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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. In rare cases you need Heavy blade in A slot and Quickened pulse in seal slot, like Firesweep Cordelia. So it is a very niche skill but has its uses.
  2. Much prefer these kind of GHB to the reinforcement type, however this one was perhaps too easy. Got through all these first try with my Haunted Armor team (Zelgius, Hardin, H! Henry, H! Jakob+2). Astra Jamke hits for...well nothing on my triple DD Jakob. Hardin easily takes care of the mages to the left. I am very disappointed we didn't get that catchy beautiful Verdane theme for this battle. Anyways 3 Jamkes. One got foddered to finally give my Firelance Galeforce Cordelia the Heavy Blade 3 A skill she so desperately wanted (just couldn't sack my Ike+1 despite being obsolete). One will be saved for I guess when some other unit actually needs heavy blade. One was promoted and will be kept...out of loyalty to FE4 and the character. It is just so discouraging with units like this, Canas, etc. I mean what can they do that isn't done better than someone else? Nothing. Do they fulfill any unique niche or role? No. I was hoping he would get a bow version of nameless blade, which would be fitting for him...but of course no. At least his sprite is excellent and the pose is a nice touch.
  3. Well since Jamke has officially been announced no need for spoiler tags, when discussing the possible Genealogy gen 1 Banner being next. I see Quan as the most likely due to strong connection with Eldigen, Sigurd, Leif and Finn. Due to Jamke being the GHB, I think at least one of the units will be strongly connected. In his chapter we get him interacting with Dew and Adean whom is one of the most popular wives for him as well. I'd lean towards Adean. Veronica opens the door for more PRF staves, and maybe she comes with one as infantry healers are generally very unimpressive. Lex and Azel could round out the banner without any color sharing. They are both best friends, Azel has crush on Adean, Azel is the Arvis beloved younger brother so there is a connection there. Or it could be Lewyn and Erinys who are sort of joined at the hip, and Lewyn is one of the most popular of the Genealogy characters. Either way very excited, but not too excited. There is always that very small chance that Jamke is just a random GHB and we will not get a Genealogy banner next, though that would be an especially cruel tease.
  4. This is tough decision. I think Veronica is the dark horse that has captured the peoples hearts. She is brand new, she is an OC unit with no other version, and is someone most picked as their free CYL2 hero. Other than that, Ike most popular male (and character overall) as well as Lyn most popular female have high chance of course. I think Ephraim and Roy have the least chance. However with multipliers and all that who knows what will happen? Would be nice if their weren't any multipliers, I am curious who is most popular atm. Personally I will probably go with Celica as she is my favorite character among them, though it hurts a lot to go against Lyn. However in terms of how Heroes has represented and treated the characters, Hector is hands down my favorite. He's hilarious.
  5. Yes I completed CYL1 finally! Free orb session, 4 red orbs and 1 colorless. On my 3rd red orb I got Brave Roy, the missing link that has eluded me for so long! The unfortunate sadness, especially so considering how his PRF works, is that he is -atk/+def. Still he is the red in my 2nd horse team now. Brave Roy, Olwen, Summer Linde, Walhart. Initially it was going to be Horse Chrom but it seems redundant to have chill def 3 on 2 units, so he will form a 3rd horse team...some day.
  6. Yes the game is much more fun when you don't feel forced to play it, in the beginning it really felt forced cause they were much less generous with orbs and of course I was very lacking in units. Now I mean I have everything I need and much more, so I can skip tedious quests if I choose and its great. I think the important thing I always keep in mind is games are for entertainment, if it isn't then why play? Well one thing is to socialize a lot, and have active hobbies. Also put it in perspective, if you are playing when you don't feel like it, what about all that time and what could you be doing with it? We aren't immortal, time is limited. There are books to read, mountains to climb, instruments to learn, sports, a million+ things one can do so why waste time doing something that you are not enjoying and also isn't providing you monetary or some other strong benefit?
  7. That only protects against one color, while making you die easy to another. Marth is super annoying in that you can't double him, and he can double you always. If he is on a tactic team with buffs that probably puts him out of range of being one shotted so essentially with all that building of TA3, swordbreaker 3, dragon buffs one still needs two encounters which is crazy.
  8. Well my avatar says it all. Lewyn. I think he is popular enough that he will eventually get in, maybe even next banner, however probably not popular enough to get an alt. Meaning it will be safe to invest into him, unlikely that a better version of him will come later.
  9. Hope Eliwood gets in soon. He was always the red step child of FE7 lords, even though in reality is the main lord the main character of the 3. He is the only one with good res and the only one who gets a mount on promotion, was underrated back then and still very overlooked today. If they can give Lucina a blue bow, no reason they can't give Eliwood Aureola.
  10. This is the great trap/evil of freemium games. The daily log ins, the daily quests (in some), limited time quests. All these things essentially force one to play or they feel as they are 'missing out' and won't be able to keep up, etc. It becomes like a job/chore in a way at least on days/times when one does not feel like playing. They rob people of their lives. The manuals are a godsend, I've never expanded my barracks and sent home so many units I wouldn't if I had infinite space. Now my 20 Lon qu can be turned into vantage manuals instead of hogging space, along with all the Odin/Palla moonbow fodder, essentially any unit that is only in your barracks as fodder. This is one of the best changes ever. I have built and use Celica as well as Cherche, so I will be investing into both refines if they are good/worthwhile. Hoping Celica is built in Heavy blade and only lose 1 HP after combat, maybe +10/+10 instead of +5/+5? Nah that might be too much. Hope it is exciting and at least makes her a super monster on that first combat. For Cherche hoping it is an upgraded version of Brave axe like Amiti. Or perhaps a powerful niche axe like guaranteed double/brave effect 16MT armor effective weapon. Marth's dragon super breath/double/no follow up is really unfair. Dragons better get a shield soon. I guess dragons get a lot of complaint cause unlike armors they aren't just in high tiers but everywhere. However they are so easy to battle if one uses the weapon triangle, I guess with Marth you can mostly ignore that.
