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Javi Blizz

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Everything posted by Javi Blizz

  1. So, looking for Xander/Micaiah, I’ve gotten Leif, Gray and Lute (full pull in the one with gray, 4% I think). I think my game doesn’t know what a focus unit is xD Well, I can consider the banner ended anyway
  2. @Garlyle, actually he’s +6! But yeah, 39 attack. For that time, my Arena team had some issues with green mages (B!Ike/Fjorm couldn’t do much to them and M!Marth didn’t had DC by that time), although now he’s there for general mage tanking/killing. B!Ike has Infantry Pulse, so Niles takes 0 damage and them procede to Iceberg into oblivion the enemy mage. He’s also great in PvE, f.e. Infernal Julius could only scratch him when activating his special. Now that Arena is about killing with bonus units, I’m considering to change the SS to either Def Ploy/Spd Ploy (only for Arena, not PvE) to make things easier. But since Fjorm is not anymore in my Arena core (now B!Ike +10/M!Marth +6/Niles +6) he still may want DD to let me deal with any red/blue mage (although there are not much of them in my ~720 scores)
  3. I made this thing a while ago (still stuck at +6 u.u ): Now he has 43 Res, to ploy thing even better! I’m considering to switch DD SS for another ploy ? Also, I’ve built Palla, Subaki and I’m working with Donnel, but can’t upload new photos right now
  4. Well, Lachesis maxed in my last run yesterday, so I’ll replace her today with Lissa until Joshua maxes HM too. Then, I’ll change to armors (to get some SP on Arden)
  5. Wow, it seems that a lot lf people (like a 15%) is choosing the wrong answer today (the lime green stone, which is Tiki’s Breath of Fog, not Great Flame)
  6. I’ll consider it, although I’m happy with the Area covered with Growing since it makes easier to break QR range in the enemies that are not the attacked one
  7. So I’ve made a new run now that my Alfonse has double brazen. 3660, a new highscore, but not enough to keep T20 it seems (~6200). However, now I’m even happier to have given Alfonse his Def refine. With bonus stats, he has even survived 5*+10 Hardin (a sudden Galeforce ended with Hardin Bold Fighting my Alfonse, who survived). In some matches he even murdered all the enemy team (2/5 I think). Just, wow. Btw, I think I’ll be able to give Masked Marth another merge before this season ends, so who knows if I could improve that score. If only I had dual rally and swordbreaker fodder for Alfonse. Currently running this set: Fólkvangr/Pivot/Growing Wind Brazen Atk/Def - Axebreaker - Drive Res Heavy Blade Also, seeing how Alfonse can even survive Hardin, it seems that I’ll have to work a bit more on the counter defense team ?
  8. I got a 4* Lon’zu in his own banner, I know that feel :(
  9. Well, it seems that my defense team of Sapphire Lance Swordbreaker 4* Clive, 5* Lancebreaker QP Moonbow Rein and 5*+1 Ninian, with Alfonse as the bonus unit is working better than my last Rein/B!Lyn/Axura/bonus, since I’ve got a def win! I think I’ll start to do this, 3 units to counter the bonus + the bonus unit
  10. Running a team of Sharena/Joshua/Inigo/Lachesis until Lachesis max HM (she is my 4* one from a long time ago, currently at 4800 and has capped several times before). Then, maybe I’ll switch to Arden + Armors (maybe that way I’ll finally build Arden).
  11. +Res/-Spe, is not good, but at least is not -Atk. Maybe with QR he can do something. I’ve got M!Grima and Ares, but from their respective banners with have been running during the daily banners period
  12. In other news, I got a free 5* Ares today, so that means that I have 20K feathers less to spend in my wishlist xD
  13. Congrats @mampfoid! It’s so beautiful to see the shining gold border, isn’t it! :D
  14. Echoes. There are still some characters I’d like to see in the game, such as Kliff (how could be left out when they added all the villagers?), Python, Deen, Sylque, Jesse...
  15. Hey guys, having in mind that now Arena is going to be seen as “kill as many enemies as possible with your bonus unit”, do you think that building a team to counter the current Askr bonus unit would be useful for defense? For example, I’ve set up this for tomorrow: Reinhardt, Ninian, Clive (Sapphire Lance + Swordbreaker) and Alfonse as my bonus unit (which will be changed if I have any blue bonus unit)
  16. I forgot to say it, but yesterday I cleared Arvis infernal in Turn 1 :D Galeforce is love, I hadn’t cleared that map before. Eliwood’s Axebreaker helped xD Team was Eliwood (killed Axe Cav and Arvis), 4* Blade Ursula (killed Lance Cav), 4* +10 Blade Cecilia (killed blue mage) and 5* Finn (killed red mage)
  17. Cleared really quickly Anna+Sharena with Anna/Sharena/Alfonse/Fjorm. Horses were a pita, but I managed to clear ir too
  18. Well, I managed to get a 5* with my few orbs...another Leif -.- Now Sharena has Steady Blow 2 to pair with her Spd/Def Bond ?
  19. So Alm/Kana/B!Lyn is my bet for the Draconic Aura banner. Dorcas could replace Kana, though
  20. Just 1 hour left. I’ll do my best with my few orbs :( At least, we are getting tons of obrs everyday, so I think I should be able to get at least one dancer, and my priority is Xander
  21. Thanks, I'll take your suggestions into consideration :)
  22. So, I have decided to take a break from merging heroes (excluding Niles who is in my Arena Core) since although I want to +10 some heroes such as Roy and Donnel (currently at +3 both, but Donnie is still missing QR3), they are not giving me extra points for Arena, so there’s no hurry in +10 them right now. I want to expand a bit my 5* rooster (although it’s not small, there are so many units that I haven’t touched since I levelled them up to 40). Yesterday, I 5*ed a +Atk/-Def Sothe that I had in my 4* barracks. Could someone suggest me which B slot give him? I’m not sure if I should go the desperation route, since I’m running LnD and not Fury 3, which has better sinergy with desperation. Other units that I’d like to hear suggestions about how to build are: Other units that I want to 5* with the build I want to give them are: Any suggestion?
  23. So I was correct a few pages ago, and both Xander and Ryoma are daggers! (Although I did’t see coloured daggers comming) Well, it seems that I’ll have to save until the last days of the banner, since I want Xander and Micaiah, but I only have 18 orbs and CYL2 is near too However, at least a reason to pull colourless. My Niles has been sitting on +6 since I don’t remember when, and I need a bunch of setusenas, kleins, sothes and legaults
  24. I'm Spanish and I had never seen those characters named like that before. Maybe it's from South America? Although I'm not active in Spanish communities, so who knows
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