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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I only pulled red and blue for this banner too, but there is a chance that all 5 orbs are red and blue. And that stinks for your Elincia. At least my +Atk -Spd can still work the same way as Cherche or Klein do with the Death blow skill. My 1st two Oscars came from the same pull and were both +Atk -Res which is great but I would have preferred +Spd.
  2. Haha, how long have you been playing this game for? I was so ready to slap you upside the head. So based on the trailer, Azura seems to have a ridiculously low amount of HP. I realize she could be at any level but still. I really want to know what these characters stat spreads are.
  3. Why 13? I always make sure I have at least 20 before pulling. You never know what you might end up with. I understand the bad luck. I've gotten 4 Oscars and no Nephenees. And of the two Elincias I got the best one is +Atk -Spd. I really wanted to be able to do a Quad build. I want to keep pulling on the banner but the new banner coming tomorrow looks to be more worth my orbs.
  4. Dude you are 100% wrong. Rallies and hones/fortifies are the exact same thing. Rallies are just activated by a command. They last through the player phase and enemy phase of that turn and are reset at the beginning of every player phase (enemy phase for the enemies.) Debuffs go away when a character turns grey.
  5. I don't know about your neighborhood but around here I have not seen a single house with Halloween things out yet. And I haven't heard a single person talk about what they are dressing up as yet either. It is way too early for Halloween right now.
  6. Because all 4 of these units have unique weapon types for a dancer. If I have Ike, Nowi, and Tana as my 3 best units why would I want Olivia, Azura, or Ninian when I already have a sword, lance, and blue breath unit? Guess what? A dancer with and Axe or Green tome would fit perfectly on this team! Well guess what? You are going to get both.
  7. Because there is a chance that you get a non-focus of a character that you do want? And worse case scenario you get 1000 feathers. You should try to be more open to things. Think of it like real life sports. If a player on the Steelers was super good, like the best at his position, would you hate him just because he was ugly? Some of these units have the potential to be amazing, and they could compliment some of your favorites very well while also being able to dance/sing for them to get another action. Think of them as cheerleaders to your favs. There have been multiple banners at the same time. The two summer banners over lapped for a little bit. With Halloween being the last day of the month there is a high chance that there will still be a Halloween banner.
  8. Just the daily orbs and the orbs for clearing the Paralogue that will be associated with it. You will just get the Inigo instead of Azura As far as the Berkut thing goes, I'm guessing that since she has Drive Res it can help boost Berkuts Res even higher along with his lances's effect of Res +4 when attacked.
  9. Great just what we needed. A shit ton of dancers to flood the meta. Azura is ridiculous with that secondary effect, and she can tank the master of the meta Mr. Reinhardt. She is going to be everywhere. We will have to wait to see their stats, but Azura will be good no matter what. Shigure seems to be the 2nd best of the bunch. I hate that there are two greens in the banner though. I have already gotten boned on the current banner by getting 4 Oscars and no Nephenees.
  10. Damn. That's nuts. Hopefully it will be like other TTs and there will be a large drop off once people hit the final reward at 100k.
  11. That banner is up for another 26 hours. Do you need every orb from the TT? Is anyone here in the top 1000? 63,618 has me at rank 6,141. I'm probably gonna make a big push tonight.
  12. I finally got back around to doing this. Chapter 18 - 2/51 Pris and newly promoted Lowen dropped Hector ahead on turn 1 so he could clear the path for Lowen to kill the boss on turn 2. Chapter 19 - 4/55 People broke snags to let Lowen rush to Uhai. Killed him with the Silver lance. Chapter 19x - 4/59 Pris and Lowen rescue drops got Hector to the fort on turn 2 which allowed him to run to the gate on turns 3 and 4. Lowen killed Aias on turn 3 before Kishuna showed up and he was able to get a kill on one of the Snipers on turn 4 for some nice Exp. Bartre went and got the Goddess Icon from the village. Hector got a perfect level along the way. Chapter 20 - 5/64 Could have easily 4-turned it but I had to wait a turn to let Legault come to me. Lyn recruited him and he stole the member card right before Hector seized. Chapter 21 - 1/65 Ugh, this feels dirty. I was planning on a 2-turn clear, but Hector got a 3% crit. I literally checked my odds for the 1-turn, and told myself I wouldn't fish for a 3% cause it was too low. Then it ended up happening when I did my test run. I was going to get some staff spam Exp with Pris and even planned out a strat to steal the Hero Crest from Oleg with the 2-turn clear because I thought I needed it. Turns out I got the Hero Crest from earlier so I'm just going to take the clear. Hector - LV19-37HP-18Str-13Skl-17Spd-8Lck-20Def-7Res Eliwood - LV16 - 31 - 15 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 11 - 6 Lowen - LV20/8 - 49 - 19 - 17 - 23 - 21 - 20 - 12 Bartre - LV8 - 35 - 13 - 8 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 0 Priscilla - Lv - 18 - 9 - 7 - 11 - 8 - 5 - 9 Legault - base Isadora - base Ninian - base
  13. It would be nice if they programmed them to retreat instead of committing suicide though. Healers actions should have different priority than attackers. Granted, a smarter AI could make the enemy significantly harder to kill without losing any of your units, so I guess it is a catch 22. It's the opposite for me. When I just tap the screen while doing something else they always seem to do really well. When I actually watch them, I see all the bad things that are about to unfold and I will often cancel the auto to make sure they don't happen.
