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Eltosian Kadath

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Everything posted by Eltosian Kadath

  1. It increases the number of enemies as well. One particularly noticeable example of this come when Celica faces the Necrodragon in Act 2, on Hard you face two of them, whereas on Normal you face one... My though is rounds of binges and purges. Lets him hedonistically consume as much food as he wants with the side effect on health when most of it is coming back up. That is unfortunate, as it wasn't private when I posted, and the skill on display was like a work of art, with careful placements to bait the AI into vantage kills working towards a small gap in the reinforcement timing where they could player phase a group while sniping one of the staff with Shura (at least until they get to the last group of them), and mass shelter-dance chain him to safety as the next wave of reinforcements crashes in like the sea. Looks like they privated the numerous Conquest challenge runs they did, as for their name, it is Chinese and I don't understand the language well enough to tell you, but could link to what is left of the channel if you are really interested. I stumbled upon it when looking up 0% growth runs, and that run was one of the most impressive I found. I like that headcanon.
  2. The official English translation was a limited release, you can no longer purchase it now. If anyone wants to play it, but didn't, or couldn't purchase it during the roughly 4 months it was available for, than an updated translation like this is necessary. If Nintendo didn't arbitrarily limit the time it was for sale I would agree with you.
  3. As someone that did so, it was because it was a lot faster, and you might need that against a human, and Pedal Power has some tight timing without it. Plus doing it the thumb way could easily get you blisters anyway...the N64 thumb stick was a cruel creation.
  4. Fun fact, Nintendo would be threatened with a lawsuit over the damage those Mario Party rotating control stick minigames did to peoples palm, and were pressured into a settlement requiring them to offer protective gloves to any customer with the game that requested them.
  5. The 0% growths Conquest Lunatic clear all enemies run managed it. No player units used staff use at all on that map...be warned the video of this is over 4 hours with the Garon kill.
  6. There are third party Wii HDMI port converters if you want to solve it that way... I am not made of stone...that video is adorable...
  7. It was Fire Emblem (7), those dumb commercials were exactly the kinda stupid to make kid me want a game, and I was already a Marth fan from Super Smash Bros. Melee (and my brother a Roy fan), so getting it on release was a natural fit.
  8. My advice is work on the other wiki instead https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page its generally more accurate. Honestly Fire Emblem Knowledge has always been scattered to the net, and while centralizing has its benefits, the differing perspective on how different sites displays and uses thier information making them specialized in different ways. For example the Serenes Forest main page is great for getting game wide information, like the AS formula, a list of recruitment requirements, item location lists etc. https://www.fireemblemwod.com/ has some of the best map data out there, with some additional info about reinforcements, side objectives (although my minimal Spanish keeps me from making much of an assessment on their strategy section), the Fandom wiki has some of the more comprehensive galleries of official art, the wiki I linked above has some fairly detailed information about maps, and works better as a wiki imo, there are even parts of these very forums that hide details like stats of enemies, or in depth looks at some mechanics, that are difficult to find elsewhere...
  9. I honestly think Conquest Lunatic Endgame was designed with unit death in mind. Sounds about right. I know saying Camilla falls off is a bit of a joke, but she always ends up a little worse than the most comparable ally here at the end of the game. Never bad enough to really think about undeploying, but still noticeably worse... RIP Xand- That was a real stroke of luck right there. Good old best mage Ophelia making things dramatic in the end. Congratulations!!! That is an accomplishment right there. He does a little better as a Sorcerer, with +2 speed cap, and +1.9 speed average if change immediately...yeah he really is the worst of the Nohrian royals. Yeah, seeing her die to the poll was tragic, as you put in the work for that fun build to work. Also she is one of my favorite units thanks to her personal skill.
  10. This is what I get for not double checking, the Spy Shuriken is the one you get on hard/lunatic by default, with spy yumi only possible on Normal
  11. He most certainly did, with him writing the last 3 books, with The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, and A Memory of Light.
  12. Reminds me of Robert Jordan, whom was diagnosed with a fatal illness before he was close enough to finish his massive Wheel of Time series of books, and made sure he had notes and a successor (Brandon Sanderson) to finish it. Welcome back @The Roger The Paladin, just out of curiosity, any plans for that LP you were working on? Finally, for the Tee Hee thread anniversary, time for the rare Dark Souls 2 Tee Hee
  13. I think the closest we get in Fire Emblem is the peace in the middle of the Grannvale-Augustria conflict in FE4, the settlement breaks down in the end, but there was a negotiated settlement that lasted months in universe... There is some odd behavior from the entrappers that you can take advantage of if you are really concerned about it. They only target people central corridor, so if you can move everyone that starts in the south into the entrance of the southern most chambers (and don't move the people starting in the northern chambers out, as what is considered inside those chambers is stricter than the lower ones), then the wont use their entrap staff at all, and they will instead charge towards the nearest units...
