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Posts posted by Sunwoo

  1. I expect nothing from Book 8.

    Like, I'm not trying to be snarky or anything. I legitimately don't expect anything out of it. I don't even expect it to be better than the last one, if I'm honest, and I hated book 7.

    That said, I know that Heroes is following the Norse mythology pretty closely, but unless they have plans for something completely different for how they do the story (or plan to scrap it completely) I don't think they'd write out a potential Ragnarok-type endgame situation. At least, not until the last year of the game.

  2. OP is a bit of a wall of text and I should be in bed, so I might not be super coherent here. Apologies for that.

    There will always be a lot of nuance in history. A lot of the reasons as to why things happened, and what was considered acceptable for the times, and how we should view those things now ... there's really no satisfactory answer to any of it. The straightforward answer is that no nation, no culture no people is free from wrongdoing in their past (or present) and the sooner we acknowledge that the sooner we can actually work together rather than bitching about who had it worse or why certain groups are more acceptable targets.

    Indeed, it's kind of mind-boggling to me how many people don't seem to realize that humanity is opportunistic in general. Especially back in the old days when as a civilization people's moral compasses were ... uh, worse off than today.

    Honestly, my take on the situation falls into one of two thoughts:
    1) The further back in the past something is from us, the more distanced we feel from it, and the more we forget or disregard the horrors that were felt back then. We are biased by the present and some people tend to believe that if they don't experience it and can't empathize with it, then it doesn't matter;
    2) People want to take sides and don't like to admit they're wrong. Rather than realizing that things in life and things as complicated as history and geopolitics are not simple good vs. bad takes, they want to pick a side they identify with and ignore everything to the contrary. A not-insignificant number of people can't see past themselves and their own biases.

    I think I'm gonna cut it off short here. Apologies if it didn't answer your concerns @Jotari but I'm getting sleepy.

  3. 5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    They should at least use these non-remix months to give the refinement to older heroes. 5* Heroes that were skipped for dumb reasons, and even the staff units in the 3/4* pool or grails.

    Now that we have units dealing up to 21 free and unstoppable damage before first attack on their own (Flamed Sparrow + Flame Terrain + Occultist's Strike), and potential even more damage if you use that unit alongside Attuned Triandra, there is no reason to avoid not giving Surtr a refinement, imo.

    This is ... actually a really good idea. Using non-remix months to refine more weapons, including the older ones who were skipped. And it's not like we haven't had more than one weapon refine banner running simultaneously either.

    Why hasn't anyone running this game thought of this yet ...?

  4. Welp, apparently I just beat the abyssal map by doing weird things I didn't mean to do and manipulating the AI onto the opposite end of the map, giving myself some breathing room to pick things off one by one. Hurray?

    Also, if the BHB is indicative of how AI-controlled Gullveig and Kvasir are going to be on AR teams, Kvasir is gonna be 100000x more annoying than Gullveig. My +res Guinevere couldn't tank Kvasir even on hard, if I'm not remembering wrong. And she refuses to die easily because >too much speed to reliably double >fucking damage reduction.

  5. 9 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    I don't recall Will that much. Was it ever a point that he was rude, either on purpose or accident? I don't recall anything that warrants Rebeca describing him as the king of rudeness or Will's accessory seemingly being meant to gag him when he's being rude. He always seemed pleasant and well meaning enough to me. If anything his buddy Sain is the rude one. Or Serra. 

    He wasn't really, yeah. Either Rebecca is being a dick, or the game decided for some reason incomprehensible to us that Wil's defining character trait now is being rude.

    6 hours ago, DefyingFates said:


    I got all the way to 82 summons. 3 4* focuses, 3 pity breakers, absolutely no focus 5*s. At all. I just sparked Nino and Ginnungagap. Hopefully this means my future pulls/ pulls in other games will go better... 💀

    Sorry, I may be unintentionally taking your luck.

    Also, in somewhat related news, I didn't bother to read what Nino's prf skill did until like ... way later, and I'm now slightly pissed that she appears to be stealing Tormod's extra move gimmick. First they gave her extra move in her desert banner alt, and now her prf skill has conditional extra move. When Nino was never associated with extra move or even boots.

  6. Okay, first circle. Here we go.

    *pulls both Ymir and f!Alear on first circle*


    EDIT: Round 2, and I just pulled Wil and the new Nino on the same circle.

    W H A T

    EDIT2: And a Syrene showed up on that circle too, right after I finished editing this post. My first one. I am so confused.

