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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. *applauds* That each month at least one new hero, it is actually hilarious...well hilariously sad that this is something we are not getting. You know just release some who ranked super low on CYL who they feel not worth of a banner as a new 3-4 star unit each month. Is that too much to ask? The rest of the ideas are great, it is too bad the development team is so conservative.
  2. I thought preventing lift loss was pretty nice as it makes it easier to climb and maintain, but I guess not. Maybe we ran into the same one, I wouldn't be surprised. He was also just there, separate from the rest of the team. As for orb spending, seems every defense team has Legendary Azura so there shouldn't be anything preventing those same individuals from getting a Duma. Surtr was quite the menace for awhile, still run into him on rare occasion (more than Duma still). Ooh Ostia pulse, I haven't taken advantage of that. I realize Duma may have been designed before but it still doesn't excuse the low BST. His breath is dependent on opponent being injured to get extra stats, otherwise his bulk is very underwhelming. They gave Surtr 180BST, in addition to all the loli dragon armors. That's my other thing with alts, give new heroes a fair chance. They make alts have the strongest skills and weapons, and stats, in addition to introducing new move/weapon types. Then they can point to sales and go see alts are better. When if they made new heroes broken they would sell too. Make Knoll who everyone made fun of, a 170BST mage armor and I'm sure he would sell too. Busted stuff sells, so put that stuff on new faces too. Look at how many alts sit high on tier lists.
  3. I see Legendary Azura on almost every team. Anyways this is exactly what I feared, and while there are no numbers anywhere, if he is nowhere to be found in arena or Aether raids it is likely he is a financial failure. On reddit there is only one post showing a +10 Duma, only one. So here it is, whales don't want him cause he is bad in Aether raids even though that is his main purpose supposedly, they don't want him in arena cause he isn't 180BST like other recent armors, so why do they pull for him? Bold fighter can be found on other armors, and def/res solo is new but not good for many characters. So unimpressive for mode he was made for, nothing special skill inheritances wise, Christmas armor 2017 BST rather than the 180 that we've seen recent ones get, and an awkward starting kit. They set him up for failure. They make alts like Azura broken as heck but not a supposed god. I'll remember this when mythic heroes eventually becomes alts like all the other banners.
  4. I don't even have enough orbs to pull another circle of legendary banner, so I would love if they are handing out orbs to celebrate for them to just hand them all at once rather than spread them out over two weeks or whatever.
  5. Okay I am really worried about Duma, really worried. It is anima season. I am in tier 20, and I have run into Duma one time. That Duma was unmerged and was so easy to dispose of it was a joke. Anyone running into Duma, multiple Dumas? Please say yes.
  6. No feh channel but maybe we log in after reset and they go. Special anniversary celebration! 500 orbs! Free legendary hero of choice! In addition Hero rises voting starts today! Also 200 divine dew, and mass demotions, 5 more team slots!
  7. So much this, god his regular version is awful even after the refine. Legendary will be on a horse with a new type of Tyrfing and probably be pretty awesome. So again very disappointed that Camilla still got in there, but at least Miciah took 1st of females. Eliwood is a very pleasant surprise I didn't know he had so many fans. Everyone goes they love Lyn or love Hector, I haven't run into many who liked Eliwood most but maybe it is very different in Japan. Marth got knocked out again, but Eliwood needs a good summonable version and CYL should do just that. Anna is definitely getting some love this year, with the high rankings....both her versions making top 10 and one is at #3. Maybe we finally get Bruno on Far fetched heroes. Lif is very surprising he had like one line, but I guess he's cool looking? Rinea doing well is great hopefully she gets in soon. Ooh Altena at #136, I think that is much higher than last year. Seeing as the ones in top 100 from Genealogy are already in the game, she has a great chance on the next new hero banner for Genealogy whenever that is. The strong showing from Genealogy in top 100, maybe we finally get a Judgral legendary hero....should be Seliph if there is just one.
