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Posts posted by NSSKG151

  1. 2 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

    All this talk about new heroes banners reminds me of my thought that the early December new heroes banner has a good chance to be an FE 1 banner since the FE 1 remaster release comes out on December 4th and they will probably do something to promote it.  I do agree with people saying that the next one could be FE 8, though.

    I don't think the December banner will be FE1. Personally I believe the FE1 port was supposed to be released earlier back in April alongside the Anniversary banner with the child units but ended up getting delayed.


    2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I would like for the next Sacred Stones banner to add a staff unit. We only have Winter Eirika as healer from that game.

    Not sure if I wanted a 3H Winter banner, since It had 4 banners this year already (2 normal new heroes, 1 special heroes and the CYL banner). One unit in the banned, like how Sothis was in the last Winter banner, i wouldn't mind... But please not all entire banner being 3H units.

    I don't want another TH dominated banner either since I am kind of tired of seeing them every other banner but IS knows characters from that game sells well so...Personally I'm willing to guess that Winter will feature characters from multiple games and New Years will either be all Three Houses or mostly Three Houses with a M!Byleth and Sothis Duo alt. I'm basing that on the flimsy reasoning that they seem to pick characters from more recent games for New Years.

    Not sure who the next Harmonic Hero could be. If it's Binding Blade like @Othin is suggesting I guess Roy is looking likely. He hasn't gotten an alt (aside from getting resplendent art) in quite some time and has strangely been missing on the more Binding Blade focused seasonal banners like the Spring Banner earlier this year and the Elibe Summer banner last year.

    Though speaking of the Winter banner I wonder if we are getting 190 BST units on that banner since Ninja Lyn is treated as a 190 BST unit and since Winter is always filled with armored units...Not looking forward to that.

  2. I really wonder if they will end another book with a Sacred Stones banner. Not that I would mind if it meant any of Gilliam, Artur or the great Moulder got into the game. Though personally I'm guessing they will end Book 4 with an Echoes or Binding Blade banner. I think Sacred Stones will either get a banner in December or January.

    An Echoes banner would probably bring in Luthier, Tatiana, Zeke and some other character like I don't know Mycen or another Whitewing Sister. I don't know Binding Blade very well but looking at the top 5 missing characters Dieck, Guinevere and Melady seems like good guesses. Though I guess that also depends on which games gets picked for the Christmas banner which should have a Harmonic Hero and looking at which games doesn't have a Harmonic representative yet could be from any of Echoes, Genealogy, Thracia, Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Three Houses and/or TMS. I'm at least expecting a Male Byleth alt on either the Christmas or New Years banner going off the previous pattern of male avatars getting a seasonal alt on the winter theme banners while all the female avatars getting summer alts.

  3. 4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

    @NSSKG151 I thought the TA3 on Anna was to fight Dimitri, but it turns out an unmerged Jill just ORKOs him! My Jill is -Atk and I was thinking of just using her as fodder, but I've changed my mind after seeing this. It definitely looked hard without magic users. Just use Valentine Titania; she is a redhead, too.

    That was originally my plan to use TA3 Anna but Dimitri is so fast and bulky and he always seems to surround himself with ranged units that I just couldn't get it to work out. I was also planning on foddering my Jill to one of my +10 flying units at one point but I never got around to building Mininerva but Jill is fun to do Galeforce stuff with since she comes already decked out to do it so I decided to keep her around for now.

  4. I wish I had a magic user for my Anna team. There's always more units with high def than res on these maps and I always have to spend more time figuring out how to deal with them with my 3, sometimes 4, physical units. Glad I was still able to find a clear I was happy with because I was almost ready to just throw Celica at them and call it a day.


    @Alexmender Nice clear! I liked how Eirika used Azura and Tsubasa to get over the trenches.

    @LordFrigid Great one turn clear! It's not often I see a Seth in Heroes.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Maybe I just don't remember but that's a lot of premium skills on Celica. Kagero shredded through that armored unit and Dimitri as well. Great clear!

    @Maaka Yeah, guard wielding armored units are annoying especially if they have Wary Fighter as well but at least the two at the beginning didn't have that. Team Bartre still managed to come out with a one turn clear. Nice job!

    @Landmaster Didn't notice Elise had Rescue until she pulled Hot Springs Elise backwards. Also didn't expect Dimitri to get knocked in one turn by staff Elise. Nice clear!

    @GuiltyLove Oh nice, double Catria. Galeforce builds are always fun to do with the original Catria. Nice clear!

  5. My guess is the Mythic Hero in November will be Triandra and the rest of the slots will be filled with the CYL4 Brave Heroes. I am more curious who the Legendary Hero will be in December since it looks like it could be any color and I wonder if our freebie character for Book 5 will be yet another Light season Mythic Hero or if they decide to bring something completely different this time (I don't know, maybe its time to make the Askr Trio Legendary Heroes).