  7. Wait, what the fuck. Are any of the banner units going to be the 4-star demote at the end of it? Both Isadora and Harken's kits look too powerful to be demoted.

    What the fuck is this shit???

    Yes, I know Wil is there, but he's an instant injection into the pool and not actually a focus unit.

    Did they just cut out making a demote on an otherwise normal banner?

  8. 40 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Welp, Resplendent Azama.


    That’s now five Fates Resplendents this year, and yet Camilla still doesn’t have one. I don’t know if that fact is more or less ridiculous than Valentia’s Resplendent drought.

    The Nidavellir drought, however, is finally over at least. 

    Nidavellir Azama is such a random choice.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I'm sure their logistics analysts have some data to believe that's true, but it sounds like complete nonsense. The only way that would have an impact would be if the majority of people who wouldn't otherwise vote are democrats, which just sounds highly unlikely to be untrue. Having a job interfering with personal life is a pretty omnipresent thing (well at least for middle and working class, I assume those rich folk just sip champagne and snort coke on yachts all day).

    I'm assuming that their logic is that with the way things are now, just enough Democrats are unable to vote or inconvenienced enough to not vote to keep the Republican Party competitive. And that making it easier to vote would enable more Democrat-leaning voters than Republican-leaning voters.

    Or at least, that's just my assumption.

  10. I'm not upset that Heather is in the fucking game. I'm just consistently baffled at how Heroes manages to always ignore relatively popular dudes while giving female characters less popular than them so much better treatment as units. There's honestly no reason why Heather couldn't have been Stefan or Edward, who are both popular enough to place on Tellius top 5 lists consistently.

    Now, I'm not saying that she should've been Stefan or Edward on this banner. But how often do we hear of male characters even getting a shot compared to female characters? Far less often. And when they are in the banner, they're less likely (if ever) to get the premium treatment that characters like Heather get. THAT is what I'm complaining about. It sucks feeling like your favorite character(s) will never make it into the game just because they're dudes, when their female counterparts of equal or even lesser popularity ranking get far more grace.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Neither did Cath or Leila, but IS gave them premium seasonal alts too anyways.

    Also, Reina did place higher (126th) than Heather (162nd) in CYL7. Make of that what you will.

    I agree about Cath, but I swear Leila was actually somewhat popular.


    1 minute ago, Ether said:

    Okay...? Feel free to keep working yourself up over it then, I guess? It just seems silly to harp on about something that is clearly settled by this point, especially on a banner that's entirely unrelated to them aside from the weapons sharing a single mechanic. It's something I see a lot of all over the place so I commented on it.

    @EtherDo you know what ACTUALLY works me up? People telling me to get over something I'm not happy with.

    Honestly, if you actually care about people getting worked up about this shit, you should've just kept that to yourself.

  12. 1 minute ago, Ether said:

    Folk need to get over the gen 1 refine skips already. If they had any intention of going back to them, they would have by now. Give Hector the weapon refine he did get, or give them arcanes and stop giving yourselves an aneurism already.

    Anyway, banner looks neat. Hopefully I get one of Heather and Sisters duo along the way to spark, though the latter is priority if I don't. Zelgius looks annoying so I hope he's flavour of the month so I don't need to see him for too long.

    I'm not going to get over it, and who are you to tell me to do so anyway?

    You're not obligated to respond to people who are still unhappy about the refine skips. People have different thoughts than you.

  13. Just now, Tybrosion said:

    No, there is not. They'll still never get refines anyways alongside the others on the refine ban list (base Hector, Ophelia, Surtr, etc.).

    Though personally, base Armads not having a refine, while Berserk Armads and Thunder Armads do, is still the most ridiculous thing to me.

    Yeah, I agree that regular Armads not getting a refine is also stupid. Literally has only QR2 on it, and regular Hector has been powercrept by versions of himself that have more stats and better weapons and refines on those weapons.

    Also ... Heather ... How many people actually like her? She always felt like such a nothing character to me ;/ It's kinda bogus that more popular dudes who aren't in the game keep getting rebuffed for female characters who are less popular than them. At the very least, Heather doesn't really scream "premium 5-star" material to me.

  14. There is literally no excuse for Reinhardt and Olwen not getting weapon refines at this point. Period.

    Also, the only good Sanaki art in the game is apparently done by the original artist of the Tellius games. I kind of want to get her, but I'm also not really into the idea of throwing a shitton of orbs at this banner. Freyr was nice and showed up within 14 orbs though, so I can spare some.

    EDIT: Saizo finally getting an alt is good too.

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