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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Touhou? Totally in, dood.
  2. Ragnos left the room as soon as he had Rine with him, flying until he reached the sky. He was trained to fly at high altitudes if his master was uncounscious in a way to prevent archers from hitting him, although a skilled one could take him out. Following his instincts now, the wyvern decided to fly away from the city, towards the north. If he manages to leave, he'll try to find a high place to secure his master, such as a mountain. If there is none, he'll just stop somewhere far from the city.
  3. Rine decides to climb up after packing, as he didn't want to stay on the second floor if they have the idea to get rid of the ladder so that no one else (and the zombies) climbs. Even if everyone is trying to climb up, he tried it anyway. OOC: I don't know if I need to apply a test to that.
  4. Rine is impressed by the term 'monsters' being mixed with 'a lot of hysterical citizens running inside an Inn to save themselves', but he didn't want to ask more questions. He wasn't a hero himself, and such an ammount of people running meant that it was something big (in his opinion). He ran towards his room, closed the door and proceeded to pick his stuff again before leaving permanently from the room.
  5. Idk who to pick anymore... FE10 Ranulf and Sanaki.
  6. OOC: Well, just know that my internet may be cut at any time for some days, but I'll try to reply to this thread as much as possible when I can. ON: Rine finished organizing his stuff on the room he rented in the Inn a couple minutes ago, and so he took the time to rest a bit on the bed, although he wasn't planning on sleeping: Going downstairs and asking for clues about his mother's hometown was a good idea, even if his assumption about his mother's whereabouts are wrong, since "Anything is better than nothing" in his philosophy. However, the noise outside took him out of his rest, drawing the half-elf's attention to the footsteps outside. When he saw it, all Rine could do was watch the scene and wonder "What the fuck is going on?". Without wasting any time, he put his shoes on and left the room. He struggled to make his voice be heard by someone, -anyone-, who could answer his question. "What's going on?! What are you all running from?!"
  7. I won't be able to access my internet for 5 days, so... Well, I just wanted to warn you in case you're planning something.
  8. So, does nobody else like to debate about FE4? I recall seeing only one or two challenges...
  9. And I put them on the right tab, right? EDIT: Done.
  10. I already put ranks into the respective skills, but some are still striked. EDIT: That's because I put them in the wrong place Ok, I think it's done now.
  11. I just wonder why my Spellcraft thing is striked.
  12. I wrote all the Feats and Spells on my char's special notes. Well then, I edited it. Opinions? I don't really want to die on the first chapter because my char's setup is screwed up. XD That sure was a complicated trip over the DnD system... I never thought it'd be that complex.
  13. Rine runs towards Chaen Lang as soon as he sees him in the ground, since he couldn't pick him up before falling. When running, he noticed that the room around him was trembling, as if an earthquake was happening. He fell to the ground after his first three steps, using his hand to absorb the impact on his back, but that was it. <"How... Careless of my pa...">, he says in an almost whisping tone, falling to the side before finishing his sentence.
  14. Rine finishes drinking his soup, not caring much about how hot it was if it had been hot. <"Mm... I just wanted to ask you if there's some reason they might have for putting us in prison, besides the excuse that captain gave us... Everything seems odd to me.">
  15. I think I'm done with my sign-up, please check it out.
  16. I don't see how Ambush helps them, but Pursuit is reasonable.
  17. Well then, edited... Except the part for Skills and Feats, which is still confusing to me because I don't exactly know what to do with them (which to pick, which I can pick etc).
  18. Lol at people who take games more seriously than Kaiba.
  19. Idk which are worse: Lol hypocrites or trolls. What if they are a mix of both? Which is why I ignore threads like these, but this post was too shiny for me to leave without quoting.
  20. Well, could you explain what Skills and Feats are, since my idea about what they are is wrong? Ok, I've edited my sign-up. What do you think now? =P
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