  8. You are not alone. I would rather there were zero alts in the game. It is a complete waste of space and delays new characters getting into the game so so much. Even though there seem to be some number of us who don't like alts, I believe we are in the minority. They keep putting more and more alts, so I assume those are making money. I honestly thought it was the silliest thing when alts first arrived, the first spring banner. I was like WTF is this? Where are my new heroes? Who wants to see these characters in bunny outfits? Well apparently a lot of people, or at least a lot of whales. Then I learned the sad truth that this is a huge part of gacha games, put popular characters in different outfits and make it limited time only and $$$. Is that the world we live in? Unfortunately yes.
  9. If true results are better than I expected even if not ideal.
  10. I'm missing Ephraim. Azura and Blucina from Blue, Marth from red, and that's it. If I get to choose specific hero, even though Marth is phenomenal looking I can't pass on Azura. The only one that enables extra movement with her dance and the prayer wheel is phenomenal as well. In addition fliers are my favorite type. If I have to pick a color and then get a random legendary of that color, then definitely blue. I am missing the most from that, and even if it ends up being a duplicate Fjorm I have some merges on her and wouldn't mind another. Tiki is great fodder and merging her is real good too.
  11. Twilight of the Gods one of the best tracks in the series, great to hear it in this game. Also they did a great job of translating that epic final map of Echoes to this game. This is something I wonder too. Azura is coming back in March, so if can hold off maybe I would try for Azura then and if I fail use the free legendary on her. However if mythics are opened up, and I don't get Duma I might choose him.
  12. Adrift was a new hero banner, the units are in the regular pool. Either way time will tell, but I don't have much hope.
  13. Yes, I was hoping very much for this. Now with Tibarn, Leanne, Naesala I should be able to get a good IV Reyson eventually since he is now 4 stars. Asset/flaw thing is going to be awesome, and apparently there is some code that says pick free legendary or something. So I think instead of hero rises perhaps we can pick a legendary hero of choice, which should make everyone happy.
  14. They've continued to have new hero alts though. Adrift which was just 2 months ago was 3/4 alts. The beast introduction banner wasn't going to have alts, but I have zero confidence they have stopped this. Alts have infected every type of banner. First it was seasonals, me being new to gacha, though okay....people like existing heroes in silly costumes I guess? Though I wondered why not just have costumes for purchase or something. Then new hero banners, then legendary banners. Mythic banners is now the last bastion new characters only. Once that is infected too it is all over. I don't work for IS, I'm not in the development meetings, I have no recordings or documents in possession. However low sales, they go to alts on legendary hero banners. They stay on alts for legendary banners............for an eternity until Hrid. If there are low sales on Duma and the next mythic which I presume will be a god....and then they forever switch to lord alts that seems a more reasonable conclusion than it was always planned that way.
  15. I think the six months is a major exaggeration, I could see 3 months or something, but not half a year. I don't think the plan was always to start OC and turn to lord alts, I think it was OCs and then characters of legend. I mean they put these serious lord alts on new hero banners anyways so what is the point of putting them on legendary banners too? Ike could have been planned, but being on a new hero banner (like the Radiant dawn one). They could commission art for many characters and can choose what banners to put them on. Horse Chrom definitely looks like he was originally intended for a legendary banner. Bruno was already turned good before book 2 and was searching for a cure, maybe he was planned as a legendary hero. Besides which they could have gone to characters of legend as I said above that they went to serious alts which are already on new hero banners anyways seems fishy. With Mythic characters they specifically said god characters, and they started with Duma. If the mythic after next, so that would be May, they just have an alt of a lord or something I think it would be clear they changed their strategy according to sales. Mythics already commissioned might show up as a GHB with some altered skill set and be dropped from being a mythic hero. I'm excited as anyone else about Duma and what it may say for future mythic hero possibilities. However I never thought alts would appear on new hero banners, I never thought alts would appear on legendary banners either. So I wouldn't be surprised if they just go back to alts for mythic banners too.
