a lobber, and if too many good accuracy hits missed on one of said select few bosses, but those aren't unpredictable instances of "true" BS as I see it.
  12. I just finished 3H for the first time! The final battle was unfortunately too easy on Hard Classic GD. The only issue was that statue of a statstick called the final boss and its 107 HP, 52 Def, 30 AS, 70+ Atk, Counterattack, lots and lots of Avoid, and 50% HP regen. Tearing it down was the only major "challenge" of the entire map, one which you can do comfortably after everything else. The long-range enemies I was able to destroy with a minor amount of calculated risk.
  13. I hope it has a chance! I really do, even if I don't play FEH, it'd make me excited to see them in. If they tried Duoing to squeeze all ten playable into the game at once, well then it'd likely be: ItsukixTsubasa KiriaxYashiro ToumaxEleonora MamorixTiki MaikoxBarry Itsuki and Tsubasa simply have to go together. Kiria and Yashiro are both experienced and cool. ToumaxEleonora is more for lack of better partners, but they do have Crazy Circus and both are semi-experienced actors. Mamori goes with Tiki for maximum cuteness. And Maiko and Barry are the adults who manage the young talent. Mamori could get paired with Barry instead of Tiki, except pairing the creepy otaku with an object of his obsession would unease some people. That would result in MaikoxTiki, which is perfectly grounded. Alternatively, they could use Duo Units to feature each character alongside their Mirage, that'd be visually appealing. But Kriemhildkut makes the case that sneaking a floating partner into the artwork would not require a Duo unit. But, because Duos are supposed to be extremely powerful, I doubt IS would make a banner of four of these solely using an oddball spinoff game for its characters. And the fifth Duo unit would have to be a freebie, which does not sound possible.
  14. Copying the Hurly Gloves from Super Mario RPG would make a for good duo attack, or any M&L Bros. Attack. Or, maybe one of these for something closer to FE home: Or there is the entirety of Project X Zone. There are many places Duo Units could go, sweet, cool, cute, excessively flashy. But, Duos in FEH is indeed a little weird and a little late. I feel they're better idea for a game made with them in mind from the beginning.
  15. Would it really be bad to the bottom line of companies if everything had a fixed price for what are currently gatchas? If it takes on average 200 Orbs to get a 5* via gatcha, then why not just sell 5* characters for 200 Orbs outright? Pity breakers exist and directly selling characters would get rid of those, but shouldn't companies be expecting sales according to the Law of Large Numbers? That given tens or hundreds of thousands of players, some will never have to spend for a 5* character, and others will have to increase their monthly PtP allowance to compensate for a failure to get what they wanted? It all would even out and the business will earn income as if everyone had obtained the 5* for 200 Orbs? Banners could be worked around through a small discount when a character is initially put up for sale, or of course just make the character buyable for a limited time. And, FEH has merging and skill inheritance, only whales could muster the Orbs to afford 11+ copies of 5* characters bought from a store.
  16. Agrarian bias I see. Ignoring agribusiness? We should all be farmers then- except for the fact that those kind of countries end up being export-dependencies that live and suffer according to commodity prices and the whims of other countries. America's transition from overwhelmingly rural to urban, whilst still producing enough food to feed itself and the world, is in fact a sign of its own form of economic "progress". Whilst comparative advantages say countries should specialize, in reality, the stronger economies tend to be those that are diverse, and thereby immune to single-factor economic slowdowns and declines. If your supposition is that farmers are more valuable than urbanites, so give them a more valuable vote, well it's just plain dated. Who are you, Thomas Jefferson, or Williams Jennings Bryan? Yes, farming and feeding people is good, it's fundamental to human civilization. It's worthy of being praised as honest hard work, even if the modern tractors decrease the amount of laboring in the field required. You know what is also good? Doctors who went to all those urban universities to save human lives. It's sad that more of them don't afterwards go to rural communities because I am aware rural American hospitals are shutting down, but would you really penalize their vote for not leaving the cities and suburbs?
  17. To be fair, Cain and Abel never have had a conversation together. Or pretty damn close to it. I am willing to bet the teeny bit of lines they exchanged in TMS rivals or beats the number they've had talking to each other in 1/3/11/12 combined. Dragonpike would be okay, to end the man who stole his brother. Though I severely doubt it and Deen needs his Dragonpike. Although, I'm aware but all like 2 Lance Fliers are "fast", Cormag might have a niche if they make him slower and durable. -But I know nothing of FEH's metababble.
  18. Ever heard of impoverished African Americans and Latinos, and ordinary whites? Or is your idea of a city only what you see on TV? If everyone in New York state was a financier, and everyone in California a millionaire actor/ess or tech innovator, then I can assure you American wealth would be far better distributed. But, it isn't, those are tiny elites. The overwhelming majority of those Northeast Atlantic Seaboard and Californian voters are ordinary. Perhaps generally better educated and wealthier compared to Oklahomans and Mississippians when looking at statistics, but still very ordinary. Urbanites can mock the rural, the urbanites in power can forget the rurals who are not, this is true. But the urbanites in political power aren't necessarily receptive to solving the problems of the mass of urbanites either. Because California is paradise for all Californians- it's not, poverty still exists, housing prices are a big problem currently, and so is homelessness. Old scars of race riots speak to a failure for Californians politicians to adequately address racial divides.