  6. I don't have a PS4 so I will have to wait a little bit longer before I can play CS4. Hopefully I will be able to avoid all spoilers for the game while I wait for it to come to Steam. It's one of the few game series I actively try to play through spoiler free. Wish there was an exact release date of CS4 for Steam is since I actually want to play through CS3 again right before it comes out and to refresh my memory on everything again since CS4 picks up where CS3 left off.

  7. Oh, they gave my favorite Three Houses lord a Legendary alt. I don't really need another speedy lance unit though so I'm probably going to pass summoning for him unless he wants to appear as my free summon. I looked at his prf skills though and I already know he is not going to be fun to fight in Arena modes. They must really not want me to play during Water season though since Azura, Chrom and Leif already makes that season a toxic wasteland to play through.

    I see they are adding extra movement skills to the game. I was wondering if they would ever do that. Shura better have Odd Tempest or Even Tempest when he gets added.

  8. An official translation for FE1 and the added features to it sounds nice. Would have preferred a translation for Mystery of the Emblem instead but it makes since to do the first game for the anniversary. As much as I like the Archanea games I'm not sure if I will buy this since the Switch is pretty much dead to me and I can play the DS versions of the Archanea games anytime I want on emulators. It being out for a limited time only also seems like a strange choice to me.

  9. 9 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Calvard is next for Trails, confirmed. It'll also be on a new engine.

    You mean they are finally ready to move on from Erebonia? Not that I hated the Cold Steel games  but I think four games (technically 4.5 since I think Hajimori is also supposed to have some focus on Erebonia but I have been trying to avoid news or information on the games I haven't played yet) was enough and I want to see other countries in Zemuria get stories and lore added to them. New engine sounds interesting since the Cold Steel one is way outdated.

  10. Tickets will be used on colorless, otherwise there is nothing I really need from this banner. Seteth is the demote so he will probably show up one day for me. I'm surprised they are making Nemesis a GHB instead of a Mythic Hero. Figured they would have put Solon or Thales in the GHB slot instead.

  11. New/Mystery of the Emblem since it has my favorite cast of characters and its story was classic and simple. I know there are other games people would rather see get remade but I would love for Mystery of the Emblem to get a remake and revamped to have more recent mechanics added to it and and so it would have a version of it that gets released outside Japan. 

    Also Awakening since it also has interesting characters and is a fun game to just speed through.

  12. Day 1: Klein, Cecilia and Lilina were able to easily clear Naesala's maps for me.

    Day 2: Don't have many Three Houses units trained up but at least I had Brave Dimitri, Brave Lysithea and both versions of Sothis trained up to beat Hector and Matthew.

    Day 3: Altina had to come in for the hard carry since my Tellius selection sucks.

    Day 4: Easy clear since all I had to do was throw my +10 Fallen Hero Tiki to other side of the map and then watch as all the enemies marched towards their deaths.

    Looking forward to doing Tiki's LHB map tomorrow since I have quite a few Sacred Stones units built up. L'Arachel will finally get a chance to shine for once.

  13. Mario Kart 9 or even better Nintendo Kart (Nintendo). I would like to see a proper new installment in the Mario Kart series and since MK8 already featured many non-Mario characters why not just add more and just call it Nintendo Kart or something similar. I would love to see race courses based on other series and characters like Kirby, Fox from Star Fox, Samus from Metroid maybe even some Fire Emblem characters like Marth and Anna there.

    Megaman Battle Network Compilation for Switch (Capcom)

    Megaman X9 (Capcom). Like how Megaman 11 was a more modern take on the old classic games I would like to see a new Megaman X title based on X1, X2 and X3.

    Pokken 2 (Game Freak/Bandai Namco)

    New installment in the Legend of Heroes: Trails series (Falcom). Hopefully a new saga based in Calvard or wherever they plan to take the series next.

    New installment for Fire Emblem (Intelligent System). Preferably a new title with a new setting and characters. I want them to move from Three Houses and bring something new to the table.

    New Fire Emblem Spinoff title (Intelligent System). Don't really care if its a new Warriors game, a fighting game or a different RPG style I would like to see a new Fire Emblem spinoff of some kind.

    Persona 6 (Atlus)

  14. My current goals are getting enough copies of Barst, Sheena, Norne and Lena to +10 them. Once I finish them I will have 35 units in my barracks that are +10 but lately I have been having terrible luck since I have only been getting three star garbage on my free pulls as of late.

    Nothing else I am really looking to do besides hoard orbs since I would like to start the next year with 1000+ orbs just in case they ever decide to add another Anna to the game.

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