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Posts posted by Sunwoo

  1. You know, this game can be a real dick at times.

    Up until a few days ago, the only Micaiah I was missing had been duo bride Micaiah. I was able to get her on this year's rerun after spending 4 orbs to do so. And now they've gone and added another Micaiah.

    I'm pretty sure they pulled this with Marth for me as well. The last Marth I'd been missing was duo winter Marth, whom I pulled on his most recent rerun. And of course a month or so later they dropped Emblem Marth.

    Clearly, this means that Emblem Eirika won't show up until after I pull duo kid Eirika, the only Eirika I'm missing.

    In all seriousness, why are they so allergic to the idea of giving Micaiah a staff? You can only give Micaiah so many variations of the same tome that does the exact same thing before they all just start blending in together. Well, at least this one has more defense than any Micaiah has any right to have.

    EDIT: Also, regardless of one's opinion on Ike, it's just weird how Ike gets shafted in alts compared to Micaiah. (Or even Ephraim and Hector.) Yes, I know he got an Emblem alt recently but that's an obligated and expected alt that Micaiah will also get one day. He's also far more boring as a unit, only ever being swords (with one axe) and infantry (with one armor). Even the fallen Ike is pretty boring, and I'd much rather have traded Fallen Ike for a fun seasonal or an Attuned/Ascended alt.

  2. 4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

    We'll never get all the characters in Fire Emblem at this rate. I don't quite enjoy Attuned Heroes either

    It really sucks that they're doubling up on limited units and alts. I figured that a Dawn Brigade banner was going to include a special Micaiah of some kind, but putting an Attuned Micaiah with a Rearmed Sothe and giving us only two actual units? Not even an instant demote Nolan?

    That's just atrocious.

    At least when they did this on the Archanea banner, Merric was a main pool unit.

    EDIT: In other news, the bulletin board and the feedback options have all crashed on my game. Is it the same for anyone else?

  3. 1 minute ago, Shinori said:

    Yeh I know this exists, but I feel like we wouldn't have a lynchproof scum in a reunion game, but maybe that's just hopeful thinking.

    I feel like lynchproof scum wouldn't be too bastard for a reunion game depending on the circumstances. On the other hand, I think lynchproof that doesn't go away in M/LYLO for either alignment is pretty bastard.

    Excluding Nostalgia, which is an entirely different beast, do you know of any mafia games the community played in around 2012-2017 that had lynchproof scum?

  4. This isn't how I was hoping things would go.

    So, uh, of the people left who are scum:

    I feel like scum!j00 could've fucked over Shinori earlier, probably. My memory on the order of stuff happening is a bit fuzzy, but I feel like scum!j00 had the chance to screw Shinori over sooner or something. She's probably not scum.

    Prims could possibly have bussed Refa, I guess. It's pretty gutsy, but it is Prims. I'm going to look at the D1 wagon, it's possible that Prims was pushing Refa at a time when a Refa lynch wasn't a hard lock?

    BBM ... I mean, I guess if Prims/Ichigo doesn't flip scum I'd suspect him before j00 and Radicate.

    If Makaze is the last scum I'm going to be very upset with all of you

    Also, SF is being weirdly glitchy for me right now so I might be a bit scarce.

  5. Historically, scum!Snike has conceded as the last scum in a multi-ball game.

    Marth and SB also once conceded as 2/4 of the remaining scum team because they couldn't get enough mislynches to win.

    Junko and I've conceded as 2/3 of the remaining scum team because we didn't have enough mislynches to win and the entire scum team was too busy to contribute.

    Meanwhile, Rapier has (to my knowledge) never conceded a game. Even after his entire scum team exploded within the first two days in Guitar.

    Take that as you will, I guess?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    I mean, Sonia did order Ursula to kill Nino in FE7 and Sonia (potentially, due to her map being an optional one) only ends up fighting Nino because Ursula failed.

    Given that Sonia thinks Nino is worthless trash, I’d say it’s entirely in Sonia’s character for her to avoid disposing of Nino personally.

    It's still pretty ridiculous just how hard they want to make Ursula relevant by forcing these interactions with Nino. They kinda did this in the Khadein banner as well, where they have ~interactions~ (although I've decided now that Khadein Ursula should've just been Canas because he's Nino's uncle, doesn't have an alt, and fits the theme better).

  7. Prims being scum would shock me, mostly because of just how strongly he pushed Refa over Weapons. It's really hard for me to imagine Prims doing that on N1, on a return game.

    As for j00, there's nothing about her that comes off as scummy to me. But I guess I also just have a harder time remembering her reads and what she's done in this game. (Tbh, that's probably my fault between all the other things I was paying attention to in D1 and D2.)

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