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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Nothing important, but a little over a month (so not really that long) after listing some job openings, Metroid Prime 4 is still possibly missing an Art Director.: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/06/retro_studios_is_seeking_an_art_director_for_metroid_prime_4 And in news unrelated to MP4's development, Andy O'Neil, the technical lead on Metroid Primes 1&2 and lead engineer on Metroid Prime 3, has passed away at the relatively young age of 47.: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/06/metroid_prime_developer_andy_oneil_passes_away_aged_47 May you rest in the paradise of the Chozo, and wherever you want to be.
  2. You mean this doof? I've been playing through Thracia 776 for the first time, finally made it to C22. Looks very very difficult, but I know how to break it. And intend to have do a little Thievin' so can do a little 'zerkin', so is killin' his own army, until he gets shot dead or makes him sleepin', which then would make nabbin' him a breeze. If he somehow survives, well is magical enough that she can hit him for 20x2 with a Pure Water and live, and then can use the Nihil from her personal sword to bypass Vantage and be assuredly slay him barring a Pavise proc. Or I can just have Dance for Olwen to assure the kill. Or I Silence Direboy to force him to rely on his puny 27 physical 1-range only Atk and pound him with 14 AS or greater and sufficiently bulky melee units, like: Or, I can in with his capped Magic and a Pure Water boost, assassinate Direboy on a Crit, and then him out of there. But I don't feel like doing that. ...I sincerely forgot this wasn't the General Discussion. Forgive me. I'll just contribute by saying I could see Seliph as Wind. Nothing for him being that, but nothing against it either. Not Leif though, Njorun wielded the Earth Lance Gae Bolg, Leonster/Manster District is the country of Njorun. Even though Leif lacks the Brand to wield Gae Bolg, I see too much of an Earth association with him being of her blood.
  3. @VincentASM and @NegativeExponents- Thanks for the Void Battle info! I guess I should finish the Imperial Onslaughts first then, I should be capable of doing that with at least one or two elements. And I didn't notice the VB section in the Treasure Trades, likely because I hadn't finished Chapter 7 until fairly recently and I normally don't visit the shop. Brides is the new banner, as was to be expected. There should be a 3* dude (or have they stopped with 3*s and just gone to 4*s?) at least? Wind works for me, if that is what happens. And if possible, I'm thinking of making all my teams eventually all male- barring practical exceptions and the FE collab characters. Wind looks like it has a good bunch of males already, I've just missed them, so I'll take a groom if they exist. (Fire looks very bad with only males however if you don't invest in multiple swords.) As for the event revival, the first time this ran I was able to max out the facility, but wasn't anywhere near strong enough to kill the boss even with a 30 Wind Shrine. This time I have a full Wind team however, and I might therefore stand a chance at beating it. I want revenge! As for the Mercurial Gauntlet, it's just an all-out DPS blitz? Well it doesn't cost Stamina and is quick, so this will be a fine little ceviche every month.
  4. Sympathies for any damage in Japan, and Seasonal Allergies to the max for this banner.
  5. The Honey Bee Inn IIRC was just prostitution, right? Or was was there gender fluidity beyond Cloud? I don't recall going through all the options there which there seems to have been many of. I can understand wanting to adjust it for a more modern context, times have changed. But at the end of the day, it can't change that much, since the whole point to the visit of Midgar's underside is to rescue Aerith from the disgusting Don Castrato. Reminds me that I think I once heard in the case of Dead or Alive Xtreme (Beach Volleyball) 2, they made it so each mammary gland flesh sack can move separately of the other, resulting in some funky physics in practice.
  6. For those 2-3 Atelier fans posting a lot here (the franchise doesn't interest me myself), I stumbled on these two things some time ago, they might be of interest to you. The first is on general ideas of the franchise, and the second is a year-old popularity poll.: https://www.siliconera.com/2018/11/04/atelier-series-creator-reflects-on-what-an-atelier-esque-game-is-like/ https://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/23/here-are-the-top-40-atelier-characters-as-voted-by-fans-for-series-20th-anniversary-poll/
  7. On the new console. If I was already going to get it, might as well take advantage of any minor performance improvements it could have, and spare my older system some additional wear. Why do enemy reinforcements pre-Chapter 25 (the final one) alone carry more than 109 Hammers in FE5, and yet you only get 2 Armor units?
