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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. That wasn't a conscious localization choice, that was just incompetency (it was the first FE to leave Japan, and Nintendo outside of FE doesn't make script-heavy games). It was long before Treehouse and 8-4 existed. Any mistake or change made in pre-Awakening FE was just an error. Barring the change of why the Black Knight lived through PoR, that must have been a conscious move and 95% of people (I have seen voices to the contrary) would say that was a good move. Well toning down Kyza and altering Devdan must have been conscious moves too, but to be fair, Devdan was going to be a wreck either way.
  2. Or you can pay attention to the game's dialogue, that often will point you in the right direction. Saria's Song and Navi can help guide you too. And if you don't like motion controls, but you have an interest in Twilight Princess, get the GC or HD Wii U version, not the Wii one. How are you playing Symphony of the Night (the original Metroidvania) by the way? If it is on a PS3 or PS4, then try Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (not the original non-Leifthrasir version) if you haven't already. It's an action game with RPG elements, on Easy it's a joke, Normal is quite survivable, but it can get hectic during certain bosses, and Hard can be a fair challenge (you can adjust the difficulty at any time though, and beating the game once unlocks a "1-Hit You're Dead and Enemies are Very Aggressive" mode). The game is repetitive if you play all the stories back to back, but if you take a break of a few days or a week between each story, it won't feel so bad. The PCs of the game are in my sig. The story is very good, the characters I like, the game looks great and the music is serviceable.
  3. The best excuse people can come up with that lacks any real backing is that Tharja is Grimleal and Robin is Grima, thus she can sense their darkness and is naturally drawn to them.
  4. One, the original name was Green, since the first two version of Pokemon were Green and Red, Blue later replacing Green for international audiences (and hence the name change to Blue). Green makes sense, since his last name is Oak, Green Oak is an actual type of tree. Two, it's the game teaching you you can't just stick with one Pokemon all the time (or so it thinks).
  5. Much of Part 3's script, extended and not, isn't on SF for some reason. But, I did notice these nuggets in the 3-1 extended script: The second part sounds a little exaggerated, since fliers aren't that mobile and would still have issues going over the mountains. The dense tree cover would make their typical dive bombing difficult too. But I guess they could ferry Fire Sages over and raze Gallia to the ground, plus the Laguz lack the magic and bows to KO fliers with ease. If the first part sounds intriguing, here is the official timeline for Tellius up to the Mad King's War. It is spoiler-free. The Tellius Recollection artbooks contain additional world building information. But the Recollections, both the PoR and RD volumes, contain massive RD spoilers, so don't glance them over before you're done with the game. As for the Three Brothers, the Recollections say they are related, but only half-brothers via their shared father. I think it says something that about what he thinks when Rolf mentions to Tauroneo his parents in their PoR support, he says his dad is alive (when he's dead) and his mother is dead (when it turns out she's alive in RD). And I see you too like 3-3. River Crossing is so good at being an epic battle- it's well planned, the movie clip oozes with drama and gives you a real sense of the scope of the war that you can't get from a standard FE gameplay battle. And the gameplay map itself has a fun objective and is fairly well designed if you ask me. It and 2-F are among my all time favorites in the whole of FE history. By the way, those Horses have stats. Here they are: HP 25 Str 20 (capped) Mag 0 Skl 1 Spd 10 Def 5 Res 0 Con 20 Wt 20 Mov 9. Class type is listed as ??? I think. Affiliation (name of group they fight in) is War Horse.
  6. Welllll after Sumeragi died, Mikoto fought a brief civil war with rebel daimyo. This angel drew her yumi and shot the daimyo down quickly. During this, she said she was doing this as the regent of the too young to rule Ryoma. Having accrued some experience in Hoshidan politics and culture and understanding the people during her concubinage, Mikoto was able to shore up her control quickly, it helps that as a Vallite princess governance and politics were in her past experiences. As for Ryoma not becoming King of Hoshido. Ryoma likes Mikoto, and acknowledges her rule to be a good one. So why rock the boat? He has over the years become co-ruler with her, in the inferior position, but nonetheless a co-ruler. He might not be able invoke all the trappings of kingship, but close to it. Mikoto for her part takes the burden off Ryoma's shoulders so he can spend more time maturing into a better ruler. ....Or so went my Fates rewrite.