  19. No. I would use my paralyzing magic, the kind I used to watch the hope fade from the fool who thought me a friend's face as I crushed the accursed stone he held as though he could protect it. With his body rendered immobile, I would make him dance to my every whim, to cleave the heads of heroes, to pierce the delicate heart of his own sister, that is what I would have done. --- Excellent SS set, this does the game well. Ignoring the Duo unit, but it's the price to be paid I guess for "boring" old characters, the same way Archanea needed a godly Nagi and triple female. And Gerik is an Axe? True to his 13/15 Con and key to awesome enemy phasing.
  20. I remember how SMTIV has differing animations for how you kill an enemy. For Death/Dark the body suddenly rots and crumbles, sounds feasible for FE. Expel/Light was being exorcized and teleported away to the afterlife- it doesn't work for FE, but Almighty is Light-ish visually, and that was being ripped apart to dust, sounds FEasible.
  21. Your boycott will have no financial impact on GF, even if others do the same. Since sales are guaranteed, you'll have no impact on them changing their course, they wouldn't even be able to tell if you specifically bought the game. Therefore, the boycott is merely a matter of your conscience. The only way IS can change is voluntarily out of altruism towards their hardcore fans' wishes. They are financially invincible, Pokemon has the name recognition and established trust to always sell millions. For Game Freak to slow their game development and expand their workforce to match what is required for satisfactorily operating the goliath called Pokemon, the change must come from within, and no amount of fan protest can mandatorily force that. GF can go the direction of EA and quit worrying and love their bad practices, or, GF can meet fan expectations. Perhaps Sakurai of Smash Bros. should be put in charge of Pokemon, he did walk back Brawl's mechanical anti-competitiveness with 4 and Ultimate. And, Sakurai refused to let anyone be cut from Smash Ultimate's roster. These things, despite Smash being financially invincible.The only problem is Sakurai will become a Ghost type if Pokemon was added to his duties. We need a SakuraiTwo then.
  22. And now there is a Poison legendary not Plated Arceus, right? The type has gone this long without a single one, the very last type to get one.
  23. WHY? I hope you mean the Enix-DQ half of the name, because its a sick joke if you mean to give them to Square. Albeit I'm unfamiliar with Square's recent record outside its grandiose ambitious projects, though I've heard XIV is good. LTH I've seen 7/10 as the usual reviews for, so it isn't that bad probably. Still, nothing great either that'd likely mean.
  24. I'd care to disagree. There is a litany of things that could be done that'd make the game much more playable.: Casual Mode, EXP grinding, battle saves or time rewind- the Big Three for casual/non-elite players. Difficulty settings that not only affect stats, but on the lowest difficulty reduces the enemies that are "too much", like the excessive number of ballistae on some maps. Or the number of enemies in The Room in Chapter 4. And on the lowest difficulty (or Casual, not sure which), remove the ability for allies to be captured and taken off the map (21x can be accessed some other way, healers won't have their stuff stolen if captured). Leif escaping will not result in anyone being captured, even if this would make Chapter 19 mega-easy. Include No Fatigue and Semi-Fatigue options besides Fatigue as it is. An option you can select like difficulty and permadeath. Make status ailments not permanent, add more readily available Restore staffs- including one in time for Salem's appearance. Add actual sources of liquid gold, lower the prices of shop goods, perhaps only on the lowest difficulty. Attach the convoy to Leif instead of an independent store only on some maps. Make Fog of War show the layout of the map. Do something to make dismounting not so bad, like Lances for Lance Knights and Axes for Axe Knights. Add the ability to move initial unit placements around on the battle preparations menu. Fix the Xavier recruitment by making the Leonster Knights never attack any Civilian. End Ambush Spawns. Add Supports to flesh out its problematically hollow crew. All of this is absolutely possible. Yes it's a lot, but it wouldn't require too many brains to figure out how to program it. And none of this would be as difficult or controversial to enact as aspects of Genealogy's remake would have it. E.g. for Genealogy- Allowing units to trade. Instituting trading would render personal funds meaningless, because then I could just trade items in need of repair to whoever has the money. No personal funds would lead to a necessary revamp the Arena payouts and the functioning of villages. No personal funds makes Dew and Patty/Daisy lose their thieving trait and utility, now they're just inferior Myrmidons. It's a chain of events that would be complicated, and have some people arguing it shouldn't even happen in the first place. Hard to see Genealogy Remake having options between Free Trading or the Pawn Shop and Personal Funds, that'd be a lot of effort to include. By contrast, instituting No Fatigue or Semi-Fatigue (Max HP/Mag halving I'd choose for this), would only be a matter of programming. One check for whether actions should add Fatigue points, and another for what to do if Fatigue points are >= Max HP. Binary choices, very basic programming a paid coder should be able to do in their sleep. The only challenge is deciding if Semi-Fatigue as third selection should exist in the first place and what its light punishments should be. And as options, nobody should complain, they can pick any Fatigue setting they want. Thracia is fundamentally an "ordinary" FE, if you smooth its edges, a player who was unaware of what Thracia 776 was, could mistake it for an unreleased GBA FE, or Awakening/Fates if you upgraded the graphics, as if it were just a romhack. That would be unlike Gaiden or Genealogy, where smoothing their edges without fundamentally altering the product, would not leave that impression. Of course, a Thracia remake has to follow a Genealogy remake being a midquel that isn't entirely self-contained, and Genealogy does have its big issues of tradition vs. "improvement" standing in the way of any possible remake. So until Genealogy's every last detail is resolutely decided on, a Thracia remake cannot follow.
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