  14. Fun archer fact number 1, when English Longbow was at its height every able bodied English person was required to practice with a bow every Sunday, and many started practice at the age of 6. Fun archer fact number 2, the English Longbow was something they pick up from the Welsh, so more of the Welsh Longbow. Fun archer fact number 3 this regimen would work them up to Longbows with a 100 to 200lb draw by adulthood (for reference modern day Olympic archers find a 50lb draw reasonable). Fun archer fact number 4 the training needed for such draws led to deformations identifiable from the bones, as their shoulder and arm bones over develop to compensate for the extreme muscle growth at a young age, and a hunch where the draw arm sits slightly higher on the skeleton. Fun archer fact number 5 to get those high draw weights they relied on the Yew wood, with the stark contrast in hardness between the sapwood and heartwood that were attached to each-other. They certainly tried with Charles I-V (depending on which title you were looking at, although him being Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire, and Charles I of Spain are his most famous titles).
  15. As of now, I am fully vaccinate...and now I feel the need to sleep.
  16. With how hard Invasion 3 is in Conquest, it feels more like a post game challenge... You did have her in Dark Knight for a while, and I do think its the worst of Conquest's magic classes.
  17. Yeah, a 1-2 turn clear has been out of the picture for a while, but saving a turn with rescue in endgame will save characters in that death gauntlet. FEH is afraid of the notable staff from the series. Even after all of these years none of the status staves are in it, and the only notable named staff in is the Kia Staff (and I suspect it coming from the barely known FE5 helped them escape their cowardice). They were even too afraid to call the Rausten Staff by its actual name, Latona...
  18. Probably haven't gotten her yet, as she comes after the half way point at the earliest
  19. I feel like this is showing part of why I prefer ironmans that aren't blind to those that are. There is a lot you can glean while playing blind (if you are attentive), but some stuff, like the pace of the map (set by AI behavior and reinforcements) isn't, and these can be really important to how you play a map. Another examples that comes to mind is how tight resources are constrained, which can have a massive impacts on overall strategy. Just out of curiosity, have you played Tear Ring Saga and had the chance to use its true witch?
  20. I have always managed to boost it into the 90% when I have to use it, but those kinda tactics make it something you use when you are in a relatively safe and stationary position rather than something you use in the moment. As long as you deal with the heroes first (fairly certain they move when baited) you can use a tomebreaker, or res tank to deal with the Sorcerers (res tank might be better as that has the highest impact on staff evasion). ...I get the feeling Endgame is not going to be fun for you. I am not as bothered by debuffs, with the idea that you cycle debuffed troops to the back of the formation as you keep moving on, and they becoming more valuable for activating an ally's attack stance hit, mobility utility (shelter, lunge, transfer separate, or pair switch transfer maneuvers), or buffing rather than direct help. That is really frustrating, even one little thing like Elise being adjacent would have swung things... You were thinking about letting Xander being entrapped with magic enemies? That sounds so suicidal for him... This is some fascinating info about Door breaking that I never really noticed. That stoneborn/faceless side is tough on Lunatic...when I realized I would have to tackle it (for my strategy to make the Berserker and General room safe) on my no guard stance on the defense, 10 unit, no prepromoted royals run I went looking on youtube for what to expect, and I could not find footage of people tackling that room first on Lunatic (as that effects reinforcements). If you are curious how I handled it, here is an excerpt This is a detail that almost every source of information on Fates (barring one early Japanese one I stumbled on while researching this) miss is that the chest is only variable on Normal mode. On Hard or Lunatic it is always a Spy Yumi. They are excellent in Thracia 776 as well for similar reasons, at the point in the game where the player starts regularly using them they have a healer with high enough skill that they don't miss so enemy's magic is higher than user's magic is the only way they would fail, infinite duration makes them more potent, and you can grab more uses from the enemies...
  21. 1 ??? way too vague on this one 2 Rusty's Real Deal Baseball OR Mario Superstar Baseball 3. Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario edition OR Super Smash Bros Ultimate 4. One of the Namco x Capcom or Project X Zone games that followed... 5. ??? No idea.
  22. Figured I would add this warning, if you haven't already you should find an image hosting site, as you are very limited in the number of images you can directly upload to SF.
  23. But the orange cube is the only one I recognize...that is Thomas, from Thomas was alone...
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