  7. If you've been told "You will love him, you will" by Hilda, and he's said "I love you, don't you love me?" in an atmosphere where there is no room for dissenting, and is never given a moment to question Julius's state of mind, or if you yourself truly want him now or have ever truly wanted him, I think it is understandable. Massive peer pressure, combined with those good early childhood memories together, may have forced Ishtar to believe she genuinely loves Julius of her own free will, that he has not changed (partly this may be a coping mechanism, everything might be), and that she loves him too much to consider what she is doing an act of duty because the love is so real and so deep that it was never duty. If she cannot envision her staying by him as an act of duty, she cannot remotely fathom the idea of leaving him. I haven't analyzed the script close enough to determine if this is the case. Still, Ishtar might be, not a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, but nonetheless a warped psyche unable to break from its prison and find help. I'd say its fuzzy. SF has no sources which say when Claud died, not in the notes for FE4 or 5, not in the script of Thracia either. Given FE5 canonizes ErinysxLewyn, the most pushed pairing for Erinys, which steals one Silvia's two most pushed pairing, and we see Coirpre around, there is a probably that Claud lived post-Behalla. Also, I just noticed only the first, second, and part of the fifth of 6 Treasure Artbook pages where Kaga was interviewed are translated on SF. Is the rest translated elsewhere? If not can we get them translated?
  8. If you've been told "You will love him, you will" by Hilda, and he's said "I love you, don't you love me?" in an atmosphere where there is no room for dissenting, and is never given a moment to question Julius's state of mind, or if you yourself truly want him now or have ever truly wanted him, I think it is understandable. Years, basically her whole life, of massive peer pressure, combined with those good early childhood memories together, may have forced Ishtar to believe she genuinely loves Julius of her own free will, that he has not changed (partly this may be a coping mechanism, everything might be), and that she loves him too much to consider what she is doing an act of duty because the love is so real and so deep that it was never duty. If she cannot envision her staying by him as an act of duty, she cannot remotely fathom the idea of leaving him. I haven't analyzed the script close enough to determine if this is the case. Still, Ishtar might be, not a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, but nonetheless a warped psyche unable to break from its prison and find help. I'd say its fuzzy. SF has no sources which say when Claud died, not in the notes for FE4 or 5, not in the script of Thracia either. Given FE5 canonizes ErinysxLewyn, the most pushed pairing for Erinys, which steals one Silvia's two most pushed pairing, and we see Coirpre around, there is a probably that Claud lived post-Behalla. Also, I just noticed only the first, second, and part of the fifth of 6 Treasure Artbook pages where Kaga was interviewed are translated on SF. Is the rest translated elsewhere? If not can we get them translated?
  9. I believe Tine and Coirpre are conceived after Belhalla, so in these cases both parents survived. The rest are older, barring Fee and Nanna possibly. As for Julius the script of FE4 Fina Chapterl says it was seven years prior when Julius got possessed. Since Yied happens in 761, Julius and Julia are probably born in 762, early 763 at the latest. Since the liberation of Jugdral happens in 776, early 777 at the latest, that means Julius and Julia are 15 at the oldest. So Julius became Loptyr at age 8. Meaning Ishtar must have been a childhood friend of Julius's for her to know his real self. Or, Hilda, who only cares about herself, has been trying to arrange their marriage since the day the second of them was born. Hence she forced the innocent and unknowing Ishtar into meeting Julius at a young age so they could fall in love quickly and certainly so she could become an Empress Dowager of sorts once Arvis dies. You mean this one? Wow, you're right! Glade get a room! Assuming you're not harassing Finn. In which case, police! Ethlyn doesn't look like her usual self at all! Sepia, the attire, the hairdo, and face- all is wrong. Quan looks more like Finn than Finn does!