  11. The whole 'legendary' name has little meaning. It could be any character that has some importance. Villain, hero, side character whatever. If they do introduce Verdandi prefer it isn't in the legendary banner, Azura already has Uror so we don't need another carrying Verdandi. They could make Feena from FE3 have it or something, yeah she originally wields swords. However Azura originally wields lances yet she does axes in some of her versions in Heroes.
  12. September legendary hero prediction. Blue choices. - Finn with PRF Brave lance - Quan with Gae Bolg - Altenna with Gae Bolg - Seliph mounted with lance version of Holy Tyrfing - Flying Reinhardt with Dire Thunder - Ishtar with a different version of Mjolnir - Ylgr - Bruno - Eliwood with Rex Hasta - Athos with Aureola - Caeda with Wing Spear
  13. That's cool. I guess for me not really into accessories at all so the reward aspect isn't there, but many love them.
  14. I haven't attempted Abyssal yet, but don't see the point of using a guide for it. I can understand if time is running out and you don't want to miss out on orbs for the lower difficulties, after all orbs are for many players the most important resource by far. However this is just a special accessory, you can't summon more super heroes or promote other units or refine weapons or anything of use. It is sort of a bragging right that you completed this deadly inhumane challenge, using a guide defeats the purpose.
  15. Yeah this kind of makes him the poorest choice for picking free CYL2 unit if you are FTP at least. On top of that the other green armors besides Winter Chrom all have distant counter, they are all built and ready to go. The other Brave units are also like this. They usually post on reddit when they are set to release their tier changes and explanations for new units, people can ask questions too for the reasoning so it is good to check out.
  16. Well I still jumped to 19 as usual in arena. Then I'll drop next week, so I can run a 4 healer, 4 dancer or whatever shenanigan team I want. It is a lot of fun bouncing between 18 and 19 can use a variety of teams. For awhile you got the max orbs you could, but now the new tier 21 I think gives an extra orb. However it is likely out of reach for many players still, cause this seems like it will be whales only.
  17. They did justice to the hero king. Look at that shield! He is actually wielding the fire emblem! The art is gorgeous and the skillset looks insane. However one thing that worries me is his B slot, dragons get a lot of hate but this seems crazy. It looks like that means he can single handedly take out entire dragon teams by himself regardless of color and there is little they can do about it. RIP dragon emblem? This will be the first legendary banner I pretty much skip except for the one full pull for the free session. I have 2 or more of every color except red, in which I only have Lene. Marth will return on a banner that will hopefully have more units I lack and want. I need to save for the upcoming new heroes banner. Only got 100ish orbs atm.
  18. Speaking of teams what do you think? Horses seems obvious but it seems redundant to have hones, fortifies since they won't stack with her staff, same with tactic skills. With the original Peshkatz man Sothe, I run him with Marth, Brave Lucina, and PA Azura in a drive buff team. Right now I'm casuallly thinking PA Shigure, Raven, M Morgan to run with her.
  19. These grounds maps is forcing me to put empty blessings on units just to complete it. I only have one water hero, Fjorm. She is set in her team who I've blessed with water. Now I had to make another team with water blessings, no legendary hero, just feels like a waste.
  20. Yeah none of the ratings are surprising. Ephraim is the one I don't have, but great stats and Garm pairs well with Special Fighter. Hector is crazy, and his res stat is impressive when coupled with ostian counter. So all that destructive power on both phases (Ignis every time), counter from everywhere, and surprising mixed bulk, in addition his seal slot is open for whatever you want. Celica you can either go for lower cooldown special for more destructive power and not taking any retaliatory damage, or go all out for quading and galeforce. However guess not quite enough to match Zelgius, Ayra, Karla with more flexibility in builds and not so dependent on an effect that requires maintaining full health. Veronica best healer, and her PRF staff is insane. She is great on the player phase. If you have her, you should try her out. She is already mostly pre built and set to go. +atk/-res is considered her best nature. Sounds like you made the right choice in which Celica to fodder, I'm jealous +atk you must be wrecking things left and right. I think the only reason Eprhaim is getting slightly overlooked is the green armor pool is bloated with powerhouse units.
  21. Woah there, the Celica I pulled was -atk/+HP. Trust me it is brutal, she is still effective but it definitely hurts. I've noticed that there are blues she can't beat which she would otherwise, that is the biggest thing. Probably some of the tougher more durable reds too. I'm pairing her with Arvis, other than being an excellent teammate in general I think -atk needs those debuffs. Gamepedia updated with the Brave units for their arena offense list. Brave Celica put in S tier, right now rated less than Ayra, BK, Zelgius and Karla who are S+. Brave Hector makes quite the impact knocking Hardin out of S+ and occupying that spot for himself while Hardin drops to S. Brave Ephraim gets placed in S+ with LA and legendary Hectors. Veronica placed at S+ by herself, above all other staff users.
  22. This glitch is like the scariest thing ever. I looked through don't think I'm effected yet, I haven't used skillset feature though I was planning to...now I definitely won't til this is for sure fixed. I I think they probably track everything so they should be able to see what was foddered, what skills and restore it. Or give another copy of the fodder unit(s). Orbs won't cover this, a free 5 star won't cover this either. This is devastating and game breaking if it isn't resolved. I feel terrible for whoever this has effected, however I think IS will find a way to make things right with them. I hope they discover what is causing it quickly, and a way to restore the damage or there will have to be monstrous compensation to those effected.
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