  8. He, Tharja, Ryoma, Hinoka, and Sakura all still have those Swimsuit CGs from their base games. Given they've used all the other characters who wore swimsuits in said DLCs (Gaius, Cordelia, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Takumi) there are decent chances of IS being lazy at making new swimwear and recycling them as well. The three Hoshidan royals already got Hot Springs alts earlier this year though. I just want the TMS cast in their swimsuits. 😭
  9. I too would be interested in seeing a male Gerudo not Ganondorf. I did do a little lore fanfic writing on the topic once. I've no expectations for this game, I try to curtail them for all games, but I do hope for improvements.
  10. From a visual perspective, I guess I always liked Chrom Great Lord? Not quite sure, the perpetual lack of Gemstones on its Fire Emblem was a tad annoying, but I think I still appreciated it. Or maybe TMS#FE is rubbing off on me and altering my memories. The Merc/Hero and Bandit/Barbarian classes looked good to me as well. Bride had some real silly animations.
  11. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Amen! Where is the next event Cygames?! You've said NOTHING! All we get is a cheap bridal CG. I don't care what it is, just give us something. *Hopes for a cute guy* I'm not that good a player, I've been farming for plain old Orbs. But I really should be a bit more adventurous. What is the point to Void Battles BTW? I've done like two of them. Are the weapons worth it compared to standard Smithy 5*s?
  12. This is a weird, if simple mode. One where stacking units of a single color works I guess. Finally a purpose for that one player with four +10M +5DF Wing Sword Caedas?
  13. I hate Three Houses with an undying passion! Rip the calendar to shreds, tear down the school, replace Sothis with a naked Bantu expy, remove the voice boxes from everyone else and put them in Byleth, and have the artist do her real passion- making sexy dudes by the barrel! *Cough cough wheeze* Unfortunately, that, in less silly language is going to become commonplace soon. Let me rank the FEs: Nothing to really hate, it's antiquated and everybody knows that, with few to play. Same as FE1, if anything it is more likely to get random love whenever someone wants to criticize SoV. Who hates this? But at the same time, few people truly love it, so it can't be edgy to hate. Does edginess and polarizing go together, or does polarizing make the edgy not so edgy? Because FE4 is polarizing for sure. Hating on this can't be edgy when everyone admits to it being having rough faults, and it being a relative unknown few would praise and evangelize about to others without a lot of caution. I assume edginess needs popularity. Not sure if I'd call it edgy, few I think really love this game, the roughest and simplest of the GBA trio. Now this could easily generate plenty of edge for hating on. It's popular amongst the older FE players, without the polarizing aspects of Genealogy. Too small and not sung of enough to generate edginess. I could see lots of edginess here, for the same reasons as FE7. About as much edge as FE9, maybe more, maybe less, can't really tell. It generally gets more dislike than like already, therefore can't be edgy. Japan only, neither greatly hated nor loved. As edgy as a balloon animal. Is it edgy to hate Awakening, or are you just an anti-modernist? Same as FE13. To small with readily admitted map design faults to generate a sharp edge. I hate it I do! Edginess I sing for you! Expect all the topics, boo hoo for the mod in the tropics!
  14. I'll just add the Laguz circumstance that is possible to the persecuted to also be persecutors, both at the same time, and at separate times. The Poles in World War II everyone can agree were persecuted by the Nazis. But it did not always take a Nazi to be even within ten miles of a village for ethnic Poles to decide to expunge their Jewish neighbors. If villagers killed/handed over their local Jews to the Nazis before the Nazis even approached the village, then it is fair to argue the ethnic Poles were not just trying to survive a terrible Nazi overlord- they were being active persecutors. The Jews themselves provide a case for separate instances of being persecuted and being the persecutors. In Europe, the Jews were, and still are in some places, being persecuted. The state/government/administration of Israel on the other hand, staffed and willed by members of the Jewish ethnicity/nation/people, has certainly engaged in activity against the Palestinian people which can be defined as persecution. Not to treat Palestinian violent reaction to said persecution as pardonable, violence is not. And again, I do not intend to say the majority of Israelis are active, conscious supporters of the persecuting actions. But a state has no life of its own, an elite at least has to shape its behaviors, and a larger group of workers for the elite must exist to carry out what the elite decides on. ...I know I am getting into touchy territory here. IRL, it is easier to teach one side as always persecuted and the other side as always persecutors. Nor are there always true equivalents, nor is any persecution ever justified. But a more nuanced anti-discrimination story in a video game could benefit from less black and white. Another form they could use is the lesson of say European colonialism in Africa. The Europeans were absolutely the persecutors here. Where the nuance comes in for a discrimination story would be between Africans who work with the European administrations, and those choose not to. Not all Africans who worked for the European colonial governments were corrupt individuals. Here too we find room with say Indian migrants, who formed an economic elite minority in some parts of British East Africa, despite Indians in India being under the British boot themselves.