  10. If you want to try Mega Man, get the Legacy Collection on the 3DS. The challenge will be terrible at times, but you can make Restore Points, which will make things much easier if you have to use them. I did (Yellow Devil) and the games were still fun. Mega Man X was still fun too. Do remember you have only 1 Restore Point though at any time, so don't make one at an inopportune moment, like when you're nearly dead or about to get killed. For Castlevania, Retrovania, which are action platformers, are much harder than Metroidvanias, which are action RPGs. Since Nintendo systems have Restore Points as said before, you can always use those to make getting through the tough parts a bit less tedious in the Retrovanias. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse and Super Castlevania IV are considered the best of the Retrovanias or so I've heard. If you have a Wii U, you have access to Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, and Aria of Sorrow. A 3DS can play the DS games of Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Ecclesia. Since Dawn spoils the end of Aria (not that the stories in Castlevania are amazing by any stretch of the mind), if you have a Wii U, start with Aria. If you don't have a Wii U and don't mind being spoiled, go for Dawn, but you do mind, go for Portrait of Ruin. Harmony is the worst of the bunch to me, and Order is not for beginners. Each Metroidvania can be completed in less than 20 hours I'd say, less than 15 even once you have experience. For Zelda, start with Ocarina of Time 3D for your introduction to 3D Zelda games. Majora's Mask is rather unfriendly to beginners, even in the friendlier 3D remake. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess have drawn out openings, and Wind Waker's sailing might turn you off from the start. Skyward is mixed too. Breath of the Wild is different from everything else. For the 2D Zelda experience, if you're willing to shell out the money, go with A Link Between Worlds, otherwise I'd pick Oracle of Seasons. Avoid Triforce Heroes unless you have friends. Oracle of Ages is much more puzzle-based, and Link's Awakening isn't as friendly to novices, but it isn't hard, just kinda vague in what to do next. A Link to the Past is old, but still very good if you have some experience with the franchise. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks have this unique stylus only gameplay, no pad controls, you might like them, you might not. Spirit Tracks is better than Phantom Hourglass outside of traversing the overworld, but it is a little harder. Avoid the original Legend of Zelda, it is just too antiquated unless you're really interested. Zelda II is a black sheep, a brutal one, and again a fossil.
  11. I'm only looking at the numbers on SF's Character Ages page. It oddly doesn't say where the numbers for T776 came from, despite saying so for other games. Misha is oddly put at being "Around 20?". She looks older than that to me, possibly her thirties. Shiva is also listed as 30, which is possible visually, it is but one year beyond the twenties, but normally Navarres are younger than that, heck SD notes only put Navarre who looks like the oldest of the Navarrs in his mid twenties. Then there is the matter of Bastian in Tellius, the PoR Recollection says he's 24! Well Arvis, Azelle, and Victor are of red hair. I guess the Velthomer family is a family of baked apples. Though Azelle is sweet enough to be a candy apple instead. You're not weird, I too look forward to what they could add in the Jugdral remakes to characterization. I'm expecting just the usual supports between people who know each other in Thracia, no total oddballs like the all-time support classic of Rolf-Tauroneo. This said, even if we know the synergies and have a general idea of each character's personality thanks to the base games, there are plenty I'll be eagerly reading. For T766, they would include: Linoan-Deen, Diarmuid-Finn, Saias-Marita, Sara-Salem (hope there will be some Loptyr Cult worldbuilding), Leif-Miranda. Xavier and Glade might be able to reminisce on the fall of Leonster. And then there are those like Cain (yes, they turned Kein into a second Cain), Alva, Robert, Ralph and Carrion who get actual personalities at long last. For Genealogy, I tried compiling a set of who would possibly get who for 1st gen same sex (friendship) supports: How would Lief of all people have an inconsistent age? The Illustrated Works timeline says explicitly 760 Jugdral Count (JC is my own term) for his birth year. And even discounting that, we know the year of the massacre in Yied Desert, just before which it is said Ethlyn recently gave birth to Leif. Roy if you ask me seems to be more inconsistent of visual age. FE6 makes him look very shota-tastic. Melee makes him look a little older. The Heroes of Yore Einherjar design looks a little older than that. And Smash 4 Roy is actually Ike's and Titania's (or Jill's) child, and not the real Roy because he looks way too manly and too old. Don't know about the other designs for him.