  14. I love it when they do stupid shit like that. If you forfeit and go with your 2nd team you get to keep an A for speed. A/B is worth way more than E/A. I don't know how you got so lucky to have them make it to then end so many times. I mostly do Lunatic-5 on auto and they always seem to find a way to screw even that up. For some reason Oscar loves to try to tank Brave axe users every chance he gets. They AI needs to be programmed to stay away from things that can murder them. Especially when one of their teammates can has a huge advantage.
  15. Just pair him with a good girl who can keep a freaking secret!
  16. Tier lists assume zero grinding and fast clears with an emphasis on lower turns. Knoll is bad in these circumstances. He has to insta-promote, and has very few Chapters to do anything. Literally his only contributions are making phantoms for Siege tome bait and possibly killing an egg or two. If grinding to Level 20/20 was allowed, every unit would be A-tier and up.
  17. You're going about it all wrong. I have found that Armor March is most effective with just two armors. They can S-Support with each other and the non-Armor March unit can run Hone or Fortify Armor. I've been running BK with Amelia and I am loving them.
  18. Falchion users with Renewal and Ardent Sacrifice are great for being able to heal your units and do some attacking as well. They gain 20 HP at the start of every new map. Another option is just hyper offense with blade tomes and Desperation. Basically nuke everything and never let them attack you. The only way defensive attacks could be reliable without a healer is if the have skills like Aether and Sol to restore their HP.
  19. I just grinded out an AA run when I realized how late it was. 5016 is good for #886 Was 4992 good enough last week?
  20. The Elysian Whip is really far away. There is a 50 HP wall and a door we need to go through on the way to it. And someone needs to do the bosskilling as well. Promoted Gilliam will save a turn getting it. Gilliam gains 2 movement and his stat gains make a larger difference for him considering how low his base Spd and growth is. The difference from 7 to 8 movement doesn't actually make any difference for them. Going from 4 to 6 movement takes Gilliam from borderline useless to being good. General Horace made a good argument for Gilliam on this. They are essentially the same unit, but Gilliam has better availability. Besides, we literally lose nothing by promoting Gilliam. Even if Duessel sends him to the bench for the rest of the game, it is still in our best interest to promote and use Gilliam up until then. Kyle or Forde can take the more appropriate 2nd KC which actually comes when they are ready to promote.
  21. It helps that the BK is probably the best Armor in the game. While I don't enjoy armors 1 movement all that much, having Amelia definitely makes them much more enjoyable. BK and Amelia got an S-Support ASAP, and they have been crushing the TT for me.
  22. Having a promoted Gilliam for Chapter 8 is a huge improvement and makes an immediate impact. Kyle or Forde won't be able to promote until Chapter 10 at the earliest so the KC will be just sitting in your inventory for two Chapters that you would greatly benefit from having a promoted Gilliam. On Eirika's route, at that point in the game, a promotion doesn't make much of a difference at all for Kyle and Forde. You can afford to wait until you get the Master Seal from Chapter 15. Gilliam having 2 extra movement and the boosted stats makes him significantly better. On Ephraim's route, you get another KC when you get Duessel so promoting Gilliam is clearly the best thing to do.
  23. I know it is probably obvious, but just to clarify, you did unequip the least valuable skills correct? Regardless, I'm pretty surprised it only dropped an average of 8 points. With what we thought we knew before, it should have dropped 16 points. While the only 4 skills counting does seem strange, It does seem that it may be close to being true? It could possibly be X out of the 24 total team skills. Like 20 of the 24. With a minimum of 4 skills counted per character. That scenario would explain why taking 2 skills off of a single character would have no effect, but taking 2 skills off of all characters dropped it by only 8 instead of 16.
  24. I actually pulled 4 of them. Without thinking, I merged them all onto my best one to make room in my barracks. Now I wish I had them all for other unit builds I want...
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