  15. Said XC2 boss fight in question I don't recall any particular challenges with. I stacked Agility accessories on Morag, offense on Zeke, and Nia did her usual healing. Morag had the DLC gift of Corvin, who I found invaluable in boss/unique monster battles due to Enrage dispel with his Level 2 Special. I do try to stack Orbs on my enemies when their HP is high, and once it gets somewhere below half, even if I dispel Enrage, I then attempt burst them dead in a single Chain Attack to avoid a sudden "low HP nuke you" attack from the enemy. I do this very often without a Full Burst because I kinda stopped using Rex that often at a certain point. This worked for Normal. As for myself, I've gone up to Chapter 18 Thracia 776, with plans after a little break I'v had to finish my first run of my last unplayed FE between 3 and 15. I'm ready for the most fiendish recruitment ever! I'm certainly not playing blind, and I've two little QoL fan fixes applied, but this diamond in the rough is more diamond than coal, personally speaking. It's old FE, and it's quirks I can bear with, not for everyone, but it is fun for me. The other thing that has occupied my time is my screenshot LP of Persona 2: Innocent Sin. Dungeon design is poor, battles are a tad easy and much too frequent, but I'm sincerely enjoying the game. Its narrative is promising, and doing an LP I think has made me more attentive to catching the little details than had I not done one.
  16. I have a nanomemory of this game as a young kid (~4), which provides a seed of interest, so thanks for your endorsement. Given I'll take your word seriously, I might have to try this out then; but first comes finishing Thracia 776. And FFT, but that was so glacial and brutally difficult I never finished the first part, three of its battles nearly KO'ed everyone I had. The FFT-style of SRPG on the whole has a game speed problem, something which FFTA2 suffered from as well, but it was good fun, I'd like another.
  17. A utility unit that has to fight to do a lot of that utility. He's fairly dodgy, and 40% Str/Skl/Spd/Def are excellent. But his bases, no horse, and no Pursuit make him very hard to train up to his full combat potential. I like the kid, but I couldn't get him to promote, I couldn't even get Jamke to.
  18. It's time for another Interlude before more dungeons and action unfold. Interlude 2: The Spotlight Starts Swaying from Blue to Yellow The stage is set, Mu is up and so might be Lisa.
  19. Only 28? You're missing a good lesser half of them: Didn't mean to belittle your collection or anything with that. Just including it show how vast the Sword Infantry pool is. It has only three fewer units than all three Tome Infantries combined, over double the Bow Infantry (22 with the two colored Bows), just short of triple the Axe Infantry category (16), and more than triple the Dagger and Staff Infantry (15 and 13). Good pluck and luck!
  20. According to Bulbapedia... Notice the RP? This is pre-release. Actual release. The slogan has been officially dropped since Gen 3. Even if it has looked very much alive while being dead. I politely parted ways with Pokemon halfway through Gen 5, so I don't have much in feeling towards this announcement. I can see how it'd make people a little Gyarados or Tyranitar, sure. But at the same time, I probably wouldn't have been concerned myself, opting instead to leave all my old Pokes in my old games, unless I wanted to begin them anew.
  21. Part 3 Section 4: When You're More Than a Little Mad Now I need to go and play more of the game. This is basically where I've stopped. But the little nudging ahead I have gone suggests we'll be going on a field trip into the Idolasphere!
  22. I was going to finish this in one more Section, but due to IRL constraints and the length of this one as I was making it, I'll split it off into two Sections. The last one for this Part should certainly be posted within a day of this one. Part 3 Section 3: Get Me Outta This Shelter Section 4 will see me taking down this annoying student president who forced me into that awful dungeon. It won't be very long.
  23. I don't know much about sheep, but I have heard they can get something bad to happen to them if they don't get sheared every so often, blockage? If animal left on its own will produce so much hair that it'll harm itself from it, then I think that's a sign of how much humans have screwed with their DNA since domestication thousands of years ago. If animal rights groups ever reach an ideal world where the sheep no longer need be the tools of Humankind, and they don't want to just kill off all the sheep, breeders and scientists are going to have to undo the genetic modifications and "restore" the species back to its natural genome. And thinking on this, the Mareep line is actually healthy in its evolutions, even though I used to dislike Ampharos somewhat due to losing all that fluffiness.
  24. Thanks for you doing a run of this first, I liked it, and it means you'll have worked out the bugs yourself, including that 9 HP Midia. I've never done a fan project run or anything, but the potential to use FE3 Tiki almost the entire two games is very appealing. And you wrote up that little deployment repositioning add on for Thracia 776, right? Thanks! That is starting to show itself useful.
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