  12. It didn't in Tellius, the one big exception. In Tellius, the Herons are as important, if not more so than the Dragons from a plot perspective. And the rest of the Laguz are well integrated into the game, I mean Laguz-Beorc relations is why all of the countries of Tellius exist. Begnion was to be the ideal home of Beorc and Laguz, barring the Dragons. Then war breaks out among the ruling elite along racial lines and the Beorc emerge supreme. Laguz discrimination and slavery in Begnion leads to Phoenicis and Gallia forming, and Beorc who like the Laguz to break off and form Crimea. Daein later breaks away because some Senator thought Begnion's treatment of the Laguz was getting too good for the sub-humans. Wars have been fought over the issue. Why *RD Spoilers* The Taguel exist as a cheap Laguz reference, and Hoshido's Japan aesthetic was just begging for Kitsune, which therefore needed a Nohrian counterpart in the Wolfskin. Yet none of these are built into their worlds, they just exist with no backstory, while the Laguz had oodles of it.
  13. I'm more interested in figuring out what happened between Arvis and Aida. Saias has official age put at 27. If we do 776 -27 = 749, and deduct another year for the nine months of pregnancy, we have Saias conceived in 748 JC. That is 9 years before the events of Gen 1. If we put Arvis at the age of 22 at the beginning of Genealogy, which is erring on the higher side I think, Arvis did it with Aida at the age of 13, her age is unknown. Just what moved Arvis to fall into passion with Aida? How could he when he hated his philandering father? Did he try to let warmth into his cold heart? And what could have driven her, assuming her to be his age or even younger (perhaps she is older than him though, but only by a couple years at best I think), to accept Arvis's actions? FE4 Remake or FE5 Remake better give Aida some soliloquy of her own, like a Memory Prism from SoV. Failing that, a few words from Saias about his mother and what she told him of his father and why she loved him.
  14. I feel sorry for Olwen, she has two personal weapons, but I doubt she'll ever get the second one anytime soon. The Holy Sword could be interesting though, a Brave Sword with some form of Res boost and the anti-Cav property. Being that swords are Red though, would it still be possible for Olwen to destroy Rein with the Holy Sword like she can in Thracia? Given how good Rein is, wouldn't you be afraid she'd be crappy compared to him? I mean they'll make her good sure, but wouldn't it be disappointing if the girl with Major Tordo and Mjolnir turned out to be inferior to some common blood noble, even if the spoken of as the Seconding Coming of Tordo? Ishtar doesn't deserve to be reduced to the damsel of her bodyguard.
  15. Simple strong builds are always going to be popular for those who don't want to invest in the time for something different. Perhaps less optimal, perhaps more, but just not as easy to assemble. Take for instance Xenoblade Chronicles X, a game without a true PvP metagame like Heroes. The easiest build is the Longsword and Dual Guns, with Ghostwalker from the Dual Guns providing the defense in the form of hit tanking decoys,. And the Core Crusher skill + Appendage Crusher and Potential Up/Boost Augments with an Ether attribute Longsword amping up the Blossom Dance Tension Art's power to astronomical levels. Likewise, the Ares 90 is the ultimate skell, with an innate set of powerful weapons and only in need of some augments to survive the offense and pierce the defenses of the 60+ level Tyrants. Now, you can make a lot of different builds work. You can use any pair of the 6 melee and 6 ranged weapons (though some like Longsword and Sniper Rifle lack any synergy) work, you can emphasize Tension Arts and Potential, or you can build your offense around Melee Attack or Ranged Attack and the appropriate arts. Or, you can build around one of the six elemental attributes for your offense. For defense, you are admittedly more limited, with Barrier weak and healing arts few and not working if you opt to fight a very large Tyrant since you'll be OHKO'ed and thus can't heal off the damage. For the large Tyrants, you'll need Ghostwalker for decoys, Astral Protection for 100% Attribute Resistance, or a hyperoffensive build that is so absurd, you can OHKO the Tyrant. The Level 60 Skells are more flexible than the Ares 90 in terms of arsenal, but need more resources to make happen. I never actually got into the XCX metagame, I found grinding two Arts TP Gain augments tedious enough. And by the time I finished the story, the metagame was pretty dead. But I did try to work towards a Gravity-based build using the suboptimal Photon Saber and Psycho Launchers (for Astral Protection) because I thought it sounded cool. I did admittedly turn to Dual Guns instead of Psycho Launchers in the short term, since Ghostwalker needs no Augments to function (it fails when you have multiple enemies or a multi-hitting enemy coming at you, since that'll chew through your decoys); Astral Protection offers nice resistances, but it isn't enough to mitigate enemy damage output without Attribute Augments- and they take time to make.