  16. Remember legendary heroes? We started with Fjorm, then got Gunnthra, then we only got alts of lords until Hrid. When they launched with Fjorm I thought it was going to be super cool, OCs like Bruno, Veronica, and mythic characters like Anri and such. That excitement died once they released Ike and it is obvious they completely changed their strategy. I assume Gunnthra didn't sell well. Since they alternate legendary and mythic heroes, I think maybe one mythic is already commissioned (the one in March) but if these don't sell well, I fully expect them to go to boring alt fest lords.
  17. I think releasing alt after alt of the same few characters is stagnant. I think that is prudishly conservative. I welcome wild progressive gameplay story ideas, I am a huge fan of squads and possible tactics with them in Three Houses. However we are just talking about character selection here. Also we are talking about a mobile game. For Fire Emblem to truly last Three Houses and future main titles have to do well. Otherwise Heroes is all we will have, and while it is a fun diversion it is no substitute for the main series. I do care where the series is going. We've seen it in movies, video games, TV series. Continuing at regardless of quality or direction isn't necessarily a good thing. Sometimes then it is better to end, but there is no reason to as long as Fire Emblem continues with strong writing, character development, advancing gameplay, etc. My vote was going to go towards Legendary Azura, but if I am not fortunate enough to pull Duma my vote is going towards him. I ultimately hope that instead of hero rises everyone can pick a unit of their choice to have. If it is like hero rises ultimately many people will be disappointed.
  18. They will if the playerbase isn't lame and the banners do well. I'll certainly lose all respect for the Heroes playerbase should they fail. Yeah IS is in charge, but they are monitoring how much money each banner makes so the playerbase as a whole is the main driving force determining what we get.
  19. Well we see what most of the playerbase is into. An awesome not playable in their own game, god is not cool enough. Rather have an alt of an existing lord. Hopefully enough people are interested that they continue with Mythics being gods. Legendary heroes, new heroes, seasonal heroes.....are all just alts (new heroes has some new faces too), at least keep Mythic banners as something interesting and fresh. I'd rather put my orbs towards something that is brand new not recycled. This is the best and most interesting mythic or legendary hero ever released. Like others this is what I originally expected and wanted from legendary heroes, rather than just alts of lords (which we get on new hero banners anyways in addition to the silly seasonal variations). Throw in every expletive expressing excitement. I don't have many orbs hope I can get him though. It would be economical to summon blues, greens and colorless for me. Have 3/3 reds, 1/3 of the other 3 colors. Think of the future, more gods, crusaders, mythic historical figures! The possibilities are incredible. At least once every few months there will be something for those of us that want something fresh and new to be excited about.
  20. Isn't this a million no a zillion times better than just an alt of a lord? Lord in a new outfit, or a god that one could never even play in the game they originate from? Which is more interesting which is more fresh? This is what I was saying, my wish for legendary heroes which didn't turn out that way. Thankfully looks like mythics will be something very special and a stupendous first choice (after OC Eir) which honestly I never even thought of.
  21. Hmm maybe I'll at least give it a stronger shot. These are the ones based on the books, I'd like the know the original story.
  22. I certainly wouldn't be surprised but that would be so so boring.
  23. This too. No one was more disappointed than me when after Fjorm and Gunnthra we got Radiant Ike, and then alts of lords forever after (other than Hrid). I was hoping either OCs or characters of myth and legend....you know something different from any other banner. I can play Ike, Ephraim, Tiki etc in their games. I can't play Altina or Anri or any of the 12 crusaders in the games. With promising god characters for Mythic that means this is finally the opportunity (probably the only one) for such characters. Legendaries, seasonals one can have there alts of lords and whatever others...let mythic be something special, something that we aren't able to do in the main games. Jesus IS at least try the first Mythic as this and if it fails badly or something go to your usual alt fest. Please.
  24. Ethlyn and Leif are tied for the lead, but I highly doubt either will be the most popular or voted for character. This is a tiny subset of the playerbase. I'm thinking Owain, Cherche, maybe Corrin will get the most votes. Lissa is great (the little sister type done perhaps best in the series) but for some reason she isn't super popular compared to the other Awakening characters.
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