  16. True for Titania. And for Camus, well I know you're only beginning with this, so I don't have a problem with Camus looking as he does. Just having a Summer him is good enough. Ignore my aesthetic nitpicking, I'm by no means denouncing the masterpiece. Call it the noticing of a few flecks of paint in the corner of a Degas that aren't where they should be.
  17. The Imprisoned. Also, it's Manhandla. And I do agree that Giant Bosses are flow breakers. I've never been on painkillers and other loopy stuff I think. But I should pick out what games I should play while under them in advance. Earthbound maybe? I think this could be its own FFtF topic.
  18. Shouldn't the speedo have a little more tuck in under his groin between his legs? As is, it kinda looks to me, and maybe it's just me, like you could have just wrapped a large piece of black duct tape around his waist, with no "undercarriage". The only thing that suggests there is an undercarriage, is the absence of any bit of the "origins of half of Zeke Jr. and half of Tatiana Jr." being visible below the speedo. Still, having a speedo Camus is certainly better than not! And if there were no undercarriage, well I just want him to sit down! But not in the hot summer sun, I don't want them to roast like coffee beans. I guess we'll have to convert the Gradivus into a beach umbrella. As for Titania, I'm surprised she isn't wearing a one piece, she seems too old for something so scanty. This said, she never did get pregnant, she got to be a mother without any bodily suffering so I guess she can make the one piece work and not feel out of place in it. Thanks Elena and Oscar's/Boyd's/Rolf's Father and mothers!
  19. Favorite lord? Hmmm..... I've soaked in enough criticism (some of which is always justified) of all the lords that I can't actually say who I love of them. Hector I guess, since I am one of those people who feels he did mature a bit in FE7. Though thinking retrospectively, he might not have matured much as I have romanticized. He is bloodthirsty as his Eliwood Mode opening where he just chops down a guy suggests, and his rage and love of battle endure into Jaffar's recruitment. I guess its his Uther relationship, even more than his Eliwood one (which in supports gets hijacked by FE6 references), which makes me like him. He's a strong brute, but with a big heart. If Eirika was Uther's sister instead and Oswin said the whole "I couldn't tell you Uther was deathly ill/dead", then it'd come off as sexist to many I think. But being it that Hector is male, it isn't sexist, and Hector isn't "soft" in his appearance like Marth or Roy either, he is muscular and bulky. Hector has a brain too, he has a general knowledge of how Lycia works politically, he isn't totally stupid brawny and overly emotional (not that Gonzales and Bartre are necessarily bad). Chrom is manly like Hector, and he is very emotional too, but he's never put into a comparable situation as the Uther terminal illness one. What makes the Uther situation unique is that it doesn't involve either sparing someone at the risk of letting evil return vs. sacrificing them to stop evil from forever returning (Robin). Nor does it involve offering an item necessary for the greater good (not that Chrom knows he needs it at the time) to spare someone vs. keeping the greater good, but letting someone you love die (Emmeryn). Uther dies not from evil, not in a hostage/sacrifice situation, he dies without Hector present and without him knowing, without any connection to evil, his death is totally natural and normal. I guess its Chrom gets bad situations and is written poorly, while Hector's one situation is written better. Had Oswin said "Lord Hector, your brother is dying, would you like to return home?" and Hector was like "YES I MUST! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE QUEST TO DEFEAT NERGAL AND SAVE ELIBE FROM DRAGONS!", maybe I wouldn't like him as much. It helps that for whatever their faults, Hector gets a generally good batch of Supports. Eliwood starts really good, if ruined after the C because of prophetic FE6 talk detracting from the actual showing of their young current friendship. The Florina is awful, the C is extended into the B, and the A is largely what the B should be (this isn't the only support to be like this, I recall SorenxStefan and SothexTormod in PoR having the same issue). After the A, I don't think I can see Hector and Florina getting married. Farina has a better, decent support with Hector, and I can see marriage a little better at the end (I don't need a proposal though, just some evidence the relationship is progressing to a point where I can fill in the blanks). The Oswin is dull I shall admit, but not the worse. I prefer Farina over Lyn for Hector, but the support is pretty good even so. Matthew and Serra have supports that are just as excellent by any game's standards as the Lyn. Honestly, I don't truly hate any lord, not even Corrin owing to the fact that I always skipped the plot in Fates. I find attributes about each of them commendable, and traits not to like as well. I cherry pick each lord for the good stuff, and hope IS could in the future blend the noble aspects into a single main character in a way that isn't chimaerical.
  20. Forgive me for not being familiar with memes, but I stumbled upon something which may have memetic potential: Nailah: You have too many opinions. I’m done talking. Full RD Spoilers context: I think I found a potential Sanaki meme as well, if it hasn't been done already: Sanaki: I’ve decided that leaving one’s empress to die is punishable by drowning in a pool of rancid butter.
  21. RD would have been perfect for a multi-front war, since we already have a multi-path thing in Part 4. And technically, SoV is multiple fronts. The problem with multiple fronts in other games is that if we were to be involved on each front, it'd involve significant unit splitting. This said, having an NPC ally do the fighting off screen on another front is something they could easily add. For cutting the filler out of Ike's P3 chapters, I always have this feeling that sometimes, filler chapters are necessary to cool things down or prevent too much dialogue from happening in single chapter. This said, I do agree that 3-5 is filler and so is 3-8. Ike called in the merchants so he could get fresh weapons. Haar came along because he hates the Senate, Brom, Neph, and Heather, no explanation on why they came, but I'm guessing it was because they like Ike? Thinking about it, I agree the Ravens and Naesala in RD are underdeveloped and were rather forgotten about. Being controlled by a Blood Pact, you'd think that the Senate would use the Ravens more, they don't use them at all. It doesn't help that while Janaff and Ulki work well enough as normal Hawk representatives, we never get a real normal Raven. Interestingly, it is implied that Naesala learned of the loophole in the BP from Sephiran, probably sometime after his betrayal. He just exploited this. Also, to back Naesala with PoR, it appears the Senate and the Ravens have reached an understanding where all they have to do is not go against the entire grain of Begnion, not necessarily be their slaves.
  22. To be honest, I did enjoy both games when I first played them, if I didn't I wouldn't have unlocked everyone's Hot Spring scenes in LA2 (which is tedious given how many NG+s you have to do for that). And I actually badly wanted an LA3 international release for a while. I've just come in time to see them for what they are in time. At least they're better than Sands of Destruction though, that game fails to have a charming cast, fails to have good gameplay, good music, or a good plot. It has... crisp graphics? But that is it. It got a manga and an anime I heard, both of which are totally different from the actual game. The premise of "destroy the world!" sounds cool, but the game ultimately betrays it for a goodie good ending. On the plus side for LA1, it did inspire this little composition.
  23. Here is a joke: Cow A: I've been artificially inseminated. Cow B: True? Cow A: True, no bull. The universe is 1 thing, 0, nothing, and 8, everything. Now that we've recruited all 108 Stars of Destiny the true ending is our's!
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